
Nov 11, 2007
Here is one more from Wheel of Fortune that applies to our own Lenny Lendom

Pat Zajac-for $1000

A phrase that defines what Lenny Lenbo is to Donald Trump

rei-ca-na--d h-m-n c-nd-m

Nov 11, 2007
Here is one more from Wheel of Fortune that applies to our own Lenny the LOSER

Pat Zajac-for $1000

A phrase that defines what Lenny Lenbo is to Donald Trump

rei-ca-na--d h-m-n c-nd-m
My apologies to Lenny for initially spelling his name incorrectly-it is now corrected.

Nov 11, 2007

Here is the final Wheel of Fortune segment for the day"

Pat Zajak-for $1000

What Alina Habba would do for a living if disbarred as an attorney

s--k d-ks
Aug 17, 2019
Where is your proof of this?...If you're talking about the photoshopped pics all over the internet forget it.....Trying to make up for Biden taking showers with his daughter that she wrote in her diary is what you're trying to do & it isn't going to work.....Democrats like you always accuse others of what they are doing...

savage1 and his tard buddies still have a death grip on the photoshopped pic on Trump with Epstein.

They are proof you really can't fix stupid!

Nov 11, 2007
savage1 and his tard buddies still have a death grip on the photoshopped pic on Trump with Epstein.

They are proof you really can't fix stupid!
The taunter has arrived who at this point would be better served to travel to the street corner of Broadway and 42nd in Times Square

in NYC on a cold frigid day like today, take off all of his clothes and with a photo of Trump hanging from the protruding

member below his waist, and with a bullhorn in hand shouting while pointing to the photo, "Save your soul before it is too late

and vote for the "DEITY!!"

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Sep 12, 2022
savage1 and his tard buddies still have a death grip on the photoshopped pic on Trump with Epstein.

They are proof you really can't fix stupid!
Wow. I didn't know this, but I'm glad you brought it up. It's important for the thousands of newcomers this thread attracts to realize that the Tards on this forum are child molesters.

They opposed a man running for President who wants to jail child molesters, while supporting that man's opponent, a known child molester.

It doesn't get any clearer or more blatant than that.

Tards are child molesters.


Nov 11, 2007
Wow. I didn't know this, but I'm glad you brought it up. It's important for the thousands of newcomers this thread attracts to realize that the Tards on this forum are child molesters.

They opposed a man running for President who wants to jail child molesters, while supporting that man's opponent, a known child molester.

It doesn't get any clearer or more blatant than that.

Tards are child molesters.

View attachment 82304
I wonder when Trump sexually molester Ivanka when she was a young teenager or for all we know even younger, if he also sniffed

her down there before "opening the door" and "cumming" inside for refreshments!! lol

ps You say there a thousands of newcomers to this thread and yet not one of them besides you, sheriff hoe, sbd and a few

other regular posters in other threads have posted anything in this thread.

How about explaining that doctorsuccess and or sheriff joe/sbd who is pulling your strings today!!
Sep 12, 2022
LOL....crying because people dont believe the lies anymore (cept the tards of course)

This goes along with your post. From

Make of it what you will.

Remember, Tards support these people.

Tards are child molesters.

On Thursday a Judge Advocate General’s Corps source in Pensacola told Real Raw News that JAG and Army CID investigators have arrested nearly one hundred media criminals in the last two months. However, the incarcerated are not the glamorized, limelight-hogging faces and figures that each day fulfill a collective thirst for (dis)information; they are not all Rachel Maddows, Anderson Coopers, or Robert Costas. Instead, they make up an equally dangerous ilk—the behind-the-scenes curators and custodians who decide what’s shown on air and published on internet white space.

Behind each popular name or face lurk irredeemable gatekeepers that distill output into digestible bites and sanitize content to fit a station or publication’s slanted agenda. Sight unseen, these kettles of ravenous vultures—which include everyone from has-been fact checkers to opinion editors, from external consultants to top floor management—huddle in conference rooms and cafeterias, where they select which stories to air with a wanton disregard for the truth. They are the driving force and the seemingly unbreakable bulwark that sell easily disprovable propaganda to naïve, malleable audiences.

When Anderson Cooper recites and expands on a headline, he glares at a teleprompter whose scrolling text someone else has authored, like most newscasters. A ‘research’ team—in his case, 16 staffers and interns who share his political biases—and an editorial board rigorously edit his spoken words. He, of course, is equally guilty; if he didn’t sell the station and the Biden regime’s falsehoods, there would be no buyers. He is more than an actor—he is a co-conspirator, as are his hirelings.

An aside: Having done a stint with what can loosely be called an MSM daily decades ago, I’ve witnessed acts of improbity and the caliginous atmosphere circulating through then-smoke-filled editorial rooms. I’ve seen solid stories shelved or reduced to a page-23 blurb and replaced with fiction. I’ve heard examples of favoritism, nepotism, and hearty recompense for gently gelling with an agenda. Unless one is part of the problem, these dens of disquietude aren’t lovely places to visit.

Our source said JAG draws no distinction between headliners and hacks; all are equivalently guilty in JAG’s eyes, provided the Staff Judge Advocate can link them to a verifiable crime.

Our source expanded: “Understand clearly no one here is criminalizing opinion or looking to infringe on the 1st Amendment. Let’s take an example: the other day, five or six news outlets, including the fallen-from-grace Drudge Report, ran articles about President Trump having cuts or sores on his hand. Some of them wildly speculated, just to stir shit up, that Trump has syphilis. This is just silly, absurd, clickbait nonsense and obviously not a crime. On the other hand, take the Arizona voting machines. We have evidence they were tampered with. So does President Trump. We recently apprehended an MSNBC editor who continually wrote stories that the machines were infallible and that President Trump is still making up tales of election fraud. That in and of itself doesn’t meet our definition of a punishable crime. But when we can prove the editor was paid by the manufacturer and by the people challenging President Trump’s side of the story—well, that is bribery. Bribery constitutes a crime, and both the offeror and the recipient can be criminally charged. What’s more, that bribery influenced an election outcome, and that broadly fits the definitions of election interference, conspiracy to defraud the United States, and, in certain cases, treason.”

“So it’s not like we’re randomly picking up people that don’t like Trump,” he continued. “We’re working on actionable evidence.”

He added that JAG and the CID’s evidence led to 94 arrests in December and January. The arrestees reportedly include employees of MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNBC, the BBC, Vice News, Telemundo, and even the Weather Channel, and employees at the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, and the Denver Post. He also named the New Yorker, Harpers, and the Atlantic. That list, he said, was not all-inclusive, and in each case, JAG discovered acts of financial impropriety.

“When we hear about a copy editor making 40 grand a year and living paycheck to paycheck and then suddenly buying a two-million-dollar home, a $150,000 sports car, and a yacht, well, it raises questions. These Deep State-adherents love flaunting money,” our source said.

The news sector, he added, has found a convenient and believable way of explaining away disappearing staff: layoffs.

In recent months, dozens of news outlets nationwide have announced or executed job cuts, citing a decline in advertising and subscription revenue, and lost viewership/readership. While this is partly true—more Americans are eschewing fabricated mainstream news in favor of factual alternative media—liberal news outlets like the Washington Post, owned by the third wealthiest person on the planet—aren’t hurting for money. And although not all papers have a Bezos benefactor, even small-town rags such as California’s The Sacramento Bee receive regular endowments from George Soros, whose limitless coffers fund and bribe Leftwing media.

“It’s a circle. These media criminals made Joe Biden their president and he, or whoever is playing him on stage, in turn empowers them,” our source said.

In closing, we asked our source about the value of targeting the unrecognizable.

“You see Andeson Cooper. You see Rachel Madow on the idiot box, so you’re thinking ‘get them!’ because it’s their mugs you’re looking at. And, yes, they will be gotten. But we’re looking at a bigger picture that must be dismantled top to bottom, just not necessarily always in that order,” he said.

Nov 11, 2007
I would gladly be "seen" with Epstein or any other pedosexual degenerate salvage and the tards worship, if it lead to arrests and executions.

It's all about protecting innocent kids from these demonic monsters!

"OMG!! A pic with Epstein!! We really got him now!!!" 😂 :an_laugh: 🤡

You can't fix Stupid!!
How do you know what I post if I have allegedly been on ignore since you started posting over here,

Sheriff Joe Dementio as opposed to Joe DiMaggio, whose jock strap you couldn't carry!!

Nov 11, 2007
This goes along with your post. From

Make of it what you will.

Remember, Tards support these people.

Tards are child molesters.

On Thursday a Judge Advocate General’s Corps source in Pensacola told Real Raw News that JAG and Army CID investigators have arrested nearly one hundred media criminals in the last two months. However, the incarcerated are not the glamorized, limelight-hogging faces and figures that each day fulfill a collective thirst for (dis)information; they are not all Rachel Maddows, Anderson Coopers, or Robert Costas. Instead, they make up an equally dangerous ilk—the behind-the-scenes curators and custodians who decide what’s shown on air and published on internet white space.

Behind each popular name or face lurk irredeemable gatekeepers that distill output into digestible bites and sanitize content to fit a station or publication’s slanted agenda. Sight unseen, these kettles of ravenous vultures—which include everyone from has-been fact checkers to opinion editors, from external consultants to top floor management—huddle in conference rooms and cafeterias, where they select which stories to air with a wanton disregard for the truth. They are the driving force and the seemingly unbreakable bulwark that sell easily disprovable propaganda to naïve, malleable audiences.

When Anderson Cooper recites and expands on a headline, he glares at a teleprompter whose scrolling text someone else has authored, like most newscasters. A ‘research’ team—in his case, 16 staffers and interns who share his political biases—and an editorial board rigorously edit his spoken words. He, of course, is equally guilty; if he didn’t sell the station and the Biden regime’s falsehoods, there would be no buyers. He is more than an actor—he is a co-conspirator, as are his hirelings.

An aside: Having done a stint with what can loosely be called an MSM daily decades ago, I’ve witnessed acts of improbity and the caliginous atmosphere circulating through then-smoke-filled editorial rooms. I’ve seen solid stories shelved or reduced to a page-23 blurb and replaced with fiction. I’ve heard examples of favoritism, nepotism, and hearty recompense for gently gelling with an agenda. Unless one is part of the problem, these dens of disquietude aren’t lovely places to visit.

Our source said JAG draws no distinction between headliners and hacks; all are equivalently guilty in JAG’s eyes, provided the Staff Judge Advocate can link them to a verifiable crime.

Our source expanded: “Understand clearly no one here is criminalizing opinion or looking to infringe on the 1st Amendment. Let’s take an example: the other day, five or six news outlets, including the fallen-from-grace Drudge Report, ran articles about President Trump having cuts or sores on his hand. Some of them wildly speculated, just to stir shit up, that Trump has syphilis. This is just silly, absurd, clickbait nonsense and obviously not a crime. On the other hand, take the Arizona voting machines. We have evidence they were tampered with. So does President Trump. We recently apprehended an MSNBC editor who continually wrote stories that the machines were infallible and that President Trump is still making up tales of election fraud. That in and of itself doesn’t meet our definition of a punishable crime. But when we can prove the editor was paid by the manufacturer and by the people challenging President Trump’s side of the story—well, that is bribery. Bribery constitutes a crime, and both the offeror and the recipient can be criminally charged. What’s more, that bribery influenced an election outcome, and that broadly fits the definitions of election interference, conspiracy to defraud the United States, and, in certain cases, treason.”

“So it’s not like we’re randomly picking up people that don’t like Trump,” he continued. “We’re working on actionable evidence.”

He added that JAG and the CID’s evidence led to 94 arrests in December and January. The arrestees reportedly include employees of MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNBC, the BBC, Vice News, Telemundo, and even the Weather Channel, and employees at the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, and the Denver Post. He also named the New Yorker, Harpers, and the Atlantic. That list, he said, was not all-inclusive, and in each case, JAG discovered acts of financial impropriety.

“When we hear about a copy editor making 40 grand a year and living paycheck to paycheck and then suddenly buying a two-million-dollar home, a $150,000 sports car, and a yacht, well, it raises questions. These Deep State-adherents love flaunting money,” our source said.

The news sector, he added, has found a convenient and believable way of explaining away disappearing staff: layoffs.

In recent months, dozens of news outlets nationwide have announced or executed job cuts, citing a decline in advertising and subscription revenue, and lost viewership/readership. While this is partly true—more Americans are eschewing fabricated mainstream news in favor of factual alternative media—liberal news outlets like the Washington Post, owned by the third wealthiest person on the planet—aren’t hurting for money. And although not all papers have a Bezos benefactor, even small-town rags such as California’s The Sacramento Bee receive regular endowments from George Soros, whose limitless coffers fund and bribe Leftwing media.

“It’s a circle. These media criminals made Joe Biden their president and he, or whoever is playing him on stage, in turn empowers them,” our source said.

In closing, we asked our source about the value of targeting the unrecognizable.

“You see Andeson Cooper. You see Rachel Madow on the idiot box, so you’re thinking ‘get them!’ because it’s their mugs you’re looking at. And, yes, they will be gotten. But we’re looking at a bigger picture that must be dismantled top to bottom, just not necessarily always in that order,” he said.

Once again if doctorsuccess or his handlers sheriff ]oe or sbd want to present what an admitted SATIRE says as fact, that in itself

show how stupid they are and/or just as likely DESPERATE they are at this point as the Jack Smith death knell inches closer to their

deity Donald Trump with each passing day!!

IT IS NOW TIME FOR LUNCH, and a couple of hours from now two more football playoff games which will hopefully

be competitive!!
Aug 17, 2019
She sang ! Nikki is next and it’s OVER !

We told you and we told you and we told you !

Ron DeSantis Drops Out of the 2024 Presidential Race, Endorses Trump

Of course he did!

This movie wouldn't be possible without great actors.

Sep 5, 2010
Of course he did!

This movie wouldn't be possible without great actors.
How come in these movies the orange encrusted buffoon always loses?

Is it because he's a bad actor?

Or does he have a bad supporting crew?

Or is he just an asshole like you and the rest of the ultra low iqanons?

Asking for a friend.




Soon, real soon.

February 18th.

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :santahat::santahat::santahat::santahat::santahat:

Nov 11, 2007
How come in these movies the orange encrusted buffoon always loses?

Is it because he's a bad actor?

Or does he have a bad supporting crew?

Or is he just an asshole like you and the rest of the ultra low iqanons?

Asking for a friend.




Soon, real soon.

February 18th.

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :santahat::santahat::santahat::santahat::santahat:
Can't say it better than that!!

Aug 5, 2021
How come in these movies the orange encrusted buffoon always loses?

Is it because he's a bad actor?

Or does he have a bad supporting crew?

Or is he just an asshole like you and the rest of the ultra low iqanons?

Asking for a friend.




Soon, real soon.

February 18th.

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :santahat::santahat::santahat::santahat::santahat:
It's all part of the plan,

The op has maintained his idiocy throughout this ROUT!

Sometimes you have to show the people

Hillary and Hanks eliminated or illuminated by white hats in long trench coats.

Feb. 18 LOOMING oh nooooooo

Orange encrusted smelly buffoon all day everyday

Sep 21, 2004
Damar Hamlin running on a fake punt? Another virus after Bills fans wake up!

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