
Nov 11, 2007
Here are the savage1 trends and angles on tonight's game:

If a Big 10 school plays a Pac 10 school in the championship college football game, and there is any activity in the IVU Thread in

at the RX Forum on that day with the participation of QAnons, any ex-Potus who is under investigation and/or has been indicted,

will be found tried and convicted!!
Sep 12, 2022
This story is HUGE. Tunnels!


The New York Police Department found illegal tunnels that were dug under a Jewish organization building in New York City and the Jews started rioting. The building belonged to the Chabad. Many Jews were arrested and some mattresses with weird stains on them were being thrown around.

Here’s some posts about it. All sorts of insane footage was recorded.

Chabad, the Hasidic Jewish sect, has secret tunnels that were discovered under their headquarters in NYC, and are now being shut down by the NYPD.
Arrests are being made…..
— DD Geopolitics (@DD_Geopolitics) January 9, 2024
NYPD investigating illegal tunnels dug under major Jewish organization building (not sure if video is related)
Riot broke out as NYPD attempted to fill tunnels with cement
Nearly a dozen arrests made
Weirdest story of the day by far
— E (@ElijahSchaffer) January 9, 2024
🚨🇺🇸 New York Tunnels Exposed
Please someone explain to me like I’m 5years old – why Jews would have numerous stained mattresses contained within a series of tunnels under Chabad World Headquarters in the Brooklyn, New York Synagogue?@krassenstein @EdKrassen – aren’t you both…
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) January 9, 2024
A Hasidic Jewish sect, Chabad, was just arrested en masse in NYC after the police discovered secret tunnels they had built under their HQ in Brooklyn.
Refreshing to talk about Jewish people in tunnels for once. Anyway, this footage is wild!
— The Barracks (@thebarrackslive) January 9, 2024
🚨🇺🇸#BREAKING: Mattresses were found in the tunnels underneath the Chabad Lubavitch World HQ synagogue in New York.
Those mattresses should be forensically analyzed for sure…
— Censored Men (@CensoredMen) January 9, 2024
UPDATE: stained mattresses are being pulled from the underground tunnels that were found under the synagogues.
WHAT were the Jews doing in those tunnels??
— Lauren Witzke (@LaurenWitzkeDE) January 9, 2024
It seems the Zionists found their tunnels. But alas they are in New York
— Sulaiman Ahmed (@ShaykhSulaiman) January 9, 2024
Zionists would have claimed this is proof of rape against their enemies.
But we will merely say that those stains should be analyzed.
— Sulaiman Ahmed (@ShaykhSulaiman) January 9, 2024
I did not have Jew tunnels on my 2024 bingo card
— Eric Spracklen🇺🇸 (@EricSpracklen) January 9, 2024
📺 The synagogue w/the tunnels & dirty mattress hidden in the wall was headed by Menachem Mendel Schneerson–the Rabbi who blessed Netanyahu back in the 1990s, & asked him to hasten the process for the Messiah to arrive faster.
— Sam Parker 🇺🇲 (@SamParkerSenate) January 9, 2024
Here's how it all started.
Bochurim ripped wooden panels to prevent a cement truck from sealing off the recently discovered tunnels.
They then went inside the tunnel and started to learn.
The NYPD was immediately called.
— Frum TikTok (@FrumTikTok) January 8, 2024
Knowing the Jews, we have to assume that whatever was happening down there wasn’t good. Why else would they react this way? If they did nothing wrong, there would be no reason to get so mad about it.

Some speculated that these tunnels were built so they could secretly gather during the virus hoax. If we were dealing with normal people, I guess I could maybe buy that, but we are not dealing with normal people here, we are dealing with Jews.

For all we know, the Jews could have built some sort of rape or blood sacrifice dungeon underneath their building. They might even have used the tunnels to secretly sex traffic children. It is not unreasonable to speculate about these things considering what we know about the Jews. Judaism is interchangeable with Satanism. I also still can’t get over the stained mattress situation. That alone raises all sorts of questions.

I guess we’ll know more in the days to come, but I’d say this is certainly the most bizarre and crazy story of 2024 so far.
Aug 17, 2019
This story is HUGE. Tunnels!


The New York Police Department found illegal tunnels that were dug under a Jewish organization building in New York City and the Jews started rioting. The building belonged to the Chabad. Many Jews were arrested and some mattresses with weird stains on them were being thrown around.

Here’s some posts about it. All sorts of insane footage was recorded.

Knowing the Jews, we have to assume that whatever was happening down there wasn’t good. Why else would they react this way? If they did nothing wrong, there would be no reason to get so mad about it.

Some speculated that these tunnels were built so they could secretly gather during the virus hoax. If we were dealing with normal people, I guess I could maybe buy that, but we are not dealing with normal people here, we are dealing with Jews.

For all we know, the Jews could have built some sort of rape or blood sacrifice dungeon underneath their building. They might even have used the tunnels to secretly sex traffic children. It is not unreasonable to speculate about these things considering what we know about the Jews. Judaism is interchangeable with Satanism. I also still can’t get over the stained mattress situation. That alone raises all sorts of questions.

I guess we’ll know more in the days to come, but I’d say this is certainly the most bizarre and crazy story of 2024 so far.

"Saving Israel for last"

Just wait until people learn the truth of Israel and the Jews.

Nov 11, 2007
"Saving Israel for last"

Just wait until people learn the truth of Israel and the Jews.
God's CHOSEN PEOPLE have survived thousands of years of persecution and will continue to do so and those who speak

in defiance of God's Will in the long run, which includes both the secular world and the afterlife, will regret it!!

Nov 11, 2007
"Saving Israel for last"

Just wait until people learn the truth of Israel and the Jews.
ps And just think just a few days ago, you posted words to the effect that you are a loving person of all people of the world of all

race, color and creed-a bit hypocritical don't you think!!

Nov 11, 2007
This story is HUGE. Tunnels!


The New York Police Department found illegal tunnels that were dug under a Jewish organization building in New York City and the Jews started rioting. The building belonged to the Chabad. Many Jews were arrested and some mattresses with weird stains on them were being thrown around.

Here’s some posts about it. All sorts of insane footage was recorded.

Knowing the Jews, we have to assume that whatever was happening down there wasn’t good. Why else would they react this way? If they did nothing wrong, there would be no reason to get so mad about it.

Some speculated that these tunnels were built so they could secretly gather during the virus hoax. If we were dealing with normal people, I guess I could maybe buy that, but we are not dealing with normal people here, we are dealing with Jews.

For all we know, the Jews could have built some sort of rape or blood sacrifice dungeon underneath their building. They might even have used the tunnels to secretly sex traffic children. It is not unreasonable to speculate about these things considering what we know about the Jews. Judaism is interchangeable with Satanism. I also still can’t get over the stained mattress situation. That alone raises all sorts of questions.

I guess we’ll know more in the days to come, but I’d say this is certainly the most bizarre and crazy story of 2024 so far.
The Daily Stormer is an American far-right, neo-Nazi, white supremacist, misogynist, Islamophobic,[1] antisemitic, and Holocaust denial commentary and message board website that advocates for a second genocide of Jews.[2][3][4][5][6] It is part of the alt-right movement.[7][8][9] Its editor, Andrew Anglin, founded the outlet on July 4, 2013, as a faster-paced replacement for his previous website Total Fascism, which had focused on his own long-form essays on fascism, race, and antisemitic conspiracy theories. In contrast, The Daily Stormer relies heavily on quoted material with exaggerated headlines.[10]

The site is known for its use of Internet memes, which have been likened to the imageboard 4chan and cited as attractions for a younger and more ideologically diverse audience.[11] While some white nationalist authors have praised The Daily Stormer's reach, others have taken issue with its content and tone, accusing Anglin of being an agent provocateur, used to discredit true white nationalism.[12]

The Daily Stormer orchestrates what it calls the "Troll Army", which is involved in Internet trolling of figures with whom Anglin disagrees politically. In August 2017, after causing outrage by insulting the victim of a car-ramming homicide at the far-right Unite the Right rally, the website was rejected by several domain registrars.[13][14][15][16][17] In August 2019, the site went offline temporarily when their service provider, BitMitigate, was cut off by their cloud infrastructure provider; the site found another provider.[18]

In June 2019, a federal judge ordered Anglin to pay $4.1 million to comedian Dean Obeidallah, whom Anglin had falsely accused of orchestrating the Manchester Arena bombing.[19] In July 2019, a federal magistrate recommended that Anglin pay $14 million to Tanya Gersh, a woman from Whitefish, Montana against whom Anglin had organized a targeted harassment campaign.[20]

Nov 11, 2007
It is not our fault, Dr.Josef Mengele/doctorsuccess, that you are a miserable failure in life in whatever ALLEGED job you had

in Hollywood, and that one of the reasons for your hatred of Jews is because so many of them had/have highly successful

careers in various capacities there!!

Perhaps if you channeled some of your hatred into something more constructive/positive such as trying to emulate the

manner which elevated them to where they are today as opposed to you, who sits at the bottom of the totem

pole, it just might elevate your own status not only in the eyes of society but more importantly your own lack of self-esteem,

which lies right now near the ZERO mark!!

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