
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
A little birdie keeps saying the puppet master must be having a lot of sleepless nights .

No worries Lightweight . He has a very deep bullpen to go to .


Ahead of the “great uniter’s” visit to the site of a SC church shooting …


Clyburn : I’m ‘very concerned’ about Biden’s standing with Black voters


Nov 11, 2007
What a great week this should be.

Might as well start off with a very good read.

Donald Trump Faces Legal Week From Hell​

No tweets or memes.

Just facts from documants and receipts.




February 18th

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
Let's just say in countries like North Korea they wouldn't waste any more time or taxpayer money with stuff like this!!

Instead they would just do what they do with race horses that break a leg when racing!!
Sep 12, 2022
What a dumb bitch!

Only a fat-ass faggot Tard would vote for this bitch.

Gen. Smith’s Office Rebuffs Nikki Haley: “Who exactly are you?”​

Michael Baxter
January 7, 2024

A staffer in General Eric M. Smith’s office angered Nikki Haley on Thursday, asking, “Who exactly are you?” when the presidential hopeful called Camp Pendleton to speak with the general, a source familiar with the incident told Real Raw News.

The general’s staff, of course, knows of Nikki Haley but has standing orders to rebuff any of Trump’s inferior opponents looking to ingratiate themselves with high-ranking officers within the White Hat community.

Haley was one of many political aspirants to seek an audience with General Smith. In August, Vivek Ramaswamy, whom White Hats consider a Deep State plant, emailed the general begging to access the White Hat council, but the general’s office promptly denied the request. In his email,
A cocky Ramaswamy had declared himself the Republican Party’s future and implored White Hats to abandon Trump, calling the patriotic president “damaged goods,” “yesterday’s news,” and a “liability.”

Haley, too, expressed an air of arrogant confidence in requesting a tete-a-tete with Gen. Smith. She had opened the call without identifying herself and asked the staffer to “put Gen. Smith on the line immediately,” to which the staffer, cordial at first, replied, “Who should I say is calling?” even though Haley’s name and number populated the caller-ID display.

“It’s Nikki Haley,” she said firmly.

“Nikki who?” the staffer taunted.

“Nikki Haley, your next commander in chief. Put General Smith on,” Haley said.

“Please hold for Gen. Smith,” the staffer said, leaving Haley, flustered and agitated, on hold for 20 minutes before returning to the call and informing her that Gen. Smith was eating lunch and didn’t want nuisance calls disturbing his meal.

“I am Nikki Haley,” Haley reiterated, “and I’ll be reporting your insolence to a commanding officer. I’ll make sure you’re demoted and dishonorably discharged.”

“Pardon me, but who exactly is this again?” the staffer said, prompting Haley to disconnect the call.

General Smith, our source said, was dining at his desk and listening to the call on speakerphone, and later commended the staffer’s creative dismissal of a person White Hats have labeled a dangerous, reckless, Hawkish Neocon whose political aspirations lie not in Making America Great Again but in perpetuating global conflicts that would further bankrupt the U.S. and put U.S. servicemen in harm’s way unnecessarily. They also regard Haley as a Wall Street/Corporate America shill.

Haley’s tie to BlackRock CEO Larry Fink is perceived as a red flag among White Hat leadership. BlackRock is an American multinational investment company with over nine trillion dollars in assets and has a history of leveraging economic power to impose left-wing agendas. Haley has also courted the heads of JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs.

“It’s no coincidence that Haley is falling to her knees in supplication for these Wall Street donors; they are President Trump’s enemies. Wall Street and mega corps hate Trump,” our source said.

Moreover, White Hats have reportedly seen internal campaign documents in which Haley says she will, as President of the United States, indefinitely finance Volodymyr Zelenskyy while developing a proposal to either oust Putin from office or convince him to “abdicate his throne.”

“Haley is an opportunist, not a patriot,” our source said. “How can we take seriously a candidate who uses her skin color to pander to Black and Brown people and then intentionally wears skin-lightening cosmetics or bleaches it when speaking to Caucasian audiences.”

In closing, we asked our source what White Hats would do if Haley outperformed President Trump in the primaries.

“Only in fantasyland could that happen,” he said.


Nov 11, 2007
People who keep posting commentary about Biden's incompetency as some kind of "proof" that Trump is a lock to win the 2024 Election

are wasting their time not only by proclaiming 100% evidence for Trump and extolling "all of his virtues" are wasting their time especially

with Biden because imo the chances are practically nil that when all is said and he is going to be the nominee and just as unlikely

for an entirely different set of reasons that Trump will be!!

Nov 11, 2007

So THIS is what our Tards look like IRL?

They're all fat-ass faggots!!!

No wonder they hate themselves and are jealous of everyone!

It is not our fault, Dr.Josef Mengele/doctorsuccess, that you are a miserable failure in life in whatever ALLEGED job you had

in Hollywood, and that one of the reasons for your hatred of Jews is because so many of them had/have highly successful

careers in various capacities there!!

Perhaps if you channeled some of your hatred into something more constructive/positive such as trying to emulate the

manner which elevated them to where they are today as opposed to you, who sits at the bottom of the totem

pole, it just might elevate your own status not only in the eyes of society but more importantly your own lack of self-esteem,

which lies right now near the ZERO mark!!

Nov 11, 2007
All Aboard as this is your final call for the Trump Roadreeler Express that is about to depart!!

Along the way there will be brief stops at Trump's home and inside it his bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, dining room,

den and most importantly social accounts so that you can see and/or what he is doing/posting or has been doing/posting

so far today in each of these rooms!!

Once that is done, whether he is present or not, the next stop will be the Campaign trail, where he stops for lunch, what he eats

when and at what time he pees and poops and of course watching and listening to him live as he stumps from place to place!!

Once his active day is complete, the Trump RoadReeler Express will return right back to its original destination right here in Trump Fellator

Oct 30, 2006
The cowardly and gutless lady has returned and as I predicted, doesn't have the guts to respond this post that follows.

She like some others in here doesn't have the courage of her convictions and won't take a stand on this and a number

of other issues in order not to offend folks like sheriff joe and sbd who believe delusional shit like this!!

One more chance, lady, do you agree that Trump won all fifty states in the 2020 Election and got over 90% of

the votes, yes and no, and why or why not if you choose.

Here is my post from yesterday:

"Maybe Roadrunner/Trump Lady can respond to this and at the very least be the first one whom I have questioned to not run away

and hide and tell all of us very definitely if she agrees with sheriff joe and sbd's contention that Trump did in fact win all

fifty states and got over 90% of the popular vote in the 2020 Election!!

I am not expecting her to respond as I would not any hit-and-run poster, but perhaps she will surprise and not head for the hills

such as has always been the case with one regular major Trump fellator in this thread!!"
No I dont believe Trump won all 50 states.....He won the election 100% & whats the lady stuff?...Im a white male...

Sep 21, 2004


This could very well be true… corrected…

This isn’t hyperbole,” she claimed. “A vote for Donald Trump may mean the LAST election that you ever vote in!

ATWT….. Very True…. Read earlier…

You are more likely to be arrested by the FBI for posting a political meme than you are if….. you raped a child on Epstein Island? 🫣

Sep 21, 2004

This could very well be true… corrected…

This isn’t hyperbole,” she claimed. “A vote for Donald Trump may mean the LAST election that you ever vote in!

ATWT….. Very True…. Read earlier…

You are more likely to be arrested by the FBI for posting a political meme than you are if….. you raped a child on Epstein Island? 🫣
Goodness Gracious great balls of… YOU R Fired!

6 1/2 team totals for 1st quarter tonight :+clueless

Nov 11, 2007
No I dont believe Trump won all 50 states.....He won the election 100% & whats the lady stuff?...Im a white male...
Thanks or at least having the balls unlike Lenny to admit that you DISAGREE with sheriff joe and sbd that you

don't believe everything that these folks claim!!

And sorry for the gender mistake!!

Although I still think you are way too onesided with your opinion of Trump, I am happy that you do acknowledge and are

not afraid to disagree with several folks in here about the far-out stuff while at the same time agreeing with them politically!!

Thank you for that and enjoy your day!!

Nov 11, 2007
Goodness Gracious great balls of… YOU R Fired!

6 1/2 team totals for 1st quarter tonight :+clueless
Could you be a little more specific as to what you mean and how to bet the 1st quarter team totals!!

Who do you like in the game ats and total?

Sep 21, 2004
Could you be a little more specific as to what you mean and how to bet the 1st quarter team totals!!

Who do you like in the game ats and total?
Sure where you live you have sports book. Prop Bets for 1st quarter

ATS/Total seeing 28-23 as clock winds down with Washington winning 30-28. Would think someone scores early why I’m scratching head with Team totals at 6 1/2 1st quarter…. Hope it’s not FG but…. Vegas is Vegas? Predicting UK 13 1/2 160 for Tuesday @ Rupp… Good Luck with everything except the election…. 😷
Oct 30, 2006
Thanks or at least having the balls unlike Lenny to admit that you DISAGREE with sheriff joe and sbd that you

don't believe everything that these folks claim!!

And sorry for the gender mistake!!

Although I still think you are way too onesided with your opinion of Trump, I am happy that you do acknowledge and are

not afraid to disagree with several folks in here about the far-out stuff while at the same time agreeing with them politically!!

Thank you for that and enjoy your day!!
He however did win all of the swing states the Demo crats cheated heavily in…PA MI WI AZ & one other state

Nov 11, 2007
He however did win all of the swing states the Demo crats cheated heavily in…PA MI WI AZ & one other state
I don't agree, and most importantly, that's an entirely different issue from a claim that he won all fifty states and more than 90% of the total

popular vote, which is the issue at hand!!

Nov 11, 2007
Sure where you live you have sports book. Prop Bets for 1st quarter

ATS/Total seeing 28-23 as clock winds down with Washington winning 30-28. Would think someone scores early why I’m scratching head with Team totals at 6 1/2 1st quarter…. Hope it’s not FG but…. Vegas is Vegas? Predicting UK 13 1/2 160 for Tuesday @ Rupp… Good Luck with everything except the election…. 😷
Thanks-yes we have prop bets but usually they are not my cup of tea-I have never played even one in the SB in all of the years I have been


Before I saw your post, I already posted an early teaser on Wahington and Over for the game.

I will probably place some regular wagers on Wash. and Over buying a point or so!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
People who keep posting commentary about Biden's incompetency as some kind of "proof" that Trump is a lock to win the 2024 Election

are wasting their time not only by proclaiming 100% evidence for Trump and extolling "all of his virtues" are wasting their time especially

with Biden because imo the chances are practically nil that when all is said and he is going to be the nominee and just as unlikely

for an entirely different set of reasons that Trump will be!!

Perhaps you can enlighten us all with your wealth of knowledge on how Trump , who will have the primary locked up long before any possible conviction will not be the nominee ?

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