
Dec 17, 2004

Nov 11, 2007

Graphene oxide, a substance that is poisonous to humans, has allegedly been found in the Covid 19 “vaccines”, in the water supply, in the air we breathe through chemtrails, and is even in our food supply.

It interacts and is activated by electromagnetic frequencies (“EMF”), specifically the broader range of frequencies found in 5G which can cause even more damage to our health.

The symptoms of graphene oxide poisoning and EMF radiation sickness are similar to those symptoms described as Covid.

The bad news for those who have so far refused to get a single dose of the Covid-19 injection is that some doctors believe Graphene is being transmitted from the Covid-19 vaccinated to the unvaccinated.

But the good news is, now that graphene oxide has been identified as a contaminant, there are ways to remove graphene oxide from your body and restore your health.

This is a holistic approach of using several different methods simultaneously for the best effect. Including, specific supplements to degrade the graphene oxide in the body, and controlling EMFs in the environment to minimize graphene oxide activation.

This information comes from several sources and is based on scientific studies. Links are referenced below.

Understanding Glutathione

Glutathione is a substance made from the amino acids: glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid. It is produced naturally by the liver and involved in many processes in the body, including tissue building and repair, making chemicals and proteins needed in the body, and for the immune system. We have a natural glutathione reserve in our bodies. This is what gives us a strong immune system.

When glutathione levels are high in the body, we have no problems and our immune system functions well. But when the amount of graphene oxide in the body exceeds the amount of glutathione, it causes the collapse of the immune system and triggers a cytokine storm. The way that graphene oxide can rapidly grow to exceed glutathione in the body is by electronic excitation. Meaning, EMF’s that bombard the graphene to oxidise it, which rapidly triggers the disease.

At the age of 65 glutathione levels fall drastically in the body. This can explain why the population most affected by Covid-19 are the elderly. Glutathione levels are also very low in people with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, obesity, etc. Likewise, glutathione levels are very high in infants, children and athletes. This can explain why Covid-19 has not affected these people.

Graphene oxide when oxidised or activated by specific EMF frequencies overruns the body’s ability to create enough glutathione, which destroys the immune system and causes the illness. In events of illness (such as Covid symptoms and all the “variants”) it is necessary to raise glutathione levels in the body in order to cope with the toxin (graphene oxide) that has been introduced or electrically activated.

ICU Intubated Covid Patients Healed Within Hours When Treated with Glutathione And NAC, Example from Ricardo Delgado

“We have seen clinical trials with hundreds of patients who were in the ICU, on a respirator and intubated, practically on the verge of death. With bilateral pneumonias caused by the spread of graphene oxide and subsequent 5G radiation in the lung plaques. Well, this diffuse stain in these patients is symmetrical, which would not happen with a biological agent since it would be rather asymmetrical, as for example when there is a pneumococcal infection, right? Well, in that case a diffuse stain usually appears in one part of the lung, but not in another, not in both symmetrically. So, when treated with glutathione via direct intravenous —or even orally as well— or with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) 600 mg or higher doses, people within hours began to recover their oxygen saturation” – Ricardo Delgado, La Quinta Colmuna

N-acetylcysteine (“NAC”) is a supplement that causes the body to produce glutathione, it is known as the precursor to glutathione and causes the body to secrete glutathione endogenously, just as it does when you do sports intensely. NAC comes from the amino acid L-cysteine and is used by the body to build antioxidants. Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that protect and repair cells from damage. You can get NAC as a supplement or a prescription drug.

Zinc in combination with NAC are essential antioxidants used to degrade graphene oxide. Ricardo Delgado states that with these two antioxidants he has personally helped people affected by magnetism after inoculation. This is in people with two doses of Pfizer who have become magnetic and after these supplements they no longer have this symptom.

Other supplements that can be taken to assist in the removal of graphene oxide are:

  • Astaxanthin
  • Melatonin
  • Milk Thistle
  • Quercetin
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D3
For more information on these supplements for graphene oxide removal please see this LINK.

Understanding The Connection Between EMF, 5G, Graphene Oxide, Hydrogels and Covid

Graphene oxide is activated by EMF, specifically the frequencies that are part of the 5G spectrum. All materials have what is known as an electronic absorption band. An absorption band is a range of wavelengths, frequencies or energies in the electromagnetic spectrum which are characteristic of a particular transition from initial to final state in a substance. This is a specific frequency above which a substance is excited and oxidises very quickly. Frequencies beamed at human beings that have a build-up of graphene oxide in their body can cause the graphene oxide to multiply very rapidly, breaking the balance of glutathione and causing a cytokine storm in a matter of hours.

Graphene oxide is the main ingredient in DARPA patented hydrogels. It is these hydrogels that are in the Covid injections, the PCR test swabs and the masks. A conductive hydrogel is a polymer like material that has substantial qualities and applications. They are developing different kinds of conductive hydrogels that are being used in many things, in our food, our water, and injected into our bodies in vaccines. Conductive hydrogels contain nanotech that locks on to your DNA and can be controlled by 5G sensors. They allow for DNA collection and manipulation. Conductive hydrogels allow for tracking and tracing of human beings. There are thousands of peer-reviewed scientific studies and articles discussing conductive hydrogels. We’ve put together a short list of some relative studies as backup documentation.

Summary of Hydrogel & Quantum Dot Nanotechnology Characteristics – Click to Download

It is from these studies that we can summarise some of the characteristics of conductive hydrogels.

Characteristics of conductive hydrogels: self-recoverability, electrical conductivity, transparency, freezing resistance, stretching, self-healing, stimuli responsiveness which means it does certain things when 5G hits it (or other frequencies for that matter).

We are surrounded in EMF radiation from cell phones (or mobile phones), TV’s and Wi-Fi. Many areas are also turning on 5G and there have been investigations done showing the correlation between the 5G networks and the Covid outbreaks in an area. To best protect yourself from graphene oxide poisoning and the activation of graphene oxide in your body it is necessary to do several things to limit your EMF exposure.

Some suggestions on how to do this include: do not live in a city with a lot of towers if you can help it, turn off your Wi-Fi at night and stay away from smart meters and other smart devices if at all possible. Another option is to use EMF protection products such as orgone energy devices to help transform the EMF radiation to mitigate the harmful effects

It is not surprising that illiterate/attention-seeking DOPES like yourself who have nothing else in their lives need to hang their hat on

turn to sources like the above to seek approval!!

"review, The Daily Expose reports on Covid-19 and Vaccines from a conspiratorial perspective. Articles and headlines offer sensationalized headlines such as this SHOCKING! – U.K. Government release the 9th report on Adverse Reactions to the Covid Vaccines. They also report patently false information such as this INVESTIGATION: 110K Deaths? NHS Data shows only 3000 people have died of COVID-19. According to IFCN fact-checker FullFact, this is not true."


Nov 11, 2007
It is not surprising that illiterate/attention-seeking DOPES like yourself who have nothing else in their lives need to hang their hat on

turn to sources like the above to seek approval!!

"review, The Daily Expose reports on Covid-19 and Vaccines from a conspiratorial perspective. Articles and headlines offer sensationalized headlines such as this SHOCKING! – U.K. Government release the 9th report on Adverse Reactions to the Covid Vaccines. They also report patently false information such as this INVESTIGATION: 110K Deaths? NHS Data shows only 3000 people have died of COVID-19. According to IFCN fact-checker FullFact, this is not true."

In addition, "doctor" success, instead of focusing on tabloid drivel to try to extricate yourself from the abyss of failure,

why not do something like trying to emulate these folks to turn your life around instead of hating on them!!


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Sep 12, 2022

It’s Time to Fix America’s Most Dangerous Law​

Rebuttal By​

The Fake News and other various enemies of The Donald have been buzzing with fear over the possibility of him invoking the "Insurrection Act" to eradicate the Deep State Globalist Cabal once and for all (they seem to have already accepted the inevitability of his return).

Originally established in 1792. and since amended, the Act grants the US President emergency militaristic powers to quell domestic uprisings beyond the ability of local and state law enforcement to confront.

Subsequent amendments empowered the president to deploy U.S. military and federalized militia (National Guard) troops. The worried article, penned by Evangelical-Zionist "cuckservative" columnist David French (all of a sudden, the Slimes publishes the views of "Christians?") gives an accurate definition:

"The Act is a federal law that permits the president to deploy military troops to effectively act as a domestic police force under his direct command. In theory, there is a need for a well-drafted law that permits the use of federal troops in extreme circumstances to maintain order and protect the rule of law. The Insurrection Act, however, is not well drafted. And its flaws would give Trump enormous latitude to wield the staggering power of the state against his domestic political enemies."*

French -- the quintessential, sanctimonious, virtue-signaling, religion-on-his-sleeve, philo-Jewish "My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter" buffoon (youse guys know the type) with an adopted "look-at-me-everybody" African prop-daughter he claims was abusively harassed by "racist" Trump supporters -- is correct, you know.

And indeed, that is exactly what's coming -- but with an unsuspected and undetectable creative twist which will be explained in a moment. * Editor's Note: Note to the "far right" anti-Trump Black Pill Society: If you pay close attention, you'll notice that all of Israel's goy cuckold Christian-Scofield frontmen have been furiously attacking Trump. In spite of Trump's clever (and necessary) "I Love Israel" act, the Israel Firsters do NOT want him to return. Does that tell you anything?

1. David French - a Zionist rim-jobber in "Christian" clothes - warns that Trump will invoke the "Insurrection Act." //

2. Abraham Lincoln invoked the Act in 1861, right after secessionists (whose agents had already tried to murder him before he even took office) bombarded Fort Sumter in South Carolina, killing 2 Union troops. Lincoln later used these powers to silence certain Democrats in the North, whose unseen boss (Rothschild) wanted the North to fail and the nation split into two more easily managed parts. The mass arrests extended to Democrat-aligned journalists. //

3. The Fake Inauguration of 2021 took place within a caged-in DC. No rats could escape!

As "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times sees it, the unexpected twist is this: President Trump already invoked the Insurrection Act -- in secret -- on January 6th. Knowing in advance that Deep State agents would use the event to impersonate Trump supporters and make mayhem, he set up the mass protests of that historic day. The CIA took the bait and handed Trump exactly what he needed to execute his mission "by the book" -- which is what the "legal" Q plan has been all about from the very beginning.

The Insurrection Act clearly stipulates that, in order to legally invoke the full measure of the Act (troop deployment), a president is required to first issue a specific proclamation to the insurrectionists. From the Act -- note the words in bold red especially:

****************************** Sec. 334. Proclamation to Disperse "Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents or those obstructing the enforcement of the laws to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes (homes) within a limited time." ******************************

Did Trump fulfill the Section 334 requirement on J-6? Indeed, he did -- declaring as follows in a peculiar video statement posted on Twitter and re-run by much of the media that afternoon.

'We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide and everyone knows it. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order.... We have to have peace. So go home, we love you. I know how you feel, but go home and go home in peace."

He made it a point to hit every point, literally and repeatedly! You see, Trump wasn't actually addressing his supporters, who were always peaceful and already heading home anyway. He was merely fulfilling the Act's requirement to instruct the insurrectionists to"retire peacefully to their abodes within a limited time."

Not only did the clown show continue, but the crooked politicians essentially joined the insurrection by later certifying the fraudulent election results anyway.

And Fake News, in its entirety, also hooked itself for "insurrection" when it continued to spread the lie that the election was fair and square and that Trump's claims constituted "The Big Lie."
Trump's military takeover already happened and is ongoing. The best is yet to come.

Mr. French's fear is palpable: "Now there are reports that Trump might invoke the act on the first day of his next term, to suppress demonstrations, to control the border or both. Moreover, these reports have to be read in the context of Trump’s latest public pronouncements. He has declared many of his domestic political opponents to be “vermin.” His campaign has promised that his critics’ “sad, miserable existence” will be “crushed.” And he has specifically told his followers, “I am your vengeance.” (emphasis added) *

It's hard to say for certain if French himself realizes or not that the Act which he so fears has already been invoked and remains in effect -- in conjunction with a COG (Continuity of Government) operation utilizing a White Hat imposter posing as the already-deceased "Joe Biden."

This raises the question: "If everything has already been cleaned up, then what exactly is it that the "dictator" Trump intends to do on "Day 1?" Answer: To confound the enemy and ensure public safety at a time when the Cabal was still very powerful and well-funded, it was critical to first remove and bankrupt the Deep State players in secret, one by one. The coming grand finale is actually going to be a "tape delayed" version, so to speak -- a post-action replay for the benefit of brainwashed Normiedom.

Trump has been the "dictator" all along --- ever since the "proclamation" of January 6th enabled him to activate regular troops and federalize the various state National Guard units -- whose planes have been recorded flying all over the country and the world! Trust the plan.

The New Republic Magazine

Section 334: Proclamation to Disperse Fulfilled "We must have law and order. Go home now ... go home in peace." Trump legally invoked the Insurrection Act on J-6. It remains in effect and he remains Commander-in-Chief.​


Nov 11, 2007

It’s Time to Fix America’s Most Dangerous Law​

Rebuttal By​

The Fake News and other various enemies of The Donald have been buzzing with fear over the possibility of him invoking the "Insurrection Act" to eradicate the Deep State Globalist Cabal once and for all (they seem to have already accepted the inevitability of his return).

Originally established in 1792. and since amended, the Act grants the US President emergency militaristic powers to quell domestic uprisings beyond the ability of local and state law enforcement to confront.

Subsequent amendments empowered the president to deploy U.S. military and federalized militia (National Guard) troops. The worried article, penned by Evangelical-Zionist "cuckservative" columnist David French (all of a sudden, the Slimes publishes the views of "Christians?") gives an accurate definition:

"The Act is a federal law that permits the president to deploy military troops to effectively act as a domestic police force under his direct command. In theory, there is a need for a well-drafted law that permits the use of federal troops in extreme circumstances to maintain order and protect the rule of law. The Insurrection Act, however, is not well drafted. And its flaws would give Trump enormous latitude to wield the staggering power of the state against his domestic political enemies."*

French -- the quintessential, sanctimonious, virtue-signaling, religion-on-his-sleeve, philo-Jewish "My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter" buffoon (youse guys know the type) with an adopted "look-at-me-everybody" African prop-daughter he claims was abusively harassed by "racist" Trump supporters -- is correct, you know.

And indeed, that is exactly what's coming -- but with an unsuspected and undetectable creative twist which will be explained in a moment. * Editor's Note: Note to the "far right" anti-Trump Black Pill Society: If you pay close attention, you'll notice that all of Israel's goy cuckold Christian-Scofield frontmen have been furiously attacking Trump. In spite of Trump's clever (and necessary) "I Love Israel" act, the Israel Firsters do NOT want him to return. Does that tell you anything?

1. David French - a Zionist rim-jobber in "Christian" clothes - warns that Trump will invoke the "Insurrection Act." //

2. Abraham Lincoln invoked the Act in 1861, right after secessionists (whose agents had already tried to murder him before he even took office) bombarded Fort Sumter in South Carolina, killing 2 Union troops. Lincoln later used these powers to silence certain Democrats in the North, whose unseen boss (Rothschild) wanted the North to fail and the nation split into two more easily managed parts. The mass arrests extended to Democrat-aligned journalists. //

3. The Fake Inauguration of 2021 took place within a caged-in DC. No rats could escape!

As "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times sees it, the unexpected twist is this: President Trump already invoked the Insurrection Act -- in secret -- on January 6th. Knowing in advance that Deep State agents would use the event to impersonate Trump supporters and make mayhem, he set up the mass protests of that historic day. The CIA took the bait and handed Trump exactly what he needed to execute his mission "by the book" -- which is what the "legal" Q plan has been all about from the very beginning.

The Insurrection Act clearly stipulates that, in order to legally invoke the full measure of the Act (troop deployment), a president is required to first issue a specific proclamation to the insurrectionists. From the Act -- note the words in bold red especially:

****************************** Sec. 334. Proclamation to Disperse "Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents or those obstructing the enforcement of the laws to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes (homes) within a limited time." ******************************

Did Trump fulfill the Section 334 requirement on J-6? Indeed, he did -- declaring as follows in a peculiar video statement posted on Twitter and re-run by much of the media that afternoon.

'We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide and everyone knows it. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order.... We have to have peace. So go home, we love you. I know how you feel, but go home and go home in peace."

He made it a point to hit every point, literally and repeatedly! You see, Trump wasn't actually addressing his supporters, who were always peaceful and already heading home anyway. He was merely fulfilling the Act's requirement to instruct the insurrectionists to"retire peacefully to their abodes within a limited time."

Not only did the clown show continue, but the crooked politicians essentially joined the insurrection by later certifying the fraudulent election results anyway.

And Fake News, in its entirety, also hooked itself for "insurrection" when it continued to spread the lie that the election was fair and square and that Trump's claims constituted "The Big Lie."
Trump's military takeover already happened and is ongoing. The best is yet to come.

Mr. French's fear is palpable: "Now there are reports that Trump might invoke the act on the first day of his next term, to suppress demonstrations, to control the border or both. Moreover, these reports have to be read in the context of Trump’s latest public pronouncements. He has declared many of his domestic political opponents to be “vermin.” His campaign has promised that his critics’ “sad, miserable existence” will be “crushed.” And he has specifically told his followers, “I am your vengeance.” (emphasis added) *

It's hard to say for certain if French himself realizes or not that the Act which he so fears has already been invoked and remains in effect -- in conjunction with a COG (Continuity of Government) operation utilizing a White Hat imposter posing as the already-deceased "Joe Biden."

This raises the question: "If everything has already been cleaned up, then what exactly is it that the "dictator" Trump intends to do on "Day 1?" Answer: To confound the enemy and ensure public safety at a time when the Cabal was still very powerful and well-funded, it was critical to first remove and bankrupt the Deep State players in secret, one by one. The coming grand finale is actually going to be a "tape delayed" version, so to speak -- a post-action replay for the benefit of brainwashed Normiedom.

Trump has been the "dictator" all along --- ever since the "proclamation" of January 6th enabled him to activate regular troops and federalize the various state National Guard units -- whose planes have been recorded flying all over the country and the world! Trust the plan.

The New Republic Magazine

Section 334: Proclamation to Disperse Fulfilled "We must have law and order. Go home now ... go home in peace." Trump legally invoked the Insurrection Act on J-6. It remains in effect and he remains Commander-in-Chief.​

The same thing applies here as to the first attention-seeking/delusional bullshit source you posted earlier:


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

It’s Time to Fix America’s Most Dangerous Law​

Rebuttal By​

The Fake News and other various enemies of The Donald have been buzzing with fear over the possibility of him invoking the "Insurrection Act" to eradicate the Deep State Globalist Cabal once and for all (they seem to have already accepted the inevitability of his return).

Originally established in 1792. and since amended, the Act grants the US President emergency militaristic powers to quell domestic uprisings beyond the ability of local and state law enforcement to confront.

Subsequent amendments empowered the president to deploy U.S. military and federalized militia (National Guard) troops. The worried article, penned by Evangelical-Zionist "cuckservative" columnist David French (all of a sudden, the Slimes publishes the views of "Christians?") gives an accurate definition:

"The Act is a federal law that permits the president to deploy military troops to effectively act as a domestic police force under his direct command. In theory, there is a need for a well-drafted law that permits the use of federal troops in extreme circumstances to maintain order and protect the rule of law. The Insurrection Act, however, is not well drafted. And its flaws would give Trump enormous latitude to wield the staggering power of the state against his domestic political enemies."*

French -- the quintessential, sanctimonious, virtue-signaling, religion-on-his-sleeve, philo-Jewish "My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter" buffoon (youse guys know the type) with an adopted "look-at-me-everybody" African prop-daughter he claims was abusively harassed by "racist" Trump supporters -- is correct, you know.

And indeed, that is exactly what's coming -- but with an unsuspected and undetectable creative twist which will be explained in a moment. * Editor's Note: Note to the "far right" anti-Trump Black Pill Society: If you pay close attention, you'll notice that all of Israel's goy cuckold Christian-Scofield frontmen have been furiously attacking Trump. In spite of Trump's clever (and necessary) "I Love Israel" act, the Israel Firsters do NOT want him to return. Does that tell you anything?

1. David French - a Zionist rim-jobber in "Christian" clothes - warns that Trump will invoke the "Insurrection Act." //

2. Abraham Lincoln invoked the Act in 1861, right after secessionists (whose agents had already tried to murder him before he even took office) bombarded Fort Sumter in South Carolina, killing 2 Union troops. Lincoln later used these powers to silence certain Democrats in the North, whose unseen boss (Rothschild) wanted the North to fail and the nation split into two more easily managed parts. The mass arrests extended to Democrat-aligned journalists. //

3. The Fake Inauguration of 2021 took place within a caged-in DC. No rats could escape!

As "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times sees it, the unexpected twist is this: President Trump already invoked the Insurrection Act -- in secret -- on January 6th. Knowing in advance that Deep State agents would use the event to impersonate Trump supporters and make mayhem, he set up the mass protests of that historic day. The CIA took the bait and handed Trump exactly what he needed to execute his mission "by the book" -- which is what the "legal" Q plan has been all about from the very beginning.

The Insurrection Act clearly stipulates that, in order to legally invoke the full measure of the Act (troop deployment), a president is required to first issue a specific proclamation to the insurrectionists. From the Act -- note the words in bold red especially:

****************************** Sec. 334. Proclamation to Disperse "Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents or those obstructing the enforcement of the laws to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes (homes) within a limited time." ******************************

Did Trump fulfill the Section 334 requirement on J-6? Indeed, he did -- declaring as follows in a peculiar video statement posted on Twitter and re-run by much of the media that afternoon.

'We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide and everyone knows it. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order.... We have to have peace. So go home, we love you. I know how you feel, but go home and go home in peace."

He made it a point to hit every point, literally and repeatedly! You see, Trump wasn't actually addressing his supporters, who were always peaceful and already heading home anyway. He was merely fulfilling the Act's requirement to instruct the insurrectionists to"retire peacefully to their abodes within a limited time."

Not only did the clown show continue, but the crooked politicians essentially joined the insurrection by later certifying the fraudulent election results anyway.

And Fake News, in its entirety, also hooked itself for "insurrection" when it continued to spread the lie that the election was fair and square and that Trump's claims constituted "The Big Lie."
Trump's military takeover already happened and is ongoing. The best is yet to come.

Mr. French's fear is palpable: "Now there are reports that Trump might invoke the act on the first day of his next term, to suppress demonstrations, to control the border or both. Moreover, these reports have to be read in the context of Trump’s latest public pronouncements. He has declared many of his domestic political opponents to be “vermin.” His campaign has promised that his critics’ “sad, miserable existence” will be “crushed.” And he has specifically told his followers, “I am your vengeance.” (emphasis added) *

It's hard to say for certain if French himself realizes or not that the Act which he so fears has already been invoked and remains in effect -- in conjunction with a COG (Continuity of Government) operation utilizing a White Hat imposter posing as the already-deceased "Joe Biden."

This raises the question: "If everything has already been cleaned up, then what exactly is it that the "dictator" Trump intends to do on "Day 1?" Answer: To confound the enemy and ensure public safety at a time when the Cabal was still very powerful and well-funded, it was critical to first remove and bankrupt the Deep State players in secret, one by one. The coming grand finale is actually going to be a "tape delayed" version, so to speak -- a post-action replay for the benefit of brainwashed Normiedom.

Trump has been the "dictator" all along --- ever since the "proclamation" of January 6th enabled him to activate regular troops and federalize the various state National Guard units -- whose planes have been recorded flying all over the country and the world! Trust the plan.

The New Republic Magazine

Section 334: Proclamation to Disperse Fulfilled "We must have law and order. Go home now ... go home in peace." Trump legally invoked the Insurrection Act on J-6. It remains in effect and he remains Commander-in-Chief.​

Twitter banned Trump immediately after the CIC fulfilled Section 334 of the Insurrection Act. They knew exactly what he did.

The moment the REAL insurrection paperwork was complete and "Biden" sworn in, the military stormed the White House at 3:00am and arrested everybody, fully documented by a video I posted a while back.

Only people residing in Tardville unable/unwilling to read Laws and Orders still deny any of this happening. LOL

Nov 11, 2007
Have as much fun as you can in the first half of 2024, Trump supporters, because the second half is going to be brutal as your hero

gets both humiliated and annihilated/convicted in court, the latter which in turn means that 30% of the people won't vote fo him under

any circumstances!!

And just think that is the best-case scenario!!
Aug 17, 2019
Twitter banned Trump immediately after the CIC fulfilled Section 334 of the Insurrection Act. They knew exactly what he did.

The moment the REAL insurrection paperwork was complete and "Biden" sworn in, the military stormed the White House at 3:00am and arrested everybody, fully documented by a video I posted a while back.

Only people residing in Tardville unable/unwilling to read Laws and Orders still deny any of this happening. LOL

We not only told tards, we showed them, like always.

But they are so buried in ignorance and hate they refuse to see it.

And they will deny it until the end.

Satan controls them and is walking them into eternal hell.

Very very sad.

Nov 11, 2007
Judging by what sbd has written today and for that matter the last few days, he really needs to check Amazona, eBay, etc to find/buy

some new material because the responses seem particularly forced, scripted, repetitive, vague, parrot-like in tone, boring

particularly taunting, and overall robotic as if an evil entity like the Borg from Star Trek wrote them!!

Back in a bit.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Have as much fun as you can in the first half of 2024, Trump supporters, because the second half is going to be brutal as your hero

gets both humiliated and annihilated/convicted in court, the latter which in turn means that 30% of the people won't vote fo him under

any circumstances!!

And just think that is the best-case scenario!!

The R nomination will be wrapped up in the first half of ‘24 by a landslide but please repeat it once more with all your years of experience and wisdom .

Trump will not be the R nominee .


Nov 11, 2007
The R nomination will be wrapped up in the first half of ‘24 by a landslide but please repeat it once more with all your years of experience and wisdom .

Trump will not be the R nominee .

Since I haven't used up my one self-imposed one limit of one post to you per day, I am going to use one now.

The question is theoretical at this point but here goes:

If one or more of the Trump indictments are conducted BEFORE the 2024 Election and a verdict is rendered, what percentage chance

do you think that Trump will be convicted and why??

My response is 99% that he will be convicted simply because the evidence is so overwhelming that no court whether it be the court

trying him and/or the SCOTUS, there is no way they can find him innocent.

The one percent chance that he won't be is if somehow a diehard Trump supporter like you finds a way to become a member

of the jury and makes up his mind in advance that he Trump is innocent of all charges no matter what the evidence shows!!

This of course would result in a hung jiry.

Sep 5, 2010
In case you missed it.


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :santahat::santahat::santahat::santahat::santahat:

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