
Nov 11, 2007
In 1915, these two bullets collided during the Battle of Gallipoli. The chances of this happening was 1 in 1,000,000,000 or about 300x more likely than Biden winning the election without cheating.
View attachment 80581
1) Let's see the link and source of these statistics.

2) Tell us YOUR "college statistical background" to claim that what you posted is true!!

3) Please tell us why every recount, audit, legal challenge including to Trump's packed SCOTUS FAILED and didn't indicate anything that

Biden won and Trump lost!!

Yeah I know all the proof was provided in the fu king mule movie which drew its conclusions FIRST to get fools to the box office

to embrace this shit and then AFTERWARDS to go out and find some selective pieces ONLY to support the unproved drivel!!

Yeah, folks like you who are unable to and/or refuse to accept reality should give yourself a pat on the back!! lol

ps Perhaps if you wagered too much on Trump in 2016, you will have learned a lesson and next time bet with your head rather than

you heart!!
Sep 12, 2022
In 1915, these two bullets collided during the Battle of Gallipoli. The chances of this happening was 1 in 1,000,000,000 or about 300x more likely than Biden winning the election without cheating.
View attachment 80581

This is both funny and true!

I would LOVE to be a bookie for the Tards this coming election. Taking their money would be like taking candy from a baby.

Nov 11, 2007

This is both funny and true!

I would LOVE to be a bookie for the Tards this coming election. Taking their money would be like taking candy from a baby.
And yet I openly challenged to bet me starting at $100 that Trump will not be elected POTUS in 2024 and like the wimp

you are, you refused to accept it!!

Sep 5, 2010
close your eyes road scum and say it to yourself 3x in a row, then turn around and open your eyes. YOU ARE STILL DUMB
Remember trump said he likes his followers to be stupid.

In this thread he hit the ultra low iqanon jackpot.




Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

Get ready for the red tsunami.


:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: 🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Sep 5, 2010
And yet I openly challenged to bet me starting at $100 that Trump will not be elected POTUS in 2024 and like the wimp

you are, you refused to accept it!!
You know that just his name he's a loser.

And probably doesn't have a 100 bucks.


Nov 11, 2007
Still bitching and complaining about the 2020 Election over three years later is very immature in itself but taking it to the point

where one cannot deal with it emotionally speaking, that is clearly the case in this thread, especially with sheriff joe and followed

by sbd, and the need to conjure upon projections and delusions that will magically restore/devolution him is way outside the

boundaries of accepted normal behavior.

Then when one considers that these folks have to post the same mantra day in and day out to reach out and to try to calm their own

inner turmoil and imagine that throngs of people agree with them when in fact no one other than of their own rare same ilk does,

you have a situation defined by psychosis, and conscious feelings of grandeur but in fact in reality one which on a subconscious

level which can be summed up as a combination of anger, frustration, disappointment inability to change what is to what one wants it

to be!!

Most people when they attain adult status, outgrow these immature, childish manner of dealing with adversity of this mature,

but as is the case with most things, there are always exceptions to the rule, and I cannot think of anyone better to use as an example

of this sheriff joe himself, who literally stole this thread from sbd and attempted to make himself the straw who stirs the


Sep 5, 2010
Still bitching and complaining about the 2020 Election over three years later is very immature in itself but taking it to the point

where one cannot deal with it emotionally speaking, that is clearly the case in this thread, especially with sheriff joe and followed

by sbd, and the need to conjure upon projections and delusions that will magically restore/devolution him is way outside the

boundaries of accepted normal behavior.

Then when one considers that these folks have to post the same mantra day in and day out to reach out and to try to calm their own

inner turmoil and imagine that throngs of people agree with them when in fact no one other than of their own rare same ilk does,

you have a situation defined by psychosis, and conscious feelings of grandeur but in fact in reality one which on a subconscious

level which can be summed up as a combination of anger, frustration, disappointment inability to change what is to what one wants it

to be!!

Most people when they attain adult status, outgrow these immature, childish manner of dealing with adversity of this mature,

but as is the case with most things, there are always exceptions to the rule, and I cannot think of anyone better to use as an example

of this sheriff joe himself, who literally stole this thread from sbd and attempted to make himself the straw who stirs the

It really had to hurt the egos of these ultra low iqanons when their god got beat by 8 million votes by a guy campaigning from his basement.

They all look like very ignorant schmucks,and they are.

Losers at best.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Sep 5, 2010
What a humorous read.

Fox News’ Neil Cavuto Reads Viewer ‘Hate Mail’ From MAGA Supporters​

Some get it.

Ultra low iqanons will be offended.

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::santahat::pig::pig::pig::pig::santahat::santahat::santahat::santahat::santahat:
Sep 12, 2022

1914 Christmas Truce -- Satanists Hold Us Hostage​

December 24, 2023

On Christmas 1914, British and German soldiers fraternized and refused to kill each other. Christmas reminded them that they had more in common with Jesus Christ and the Gospel of Love than with the Cabalist (Satanist) bankers who had contrived this war in order to kill them.

Their refusal to comply is a reminder that this war against civilization has not abetted. Covid is nothing but the flu re-branded. But this psy op is an attack on humanity like World War One. Wars are conjured up like pandemics. "Vaccines" are as deadly as rifle bullets.

"To the consternation of field commanders on both sides, some of the troops were reluctant to return to fighting. In several areas, men were ordered to restart the hostilities under penalty of court martial."


Traditional Christmas Carols

listen while your read this article

"The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I was over 37 million: over 16 million deaths and 20 million wounded, ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history."

"The government of the Western nations, whether monarchical or republican, had passed into the invisible hands of a plutocracy, international in power and grasp. It was, I venture to suggest, this semi-occult power which ... pushed the mass of the American people into the cauldron of World War I." Major General J.F.C. Fuller (1878-1966) Decisive Battles of the U.S.A., 1776-1918, (1942) p.396

from Dec. 25, 2019
by Kieran Dunn

It Is a story worth retelling
. Few realize that just over a century ago, the Christian nations of the world were at war.

Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, and Coptic Christians had taken up arms against one another. They had set aside the teachings of Jesus where he said to "love your enemy" and were now engaged in a calamitous war.

By Christmas, it was evident that this 'quick war' was not soon to be over as the politicians had promised. Pope Benedict XV, left, had proposed a Christmas cease, but it was rejected as 'impossible' by both sides.

Alfred Anderson of the British Expeditionary Force was just 18 years old and was at the front on Christmas Eve 1914, when the unthinkable happened. German and British soldiers began to sing Christmas carols while hunkered down in their respective trenches. Soon a truce between the combatants was established, and men who were enemies a few hours before began to greet one another and exchange gifts.

In other areas along the front, German troops set up small trees on the parapet of their trenches, decorated them with lit candles, and began singing carols. Soon many British troops along the front in this area began to sing along. British and French troops began to see Germans posting signs saying, "YOU NO FIGHT; WE NO FIGHT."

Some British units improvised 'MERRY CHRISTMAS' banners and waited for a response. In a short period of time, what the governments of the combatants could not do, pockets of German, French, and British troops arranged a spontaneous truce, and soldiers left their trenches.

(British and German soldiers standing together)

Up and down the line, men who hours earlier had sought to kill the other, met in 'no-man's land' to shake hands, share rations, chocolate cake, cognac, postcards, newspapers, tobacco, and (more solemnly) bury their dead.

Kurt Zehmisch, another BEF eyewitness recorded in his diary: "The English brought a soccer ball from the trenches, and pretty soon a lively game ensued. How marvelously wonderful, yet how strange it was; Christmas, the celebration of Love, managing to bring mortal enemies together as friends for a time."

This informal truce, which also included some French and Belgian troops, was largely over by New Year's Day. German and British soldiers reluctantly parted, in the words of Pvt. Percy Jones of the Westminster Brigade, "with much hand-shaking and mutual goodwill."

On January 1, 1915, the London Times published a letter from a Medical Corps Major reporting that in his sector, the British played a game against the Germans and were beaten 3-2. Men had exchanged gifts and buttons. Soldiers who had been barbers gave free haircuts. One German, a juggler, gave an impromptu performance of his routine in the center of 'no-man's land.'

German and Allied commanders tried to cover up the impromptu ceasefire. French generals could not fathom why their soldiers disobeyed orders and joined the forbidden Christmas truce. To the consternation of field commanders on both sides, some of the troops were reluctant to return to fighting. In several areas, men were ordered to restart the hostilities under penalty of court martial.

In Germany, it was not given wide publicity, and quietly the High Command replaced most front-line units that took part in the ceasefire. Though caught off guard and embarrassed by the spontaneous truce, allied commanders made sure that there would be no repeat of the 1914 Christmas truce, and during subsequent Christmases had their troops engaging the enemy during the holiday.

(The movie)

The Christmas Truce of 1914 demonstrates how the common belief of a Savior born in Bethlehem shared between enemies can make even the bitterest of enemies friends.

When the British heard the Germans sing a song about a little baby born in a stable, they joined in singing "Silent Night."

It is astonishing how a song about a little newborn baby could move enemies to put down their weapons and embrace one another as friends.

When those on both sides of the trenches realized that the Christ they knew was also the Christ their adversary knew, what other response could there have been but to establish peace among brothers?

That is why this story is worth telling every Christmas. Christ came to bring peace and forgiveness of sins to a troubled world. The knowledge of Christ still brings liberty and peace to all who encounter Him.

The Christmas Truce of 1914 is a glowing testimony to the words spoken by an angel on that first Christmas so many years ago, "Peace on Earth, Good will toward all." Merry Christmas to all!

Related- Touching commercial dedicated to this event
-----------World War One - First Christian Holocaust
---------- Illuminati Bankers Instigated World War One
-----------Mass Murder on Somme 100 Years Ago
British and German troops in Afghanistan Commemorate 1914 Truce(Obviously they missed the point)


Dan Butler (1955-2018) wrote:

A few years ago, a Dr Thomas Weber
researched war diaries and period documents to reconstruct the 1914 Christmas Truce.

He found evidence that a lot of soldiers attempted to initiate repeat truces in 1915 and 1916, but by then the division commanders on both sides had orders to use snipers to shoot any soldiers seen coming out of their trenches unarmed.

It actually was the singing of mutually familiar Christmas songs that prompted the soldiers to approach each other without their weapons. During modern battles soldiers were driven by adrenaline fuelled brutality, which turned to remorse at rest in the trenches between battles. The break from the sheer inhumanity of what they doing, probably kept a lot of them from losing their humanity forever. The sad fact is that most of the ones that participated in the 1914 truce didn't survive the war.

Dr Weber also mentioned that the French soldiers didn't participate in the first truce; just British and Germans.

Another one that didn't approve of the truce along with the division commanders and the French was regimental headquarters front line courier corporal Hitler. At least, that's what one of Hitler's brigade, Heinrich Lugauer, recorded in his war diary. Weber quoted him; "When everyone was talking about the Christmas 1914 fraternization with the Englishmen, Hitler revealed himself to be its bitter opponent. He said, 'Something like this should not even be up for discussion during wartime."


Nov 11, 2007
Still bitching and complaining about the 2020 Election over three years later is very immature in itself but taking it to the point

where one cannot deal with it emotionally speaking, that is clearly the case in this thread, especially with sheriff joe and followed

by sbd, and the need to conjure upon projections and delusions that will magically restore/devolution him is way outside the

boundaries of accepted normal behavior.

Then when one considers that these folks have to post the same mantra day in and day out to reach out and to try to calm their own

inner turmoil and imagine that throngs of people agree with them when in fact no one other than of their own rare same ilk does,

you have a situation defined by psychosis, and conscious feelings of grandeur but in fact in reality one which on a subconscious

level which can be summed up as a combination of anger, frustration, disappointment inability to change what is to what one wants it

to be!!

Most people when they attain adult status, outgrow these immature, childish manner of dealing with adversity of this mature,

but as is the case with most things, there are always exceptions to the rule, and I cannot think of anyone better to use as an example

of this sheriff joe himself, who literally stole this thread from sbd and attempted to make himself the straw who stirs the


Nov 11, 2007
Beginning at 12:00 AM today through 11:59 Christmas Night in the spirit of Christmas I will not be offering anything in the way of my own

negative commentary!!

That does not necessarily mean however that I will not post negative matters from others during that time!!

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