
Nov 11, 2007
The only thing savage1 ever told the forum to buy, and buy aggressively, was BTC at 68,000, that it was going to 250,000.

So, yes he's STILL down 26k as of the post yesterday.

Beyond BTC, he never tells you what to buy, or at what price, he just brags about how much he makes after the fact.

Typical Monday morning QB.

Meanwhile, the op has not only shared "what" to buy but the "whens" and "prices".

And just like everything else the op has shared over the last 3.5+ years, he has been right, and with pinpoint accuracy.
Again a total lie!!

As I said a few days ago, Paul Mampilly, a multi-millionaire investor who just retired about a year ago because he made

so many RIGHT calls as opposed to a few like with Bitcoin, is the one who said that it was going to 250,000 not me.

I didn't buy nor advocate that anyone buy any at 68 or whatever price you claim!!

I have a very nice profit kn GBTC, thank you!!

And like a scamdicapper who lies regularly and doesn't talk about his wrong picks, even if you did make a RARE right

call here, in addition to your 100% failed daily hundreds if not thousands of predictions about Trump's devolution, you fail

to mention all of the WRONG calls you made re; the stock market when it was soaring and predicted that the

Dow Jones would crash and go to the 3000-4000 range!!

While it did take a big hit, it did not go anywhere down to what you predicted!!

How about talking about that!!

And for that matter, as I, wilbur, schmirt et all, have DOCUMENTED, just about all of your predictions about anything have failed to come


You and LOSER Lang would make a great time that's for sure!!

The very fact that you pretend to have had me on ignore for the last three years is a clear indication that you realize that if you

chose to openly go up against me face to face with topics, like Trump's devolution, GITMO, that Trump won the 2020 Election,

won ALL fifty states, and got over 90% of the popular vote in so doing and your laughable attention-seeking claim without

and an ounce of proof that HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF VACCINATED PEOPLE IN THE WORLD HAVE DIED, I would destroy you

in minutes the same way that many intelligent and objective people could and would!!

But hey even the KC Royals and Oakland A's win a game once in a while, and if their fans want to take solace in that in the same

manner as you do in finally getting a prediction right, then great!!

Much more importantly though it doesn't change one iota who and what you are as a human being your overall

positive view of Trump, praise for Putin and Kim Jong-un, etc. and so much more that relegates you to the bottom of the totem pole

in this time and place of your current existence on this planet!!

Sep 5, 2010
For your reading pleasure.

amassing this group of internet trolls and general weirdos

Sounds like the ultra low iqanons in this thread.




Soon,real soon.

Get ready for the return.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Sep 5, 2010
We have it all.

Conviction imminent.

Soon, real soon.





Nov 11, 2007
For your reading pleasure.

amassing this group of internet trolls and general weirdos

Sounds like the ultra low iqanons in this thread.




Soon,real soon.

Get ready for the return.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
As I said yesterday, with the checks and balances in place, I am not so sure that if Trump is nominated and elected POTUS,

he could implicate and get away with all of the stuff he could in another country if elected!!

That said, all of the fear being expressed by the media that he could is great because it can and will have the intended

effect of scaring people away and not voting for him and/or voting for his opponent!!

For me anything goes that will keep the piece of human dreck out of the White House short of assassination I supposed,

and for that matter, if a modern day Paladin emerged and took care of business, you wouldn't see my lamenting his loss!!

Nov 11, 2007

Would Joe Biden be running again if Donald Trump wasn't on ballot? Maybe not, he says

"We cannot let him win," Joe Biden says of former President Donald Trump, warning that democracy is on the ballot in 2024 election.

Imo this may be a feeler/test balloon to see what kind of reaction it brings and possibly an early indicator that he

has no intention of running at all even if Trump is not the nominee!!

Nov 11, 2007
The only sure thing is that I offered a challenge to roadreeler yesterday regarding accepting the verdict of any Trump


I stated that I would abide by it even if he was found innocent.

I asked her if she would do the same, and as in the case of all of the other Trump wimps in this thread, she ran away and hid and

did not respond!!

These folks should hold hands with the Cowardly Lion and walk down the Yellow Brick Road to seek out the help of the

Wizard to get some badly needed courage because at the moment they are folks who can talk the talk but who flee for the

hills when in this case are openly challenged to do something as well as of course retreating into hiding those few who

don't pretend to have me on ignore and have no response to what I offer to them!!
Sep 12, 2022
The only thing savage1 ever told the forum to buy, and buy aggressively, was BTC at 68,000, that it was going to 250,000.

So, yes he's STILL down 26k as of the post yesterday.

Beyond BTC, he never tells you what to buy, or at what price, he just brags about how much he makes after the fact.

Typical Monday morning QB.

Meanwhile, the op has not only shared "what" to buy but the "whens" and "prices".

And just like everything else the op has shared over the last 3.5+ years, he has been right, and with pinpoint accuracy.
It is incredible that one person - Salvage - could be so dreadfully wrong about virtually everything. I'm wondering if we should take him off Ignore, ask him for investment tips, and then GO THE OPPOSITE of everything he says. We'd all make a killing.
Sep 12, 2022

The worthless shitbag loser Kevin McCarthy has announced that he will be resigning from Congress. He’ll be gone before 2024 rolls around.

JUST IN: Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announces he's resigning from Congress and will leave at the end of this year
— unusual_whales (@unusual_whales) December 6, 2023
To hell with this traitor.

I’m not going to bother going over all the ins and outs as to why McCarthy was such a wretched figure as that should be obvious to anybody who is a regular reader of this site.

What’s interesting is how people are concerned that his resignation could make the Republican majority in the House even smaller. This is not something I could give a damn about. What have Republicans done with the slim House majority outside of holding pointless hearings about Hunter Biden’s sex life and posting endless rubbish on social media? It took them almost a full year just to release the J6 tapes but only after McCarthy was forced out as House Speaker. They’ve spent the remainder of their time telling us how much they love Israel as they do a genocide in Gaza.

The American political system is such a farce. The fact that this clown rose to one of the highest political offices in the land is a testament to what a farce it is. He will not be missed. Maybe if we are lucky he will die of GRIDS so we can piss on his grave.

Nov 11, 2007
It is incredible that one person - Salvage - could be so dreadfully wrong about virtually everything. I'm wondering if we should take him off Ignore, ask him for investment tips, and then GO THE OPPOSITE of everything he says. We'd all make a killing.
If you did take me off ignore, the first thing I would ask you, actually challenge to, is whether you would care to wager on who has a bigger

net worth, me or you, with the money to be held in escrow with an agreed-upon party!!

In your case, I would even spot you one million dollars in the wager!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Do our TARDS realize the "experts" who told them to "follow the science" never actually "followed the science" themselves?

"Masks, lockdowns and jabs for thee, but not for me!"

👉Tedros from The WHO admitted he never took the vaccine.

👉Head of Pfizer, Alberto Borla, also said he did not take the vaccine as he had strong immunity.

👉Members of Congress were exempt from Covid mandates, along with just about every other govt agency. Oh, AND illegal invaders. Don't forget them!

👉Ditto for govt members and every agency around the world.

👉Bill Gate's children never even received their childhood jabs.

Do our TARDS understand how badly they are PLAYED by PURE EVIL actors over and over again on a daily basis? That the BIOWEAPON they were TOLD was "protecting them" KILLS, causes CANCER & AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES?

And they STILL think "Trump" is the problem?

And they STILL believe Anons and Digital Soldiers are spreading "misinformation" and "conspiracy theories" because their fact-chokers tell them so?

So let's review..


(Yes, "Q Elon" is part of the Great Awakening and KNOWS everything)

Remember what I've said..


You accept the fact we're on YOUR SIDE telling you the TRUTH and PROTECTING YOU inspite of your stupid gullible FAKE NEWS-viewing self, and slowly take all the redpills one-by-one...


Those redpill suppositories are going to be shoved so far up your ass resulting in extreme discomfort and pain the moment cognitive dissonance kicks in.

Your choice.

We are NOT the enemy.

Until you realize this, we'll keep fighting for you posting RECEIPT after RECEIPT until you WAKE UP!


Nov 11, 2007
Do our TARDS realize the "experts" who told them to "follow the science" never actually "followed the science" themselves?

"Masks, lockdowns and jabs for thee, but not for me!"

👉Tedros from The WHO admitted he never took the vaccine.

👉Head of Pfizer, Alberto Borla, also said he did not take the vaccine as he had strong immunity.

👉Members of Congress were exempt from Covid mandates, along with just about every other govt agency. Oh, AND illegal invaders. Don't forget them!

👉Ditto for govt members and every agency around the world.

👉Bill Gate's children never even received their childhood jabs.

Do our TARDS understand how badly they are PLAYED by PURE EVIL actors over and over again? That the BIOWEAPON they believed was "protecting them" KILLS, causes CANCER & AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES?

And they STILL think "Trump" is the problem?

And they STILL believe Anons and Digital Soldiers are spreading "misinformation" and "conspiracy theories" because their fact-chokers tell them so?

So let's review..


(Yes, "Q Elon" is part of the Great Awakening and KNOWS everything)

Remember what I've said..


You accept the fact we're on YOUR SIDE telling you the TRUTH and PROTECTING YOU inspite of your stupid gullible FAKE NEWS-viewing self, and slowly take all the redpills one-by-one...


Those redpill suppositories are going to be shoved so far up your ass resulting in extreme discomfort and pain the moment cognitive dissonance kicks in.

Your choice.

Until then, we'll keep fighting for you until you WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Try using that kind of "logic and reasoning" in a court to prove that the vaccine kills as well as sbd's allegation that "hundreds of vaccinated

people have died in the world" with ZERO proof and see how far it gets you, ie before the judge tells you to go the fu k

home and come up when you have some REAL PROOF, EVIDENCE AND DOCUMENTATION!!

Nov 11, 2007
Try using that kind of "logic and reasoning" in a court to prove that the vaccine kills as well as sbd's allegation that "hundreds of vaccinated

people have died in the world" with ZERO proof and see how far it gets you, ie before the judge tells you to go the fu k

home and come up when you have some REAL PROOF, EVIDENCE AND DOCUMENTATION!!
I just pulled just one of your many lies stated above to prove my point that not only are you an attention-seeking delusional

whack job but also a LIAR!!

Here you go, sheriff joey hoey/DUMMY:


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