
Nov 11, 2007
As I said yesterday, with the checks and balances in place, I am not so sure that if Trump is nominated and elected POTUS,

he could implicate and get away with all of the stuff he could in another country if elected!!

That said, all of the fear being expressed by the media that he could is great because it can and will have the intended

effect of scaring people away and not voting for him and/or voting for his opponent!!

For me anything goes that will keep the piece of human dreck out of the White House short of assassination I supposed,

and for that matter, if a modern day Paladin emerged and took care of business, you wouldn't see my lamenting his loss!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Also the flight logs have been pretty much public info for years now
and what is going on is that people seeking truth want this to be on the OFFICIAL RECORDS.
This is a VERY important point.

Nothing the public will learn we don't already know.

The greatest challenge has always been to get all the Deep State crimes on the official record.

You see the resistance at every level. The latest example, Dirk "Turban" Durbin blocking the release of the Epstein flight logs, which as you point out, have been in the public domain for years.

How do you get evidence entered legally?

Who has all the information?


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
For those who don’t know how the Epstein honeypot worked, allow me to explain.

Epstein was a CIA/Mossad asset, who lured powerful people into compromising situations with minors, then would control them via blackmail.

They sought out the Crown, US Presidents, Saudi oil lords, anyone with power or influence. See Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, and George Bush below.

The Epstein situation is so much more than just rich pedos trafficking minors. It was an intelligence operation by nefarious entities, to essentially control global policy decision via blackmail.

Maxwell and Epstein would hang out at other events that billionaires and powerful people hung out at, such as Trump’s resorts. They would network, attempt to establish friendships, and penetrate inner circles of powerful people in the ruling class. Then eventually try to lure them to the island once it was purchased in 1998.

So it’s no coincidence that Epstein and Maxwell were seen at events with Trump, Clinton, Kennedy, Elon, Prince Charles, Bill Gates. Why? Because they were seeking out the richest and most powerful people on earth in an attempt to control them. It’s no accident they crossed paths. It was a honeypot operation.

My point is, that just because someone was associated with Epstein does not mean they were guilty of crimes against minors. It means that nefarious intelligence assets attempted to compromise that person. It worked on some. Not all.


Nov 11, 2007
This is a VERY important point.

Nothing the public will learn we don't already know.

The greatest challenge has always been to get all the Deep State crimes on the official record.

You see the resistance at every level. The latest example, Dirk "Turban" Durbin blocking the release of the Epstein flight logs, which as you point out, have been in the public domain for years.

How do you get evidence entered legally?

Who has all the information?

Who has all the information?

It sure as hell isn't you with your most noteworthy "credentials" being hundreds if not thousands of daily FAILED predictions over

the last three years of Trump's devolution is "IMMINENT!! lol

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
This is soooo spot on


I lol at all the supposed Smart Conservatives who respond
JUST LIKE LIBS when faced with uncomfortable truths....

Then all of the sudden..there is no DS in Israel, Doctors and CDC said the vax it was safe, dudes on hanggliders penentrated a powerful a powerful military defense , jet fuel causes solid steel structures to collapse in its own footprint, and whatever other Brainwashed falsehood they can conjur up JUST to AVOID REALITY

FUK all the LEFT ,RIGHT bullshit.....but having said that Im still confident that the majority of reasonable people will
EVENTUALLY be compelled to discover the truth on their own , so like Joe I will NOT stop posting it so long as physically able.
Sep 12, 2022
Do our TARDS realize the "experts" who told them to "follow the science" never actually "followed the science" themselves?

"Masks, lockdowns and jabs for thee, but not for me!"

👉Tedros from The WHO admitted he never took the vaccine.

👉Head of Pfizer, Alberto Borla, also said he did not take the vaccine as he had strong immunity.

👉Members of Congress were exempt from Covid mandates, along with just about every other govt agency. Oh, AND illegal invaders. Don't forget them!

👉Ditto for govt members and every agency around the world.

👉Bill Gate's children never even received their childhood jabs.

Do our TARDS understand how badly they are PLAYED by PURE EVIL actors over and over again on a daily basis? That the BIOWEAPON they were TOLD was "protecting them" KILLS, causes CANCER & AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES?

And they STILL think "Trump" is the problem?

And they STILL believe Anons and Digital Soldiers are spreading "misinformation" and "conspiracy theories" because their fact-chokers tell them so?

So let's review..


(Yes, "Q Elon" is part of the Great Awakening and KNOWS everything)

Remember what I've said..


You accept the fact we're on YOUR SIDE telling you the TRUTH and PROTECTING YOU inspite of your stupid gullible FAKE NEWS-viewing self, and slowly take all the redpills one-by-one...


Those redpill suppositories are going to be shoved so far up your ass resulting in extreme discomfort and pain the moment cognitive dissonance kicks in.

Your choice.

We are NOT the enemy.

Until you realize this, we'll keep fighting for you posting RECEIPT after RECEIPT until you WAKE UP!

I'm not surprised at all that Bill Gates has refused to "vaccinate" any of his children. It saddens me to think of anyone going to hell, but if there's one person who deserves to be thrown into the lake of fire for all eternity, it's Gates and his cohorts.
Sep 12, 2022
This is soooo spot on


I lol at all the supposed Smart Conservatives who respond
JUST LIKE LIBS when faced with uncomfortable truths....

Then all of the sudden..there is no DS in Israel, Doctors and CDC said the vax it was safe, dudes on hanggliders penentrated a powerful a powerful military defense , jet fuel causes solid steel structures to collapse in its own footprint, and whatever other Brainwashed falsehood they can conjur up JUST to AVOID REALITY

FUK all the LEFT ,RIGHT bullshit.....but having said that Im still confident that the majority of reasonable people will
EVENTUALLY be compelled to discover the truth on their own , so like Joe I will NOT stop posting it so long as physically able.
You guys are doing great work.

Nov 11, 2007

Nov 11, 2007
From what I have seen from this obnoxious, arrogant, insulting and know-it-all punk, I say someone should "ram a salami"

up Ramaswami's ass!!

He isn't as putrid and vile as Trump yet because he is a lot younger, but at the rate he is going, in time he has a good chance

to catch and even overtake him!!!

Sep 21, 2004
There is no secret that like shit tons of POWERFUL people that Epstein and Ghislaine connected with like
DJT are on the Epstein Flight list

for flights between NY/NJ and FL

The ones who have been to Epstein Island MULTIPLE times are the ones of CONCERN
(Maybe even once is a concern, but I have to be fair and consider that some MIGHT not have known the extent of what happened on the island and NEVER returned)

Also the flight logs have been pretty much public info for years now
and what is going on is that people seeking truth want this to be on the OFFICIAL RECORDS.

Publish list here... TY 🍻

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Elon Knows
Can you imagine being sooooo BRAINWASHED that you keep denying a thing that the BADDIES have ALREADY admitted doing......

Oh that is just in the Jason Bourne
Their is a reason Q references Jason Bourne when talking about MK ULTRA, it is because people know who that character is ....the same methods are used on sick and otherwise weak and gullible people in order to carry out dastardly deeds.....

Sep 12, 2022

Norman Lear, Whose Comedies Changed the Face of TV, Is Dead at 101​


Rebuttal By​

Heads up, Satan. Incoming!

Last week, we paid our delightful disrespects to the departed centenarian, Henry Kissinger (cough cough). Now comes word that centenarian Norman Lear (cough cough) has also assumed room temperature. Even by the standards of Hollyweird, this legend of the Left was overtly political; and injected as much poison as he could into his culture-shaping "sitcoms" -- toxins which later flowed through the American blood stream and into every local capillary.

Lear was born in Connecticut to parents of Russian Jewish lineage (think Bolsheviks). When Norman was nine years old, Papa Lear went to prison for selling fake bonds -- just sayin'. During World War II, Lear served as a radio man and gunner in a bomber squadron. Though most of the action he was involved with was over German-occupied portions of Italy and Greece, he surely must have taken great delight during several missions which attacked, crushed, incinerated and suffocated the civilian population of Germany itself.

After the war, Lear pursued a career in public relations. That soon led to a job as a Hollywood writer. He became famous during the 1970s for creating and producing popular CBS sitcoms, including All in the Family, Maude -- and the all-Black shows: Sanford and Son, Good Times, and The Jeffersons --- though the latter did feature two regular White characters (Tom Willis & Mr. Bentley) predictably cast in the role of goofy buffoons.

Lear, and his producing partner, Bud Yorkin (cough cough), clearly had a definite agenda to impose a disproportionate number of Black characters upon the 85% White American viewing audience of those days. This was not to uplift the position of "minorities," of course --- but rather, to begin the "long march" to condition Christian White America to accept its Godless, homosexualized and "Kalergified" future of genocide-by-attrition.

1. Co-producers Bud Yorkin (l) and Norman Lear // 2. "Tom Willis" of "The Jeffersons" was the buffonish white dullard ruled by his strong and intelligent Black wife. // 3. The goofy bumbling Englishman "Mr. Bentley" was also routinely mocked by the Black characters.

*Editor's Note: I recall enjoying this "comedy" and the catchy jingle when I was a clueless kid! (Well we movin' on up....movin' on up ... to the east side)

Youse after-boomers must understand that in those days, with only three major Jewish-run TV stations -- (no cable -- no streaming - no internet -- no I-phones etc) -- the "Big 3" networks (Paloff's CBS, Goldenson's ABC & Sarnoff's NBC) had a massive captive TV audience. Of Lear's CBS hits, All in the Family was, by far, the biggest and most enduring of his sitcoms. Yes, it was a witty and well-acted show. That was the hook. The poison pill was the portrayal of the Republican character, Archie Bunker, as a mean, ignorant, reactionary racist who gets either attacked or sarcastically mocked by the "smarter" liberal characters at every turn.

Each show had a political message ---such as the bashing of President Richard Nixon -- or the pathetic portrayal of "Edith" as a stupid and slavish suburban housewife -- or preaching about racism.

Speaking of Nixon, he and his close aide, Robert Erlichman, can be heard on one of the famous White House tapes expressing their utter disgust with a particular episode which sympathetically cast a rough and tough ex-football player coming out as homosexual to a flabbergasted Archie -- who had idolized him.

Erlichman: The general trend is to downgrade him (Archie) and upgrade the hippy son-in-law.

Nixon: That's right .... God dammit! I do not think that you glorify, on public television, homosexuality. You know what happened to the Greeks. Homosexuality destroyed them .... The last six Roman Emperors were fags. Homosexuality, and immorality in general, are the enemies of strong societies. That's why communists and left wingers are pushing it. They're trying to destroy us."

* Tell it, Mr. President. Tell it!

In 1980, Lear founded the anti-Christian activist organization People for the American Way -- which went on to set up the website "Right Wing Watch" in 2007 for the purpose of ratting out "extremists" and getting them boycotted or defunded.

Lear's well-funded and well-organized political activism could best be described as a lighter amalgamation of the ACLU and the Soros Groups. Needless to say, Lear despised Donald Trump.

Good riddance!
1 & 2. Erlichman and Nixon were disgusted over a scene in All in Family in which Archie's macho friend confides to Archie that he is a homosexual (quite shocking for 1971!). // 3. Lear's People For the American Way promotes Atheism, Marxism and homosexuality.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Norman Lear just passed away at 101. Boobus Americanus 2: All in the Family and the Jeffersons were American classics. * St Sugar: No, Boobus! They were Jew classsics created to desstroy the goyim!

Nov 11, 2007

Norman Lear, Whose Comedies Changed the Face of TV, Is Dead at 101​


Rebuttal By​

Heads up, Satan. Incoming!

Last week, we paid our delightful disrespects to the departed centenarian, Henry Kissinger (cough cough). Now comes word that centenarian Norman Lear (cough cough) has also assumed room temperature. Even by the standards of Hollyweird, this legend of the Left was overtly political; and injected as much poison as he could into his culture-shaping "sitcoms" -- toxins which later flowed through the American blood stream and into every local capillary.

Lear was born in Connecticut to parents of Russian Jewish lineage (think Bolsheviks). When Norman was nine years old, Papa Lear went to prison for selling fake bonds -- just sayin'. During World War II, Lear served as a radio man and gunner in a bomber squadron. Though most of the action he was involved with was over German-occupied portions of Italy and Greece, he surely must have taken great delight during several missions which attacked, crushed, incinerated and suffocated the civilian population of Germany itself.

After the war, Lear pursued a career in public relations. That soon led to a job as a Hollywood writer. He became famous during the 1970s for creating and producing popular CBS sitcoms, including All in the Family, Maude -- and the all-Black shows: Sanford and Son, Good Times, and The Jeffersons --- though the latter did feature two regular White characters (Tom Willis & Mr. Bentley) predictably cast in the role of goofy buffoons.

Lear, and his producing partner, Bud Yorkin (cough cough), clearly had a definite agenda to impose a disproportionate number of Black characters upon the 85% White American viewing audience of those days. This was not to uplift the position of "minorities," of course --- but rather, to begin the "long march" to condition Christian White America to accept its Godless, homosexualized and "Kalergified" future of genocide-by-attrition.

1. Co-producers Bud Yorkin (l) and Norman Lear // 2. "Tom Willis" of "The Jeffersons" was the buffonish white dullard ruled by his strong and intelligent Black wife. // 3. The goofy bumbling Englishman "Mr. Bentley" was also routinely mocked by the Black characters.

*Editor's Note: I recall enjoying this "comedy" and the catchy jingle when I was a clueless kid! (Well we movin' on up....movin' on up ... to the east side)

Youse after-boomers must understand that in those days, with only three major Jewish-run TV stations -- (no cable -- no streaming - no internet -- no I-phones etc) -- the "Big 3" networks (Paloff's CBS, Goldenson's ABC & Sarnoff's NBC) had a massive captive TV audience. Of Lear's CBS hits, All in the Family was, by far, the biggest and most enduring of his sitcoms. Yes, it was a witty and well-acted show. That was the hook. The poison pill was the portrayal of the Republican character, Archie Bunker, as a mean, ignorant, reactionary racist who gets either attacked or sarcastically mocked by the "smarter" liberal characters at every turn.

Each show had a political message ---such as the bashing of President Richard Nixon -- or the pathetic portrayal of "Edith" as a stupid and slavish suburban housewife -- or preaching about racism.

Speaking of Nixon, he and his close aide, Robert Erlichman, can be heard on one of the famous White House tapes expressing their utter disgust with a particular episode which sympathetically cast a rough and tough ex-football player coming out as homosexual to a flabbergasted Archie -- who had idolized him.

Erlichman: The general trend is to downgrade him (Archie) and upgrade the hippy son-in-law.

Nixon: That's right .... God dammit! I do not think that you glorify, on public television, homosexuality. You know what happened to the Greeks. Homosexuality destroyed them .... The last six Roman Emperors were fags. Homosexuality, and immorality in general, are the enemies of strong societies. That's why communists and left wingers are pushing it. They're trying to destroy us."

* Tell it, Mr. President. Tell it!

In 1980, Lear founded the anti-Christian activist organization People for the American Way -- which went on to set up the website "Right Wing Watch" in 2007 for the purpose of ratting out "extremists" and getting them boycotted or defunded.

Lear's well-funded and well-organized political activism could best be described as a lighter amalgamation of the ACLU and the Soros Groups. Needless to say, Lear despised Donald Trump.

Good riddance!
1 & 2. Erlichman and Nixon were disgusted over a scene in All in Family in which Archie's macho friend confides to Archie that he is a homosexual (quite shocking for 1971!). // 3. Lear's People For the American Way promotes Atheism, Marxism and homosexuality.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Norman Lear just passed away at 101. Boobus Americanus 2: All in the Family and the Jeffersons were American classics. * St Sugar: No, Boobus! They were Jew classsics created to desstroy the goyim!
Your neo-Nazi/fascist anti-Semitic hatred rears his ugly head once again!!

It is nor his/our fault that some of us happened to be born Jewish and have God-gifted/given talents and you were/do not!!

Sep 21, 2004
Is Trump in Prison?


If the leaders we have now get re-elected what will happen next. I don’t know nor does anyone else.

I’d rather have DJT/Ram their salami‘s down the throats of and end all the political BS. And the so-called investigations of the Bidens.

Nov 11, 2007
Is Trump in Prison?


If the leaders we have now get re-elected what will happen next. I don’t know nor does anyone else.

I’d rather have DJT/Ram their salami‘s down the throats of and end all the political BS. And the so-called investigations of the Bidens.
To that I say:

Most importantly, go Reds and Red Sox-lets have a rematch of the 1975 WS in 2024!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

And the Vatican.

"Gold shall destroy the Fed" - Q

I can already picture Donald John Trump on Mt Rushmore going down in history as the best ever!


Nov 11, 2007

RamaSALAMI/Up Ramaswami's ass doesn't appeal to very many people other than of course to other lowlife fascist/neo-Nazi

dreck several of whom post in this thread!!

Imo this guy ought to work for Mike Lindell, and to show how great and comfortable his pillows are, dive into the ocean with

one of them very snugly covering his nose and mouth, with his hands tied behind his back, and then dive into the ocean where an

"underwater bed" awaits him, and where he can lie down and get some PERMANENT "restful sleep!!"

How great a pillow that would be!! lol

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