
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Here you go, Trump fellators-lift that rug up again if it isn't too heavy to do so and sweep yet another bit of news that is too painful

for you to deal with !!

Once it became clear that he had lost the 2020 election, Trump began pushing the false claim that the vote had been rigged against him. But Trump has repeatedly denied the charges and insisted he did nothing wrong after the 2020 election. He similarly denied Tuesday’s allegations.

Wow . Didn’t know JackMeOff was a mind reader .

That claim is laughable.

He pushes false claims after knowing he lost .

Lol !

Nov 11, 2007
Imo an all-woman third-party ticket of Nikki Haley and Liz Cheney or vice versa vs Trump and Biden would have a decent chance

of winning for the simple reason that roughly half of the country's voters are voters, and most for varying reasons can't

stand either Trump or Biden!!

In short, the team I suggested would not only allow women to have a real choice and be counted but also with two women who are highly

qualified and who come without the controversy, issues and headaches surrounding Trump and Biden!!

I say bring it on!!

Even better for me and women would be a dream matchup of Haley/Cheney vs Michelle Obama and a qualified female running mate!!
I have never seen a better opportunity in my life than next year for a third-party candidate not only to run but to actually win-the timing

of it couldn't be better!!
Sep 12, 2022
Yes! This is what we've all been waiting for!


Three Slimes jewnalists combine to sound the alarm over the coming "authoritarian" ™ return of Boss Man Trump -- not as President, but, essentially, as a post-"Reichstag Fire" Fuehrer with a rubber stamp "far right" ™ Congress and Supreme Court in his hip pocket.

In light of the Slimes' recent unusual lapses into objectivity (by Slimes standards, that is), an astute "conspiracy theorist" ™ has got to wonder if this scary story is actually a veiled forced endorsement of Trump coming from a newspaper that is currently operating under military Continuity of Government submission.

In case you haven't noticed, the Judenpresse Armada, when writing of Trump these days, is imbuing him with a mystical aura of invincibility / inevitability. It matters not what obligatorily nasty things they continue to write about him because, by essentially crowning him as the Tyrant King in waiting, the Slimes and its fleet of following vessels are actually helping his campaign by legitimizing him while demoralizing Demonrat voters at the same time.

As opposed to the 2016 mantra of "Trump can't win!" -- the 2024 chant is "Trump is going to be a vengeful dictator and nothing can stop him!" Forget the necessarily negative spin. Trump couldn't buy better press publicity than this if he wanted to! Indeed, far from complaining about this rash of "dictator" articles now appearing in the press, Trump seems to be reveling in the assertion.

He even linked to one such story on his Truth Social page! That particular item was penned by Robert Kagan (or maybe, "Kagan?" - cough cough), that wicked ("New Pearl Harbor") PNAC Group 9-11 accomplice and husband of Ukraine warmonger Victoria Nuland (cough cough). The story even contained an image portraying Trump as Julius Caeser.


Trump shared the Washington Post / Kagan "inevitable dictator" article because he knows that it adds to his aura of inevitability.

From the NY Slimes article: "What would be different in a second Trump administration is not so much his character as his surroundings. Forces that somewhat contained his autocratic tendencies in his first term — staff members who saw their job as sometimes restraining him, a few congressional Republicans episodically willing to criticize or oppose him, a partisan balance on the Supreme Court — would all be weaker.

As a result, Mr. Trump’s and his advisers’ more extreme policy plans would have a greater prospect of becoming reality." * The very lengthy piece goes on to list some of the "authoritarian" ™ agenda items that cannot be stopped this time:
* The killing of the climate change hoax
* The final neutering of NATO
* The use of the military on US soil
* The mass deportation of alien invaders
* The end of "birthright" citizenship
* The use of the Justice Department to take "revenge" on enemies (Deep State)

The Slimes article (and also Kagan's Washington Compost piece) do not at all read like serious attempts to derail Trump. To the contrary, it all sounds more like a weather forecast of an unstoppable hurricane that is going to hit. In a marketing sense, this is known as "assumptive selling" -- which is why we suspect that the "paper of record" and others are "under submission."

The captive subjects of Normiedom have, by now, become so pissed off over inflation, stagnation, immigration, shrinking 401 Ks etc. that they are increasingly amenable to a "strongman." ™ Add the disaffected centrists and defecting liberals (especially "people of color" ™) to the massive majority which Trump actually had in 2020, and one begins to get an idea of the magnitude of the epic hurricane / tsunami combination coming in 2024.
1. As 2024 heats up, normies and newbies will appreciate "Crash Course NWO" --- now available internationally at Amazon / Kindle. Stock up now! // 2. The "strongmen" who" colluded" to take down The Cabal will soon show their cards to all of humanity.

Of course, we "Q Tards" know that the storm has already struck (Shhhh). The scum of the earth has, for the most part, already been eradicated "on the down low." What follows is strictly "Show Biz."

The reign of Trump the Terrible will showcase the recorded / replayed Tivo version -- so to speak -- for the benefit of the billions of normies worldwide who will, after suitable disclosure of various high crimes and horrors (election fraud, Epstein's Island logs, child sex traffic etc) -- not only accept the coming arrests and executions as live action; but also cheer as the punishments are meted out.

It had to be this way, and what is yet to come, no matter how scary to some, will also have to be that way.

Trust the Plan.
Sep 12, 2022
Blast from the past.....this happened 5 years ago at the Gathering of the DeepState via the Bush funeral

How can one look at the reactions, especially from Jeb and NOT THINK that whatever they saw---- IT was indeed significant.

It NEVER gets old

That was great. I'll never forget Jeb, looking like he was going to faint.

Sep 5, 2010
In case the ultra low iqanons missed it, AGAIN!

Trump torn apart by expert for his promise to fix economy: 'Create massive price shock'​

"You might not be happy about how prices look so far in the Biden presidency," concluded Rampell. "But given Trump’s instincts and past choices, be assured it could be so much worse."

Someday you stupid fuckers will grow a brain and ditch the orange encrusted buffoon that you think is god.

But I wouldn't bet on it.




Soon, real soon.

Red tsunami

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig:

Red tsunami


Nov 11, 2007
In case the ultra low iqanons missed it, AGAIN!

Trump torn apart by expert for his promise to fix economy: 'Create massive price shock'​

"You might not be happy about how prices look so far in the Biden presidency," concluded Rampell. "But given Trump’s instincts and past choices, be assured it could be so much worse."

Someday you stupid fuckers will grow a brain and ditch the orange encrusted buffoon that you think is god.

But I wouldn't bet on it.




Soon, real soon.

Red tsunami

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig:

Red tsunami

"First, a caveat. Contrary to popular perception, presidents do not actually control economic conditions, whether that’s inflation, jobs or anything else," she wrote.

"Presidents generally get too much credit when things are good and too much blame when things are bad. Their policy choices mostly affect things only around the edges, especially in the short term."

Try telling Trump fellator Lenny Lenbo about getting too much credit when things are good and too much blame.

In the last week or so I have sent him heading for the hills three or four times with no direct response to my question

why for example he blamed Biden 100% when gas prices were soaring but ZERO credit when they took a dramatic fall

and fell for 60 or so consecutive days

But then again that should not be surprising for Lenny who has taken it upon himself to act as a human condom for Trump

and deify him like this neo-Nazi/fascist/criminal/lying POS never even considered doing anything in intent let alone do it

as well as distinguishing himself by not even telling ONE LIE during his four years as POTUS let alone over 33,000 ones!!

Worst of it and as I have said before, it is pretty sad when someone like Lenny in his fifties still cannot tie his umbilical

cord to Trump because of this fear that his own life cannot go on without "daddy" Trump representing the core of

his existence!!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
That is why I have always believed their is no DATES per se.....yes there are dates that are referenced and tied to tweets HOWEVER a timeline of when its done is open....

I think it depends on how much people awake and are accepting of certain news....I can tell right now that people would RIOT if the whole truth were shown at one time, it would be chaos

However if the people are shown the proof over and over then THEY BECOME the ones who want a change, they will have no choice but to reject the current system.


The People
Sep 12, 2022
That is why I have always believed their is no DATES per se.....yes there are dates that are referenced and tied to tweets HOWEVER a timeline of when its done is open....

I think it depends on how much people awake and are accepting of certain news....I can tell right now that people would RIOT if the whole truth were shown at one time, it would be chaos

However if the people are shown the proof over and over then THEY BECOME the ones who want a change, they will have no choice but to reject the current system.


The People
I guess you could say that if the average person wasn't so STUPID, the swamp would already be drained.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Awakening the People to this Deep State Cabal horror show was ALWAYS "The Plan", otherwise true justice could never be served and "the swamp" would never be drained.

Once you see the breathtaking scale of "The Plan" you begin to understand that "Shock and Awe'ing" the public by making a bunch of public arrests and calling it a day would have never worked.

The military does NOT want even the appearance of a military coup.

The military does NOT want civil war, or even a repeat of Summer of Love 2020.

Optics matter.

If someone is dying of thirst in the desert, you don't point a firehose at him full blast. It's a slow process with little bits and pieces at a time. Drip, drip, drip... Perhaps aggravatingly slow for Anons since all these Deep State crimes are "old hat" to us, but a reality we have to accept.

YOU KNOW because YOU CHOOSE to know. But what about everyone else?

Ongoing Operations (arrests, executions etc.) behind the scenes is the easy part. The hard part is, HOW do you tell the sheep? WHEN do you tell the sheep?

It's very fluid. Not even President Trump knows the exact hour and day the public will be brought up to speed and to what degree. Bossman said it himself in 2022 when he stepped up to the podium on election night 👉 "not enough people awake yet." Groan!

Leading up to 2022, I personally thought there was a good chance he'd be back before that election because he left it wide open with many vague comments. Because it's not up to Trump - it's up to the PEOPLE.

If the legal system is so corrupt, how do White Hats introduce evidence legally? Well, the Deep State waited 3 years to indict, did they not? Trap set...finally!

Let's see what happens in Georgia. Not the content (classified info presented) but HOW the PUBLIC reacts when they SEE how RIGGED and CORRUPT our elections are.

Will they DEMAND "Biden" IMMEDIATELY give back the "stollen" jewels?

"It doesn't have to be this way" - Trump

White Hats are waiting for the PEOPLE - not the other way around.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Aug 17, 2019
That is why I have always believed their is no DATES per se.....yes there are dates that are referenced and tied to tweets HOWEVER a timeline of when its done is open....

I think it depends on how much people awake and are accepting of certain news....I can tell right now that people would RIOT if the whole truth were shown at one time, it would be chaos

However if the people are shown the proof over and over then THEY BECOME the ones who want a change, they will have no choice but to reject the current system.


The People

The op stated many times in the RR thread that the benevolent teams that are here and assisting us in this take down of the DS cabal have the ability to measure the collective consciousness, and that any delays in timelines were/are a direct result of the consciousness levels not being where they need to be yet.

Thus, "sometimes you have to show The People".

"It had to be this way"!

The good news is we are finally "there" as reported last week when the op stated we are now hanging on the cliff of the precipice.

Aug 17, 2019
Wait, Salvage lost $26,000???? Seriously???? Can't he do ANYTHING right????

The only thing savage1 ever told the forum to buy, and buy aggressively, was BTC at 68,000, that it was going to 250,000.

So, yes he's STILL down 26k as of the post yesterday.

Beyond BTC, he never tells you what to buy, or at what price, he just brags about how much he makes after the fact.

Typical Monday morning QB.

Meanwhile, the op has not only shared "what" to buy but the "whens" and "prices".

And just like everything else the op has shared over the last 3.5+ years, he has been right, and with pinpoint accuracy.
Aug 17, 2019

View attachment 79201

And now we are knocking at the door of 40,000 just like the op said would happen.

And the move into the mid-40s is imminent.

Enjoy the ride because we are just getting started!

Tards, enjoy your 5% CDs and $8/hr troll job.


Screen Shot 2023-12-06 at 5.26.39 AM.png

Don't forget to tip your bartender!


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Much like economic conditions , there’s probably nothing a President can do to control the disaster at the border .

The useful idiot must have inherited a broken system .

Look away our two resident clueless dipshits .Nothing to see here .
None of this will matter once Trump gets convicted .



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