
Nov 11, 2007

Only the sheep were fooled (as always).

We have it all!

We caught them all!

TREASON at the highest level!

If this was a court of law or simply a debate being judged between me as the prosecuting attorney, and you/sbd I as the defense

and I cross-examined you, the first few questions alone would end it in the first round!!

They would be:

1) did you or did you not predict back In January of 2021 upon Buden's Inauguration that Trump's reinstatement/devolution was/is


2) Have you or have you not predicted on an almost daily basis since that time that this was going to occur??

3) Has or has not Trump's reinstatement/devolution occurred since that time??

4) If it has please show us evidence of that.

5) If it has not, please state why it has not!!

6) Have you ever admitted/ publicly posted that if your prediction did not come true, your prediction has not come true!!

7) Concurrently you have stated on an almost daily basis that Trump is and has always been the acting CIC(Commander-in-Chief)

in any event.

Could you show us clear, empirical, and verifiable evidence of things he has done as the "acting CIC!!"

On the one hand, I realize that I am tipping on my hand in case you two attention-seeking/delusional cretins decide to no

longer pretend to have me on ignore and face up to me and show what you are up against, but more importantly, I am revealing why

you chose to PRETEND to put me on ignore in the first place, namely because you know damn well that I am not one of your low class,

not especially bright sycophants who you hope will swallow whatever you say, and thus decided to play it safe and take

the coward's way out by using an excuse/lie to try to get yourselves off the hook and wash your hands of me!!

ps To be fair, you do have company with MagaNAZI and several other folks who have migrated over this thread and have done

the same rather than be totally obliterated by yours truly-in that sense it is a wise choice!!

ps What I just stated above is the tip of the iceberg and if asked for more by the judge and jury, I would simply point to

one example of another where your statements add up to nothing more than begging the question and poisoning the well

with ZERO actual proof of what you claim!!

Sep 5, 2010
If this was a court of law or simply a debate being judged between me as the prosecuting attorney, and you/sbd I as the defense

and I cross-examined you, the first few questions alone would end it in the first round!!

They would be:

1) did you or did you not predict back In January of 2021 upon Buden's Inauguration that Trump's reinstatement/devolution was/is


2) Have you or have you not predicted on an almost daily basis since that time that this was going to occur??

3) Has or has not Trump's reinstatement/devolution occurred since that time??

4) If it has please show us evidence of that.

5) If it has not, please state why it has not!!

6) Have you ever admitted/ publicly posted that if your prediction did not come true, your prediction has not come true!!

7) Concurrently you have stated on an almost daily basis that Trump is and has always been the acting CIC(Commander-in-Chief)

in any event.

Could you show us clear, empirical, and verifiable evidence of things he has done as the "acting CIC!!"

On the one hand, I realize that I am tipping on my hand in case you two attention-seeking/delusional cretins decide to no

longer pretend to have me on ignore and face up to me and show what you are up against, but more importantly, I am revealing why

you chose to PRETEND to put me on ignore in the first place, namely because you know damn well that I am not one of your low class,

not especially bright sycophants who you hope will swallow whatever you say, and thus decided to play it safe and take

the coward's way out by using an excuse/lie to try to get yourselves off the hook and wash your hands of me!!

ps To be fair, you do have company with MagaNAZI and several other folks who have migrated over this thread and have done

the same rather than be totally obliterated by yours truly-in that sense it is a wise choice!!

ps What I just stated above is the tip of the iceberg and if asked for more by the judge and jury, I would simply point to

one example of another where your statements add up to nothing more than begging the question and poisoning the well

with ZERO actual proof of what you claim!!
You know it's funny how Clueless Joe took over sbd's thread and sbd doesn't have the balls to confront him for the hijacking.

Are all the ultra low iqanons cowards?

They are in this thread.

And morbidly obese.




Soon, real soon

We have it all

Sports picks

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
You know it's funny how Clueless Joe took over sbd's thread and sbd doesn't have the balls to confront him for the hijacking.

Are all the ultra low iqanons cowards?

They are in this thread.

And morbidly obese.




Soon, real soon

We have it all

Sports picks

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
To be blunt, in the aggregate they are a collection of failed losers and are representative of the worst elements of

American Society and who try their own disappointments, frustrations and failures in life by "getting back" somehow at folks including

in this thread who are much more than they ever will be!!

Sep 5, 2010
Yet another great read.

Donald Trump's 'aura of invincibility' has evaporated: GOP donor​

“It would be terrible for the country if Donald Trump were reelected,” he told CNN in a rare public rebuke by a deep-pocketed Republican donor. “He’s a divisive human being who belongs in jail.”





Soon, real soon

Get ready for the return

We have it all

Red tsunami

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
Yet another great read.

Donald Trump's 'aura of invincibility' has evaporated: GOP donor​

“It would be terrible for the country if Donald Trump were reelected,” he told CNN in a rare public rebuke by a deep-pocketed Republican donor. “He’s a divisive human being who belongs in jail.”





Soon, real soon

Get ready for the return

We have it all

Red tsunami

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
The big difference between us and them is that we have undeniable verifiable proof of what we post whereas all they have is hearsay,

gossip, non-sequiturs, illogic, contradiction, inconsistencies, lies and unsubstantiated nonsense which are based on other

similar statements from the past which are essentially no different from what they are currently posting!!

What a great way to put together a narrative!! lol

It is no wonder that they won't debate us because in fact, they know as I posted earlier today, if they tried, their remains would amount

at best to leftover dogshit!!

Back later!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Yet another great read.

Donald Trump's 'aura of invincibility' has evaporated: GOP donor​

“It would be terrible for the country if Donald Trump were reelected,” he told CNN in a rare public rebuke by a deep-pocketed Republican donor. “He’s a divisive human being who belongs in jail.”





Soon, real soon

Get ready for the return

We have it all

Red tsunami

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Here’s another read Witless


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You know what really sucks for tards?

When even libtards and their Fake News start using phrases like "military dictatorship" LOL


"Plans" 😂

Nov 11, 2007

You know what really sucks for tards?

When even libtards and their Fake News start using phrases like "military dictatorship" LOL

View attachment 78761
"Plans" 😂
And yet you cannot give us any SPECIFIC reason why this isn't true other than of course begging the question and poisoning the

well and slamming the gavel done so as in your warped mind to put some finality to it!!

Nov 11, 2007
Repeat post from yesterday for those who didn't see it yesterday because it is all 100% TRUE!!

SheriffJoe said:

Never forget what they tried to sell to the world.
Only the sheep were fooled (as always).

We have it all!

We caught them all!

TREASON at the highest level!

Click to expand...
If this was a court of law or simply a debate being judged between me as the prosecuting attorney, and you/sbd I as the defense

and I cross-examined you, the first few questions alone would end it in the first round!!

They would be:

1) did you or did you not predict back In January of 2021 upon Buden's Inauguration that Trump's reinstatement/devolution was/is


2) Have you or have you not predicted on an almost daily basis since that time that this was going to occur??

3) Has or has not Trump's reinstatement/devolution occurred since that time??

4) If it has please show us evidence of that.

5) If it has not, please state why it has not!!

6) Have you ever admitted/ publicly posted that if your prediction did not come true, your prediction has not come true!!

7) Concurrently you have stated on an almost daily basis that Trump is and has always been the acting CIC(Commander-in-Chief)

in any event.

Could you show us clear, empirical, and verifiable evidence of things he has done as the "acting CIC!!"

On the one hand, I realize that I am tipping on my hand in case you two attention-seeking/delusional cretins decide to no

longer pretend to have me on ignore and face up to me and show what you are up against, but more importantly, I am revealing why

you chose to PRETEND to put me on ignore in the first place, namely because you know damn well that I am not one of your low class,

not especially bright sycophants who you hope will swallow whatever you say, and thus decided to play it safe and take

the coward's way out by using an excuse/lie to try to get yourselves off the hook and wash your hands of me!!

ps To be fair, you do have company with MagaNAZI and several other folks who have migrated over this thread and have done

the same rather than be totally obliterated by yours truly-in that sense it is a wise choice!!

ps What I just stated above is the tip of the iceberg and if asked for more by the judge and jury, I would simply point to

one example of another where your statements add up to nothing more than begging the question and poisoning the well

with ZERO actual proof of what you claim!!

Nov 11, 2007

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

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