Aug 17, 2019
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Nov 11, 2007

The only sure thing is that people who look the other way and/or condone/praise/behavior or are inspired even try to emulate behavior

like this contained in the link above on behalf of their perceived leader, hero/deity, Donald Trump are

societal misfits who have never achieved anything in life themselves and have thus decided to pattern their existence

upon someone who in their mind equates to traits that they wished they themselves had.

Some of these traits are money, power, dominance, bullying, etc. and trying to pummel those who stand in their way of

achieving the success that they themselves never had!!

In addition, it also helps if their idea of the person would love to be is also a racist and anti-Semitic!!

One need not look past this thread to find a number of folks who post on a daily basis to see and hear living examples of

people who meet the definition!!

It goes without saying also that these folks have very low self-esteem and opinions of themselves and in s dense by posting

they are venting and trying to blame others for their own failures in life!!

Sep 5, 2010
The best document ever..

The only sure thing is that people who look the other way and/or condone/praise/behavior or are inspired even try to emulate behavior

like this contained in the link above on behalf of their perceived leader, hero/deity, Donald Trump are

societal misfits who have never achieved anything in life themselves and have thus decided to pattern their existence

upon someone who in their mind equates to traits that they wished they themselves had.

Some of these traits are money, power, dominance, bullying, etc. and trying to pummel those who stand in their way of

achieving the success that they themselves never had!!

In addition, it also helps if their idea of the person would love to be is also a racist and anti-Semitic!!

One need not look past this thread to find a number of folks who post on a daily basis to see and hear living examples of

people who meet the definition!!

It goes without saying also that these folks have very low self-esteem and opinions of themselves and in s dense by posting

they are venting and trying to blame others for their own failures in life!!
They indeed are failures in life.

Some are getting ready for the return.

Some are getting ready for the red tsunami.

They all are ultra low iqanons.

And just big nothings in their irrelevent lives.


Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

The only sure thing is that people who look the other way and/or condone/praise/behavior or are inspired even try to emulate behavior

like this contained in the link above on behalf of their perceived leader, hero/deity, Donald Trump are

societal misfits who have never achieved anything in life themselves and have thus decided to pattern their existence

upon someone who in their mind equates to traits that they wished they themselves had.

Some of these traits are money, power, dominance, bullying, etc. and trying to pummel those who stand in their way of

achieving the success that they themselves never had!!

In addition, it also helps if their idea of the person would love to be is also a racist and anti-Semitic!!

One need not look past this thread to find a number of folks who post on a daily basis to see and hear living examples of

people who meet the definition!!

It goes without saying also that these folks have very low self-esteem and opinions of themselves and in s dense by posting

they are venting and trying to blame others for their own failures in life!!

For those who scroll past this weak minded liberal suffering from long TDS posts or have him on ignore , here is Trump laying the smackdown on the Commies who fear they can’t beat him at the ballot box .

Hey Lighteight . You or the other two mental midgets come up with the answer to the question to which one of the indictments came before Trump announced his Presidential run yet ?

Straight 🔥


Nov 11, 2007
Before I forget, here is the question I asked yesterday and particularly to Lenny, and as usual fanned on

his "response" which in fact was not a DIRECT response at all but rather a total obfuscation on his part and an attempt

to divert attention to something else!!

If anyone can offer an articulate and direct response to it, please do as I would love to read it!!

Surely there must be at least some people unlike Lenny who have the intellectual capacity to respond to a question that

requires some thinking other than skin-deep which defines Lenny Lenbo!!

Here you go:

To get the savage1 show underway today, I am going to ask a question which I asked in an indirect way yesterday but in a more direct

way today.

In fact, the same question was just asked on CNBC.

Anyone can answer it but it is particularly directed at Lenny Lenbo, one of the noted Biden bashers in this thread.

The question should not in any way be construed in any way as an endorsement or even defense of Biden because imo all things

considered and to be blunt is a lousy President!!

Anyway the question is if one is going to lay all of the blame for in this case the high gas prices we have seen over the last few years

on Biden, then why is it that when prices come down to the yearly lows, he receives no credit whatsoever?

For me to simply avoid the question and say generally overall that Bidenomics is a failure is simply an evasion/avoidance of

the SPECIFIC question asked and an attempt to divert attention to another issue!!

That's it for now.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is another thing I pointed out posted yesterday for which the badly outmatched Lenny Lenbo had no response for

in his 100% glorification of Trump and giving him all of the credit for the low gas prices at times during the Trump administration.

  • The highest recorded gas price when Trump was president lands at $2.987 in May of 2018 as recorded by the EIA. Gas prices were low for much of 2020 because fewer people were buying gas as many Americans found themselves working from home during the early part of the pandemic. When the demand decreased for oil, so did the cost.

Lenny also had no answer when I pointed out and documented that at times during Trunm's Administration was almost $3 which

is only a few cents from where it is now.

But in all fairness any objective person realizes that Lenny is a one-way street when it comes to evaluating Trump as well as a reincarnated

condom in defending him of any and all charges no matter how true they may be!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Here is another thing I pointed out posted yesterday for which the badly outmatched Lenny Lenbo had no response for

in his 100% glorification of Trump and giving him all of the credit for the low gas prices at times during the Trump administration.

  • The highest recorded gas price when Trump was president lands at $2.987 in May of 2018 as recorded by the EIA. Gas prices were low for much of 2020 because fewer people were buying gas as many Americans found themselves working from home during the early part of the pandemic. When the demand decreased for oil, so did the cost.

Lenny also had no answer when I pointed out and documented that at times during Trunm's Administration was almost $3 which

is only a few cents from where it is now.

But in all fairness any objective person realizes that Lenny is a one-way street when it comes to evaluating Trump as well as a reincarnated

condom in defending him of any and all charges no matter how true they may be!!

Speaking of outmatched


Splat !


Nov 11, 2007
Here is my one and only self-allotted daily max response to you for that moronic and not well-thought-out response!!

First of all as usual you didn't address the blame and credit issue for the second time!!

You also didn't respond to this because you cannot to this asterisk to why gas prices at times were low during Trump's tenure and

giving him credit for which he doesn't deserve:

  • The highest recorded gas price when Trump was president lands at $2.987 in May of 2018 as recorded by the EIA. Gas prices were low for much of 2020 because fewer people were buying gas as many Americans found themselves working from home during the early part of the pandemic. When the demand decreased for oil, so did the cost.

Also, your response re: is as usual a one-way only for this reason.

First of all, you seem to imply that all that matters is what the price was when Trump left and not what it was at times DURING his POTUS.

I mean should we simply assume that higher prices during the four years he was POTUS don't count at all!!

In essence, you are trying to compare this to a baseball or football game where only the final score counts!!

And yes to be fair the same can be said of Biden also!!

But still, your one way of analysis is not something to hand your hat on!!

What really counts and matters the most is your total deification of Donald Trump, a total denial that any of the investigations,

indictments and possible convictions have any merit, and a parrot of him in the sense that anyone who says anything about him

is a liar, doesn't know what he is talking about, is out to get him and should be tossed in jail and executed as he has already promised

to do if elected!!

Couple that with the allegation that according to you he never told even one lie during his tenure as POTUS let alone over 33,000

ones and/or at least a LOT more than ZERO is what you claim and you have the ingredients as to what defines

namely a very SHALLOW, one-way/homer when it comes to Trump and worse because of your own low

self-esteem and lack of self-confidence, an implication that if you had a magic genie that granted you one wish, it

would be that you could be a clone of Donald Trump!!

It is really sad that an adult man in his fifties is unable to/refuses to sever his umbilical cord to a person who is the total

antithesis of what a human being should be!!

That's it for today as I am looking to my Thanksgiving Day dinner and am not going to waste any more time with someone who

is not only a reincarnated human condom for Trump but also a rodent/leech/parasite/snake and lots of other choice terms

which come to mind when I think of you!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Here is my one and only self-allotted daily max response to you for that moronic and not well-thought-out response!!

First of all as usual you didn't address the blame and credit issue for the second time!!

You also didn't respond to this because you cannot to this asterisk to why gas prices at times were low during Trump's tenure and

giving him credit for which he doesn't deserve:

  • The highest recorded gas price when Trump was president lands at $2.987 in May of 2018 as recorded by the EIA. Gas prices were low for much of 2020 because fewer people were buying gas as many Americans found themselves working from home during the early part of the pandemic. When the demand decreased for oil, so did the cost.

Also, your response re: is as usual a one-way only for this reason.

First of all, you seem to imply that all that matters is what the price was when Trump left and not what it was at times DURING his POTUS.

I mean should we simply assume that higher prices during the four years he was POTUS don't count at all!!

In essence, you are trying to compare this to a baseball or football game where only the final score counts!!

And yes to be fair the same can be said of Biden also!!

But still, your one way of analysis is not something to hand your hat on!!

What really counts and matters the most is your total deification of Donald Trump, a total denial that any of the investigations,

indictments and possible convictions have any merit, and a parrot of him in the sense that anyone who says anything about him

is a liar, doesn't know what he is talking about, is out to get him and should be tossed in jail and executed as he has already promised

to do if elected!!

Couple that with the allegation that according to you he never told even one lie during his tenure as POTUS let alone over 33,000

ones and/or at least a LOT more than ZERO is what you claim and you have the ingredients as to what defines

namely a very SHALLOW, one-way/homer when it comes to Trump and worse because of your own low

self-esteem and lack of self-confidence, an implication that if you had a magic genie that granted you one wish, it

would be that you could be a clone of Donald Trump!!

It is really sad that an adult man in his fifties is unable to/refuses to sever his umbilical cord to a person who is the total

antithesis of what a human being should be!!

That's it for today as I am looking to my Thanksgiving Day dinner and am not going to waste any more time with someone who

is not only a reincarnated human condom for Trump but also a rodent/leech/parasite/snake and lots of other choice terms

which come to mind when I think of you!!

I’ll leave you with a couple of thoughts .

1) The last time you were crowing about gas prices being what you consider “low” under the useful idiot it aged like milk .

2) Anybody who thinks things under a radical green new deal agenda and going from energy independence to energy dependence has to be a special kind of stupid .

3) So let the party run on Trump is a criminal and Trump is Hitler and let me know when you or either of the other two mental midgets come up with with the dates of the indictments before Trump announced his ‘24 run .

Nov 11, 2007
My last post until at least late afternoon is in the form of a question and especially directed to folks who

believe that the ongoing investigations indictments and possible convictions are simply political in nature and thus should be

dismissed whether there is criminality or not involved.

I may have used this question/comparison in one form or another before but imo it is a good one and I will use it again!!

The question is whether a man who is unemployed and who is apprehended trying to rob a bank with a concealed gun and

a threat to use it on a clerk if the money is not turned over to him, be prosecuted and possibly incarcerated if he

and his defense team claim and can provide proof that he had no money at the time and that he was simply trying to feed his family??

Also, should he receive a lesser sentence if he is prosecuted and found guilty because the attempt failed??

Back later afternoon at the earliest!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving to rat bastard Mark Elias!

God's Patriots are draining the swamp and poor Mark is having a hissy fit!

Tread carefully Mark! If you couldn't save Crooked Hillary from her arrest and tribunal, you probably can't save yourself.

I know some fearless, honorable badass Patriots who would love to meet you. LOL



Nov 11, 2007
ot-Inasmuch as this year's Thanksgiving is not just another Thanksgiving but one that falls in the year marking the 60th Anniversary

of JFK's assassination, on the spur of the moment, I decided to travel back in time to that memorable year which also occurred

during my Freshman year at UMass which began in Sept. of 1962 to see what the hit songs were during that memorable year.

Not surprisingly when I checked, I found many top hits, and it brought back memories of many of those great songs!!

One that personally stood out for me, which is still played in emotional moments sometimes in TV dramas and which I still

personally love because of the music and lyrics is one which was one of those top hits of that very sad and historical year

of 1963:


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