Jul 27, 2023
Each to their own, skoalband!!

I believe it based on bt only what I have read but also because of his BLATANT totally demented relationship with Ivanka and how he talks

about here!!

Both he and Giuliani have been quoted as saying that they would like to screw her, and he still lusts after her even as a grown

adult married woman with children!!

If that is not good enough, just look at some of the photos of him holding her when she was younger.

Those are not the photos that are indicative of a normal father-and-daughter relationship!!

Why not comment on the claims that Biden is a pedophile along with many others that others in this thread claim!!!

Do you believe them and/or do they get a pass??

Not until/if/when they stop with that, will I stop with what I say about Trump and Ivanka-it is that simple!!
I get what you’re saying about trump and to each their own like you said. I will agree trump has said some cringe worthy stuff about women but he has said cringe worthy stuff about a lot of stuff. I think he just has no filter and been too powerful most his life for anyone to tell him different or it’s weird. You tell him it’s weird he will double down on the weird statements.

Now biden yea that’s just a sad old man at this point. It’s hard to watch he is not all there everyone sees it on both sides. But he is the only thread Dems have left no hope elsewhere they know November is a wrap for them. But I don’t think biden is a molester either. The sniffing of children’s heads and talking to them about his leg hair is weird. With his mental state right now it might be best to keep him away from children and females, dementia suffers can and will physically lash out.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
interesting.....didnt know about the Obama "snafus" but the Biden innauguration was such an obvious sign that we were watching a movie

like in EVAH...not going to go through all the FAKE stuff that happened that day

But CMON even the official "LIVE" WH version of the events is CLEARLY recorded as people were popping in and out scenes and MOST of American are too bothered to even notice....its quite hilarious for people to be gaslit this hard that you can watch an event where background people are literally changing between camera cuts and as long as they put the word LIVE on screen everyone just goes along.....

"Dont say a word Nancy"..."Dont worry I wont"
"The hotdog glitch in the bit with Obama, SlickWillie and Bush"

Fake 21 gun salute

It goes on and on....


Nov 11, 2007
I get what you’re saying about trump and to each their own like you said. I will agree trump has said some cringe worthy stuff about women but he has said cringe worthy stuff about a lot of stuff. I think he just has no filter and been too powerful most his life for anyone to tell him different or it’s weird. You tell him it’s weird he will double down on the weird statements.

Now biden yea that’s just a sad old man at this point. It’s hard to watch he is not all there everyone sees it on both sides. But he is the only thread Dems have left no hope elsewhere they know November is a wrap for them. But I don’t think biden is a molester either. The sniffing of children’s heads and talking to them about his leg hair is weird. With his mental state right now it might be best to keep him away from children and females, dementia suffers can and will physically lash out.
As I have said before, I am convinced that on Election day for vastly different reasons, neither Trump nor Biden will be the nominee

and/or that there will be some really stiff competition from an outsider who even as a third-party candidate may have a legitimate

chance of winning simply because whoever it is will appeal to folks on both sides who are sick and tired of both Trump and


Imo just because it hasn't happened before, 2024 has a real chance of being the year that someone catches fire with the

overall population and wins the Election!!

There is always a first time for everything!!

Nov 11, 2007
interesting.....didnt know about the Obama "snafus" but the Biden innauguration was such an obvious sign that we were watching a movie

like in EVAH...not going to go through all the FAKE stuff that happened that day

But CMON even the official "LIVE" WH version of the events is CLEARLY recorded as people were popping in and out scenes and MOST of American are too bothered to even notice....its quite hilarious for people to be gaslit this hard that you can watch an event where background people are literally changing between camera cuts and as long as they put the word LIVE on screen everyone just goes along.....

"Dont say a word Nancy"..."Dont worry I wont"
"The hotdog glitch in the bit with Obama, SlickWillie and Bush"

Fake 21 gun salute

It goes on and on....

To quote skoalbandit, go out and get a breath of fresh air and at the same time splash an bucket of ice cold water on your face,

and maybe but with no guarantees you will wake up and realize that you are living in La La Land!!

Nov 11, 2007
I get what you’re saying about trump and to each their own like you said. I will agree trump has said some cringe worthy stuff about women but he has said cringe worthy stuff about a lot of stuff. I think he just has no filter and been too powerful most his life for anyone to tell him different or it’s weird. You tell him it’s weird he will double down on the weird statements.

Now biden yea that’s just a sad old man at this point. It’s hard to watch he is not all there everyone sees it on both sides. But he is the only thread Dems have left no hope elsewhere they know November is a wrap for them. But I don’t think biden is a molester either. The sniffing of children’s heads and talking to them about his leg hair is weird. With his mental state right now it might be best to keep him away from children and females, dementia suffers can and will physically lash out.

You consider yourself a fact checker? Self admitted fact checker. That’s kind of a weird self admission? I get why you fight so hard against the pedos though to keep your competition down.
ps I accept this as a response to post 7375.

Nov 11, 2007
For me the appeal of a Biden-Trump matchup in 2024 is about the same as attending an Oakland/ KC baseball game on the last day

of the season sitting in the last row of the bleachers in a game played in a cold rain and that has already been interrupted twice

by the rain and with more delays expected to follow!!
Sep 12, 2022
They never look at REAL facts 👉 RECEIPTS!

They just swallow propaganda.

Brainwashed and controlled beyond comprehension.

Why is "Biden" meeting Xi in San Fran? 🤡

Why isn’t the Fake News talking about how weird this is? 🤡

Since when do world leaders meet outside the White House? 🤡

Right in front of you 👉 "The Pause"

Xi knows what I know.

Whenever I worked on a movie with a huge, glaring plot hole in the script, and I pointed it out to someone, they would laugh and say, "It's a movie! The audience won't care. They're so dumb they won't even notice." Time and again they were proven right, the movie was released, plot hole and all, and the audience didn't care and didn't notice.

It's almost the exact same situation with the real life movie we're watching. There are holes all along the official story to everything, yet the majority of people are too dumb to notice. And most don't care.

With the vermin Tards, it's both. They're too stupid to see what's right in front of them AND they don't care. They'll keep denying reality even when Trump wins in 2024 and declares martial law.
Sep 12, 2022
He has been telling us and showing for a while now.

But tards are so heavily invested in the "we got him this time" clown show that they are too stupid to see and understand.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Oh look, "conspiracy theorists" right again!

Current Scoreboard:

👉 PATRIOTS: 17,017,017

With the BEST is yet to come!


Nov 11, 2007
The last few posts alone after my last post are perfect examples of what I am talking about with their posts.

In essence, they claim for example we are going to Hell but in fact cannot post even one thing on their end that is

based on FACT/ VERIFIABLEPROOF/EVIDENCE of anything they have stated but rather is nothing more than begging

the question, poisoning the well, and all kinds of inconsistencies, contradictions, ILLOGIC/NON-SEQUITURS, paradoxes, etc.

On the contrary, the do not want to address such DOCUMENTED things posted on our end such as the hundreds or thousands of

their glaring failed predictions such as Trump's devolution is imminent which according to them has been imminent starting 34 months!!

This is just the tip of the iceberg, with the results of the 2020 Election, the GITMO nonsense, and such bs and

mathematically impossible that hundreds of millions of vaccinated people have already died from died as a result of it!!

Their inability to dismiss stuff like this and their obvious fear to debate it with me/us just show that sheriff joe, sbd, their puppet

doctorsuccess, etc. really don't have the courage of their convictions and instead believe that other than amongst

themselves, their obvious cowardice and lies/delusions are not obvious to just about any intelligent and objective person

who reads their drivel!!

My OPINION of them overall among other things is that at this juncture things are getting so bad for Trump that they

need to latch onto anything that will give them a glimmer of hope as well as congregate in this thread and hold hands

in the hopes and projections that all of the negativity surrounding Trump and using Trump's terminology

"will just(magically) disappear!!'

It goes without saying that they are also envious and jealous of the position we are in as opposed to them/Trump and thus

also post to try to taunt us and resort to name-calling!!

As we have seen of late and as I implied above, there is also a very positive correlation in what they say/project and how defensive

they get depending on the amount and intensity of heat on Trump!!

That's it for now from the thread's resident psychiatrist, DR Savage1!!

Nov 11, 2007
An oldie but goodie from a couple years ago......nothing but liars and hypocrites and satanists and pedos.

Always projecting what they are doing onto others.

How about citing just one thing in defense of Trump in the four ongoing investigations!!

Nov 11, 2007
With all of the talk these days about third-party independent candidates, let's have our own in this thread

and nominate sheriff joe for POTUS and sbd as hs running mate!!

Perhaps the name of the Party should be named the CSOLP, which stands for the Certified Screwball Outer Limits Party!!
Sep 12, 2022

It's all lies.

Israeli war propaganda has been hilariously bad. It’s becoming a daily comedy act at this point.

Here Israel is claiming some random hole in the ground is a Hamas terror tunnel located outside of the Al-Shifa Hospital.

Breaking: The IDF released footage of a terror tunnel on the grounds of the Shifa Hospital.
Add this to the list of Hamas’ war crimes. #FreeGazaFromHamas
— Israel ישראל 🇮🇱 (@Israel) November 16, 2023
The video proves nothing. It looks like it is just video of a random hole in the ground. It could have been dug up today or maybe the hole is from an Israeli air strike. Others have speculated that it could be the remnants of some sort of electrical duct or sewage system.

People are asking obvious questions. Nobody believes that this is a Hamas terror tunnel and the Jews have provided no video of what is actually down there.

You've claimed to have found over 10 different tunnels
How come there is not a single video of you actually exploring the tunnel?
— Alex Barnicoat (@mrbarnicoat) November 16, 2023
At least show us a video over the tunnel, not from the side
How do we even know that's a tunnel?
That could just be some hole that's been dug and it only goes 2 meters underground
— Alex Barnicoat (@mrbarnicoat) November 16, 2023
🚨🇮🇱 ISRAEL says they found a “Hamas tunnel” inside a hospital.
All I see is a giant crater. No TUNNEL, no HAMAS, no HOSPITAL.
2 days ago, ISRAEL lied that an elevator shaft 200+ yards from the hospital was a Hamas tunnel.
— Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 (@jacksonhinklle) November 16, 2023
In this one, the Israeli military claims they found a truck in the Al-Shifa Hospital complex that was booby-trapped containing all sorts of weapons.

In the Shifa Hospital complex, IDF troops found a hidden booby-trapped vehicle containing a large number of weapons, including:
· AK-47s
· RPGs
· sniper rifles
· grenades
· other explosives
See for yourself: 1
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) November 16, 2023
Why would Hamas booby-trap a truck that contains their own weapons? That’s just a retarded premise.

Also how is it that there is this totally spotless looking truck at the facility when the area has been bombed and attacked for weeks? The truck looks like it was just driven out of a car dealership! lol

You’ve had the hospital surrounded for a week and this pristine vehicle with perfect paint finally appears today?
Does this have anything to do with that “undeniable evidence” video you released yesterday that has turned into the joke of the year?
— Ali علي (@ali_ali_oxen) November 16, 2023
The car has more weapons than the weapons found in the “ hospital military bases” combined.
— Ayaz Sheri (@ayaz_sheri) November 16, 2023
how would they retrieve their weapons for use if it was booby-trapped
— 𝓙𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓘𝓼𝓷’𝓽 𝓙𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓭 (@Jess_Isnt_Jaded) November 16, 2023
Why did you say this was IN the hospital instead of parked in a car a block away from the hospital?
Get fucked propagandist.
— Green Eggs-n-Sam (@HamEggsnSam) November 16, 2023
Here’s another good one.

The Jews claim they found rockets inside a little girl’s bed and anti-tank missiles inside a baby stroller.

Hamas placed rockets inside a little girl’s bed and anti-tank missiles inside a baby stroller.
This is the enemy we’re fighting. 1
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) November 16, 2023
Yeah I’m sure Hamas fighters would just randomly put weapons around children. Why would they put their own kids in danger like that? This looks totally staged with planted materials.

You can totally plant these all yourself lol
— Bernard-Heinz Levy 🐊 (@trotssler) November 16, 2023
Here’s an interesting observation.

Those aren’t rockets , those are 155 mm shells that IDF artillery use .
Shape and Size: Rockets are typically longer and have a more slender and aerodynamic shape, which is necessary for stable flight over longer distances. The objects here are short and stout.
2.Fins or…
— Hannibal (@Hanniba04381573) November 16, 2023
And here’s another good question.

You plant all of this "evidence" and blame it on Hamas
Why is it always so neatly organised?
— Alex Barnicoat (@mrbarnicoat) November 16, 2023
The Jews really suck at war propaganda. The only people promoting this nonsense as fact are other Jews and their most dedicated shills. Almost every comment underneath these posts is calling them out for their lies or mocking them for how retarded their lies are.

Here’s a few clips of a Hamas representative doing a press conference exposing yesterday’s lies from the Jews.

🚨 BREAKING: Press Conference from Hamas Leader to Condemn Alleged War Crime at Al-Shifa Hospital
''The enemy committed a brutal war crime with its attacks on Al-Shifa Medical Complex
The enemy’s account regarding his alleged evidence at the Al-Shifa Complex is ridiculous and… 1
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) November 16, 2023
— Sulaiman Ahmed (@ShaykhSulaiman) November 16, 2023
The Jews aren’t even allowing the Fox News guy to independently look at any of their alleged “evidence.”

We were not able to review the laptops or documents to confirm what exactly was discovered. We’re told the material is being looked at by Israeli intelligence.
— Trey Yingst (@TreyYingst) November 16, 2023
Can’t wait to see what the Jews come up with tomorrow!

Israeli soldiers celebrating a great victory at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza where they bravely fought the wounded, the dying and the children in incubators… and reveal the captured hoard of Hamas weaponry including phones, pamphlets and a set of handcuffs. 1
— Ragged Trousered Philanderer (@RaggedTP) November 16, 2023 1

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
A little more than a $1-big fu cking deal!

And yet a lot of the same people who complain about stuff like this have no problem pouring hundreds of millions

if not billions in totality to purchasing Powerball and other similar games where they have virtually zero chance of


Lol . Great response mental midget .

Tell us next how the interest rates on 30 year fixed mortgage rates are no big f**king deal either and it’s the American peoples fault for not preparing for adversity .

It’s better you just read past posts when it comes to policies and stick to your TDS posts .

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