
Nov 11, 2007
There are two things that are certain here:

1) If gas prices continue to come down between now and the Election as well as interest rates and inflation numbers and do especially well

during the weeks leading up to the Election it is going to help whoever the democratic nominee and hurt the chances of whoever

the nominee of the Republican Party regarding the outcome of the 2024 Election!!\

2) Lenny Lenbo is going to be pissed and angry as he ALWAYS roots for what I cited above to be bad because all he gives a shit about is

seeing Trump win because he considers him a deity so much so that he hasn't severed his umbilical cord to him and doesn't

know how/if his own life can continue if for some reason someone other than Trump is elected.

He is totally unpatriotic in this regard in that he doesn't care if people suffer because of high gas prices, inflation high interest rates,

and all of the negativity that goes on when economic matters are not going his way-THIS INCLUDES THE SUFFERINF OF


When I think of Lenny, I just reflect on how lucky I am to be who and what I am as a human and the values that were instilled

in me by parents and my peers as compared to him, which were/are spawned in the sewer!!

ps This post does NOT count toward my self-imposed limit of one post per day to Lenny although it is unlikely there will be any more


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
There are two things that are certain here:

1) If gas prices continue to come down between now and the Election as well as interest rates and inflation numbers and do especially well

during the weeks leading up to the Election it is going to help whoever the democratic nominee and hurt the chances of whoever

the nominee of the Republican Party regarding the outcome of the 2024 Election!!\

2) Lenny Lenbo is going to be pissed and angry as he ALWAYS roots for what I cited above to be bad because all he gives a shit about is

seeing Trump win because he considers him a deity so much so that he hasn't severed his umbilical cord to him and doesn't

know how/if his own life can continue if for some reason someone other than Trump is elected.

He is totally unpatriotic in this regard in that he doesn't care if people suffer because of high gas prices, inflation high interest rates,

and all of the negativity that goes on when economic matters are not going his way-THIS INCLUDES THE SUFFERINF OF


When I think of Lenny, I just reflect on how lucky I am to be who and what I am as a human and the values that were instilled

in me by parents and my peers as compared to him, which were/are spawned in the sewer!!

ps This post does NOT count toward my self-imposed limit of one post per day to Lenny although it is unlikely there will be any more


In response to number 2 of your verbal diarrhea .

I will continue to repost this below til it’s stuck so far up your arse it’s coming out your nose . So spare me with your caring only about winning and being unpatriotic .

Note the date dipshit .

The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun

By Matea Gold
January 20, 2017 at 12:19 p.m. EST

Nov 11, 2007
There are two things that are certain here:

1) If gas prices continue to come down between now and the Election as well as interest rates and inflation numbers and do especially well

during the weeks leading up to the Election it is going to help whoever the democratic nominee and hurt the chances of whoever

the nominee of the Republican Party regarding the outcome of the 2024 Election!!\

2) Lenny Lenbo is going to be pissed and angry as he ALWAYS roots for what I cited above to be bad because all he gives a shit about is

seeing Trump win because he considers him a deity so much so that he hasn't severed his umbilical cord to him and doesn't

know how/if his own life can continue if for some reason someone other than Trump is elected.

He is totally unpatriotic in this regard in that he doesn't care if people suffer because of high gas prices, inflation high interest rates,

and all of the negativity that goes on when economic matters are not going his way-THIS INCLUDES THE SUFFERINF OF


When I think of Lenny, I just reflect on how lucky I am to be who and what I am as a human and the values that were instilled

in me by parents and my peers as compared to him, which were/are spawned in the sewer!!

ps This post does NOT count toward my self-imposed limit of one post per day to Lenny although it is unlikely there will be any more

Judging by his response, it looks like this post hit a sore spot with Lenny for which he has no DIRECT response.

In fact his response as usual does not direct the current situation as it applies to Trump and himself but rather goes back in time

and simply posts something that has ZERO relevance to what I posted because he has none!!

Not only is what I stated 100% true about Lenny Lenbo but just as importantly he is a coward and has run away and hidden and

refused to answer my question directed to him whether he agrees with sbd's conspiracy theories, devolution, etc. every single time!!

Rather than admit that he does not agree, he simply avoids the question and/or changes the topics because he lacks such

confidence in himself that he is fearful that he will offend sbd and for that matter if he dares to disagree with them about


Thank God unlike Lenny I have the courage of my convictions and don't need approval from someone else to express

my feelings and opinions!!

Back a bit later as I have sine stock market matters to attend to.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Judging by his response, it looks like this post hit a sore spot with Lenny for which he has no DIRECT response.

In fact his response as usual does not direct the current situation as it applies to Trump and himself but rather goes back in time

and simply posts something that has ZERO relevance to what I posted because he has none!!

Not only is what I stated 100% true about Lenny Lenbo but just as importantly he is a coward and has run away and hidden and

refused to answer my question directed to him whether he agrees with sbd's conspiracy theories, devolution, etc. every single time!!

Rather than admit that he does not agree, he simply avoids the question and/or changes the topics because he lacks such

confidence in himself that he is fearful that he will offend sbd and for that matter if he dares to disagree with them about


Thank God unlike Lenny I have the courage of my convictions and don't need approval from someone else to express

my feelings and opinions!!

Back a bit later as I have sine stock market matters to attend to.

While you time out to make the most of daddy’s money gag on this with the lunatic judge for a while

Nov 16, 8:51 PM EST
With gag order lifted, Trump blasts judge's clerk online

Hours after an appeals court temporarily lifted a gag order that prohibited Donald Trump from commenting about court staff in his civil fraud trial, the former president criticized Judge Arthur Engoron's law clerk on social media.

Describing the gag order as "Ridiculous and Unconstitutional," Trump applauded the appeals court for its decision and described Engoron's clerk as "politically biased and out of control."

Engoron issued the limited gag order after Trump made a false social media post about the clerk last month. This evening's post marked the first time Trump has explicitly mentioned her since then.

Trump also attacked New York Attorney General Letitia James, calling her a "worldwide disgrace," and his former attorney Michael Cohen, who testified against him during the trial

Nov 11, 2007
The one thing that I forgot to mention today about Lenny although I have mentioned it before is that he fails to realize that

what HE believes are the only matters that people consider when voting for POTUS are projections on his part only.

For example while he believes that the only thing that matters when voting are Trump's policies, which in itself is far

from a universal given in its own right, untold millions DO NOT and consider the character of the man and most importantly

the ongoing investigations, indictments and the results including possible conviction!!

The fact that he continues to pretend stuff like this doesn't exist and that everyone thinks like him are indicative

of a very shallow and self-absorbed person who wears 24/7/365 rose-colored glasses when it comes to Trump and for that

matter just about anything political or non-political!!

Again though if that it what it takes to help him to get through his day, the good for him!!

That's definitely it for him for now and for that matter in general as I have other matters to attend to in life other than

to worry about a no-count like Lenny who is stuck in a time warp in his own version of reality rather than the REAL one

in which he and everyone exists!!

Back early afternoon at the earliest!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The one thing that I forgot to mention today about Lenny although I have mentioned it before is that he fails to realize that

what HE believes are the only matters that people consider when voting for POTUS are projections on his part only.

For example while he believes that the only thing that matters when voting are Trump's policies, which in itself is far

from a universal given in its own right, untold millions DO NOT and consider the character of the man and most importantly

the ongoing investigations, indictments and the results including possible conviction!!

The fact that he continues to pretend stuff like this doesn't exist and that everyone thinks like him are indicative

of a very shallow and self-absorbed person who wears 24/7/365 rose-colored glasses when it comes to Trump and for that

matter just about anything political or non-political!!

Again though if that it what it takes to help him to get through his day, the good for him!!

That's definitely it for him for now and for that matter in general as I have other matters to attend to in life other than

to worry about a no-count like Lenny who is stuck in a time warp in his own version of reality rather than the REAL one

in which he and everyone exists!!

Back early afternoon at the earliest!!


You know because Donald Trump is a threat to Democracy .

What a tiny little liberal brain sounds like from gathering info from his favorite far left outlets .

Nov 11, 2007
I leave you with these before lunch:

Former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance notes, however, that Biden's case — and that of former Vice President Mike Pence, who was also investigated for mishandling classified documents but left unscathed — are very different from Trump's. "Trump was given every chance to return the documents after the National Archives realized they were missing. Biden & Pence both self-reported," Vance wrote on X/Twitter. "The biggest problem for Trump is his lengthy history of trying to hold onto documents when asked, even subpoenaed, for them."

"Mommy, mommy-How dare they do this totally unfair thing to me!! lol


Nov 11, 2007
Although it is sheer speculation, the rumors are flying again that there is a possibility that if Biden calls it a day and drops out,

Michelle Obama would be one of the top choices to be the nominee!!

All I can say is that if it ever turned out to be Michelle Obama vs Trump, you might really get the REAL landslide in history that sbd

LIED/IMAGINED would occur in 2020 for Trump, but in this case, it would be for Obama!!

In fact, the polling numbers would be so bad, that if Trump was the nominee, he would have medical reason/excuse to drop out and wisely

so because if possible, he have even less chance of winning than he does now!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I leave you with these before lunch:

Former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance notes, however, that Biden's case — and that of former Vice President Mike Pence, who was also investigated for mishandling classified documents but left unscathed — are very different from Trump's. "Trump was given every chance to return the documents after the National Archives realized they were missing. Biden & Pence both self-reported," Vance wrote on X/Twitter. "The biggest problem for Trump is his lengthy history of trying to hold onto documents when asked, even subpoenaed, for them."

"Mommy, mommy-How dare they do this totally unfair thing to me!! lol

Oh really

Trump told them his team would help with “whatever you need.” These were records produced under his presidency

Produced 38 more files.

Still got raided by FBI in August 2022 and now faces 40+ criminal charges including obstruction.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Well, what do you know-"Alinis" the pseudo lawyer/Trump sweet-talking/mercenary PENIS is thwarted again!!

If only she remembered to check the box that allowed Trump a jury verdict . Lol

Is the naked selfie taking leftist still gagging on this ?

Writing on his Truth Social platform just hours after an appeals court lifted a ban on him publicly discussing court staff, Mr Trump denounced the clerk as “politically biased and out of control”.

The order had been imposed by Mr Engoron in October after Mr Trump shared a photo of Ms Greenfield with a prominent Democrat on social media.

Nov 11, 2007

"But that cozy narrative—in which Trump wanted to benevolently wield his power to stop the riot—flies in the face of testimonies provided by more than a thousand witnesses during House January 6 committee hearings, including that of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson.

According to Hutchinson, an “irate” Trump wanted to join the protesters at the Capitol Building so badly that he lunged at the clavicle of one of his Secret Service agents, Bobby Engel, before attempting to take the wheel of the presidential limo, nicknamed The Beast.

Hutchinson also testified that she overheard Trump saying he did not care if his supporters wielded weapons as they descended on Congress since he didn’t believe he would be a target of the violence."

Could Trump possibly be living on borrowed time!! lol
Sep 12, 2022

X Races to Contain Damage After Elon Musk Endorses Antisemitic Post​

IBM, a major advertiser on X, has pulled its spending from the social media platform, whose employees are grappling with what to tell its other advertisers, according to internal messages.

Elon Mask -- the White Hat operative inserted into the place of the dispossessed and disappeared Black Hat Globalist, Elon Musk -- has struck again. This time, the suddenly anti-NWO, anti-Soros, anti-ADL activist has taken the already forbidden topic of White Replacement Theory to a whole new level for his many millions of fawning fanboys to contemplate. Incredibly, his AI avatar has just pointed his famous finger at "the usual suspects."​

* Author's Note: This specific naming of those who must not be named is now a delightfully growing trend among the suddenly balled-up barkers of Conservative Inc.! -- Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk et al. "Musk" amplified a post from an obscure X (fka Twitter) account which only had 1875 followers.

The original post had just openly attacked the current whining of "the usual suspects" thusly: "Jewish communities have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them. 'I'm deeply disinterested in giving the tiniest shit now about western Jewish populations coming to the disturbing realization that those hordes of minorities that support flooding their country don't exactly like them too much. You want truth said to your face, there it is." (emphasis added)

To which, "Musk," who has 163 million followers, astonishingly replied: “You have said the actual truth." Tell it, "Musk." Tell it! ---- The ensuing shit storm was epic.

Musk ampified an obscure tweet from some "average Joe" -- and now the frenzied Judenpresse cannot contain itself with further wall-to-wall amplification of the bomb blast.

Headline from Haaretz of Israel

The Frankenmusk Monster has escaped from the liberal laboratory and is out of control. From the Slimes article:
"IBM paused its advertising on the social media platform as X’s chief executive, Linda Yaccarino, and others at the company scrambled on Thursday to contain the fallout.

X employees said on Thursday that they had gotten calls from advertisers wondering why Mr. Musk was making comments seen as antisemitic and why their ads were showing up next to white nationalist and Nazi content, according to internal messages that were viewed by The New York Times."* This poses quite a dilemma for the muddled minds of the moronic masses of Normiedom.

On the one hand, the ever-persecuted usual suspects can do no wrong; but on the other, "Elon Musk" is, after all, an infallible genius and history-changing visionary (rolling eyes). Their heads must be spinning in bewilderment. For the benefit of the wandering normies / newbies who stumble across this site from time to time, let us review a bit of "original source" historical material straight from the poisonous pen of the man regarded as the founding father of the bad idea which eventually grew into the European Union. Newbies and Normies: It's Kalergi time!

Mossad-controlled Drudge Report is in full hysterical and helpless attack mode.

The Globalist Illusion Machine created this state-subsidized phony and puffed him up to demigod stature. But ever since Trump and the White Hats (in accordance with Executive Order 13818) seized his money and his identity, the FrankenMusk Monster has been running wild and wreaking havoc upon "the usual suspects."
Musk -- gooood.

Richard Coudenhove Kalergi was the son of an Austrian diplomat and a Japanese woman. Decades before the final integration & consolidation of the European nations, Kalergi's "Pan-European" movement -- as confirmed by Kalergi himself in his own autobiography -- was financially backed by Cabal billionaires "Baron" Louis de Rothschild (cough cough), Bernard Baruch (cough cough) and the Brothers Warburg (cough cough).

With such high-powered Jewish backers, Kalergi managed to attract important heads of state to this long-term project for European integration. As far back as 1922, Kalergi's "Pan-Europeanism" aimed to create a global federation of nations. But very few people know that this "founding front-man" of Jewish-inspired European integration also envisioned the silent genocide of the White peoples of Europe.

In his book "Praktischer Idealismus" (Practical Idealism), Kalergi boldly declared that the citizens of the future world state would not consist of White people. In his own words: "The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with the diversity of individuals."

Of course, Kalergi's Jewish paymasters were not to be replaced or blended out by this "Eurasian-Negroid race of the future." Far from it. Writes the hired hack of his beloved paymasters (have your barf bag ready): "Instead of destroying European Judaism, Europe, against her will, refined and educated this people, driving them to their future status as a leading nation through this artificial evolutionary process.

It's not surprising that the people that escaped from the Ghetto-Prison, became the spiritual nobility of Europe. Thus, the compassionate care given by Europe created a new breed of aristocrats. This happened when the European feudal aristocracy crashed because of the emancipation of the Jews." "The Jewish leaders of socialism wish, with the most exalted unselfishness, to erase the original sin of capitalism, to free the people from injustice, and to change the redeemed world into an earthly paradise."

*Again, by his own admission, in Kalergi's "earthly paradise," Whites are to be blended out of their own nations while the Jew becomes "the spiritual nobility." Is that not what we are witnessing? Yes indeed, Mr. "Musk" --- Your obscure friend on X has "said the actual truth."
Aug 17, 2019


Nov 11, 2007

Alas, 70 FAILED odd legal challenges by Trump's legal team including to TRUMP'S SCOTUS resulted

in a big fat zero to get the results overturned, including a final statement by the latter which said by implication "Stop fucking

bothering us with that shit as we have much more important and relevant matters to deal with!!"

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