
Nov 11, 2007
This is what our sick and revolting vermin Tards support. They vote for the people who engage in this and profit from it, and cry about people like Trump who want to stop it. They're probably all child molesters themselves.

View attachment 78194
What about a neo-Nazi EX-POTUS who sexually abused his daughter when she was a young teenager or possibly even younger?

Kindly tell us about that!!

Nov 11, 2007
Look savage1 I’m not a Trump man but the guy never abused his daughter. Your claims there are a lie. Don’t be that guy. You seem smarter than that.
Each to their own, skoalband!!

I believe it based on bt only what I have read but also because of his BLATANT totally demented relationship with Ivanka and how he talks

about here!!

Both he and Giuliani have been quoted as saying that they would like to screw her, and he still lusts after her even as a grown

adult married woman with children!!

If that is not good enough, just look at some of the photos of him holding her when she was younger.

Those are not the photos that are indicative of a normal father-and-daughter relationship!!

Why not comment on the claims that Biden is a pedophile along with many others that others in this thread claim!!!

Do you believe them and/or do they get a pass??

Not until/if/when they stop with that, will I stop with what I say about Trump and Ivanka-it is that simple!!

Nov 11, 2007
The same people who post polls that are favorable to Trump block out of their minds and/or refuse to acknowledge

the same polls that clearly state that Trump loses all of the swing states if nominated meaning he has ZERO chance

of winning the Election!!

For that matter, these folks don't want to face up to the reality that the word "conviction" is an actual word with a definition,

and not just a made-up that with Trump's electability has no relevance or chance of even occurring!!

As is the case with Lenny Lenbo, I don't bother much with homers/brick walls who refuse to consider ALL possibilities

bur rather only those they try to project in order to convince others and just as importantly themselves that all is just plain

rosy with it comes to their deity and hero, Donald Trump!!
Before I hop into my jacuzzi to relax my body, mind, and soul to prepare for another day of action of telling the REAL and other

side of the story here for which they have no response and instead PRETEND to put me on ignore other than

Lenny, I have a few choice things to add to what I just posted to him last night!!

And yes although it isn't written in direct response to him, I am going to consider it as my one self-imposed max one post to

him for today since I started this about five or six weeks ago.

Lenny and others with a similar concrete/brick wall/pollyannaish opinion about Trump, namely that he is a deity, never thought about

doing anything criminal in intent let alone do it, never lied, that any and all of the people who have said and/or documented

negative things are all wrong, lying, out to get him, and/or that whatever he did is not a crime, irrelevant, in general, is above

the wall in any event are the types of folks I refuse to spend much time discussing and debating matters

Consider also the fact, that Lenny and those of his ilk have no grasp of reality and simply don't want to even consider the legal

system, Jack Smith and what a possible conviction would mean in terms of his political career are lost souls and not worth the


In a sense he/they remind me of someone with whom I am very familiar having followed him, documented and posted material

about him since I bought my first computer over 20 years ago!!

If you are wondering who, it is PHIL STEELE/NORTHCOAST!!

Although a lot of my criticisms over the years have to do with his lies and the deceptive manner in which Northcoast

has been run!!

My point here though focuses strictly on his deplorable record and expecially over the last few years where his overall

record as documented by me, especially with college side picks is right up there with the worst in the country!!

My point as it relates to Steele and Lenny and folks like them is that they are all stubborn and arrogant, and refuse to

change their thinking no matter how much the situation dictates it!!

eg With Steele, no matter how much he and the NC picks go up in flames, he refuses to acknowledge that he may

be doing something wrong in whatever methodology he uses to pick the games even though they lose and have lost about every

week over the last two years!!

At another forum a few years back an insider posted that Steele believes that when one of his picks loses, it is not do to

his handicapping but rather because the players and teams didn't do what they were supposed to do.

In addition and very importantly, Steele has a preset notion of who is going to cover in a game and then simply goes out

and finds ONLY the supporting data that support it but NONE that do not!

This pretty much describes Lenny Lenbo, who simply posts his Johnny Most/Homer view of Trump and simply blocks

out any and all material which does not!!

In addition, Lenny lives only in the present and refuses and/or cannot accept the reality that using a static approach to

thinking rather than a dynamic one doesn't work because matters and especially political ones can and do change

based on what can happen in this case between now and a year from now!!

I have described him before as a self-anointed reincarnated condom/bodyguard and mouthpiece for Trump because in reality

all he is!!

Not until/if/when I see at least some flexibility on his part and admission that Trump is flawed in some ways, that the investigations

and indictments may have some merit, will I bother with him!!

I have lots of talents, but sadly one of them is not being able to discuss and debate a matter with someone like Lenny

who is so steadfast and unwavering when it comes to Trump!!

That's it for oday!!

Nov 11, 2007
No he's not smarter than that.

One of the lowest IQs ever witnessed by myself and others!

A special kind of stupid, indeed.
So stupid in fact so that you, sheriff joe, etc. are chicken shit to debate me about me and instead pretend to put me on ignore

as a reason/excuse not to!!

In a way, I can't blame you when you read what I have done to Lenny, who I view as a sacrificial lamb!! lol

Back sometime after the stock market opens!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Before I hop into my jacuzzi to relax my body, mind, and soul to prepare for another day of action of telling the REAL and other

side of the story here for which they have no response and instead PRETEND to put me on ignore other than

Lenny, I have a few choice things to add to what I just posted to him last night!!

And yes although it isn't written in direct response to him, I am going to consider it as my one self-imposed max one post to

him for today since I started this about five or six weeks ago.

Lenny and others with a similar concrete/brick wall/pollyannaish opinion about Trump, namely that he is a deity, never thought about

doing anything criminal in intent let alone do it, never lied, that any and all of the people who have said and/or documented

negative things are all wrong, lying, out to get him, and/or that whatever he did is not a crime, irrelevant, in general, is above

the wall in any event are the types of folks I refuse to spend much time discussing and debating matters

Consider also the fact, that Lenny and those of his ilk have no grasp of reality and simply don't want to even consider the legal

system, Jack Smith and what a possible conviction would mean in terms of his political career are lost souls and not worth the


In a sense he/they remind me of someone with whom I am very familiar having followed him, documented and posted material

about him since I bought my first computer over 20 years ago!!

If you are wondering who, it is PHIL STEELE/NORTHCOAST!!

Although a lot of my criticisms over the years have to do with his lies and the deceptive manner in which Northcoast

has been run!!

My point here though focuses strictly on his deplorable record and expecially over the last few years where his overall

record as documented by me, especially with college side picks is right up there with the worst in the country!!

My point as it relates to Steele and Lenny and folks like them is that they are all stubborn and arrogant, and refuse to

change their thinking no matter how much the situation dictates it!!

eg With Steele, no matter how much he and the NC picks go up in flames, he refuses to acknowledge that he may

be doing something wrong in whatever methodology he uses to pick the games even though they lose and have lost about every

week over the last two years!!

At another forum a few years back an insider posted that Steele believes that when one of his picks loses, it is not do to

his handicapping but rather because the players and teams didn't do what they were supposed to do.

In addition and very importantly, Steele has a preset notion of who is going to cover in a game and then simply goes out

and finds ONLY the supporting data that support it but NONE that do not!

This pretty much describes Lenny Lenbo, who simply posts his Johnny Most/Homer view of Trump and simply blocks

out any and all material which does not!!

In addition, Lenny lives only in the present and refuses and/or cannot accept the reality that using a static approach to

thinking rather than a dynamic one doesn't work because matters and especially political ones can and do change

based on what can happen in this case between now and a year from now!!

I have described him before as a self-anointed reincarnated condom/bodyguard and mouthpiece for Trump because in reality

all he is!!

Not until/if/when I see at least some flexibility on his part and admission that Trump is flawed in some ways, that the investigations

and indictments may have some merit, will I bother with him!!

I have lots of talents, but sadly one of them is not being able to discuss and debate a matter with someone like Lenny

who is so steadfast and unwavering when it comes to Trump!!

That's it for oday!!

Imagine your only chance of staying in office is attempting to convict your NOMINEE on the R side by weaponizing your DOJ .

I’ll be happy to wipe that shit eating grin off your face once the time comes . In the meantime continue to cheer for tactics Putin would be proud of while they last .

Carry on searching the net for the rest of your day looking for articles from leftists suffering from TDS much like yourself .

Bye bug !
Oct 30, 2006

Nov 11, 2007
You fellas step outside and breath some fresh air today.
I have a question for you, skoalbandit33, and is a legitimate question and not intended to trick you, etc.

Anyway back on November 4th and perhaps one other time you posted what I quoted above in this thread.

Before I ask my question, from what I have read of your posts in other threads it seems that in most of them you want to

make some general comments but do not really want to get that much involved but rather in a limited manner only.

That said, I fully respect that if I am correct in my assessment, I have no problem if you choose not to answer the following question:

To the point, can you tell us with some specificity to whom you are referring when your suggestion about stepping

outside and breathing some fresh air today and what exactly they said to engender your response and why?

Again if you choose not to respond to this, I fully understand and respect your decision!!

ps Could what sheriff Joe just posted before my post be an example of what you were/are referring to?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Daily Reminder 👇 👇 👇

"President Joe Biden" does NOT have a valid Oath of Office on file.

To be valid, it must be notarized. His was never notarized per a FOIA request.

And he’s not the only one.

These members of his cabinet don’t have one either:

Vice President, Kamala Harris
Secretary of State, Antony Blinken
Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin lll
Secretary of Treasury, Janet Yellen
Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm
Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg
Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack
Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas
Secretary of State, Antony Blinken
Secretary of Education, Dr. Miguel A. Cardona
Secretary of Commerce, Gina M. Raimondo
Secretary of Interior, Deb Haaland
Secretary of Labor, Marty Walsh
Deputy Secretary of Labor, Julie Su
Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra

You are watching a movie. :cool:

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