
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Since you seem to be unruffled that I don't respond to your very often anymore per my declaration around five weeks ago and

haven't come even remotely close to my self-imposed one-a-day limit to you, I will make a RARE post to you here!!

As usual and comments are based only on when the actual trial takes place rather than the actual guilt or innocence

of your hero and deity,

Your saved-be-the-bell-only thinking when it comes to Trump speaks volumes as to how lopsided/onesided your are when

it comes to him!!

Second of all even if this is true, you fail not surprisingly to consider the impact of what occurs between now and then as well

as the other investigations and indictments and convictions and trials that can take place BEFORE the Election can


It is a fact that according to polling data, Trump loses 30% right off the bat if he is convicted, meaning he loses all of the swing

states(which polling data also shows) IF he is the nominee on Election Day and gets his ass thoroughly whipped in the Election


In addition, you keep assuming Biden is going to be the nominee on Election Day-I don't agree at all and thus I don't

accept your premise that he will be!!

I could go on, but why bother as it would be overkill to what intelligent and objective people already know about you

with your 100% rose-colored blinkers on approach when making commentary about Trump!!

In short, your post is Lenny just being Lenny!!

Keep dreaming and projecting your Camelot thinking when it comes to Trump if it makes your day!!

That's it for today-see you next time whenever it is!!

As far as what’s going on In other trials which I mentioned since Fat Fani hinted her trial is going past the election .

See this part of my post once and read once again .

Keep hope alive in the other cases dipshit . It’s your best chance of keeping a D in the Oval Office.

So let’s insert Newsome for the useful idiot in your scenario and the Froot loop who is destroying his state is going to waltz in to the WH


PS . Go look for another bombshell Jenna Ellis article for some more laughs .

Bye bug !

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Former Editor-in-Chief of Leftist News Outlet Charged With Child Sex Crimes (VIDEO)​


Pedos defending pedos...


Like roaches, you kill one and more pop up.

Very sick evil people.

Nov 11, 2007

Former Editor-in-Chief of Leftist News Outlet Charged With Child Sex Crimes (VIDEO)​

View attachment 78168

Pedos defending pedos...


Like roaches, you kill one and more pop up.

Very sick evil people.
What about a neo-Nazi EX-POTUS who sexually abused his daughter when she was a young teenager or possibly even younger?

Kindly tell us about that!!

Nov 11, 2007
I am not sure who specifically you are referring to and/or if they are in this thread.

Suffice it to say that at age 79 and with a substantial net worth, I sure as hell don't need to be paid any money to post, and

even I did, I have too much dignity and sele-pride to prostitute myself to post anyone's opinions other than those

of my own sincere heartfelt thoughts and opinions!!
My final commentary until much later tonight and the other side of the coin is that virtually no intelligent employer

would hire you, sbd, sheriff joe, Lenny Lenbo, the parrot doctorsuccess or any of you Trump lovers for the simple reason

that none of you have a clue as to how to present a consistent narrative without too many flaws to count as yours truly has clearly


The fact that you PRETEND to have me on ignore in itself is clear evidence that you don't want to and cannot bite off more

than you chew!!

Back between 10 and 11 maybe if there is something that piques my interest!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Since you seem to be unruffled that I don't respond to your very often anymore per my declaration around five weeks ago and

haven't come even remotely close to my self-imposed one-a-day limit to you, I will make a RARE post to you here!!

As usual and comments are based only on when the actual trial takes place rather than the actual guilt or innocence

of your hero and deity,

Your saved-be-the-bell-only thinking when it comes to Trump speaks volumes as to how lopsided/onesided your are when

it comes to him!!

Second of all even if this is true, you fail not surprisingly to consider the impact of what occurs between now and then as well

as the other investigations and indictments and convictions and trials that can take place BEFORE the Election can


It is a fact that according to polling data, Trump loses 30% right off the bat if he is convicted, meaning he loses all of the swing

states(which polling data also shows) IF he is the nominee on Election Day and gets his ass thoroughly whipped in the Election


In addition, you keep assuming Biden is going to be the nominee on Election Day-I don't agree at all and thus I don't

accept your premise that he will be!!

I could go on, but why bother as it would be overkill to what intelligent and objective people already know about you

with your 100% rose-colored blinkers on approach when making commentary about Trump!!

In short, your post is Lenny just being Lenny!!

Keep dreaming and projecting your Camelot thinking when it comes to Trump if it makes your day!!

That's it for today-see you next time whenever it is!!

But just wait ‘til Trump gets convicted genius .

Sep 12, 2022

Former Editor-in-Chief of Leftist News Outlet Charged With Child Sex Crimes (VIDEO)​

View attachment 78168

Pedos defending pedos...


Like roaches, you kill one and more pop up.

Very sick evil people.
This is par for the course. The vermin we call Tards are no different.
Sep 12, 2022
A troll farm or troll factory is an institutionalised group of internet trolls that seeks to interfere in political opinions and decision-making. One study showed that 30 governments worldwide (out of 65 covered by the study) paid keyboard armies to spread propaganda and attack critics.

Troll farm - Wikipedia

View attachment 78166
Wikipedia › wiki › Troll_far
Are the vermin we call Tards part of that operation? On the one hand, I say it's possible. On the other hand, they are so incredibly stupid, I wonder if they could even get jobs as trolls. Maybe as telemarketers.
Sep 12, 2022

Support for Israel’s war in Gaza is rapidly eroding among Americans. Last month 41 percent supported Israel and their war in Gaza. That number is down to 32 percent after all of the insane war crimes they’ve committed.

U.S. public support for Israel war against Hamas falls to 32% in Reuters/Ipsos poll, down from 41% a month ago.
— Clash Report (@clashreport) November 15, 2023
NEW Reuters/IPSOS poll:
68% – "#Israel should call a ceasefire" (~75% Dems, ~50% Rep's)
32% – "US should support #Israel (41% a month ago)
31% – US should send weapons to #Israel (43% against)
39% – "US should be a neutral mediator" (27% a month ago)
— Charles Lister (@Charles_Lister) November 15, 2023
Most support for Israel is among boomers who still get a bulk of their news from Jewish television networks and newspapers.

Poll: Only 27% of Americans between 18 and 34 years old believe #Israel's propaganda, which claims the genocide in #Gaza is a justified response to the resistance's operation on October 7.
— Quds News Network (@QudsNen) November 15, 2023
This eroding support likely explains why Benjamin Netanyahu has done a series of interviews with the American media. In many respects, public opinion in America is of far greater importance to Netanyahu than public opinion in Israel. Without American support, Israel would have stopped existing as an entity decades ago.

The big problem is that America’s political class almost all totally support everything Israel says and does. There’s a huge disconnect between the political class who are totally owned by Jews and public sentiment. Most Americans are tired of Jews and the unconditional support that Israel receives from the bought and paid for political class.

Nov 11, 2007
Anyone with a lick of sense can see how much corruption and abuse of power is on display by these commie da's and judges

No-not everyone including many millions of Americans and most notably the likes of Jack Smith agree with you!!

Poisoning the well and begging the question, the standard modus operandi with you fellow cretins in here doesn't

work for them nor will it for you!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
And here we have our resident delusional liberal parroting the main stream media talking point of Trump is a racist .

When reality slaps your bogus narrative square in the face lightweight .

C’mon man !

As Black Voters Drift to Trump, Biden’s Allies Say They Have Work to Do

New York Times/Siena College polling painted a worrisome picture of the president’s standing with a crucial constituency. Democratic strategists warned that the erosion could threaten his re-election.

Nov 11, 2007
The same people who post polls that are favorable to Trump block out of their minds and/or refuse to acknowledge

the same polls that clearly state that Trump loses all of the swing states if nominated meaning he has ZERO chance

of winning the Election!!

For that matter, these folks don't want to face up to the reality that the word "conviction" is an actual word with a definition,

and not just a made-up that with Trump's electability has no relevance or chance of even occurring!!

As is the case with Lenny Lenbo, I don't bother much with homers/brick walls who refuse to consider ALL possibilities

bur rather only those they try to project in order to convince others and just as importantly themselves that all is just plain

rosy with it comes to their deity and hero, Donald Trump!!
Sep 12, 2022

Former Editor-in-Chief of Leftist News Outlet Charged With Child Sex Crimes (VIDEO)​

View attachment 78168

Pedos defending pedos...


Like roaches, you kill one and more pop up.

Very sick evil people.
This is what our sick and revolting vermin Tards support. They vote for the people who engage in this and profit from it, and cry about people like Trump who want to stop it. They're probably all child molesters themselves.


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