
Nov 11, 2007
Back after 11 or tomorrow morning depending on if one of the Trump tu rds posts something that piques my interest or not!!
Sep 12, 2022
My background lies in the world of theater and movies, so it's interesting to observe the "character development" taking place among the lead actors of the old thread and this one.

Basically, there are six forms of character development: Child to Adult, Adult to Leader, Cynic to Participant, Leader to Tyrant, Leader to Visionary, and Metamorphisis.

Patriots fall squarely into the second and fifth forms: Adult to Leader and Leader to Visionary. They are working tirelessly to present factual information and lead the country and the world to a better place.

Tards belong to the last form: Metamorphisis. This is the level of character development you see in movies like An American Werewolf in London and The Fly, where the lead character literally devolves into a beast.

Tards are going backwards in their development, becoming increasingly shrill and unhinged in the process. They have become beasts, incapable of original thought and unable to function on even the most minute level without someone on television telling them what to think, how to act, and what to believe.

Metamorphosis, indeed.

Sep 5, 2010
Back after 11 or tomorrow morning depending on if one of the Trump tu rds posts something that piques my interest or not!!
They just repeat the same delusional lies and fantasies that they have for the last three years.

All they know is losing.

All except Porky, he could lose some weight.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
My background lies in the world of theater and movies, so it's interesting to observe the "character development" taking place among the lead actors of the old thread and this one.

Basically, there are six forms of character development: Child to Adult, Adult to Leader, Cynic to Participant, Leader to Tyrant, Leader to Visionary, and Metamorphisis.

Patriots fall squarely into the second and fifth forms: Adult to Leader and Leader to Visionary. They are working tirelessly to present factual information and lead the country and the world to a better place.

Tards belong to the last form: Metamorphisis. This is the level of character development you see in movies like An American Werewolf in London and The Fly, where the lead character literally devolves into a beast.

Tards are going backwards in their development, becoming increasingly shrill and unhinged in the process. They have become beasts, incapable of original thought and unable to function on even the most minute level without someone on television telling them what to think, how to act, and what to believe.

Metamorphosis, indeed.
The worst is how easily people are being gaslit, they literally WONT BELIEVE their own eyes if the TV guys says otherwise

People cant tell the difference between real and fake events....."reality" TV did its job on the public.

Nov 11, 2007
The worst is how easily people are being gaslit, they literally WONT BELIEVE their own eyes if the TV guys says otherwise

People cant tell the difference between real and fake events....."reality" TV did its job on the public.

Nov 11, 2007
Based on my intelligence, 34 years professional experience high level of which involved high-level investigation and the

highest level of documentation in order to draw conclusions as well as just my 79 years of living on planet Earth as a human being

and being able to read human beings, I have come to these conclusions as they apply to sheriff joe the kingpin of the threads

snd, their puppet doctor success and the new folks who have migrated over to this thread and who among other things continue

to profess such things that Trump's devolution is still imminent even after hundreds if not thousands of failed predictions and ZERO


First of all, to be clear it would be ingenuous to conclude that this is a one-size-fits-all situation as each of the persons cited above

has distinct personality flaws which led them to this thread.

That said I am going to state this as an overall assessment/view rather than breaking it down and directing it

specifically, as I have done previously toward individuals!!

Anyway, the commonality that applies to the folks cited above and based on my being a member of this thread since it started

in 3/20 can actually be summarized fairly briefly.

First of all, it is quite obvious that whether these folks actually believe everything they post or not, it stands out like

a sore thumb that will not discuss or debate or have the beliefs challenged by folks like myself who have the intellectual

capability, intelligence and debating skills to do so!!

Putting me or folks like me on ignore and/or most likely pretending to do so simply indicates they realize that what they post

is full of holes, delusions contradictions, and has cheese-sized holes in it and thus for obvious reasons do not want to be scrutinized

and especially so because based on what I have written in response to the, they know damn well they would have no shot

in open debate!!

In addition, and this applies especially to sheriff joe, he sure as hell doesn't want to challenge me openly about his notions

of Trump[.s being the acting CIC, devolution and other related matters because his "proof" is comprised of illogic,

hearsay, gossip, contradictions, inconsistencies, illogic and non-sequiturs, much of which is based on other statements in the past

which have the same flaws as the current ones!!

Finally for now my general sense of these folks is that these are people who have failed in life either on a personal and/or

professional level!!

Thus posting in this thread and deifying Trump of all people serves at least two purposes:

1) It serves to draw attention to themselves and at least on a conscious level a self-imagined/self-importance feeling of worth

in the eyes of those whom they try to convince themselves put them on a pedestal!!

Sadly though by so doing, it simply buries their deeper psychological problems that have resulted in being who and what they are

rather than squaring off against them directly!!

2) Choosing Donald Trump as their model of excellence makes sense in that he possesses and represents all of the things

on their wish list, they never came close to acquiring such things as prominence, wealth, the ability to intimidate and bully and that certain

"it factor" that attracts a certain segment of the population to him as opposed to themselves who are probably on the bottom

of the totem pole.

I could go on, but that's how I see things in a sort of a long nutshell!!

Back in the am.
Sep 12, 2022
The worst is how easily people are being gaslit, they literally WONT BELIEVE their own eyes if the TV guys says otherwise

People cant tell the difference between real and fake events....."reality" TV did its job on the public.
It's amazing, isn't it, just how dumb and uneducated the Tards really are?

If we had not witnessed it with our own eyes on the old thread, I would not have believed how anyone could be that stupid.

My background lies in the world of theater and movies, so it's interesting to observe the "character development" taking place among the lead actors of the old thread and this one.

Basically, there are six forms of character development: Child to Adult, Adult to Leader, Cynic to Participant, Leader to Tyrant, Leader to Visionary, and Metamorphisis.

Patriots fall squarely into the second and fifth forms: Adult to Leader and Leader to Visionary. They are working tirelessly to present factual information and lead the country and the world to a better place.

Tards belong to the last form: Metamorphisis. This is the level of character development you see in movies like An American Werewolf in London and The Fly, where the lead character literally devolves into a beast.

Tards are going backwards in their development, becoming increasingly shrill and unhinged in the process. They have become beasts, incapable of original thought and unable to function on even the most minute level without someone on television telling them what to think, how to act, and what to believe.

Metamorphosis, indeed.

Nov 11, 2007
It's amazing, isn't it, just how dumb and uneducated the Tards really are?

If we had not witnessed it with our own eyes on the old thread, I would not have believed how anyone could be that stupid.

My background lies in the world of theater and movies, so it's interesting to observe the "character development" taking place among the lead actors of the old thread and this one.

Basically, there are six forms of character development: Child to Adult, Adult to Leader, Cynic to Participant, Leader to Tyrant, Leader to Visionary, and Metamorphisis.

Patriots fall squarely into the second and fifth forms: Adult to Leader and Leader to Visionary. They are working tirelessly to present factual information and lead the country and the world to a better place.

Tards belong to the last form: Metamorphisis. This is the level of character development you see in movies like An American Werewolf in London and The Fly, where the lead character literally devolves into a beast.

Tards are going backwards in their development, becoming increasingly shrill and unhinged in the process. They have become beasts, incapable of original thought and unable to function on even the most minute level without someone on television telling them what to think, how to act, and what to believe.

Metamorphosis, indeed.
Based on my intelligence, 34 years professional experience high level of which involved high-level investigation and the

highest level of documentation in order to draw conclusions as well as just my 79 years of living on planet Earth as a human being

and being able to read human beings, I have come to these conclusions as they apply to sheriff joe the kingpin of the threads

snd, their puppet doctor success and the new folks who have migrated over to this thread and who among other things continue

to profess such things that Trump's devolution is still imminent even after hundreds if not thousands of failed predictions and ZERO


First of all, to be clear it would be ingenuous to conclude that this is a one-size-fits-all situation as each of the persons cited above

has distinct personality flaws which led them to this thread.

That said I am going to state this as an overall assessment/view rather than breaking it down and directing it

specifically, as I have done previously toward individuals!!

Anyway, the commonality that applies to the folks cited above and based on my being a member of this thread since it started

in 3/20 can actually be summarized fairly briefly.

First of all, it is quite obvious that whether these folks actually believe everything they post or not, it stands out like

a sore thumb that will not discuss or debate or have the beliefs challenged by folks like myself who have the intellectual

capability, intelligence and debating skills to do so!!

Putting me or folks like me on ignore and/or most likely pretending to do so simply indicates they realize that what they post

is full of holes, delusions contradictions, and has cheese-sized holes in it and thus for obvious reasons do not want to be scrutinized

and especially so because based on what I have written in response to the, they know damn well they would have no shot

in open debate!!

In addition, and this applies especially to sheriff joe, he sure as hell doesn't want to challenge me openly about his notions

of Trump[.s being the acting CIC, devolution and other related matters because his "proof" is comprised of illogic,

hearsay, gossip, contradictions, inconsistencies, illogic and non-sequiturs, much of which is based on other statements in the past

which have the same flaws as the current ones!!

Finally for now my general sense of these folks is that these are people who have failed in life either on a personal and/or

professional level!!

Thus posting in this thread and deifying Trump of all people serves at least two purposes:

1) It serves to draw attention to themselves and at least on a conscious level a self-imagined/self-importance feeling of worth

in the eyes of those whom they try to convince themselves put them on a pedestal!!

Sadly though by so doing, it simply buries their deeper psychological problems that have resulted in being who and what they are

rather than squaring off against them directly!!

2) Choosing Donald Trump as their model of excellence makes sense in that he possesses and represents all of the things

on their wish list, they never came close to acquiring such things as prominence, wealth, the ability to intimidate and bully and that certain

"it factor" that attracts a certain segment of the population to him as opposed to themselves who are probably on the bottom

of the totem pole.

I could go on, but that's how I see things in a sort of a long nutshell!!

Back in the am.
Sep 12, 2022
It pretty much boils down to some people not being emotionally mature enough to handle the truth, and others being just plain stupid. In the case of our Tards, both apply!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I see a lot of fake "conservatives" upset at Speaker Johnson for saying there isn't enough evidence to begin impeachment proceedings against the resident.

"I knew it! He's just like the others. Rino! Traitor!" 🤡 😂

Guess what geniuses? You can't impeach a guy who isn't the president in the first place. Duh!

This is what you get for still following Conservative Inc instead of listening to people like SBD and myself.

This is what you get for being a Fox News-viewing dumbass who fell for the scamdemic and believe Putin is the Big Bad Wolf in Ukraine. Same "righties" who believed Trump lost AZ because their beloved Fox called it first and that *QAnon" is a conspiracy theory.

You're not "smart"

You're not "informed"

You're no different than the CNN and MSNBC sheep still falling for every fake narrative.

Newsflash: CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT means FAKE NEWS no matter what channel you're watching. Nobody on TV is going to tell you what's going on unless it's part of an operation.

Once again, "Biden" can't be legally removed from office by impeachment because he's not the president. Period. End of story.

Turn off your idiot box... Seriously.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I see a lot of fake "conservatives" upset at Speaker Johnson for saying there isn't enough evidence to begin impeachment proceedings against the resident.

"I knew it! He's just like the others. Rino! Traitor!" 🤡 😂

Guess what geniuses? You can't impeach a guy who isn't the president in the first place. Duh!

This is what you get for still following Conservative Inc instead of listening to people like SBD and myself.

This is what you get for being a Fox News-viewing dumbass who fell for the scamdemic and believe Putin is the Big Bad Wolf in Ukraine. Same "righties" who believed Trump lost AZ because their beloved Fox called it first and that *QAnon" is a conspiracy theory.

You're not "smart"

You're not "informed"

You're no different than the CNN and MSNBC sheep still falling for every fake narrative.

Newsflash: CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT means FAKE NEWS no matter what channel you're watching. Nobody on TV is going to tell you what's going on unless it's part of an operation.

Once again, "Biden" can't be legally removed from office by impeachment because he's not the president. Period. End of story.

Turn off your idiot box... Seriously.
The FOX news bros are the worst.....Im so sick of my "smart" friends telling me "Why didnt I hear of this?"" when I tell them stuff,,,, as if Fox was going to tell them ALL the truths just because they tell MORE truths than Lefty Fake News.

Too damn lazy to look up alterate sources for truth, much easier to just follow FAKE NEWS and shake your head and say "nah" to anything that goes against it.
Aug 17, 2019

The chemical plant explosion in Shepherd, located just outside of Houston, was courtesy of DEW technologies.

Several witnesses reported seeing multiple blue flashes, similar to lightening, strike the facility just before the explosion.

DEW technologies are pulsing technologies responsible for countless events including the recent Maui fires, the Australian "wildfires" during the plandemic and even 9/11.


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