Jul 27, 2023
Id like to parlay that with Trump never goes to gitmo either and neither of those senile senior citizens become president again. Its a lock.

Nov 11, 2007
I see a lot of fake "conservatives" upset at Speaker Johnson for saying there isn't enough evidence to begin impeachment proceedings against the resident.

"I knew it! He's just like the others. Rino! Traitor!" 🤡 😂

Guess what geniuses? You can't impeach a guy who isn't the president in the first place. Duh!

This is what you get for still following Conservative Inc instead of listening to people like SBD and myself.

This is what you get for being a Fox News-viewing dumbass who fell for the scamdemic and believe Putin is the Big Bad Wolf in Ukraine. Same "righties" who believed Trump lost AZ because their beloved Fox called it first and that *QAnon" is a conspiracy theory.

You're not "smart"

You're not "informed"

You're no different than the CNN and MSNBC sheep still falling for every fake narrative.

Newsflash: CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT means FAKE NEWS no matter what channel you're watching. Nobody on TV is going to tell you what's going on unless it's part of an operation.

Once again, "Biden" can't be legally removed from office by impeachment because he's not the president. Period. End of story.

Turn off your idiot box... Seriously.
So let's see:

According to you, Johnson is incorrect in referring to Biden as the POTUS because you are one of the privileged ones who know that

he is not the POTUS but Trump is the acting CIC and not Biden!!

But wait there's more- the "fake" POTUS who has been in charge and who has made all the decisions that you bitch and complain

about isn't really Biden anyway but an actor. a body double or some kind of a holograph that once again virtually that

only you, and sbd know about!

Also, you cannot tell us why Trump, the "real acting CIC" hasn't done anything other than your one size fits all bullshit, that

the "people need to be shown first!"

And where does Trump's devolution fit in with all of this inasmuch as you have been claiming for 34 months on a daily basis

that it is "imminent!"

Perhaps you could also post a link to the article from the sources that prove it so that all of us will be informed!!

Then because your once beloved Fox Network no longer fellates Trump, you bash them as well as of course CNN, etc.

And then finally you declare that while you cannot impeach a "fake: POTUS, you can send him to GITMO!!

The only problem with this is that you have already CLEARLY stated in the past that the REAL Biden has already been executed

at GITMO, which raises another question, namely if he has already been executed, why is there a need to execute him

a second time!! lol

Even if Biden hasn't allegedly already been executed, then perhaps you can tell us how we know for sure that whoever sends Biden

to Gitmo for execution is sending the "REAL Biden there and not a facsimile!!

I am going to conclude this by posting a famous skit which your moronic/cheese-sized hole-filled narrative, replete with delusions,

contradictions, inconsistencies and paradoxes remind of when I read it regarding who the "real" Biden is!!


Nov 11, 2007
So let's see:

According to you, Johnson is incorrect in referring to Biden as the POTUS because you are one of the privileged ones who know that

he is not the POTUS but Trump is the acting CIC and not Biden!!

But wait there's more- the "fake" POTUS who has been in charge and who has made all the decisions that you bitch and complain

about isn't really Biden anyway but an actor. a body double or some kind of a holograph that once again virtually that

only you, and sbd know about!

Also, you cannot tell us why Trump, the "real acting CIC" hasn't done anything other than your one size fits all bullshit, that

the "people need to be shown first!"

And where does Trump's devolution fit in with all of this inasmuch as you have been claiming for 34 months on a daily basis

that it is "imminent!"

Perhaps you could also post a link to the article from the sources that prove it so that all of us will be informed!!

Then because your once beloved Fox Network no longer fellates Trump, you bash them as well as of course CNN, etc.

And then finally you declare that while you cannot impeach a "fake: POTUS, you can send him to GITMO!!

The only problem with this is that you have already CLEARLY stated in the past that the REAL Biden has already been executed

at GITMO, which raises another question, namely if he has already been executed, why is there a need to execute him

a second time!! lol

Even if Biden hasn't allegedly already been executed, then perhaps you can tell us how we know for sure that whoever sends Biden

to Gitmo for execution is sending the "REAL Biden there and not a facsimile!!

I am going to conclude this by posting a famous skit which your moronic/cheese-sized hole-filled narrative, replete with delusions,

contradictions, inconsistencies and paradoxes remind of when I read it regarding who the "real" Biden is!!

Not surprisingly sheriff joe, sbd, doctorsuccess, and the new cretins to this thread fled for the hills upon reading my post

because they realize that there is nothing that they can post to dispute what I posted!!

For their own they should stick to bashing Biden, pointing out such things as his incompetence, age, awareness, mental

capabilities, etc. rather than resorting to the delusional shit they do with ZERO foundation or basis, which allows

folks like me to come forward with a response for which they have nothing in turn to offer that will fly other than

of course amongst themselves!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
This is the 3rd year in a row EO 13959 has been extended.

Nothing to panic about. Federal Continuity Directive 2 Operational Dates are 2020-2024. All planned.

This is National Emergency declaration by 45, signed on November 12, 2020.

ANYONE who knows Real Joe’s history, knows this would make ZERO sense to extend this EO once, much less 3 in a row.

Nothing “Biden” has done has been on “his” own.

One, he’s not real. If you’re still using excuses like “plastic surgery” please sit this one out boo-boo or see an Ophthalmologist asap.

Two, it’s a Military Occupancy and Continuity of Government starting January 20, 2017.

Three, it’s a World War II History repeat using majority of the same Laws and Orders.

NONE of “his” Military “Orders” posted on the Federal Register dot Gov are under the Military Acts or Codes.

Just because it’s "new" and "unique" to tards and Con Inc, doesn’t mean it’s new and unique to those of us who know.


November 3, 2023:…

November 8, 2022:…

November 12, 2020:…

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Oops, broken links.



Dec 13, 2007
He is so full of shit that smells so horrible that even the flies want no part of it!! lol
unreal....Hard to imagine anyone would believe the stuff joes talks about...I'm not sure if or how he functions or interacts in society coherently.
Mental health experts would have a field day examining Joe.

Nov 11, 2007
unreal....Hard to imagine anyone would believe the stuff joes talks about...I'm not sure if or how he functions or interacts in society coherently.
Mental health experts would have a field day examining Joe.
While mental experts would have a field day examining Joe, Joe's wallet would take a serious hit as it would take many weeks,

months or even years or for that matter maybe never to have these delusions and projections permanently removed

from his being!!

Those who parrot back his shit like sbd et al, whether they actually believe all, any or anything which he spews forth, are all

very deeply psychologically and emotionally disturbed and in need of serious help!!
Sep 12, 2022
2025 is going to be hardcore. Tards might find themselves interned in work camps. Hahahahahahahahaahaha!!!!!

Donald Trump plans to expand his immigration crackdown if he returns to power in 2025, including rounding people up in giant camps for mass deportation.

— The New York Times (@nytimes) November 11, 2023

Nov 11, 2007
This thread is the best! Put the fags on Ignore and you can scroll through here easy for the good stuff.
You are correct in that the thread is the best for folks like me to destroy uneducated and not-very-bright folks like yourself every day with

a minimum of effort!!

In your case it is particularly easy because you aren't capable of posting anything original, and for the most part have your lines fed

to you by your ventriloquist sheriff joe, and or perhaps someone else lurking in the background!!

As a trained investigator for 34 years professionally speaking, for me your controllers hide their tracks to you at most a 2 on a scale

fro 1-10 with 10 being the most difficult to trace and 1 being the least!!

Sep 5, 2010

What gives here-has Trump somehow assimilated Biden's dementia??
He spews so many lies and bullshit that he doesn't know what or who he's talking about.

He's more worried about his fat orange encrusted ass ending up in prison.

That would kill the ultra low iqanons.

Nov 11, 2007
Most of them have been for quite some time now.
If anyone should REALLY put folks like me on ignore rather than pretend to, it is you, a simpleton, who let his heart rule

his head back in 2020 wagering way too much money on Trump falsely believing that because he himself

was/is a Trump fellator, the majority of the population was/is also!!

Couple that with the fact that you are also a very weak-minded person and ask nothing but toss slo-pitch softball questions at sbd,

and one gets a pretty picture of who and what you are!!

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