Sep 12, 2022
Actually, now that I think about it, that might be a pretty good movie.


Nov 11, 2007
We could do our own remake of that movie with Sheriff Joe or SBD as Jim Garrison, and Salvage as David Ferry.
Did they ever teach you in grade school how to spell, Mr Cretin/brown noser to sheriff joe and sbd and who also serves as

a flunky puppet who is controlled ventriloquist style by both sheriff joe and sbd

Oh yes before I forget, last I looked it is David FERRIE!!

Nov 11, 2007
Did they ever teach you in grade school how to spell, Mr Cretin/brown noser to sheriff joe and sbd and who also serves as

a flunky puppet who is controlled ventriloquist style by both sheriff joe and sbd

Oh yes before I forget, last I looked it is David FERRIE!!
Here is the entire post which was timed out before I could edit it:

Did they ever teach you in grade school how to spell, Mr Cretin/brown noser to sheriff joe and sbd and who also serves as

a flunky puppet who is controlled ventriloquist style by both sheriff joe and sbd

Oh yes before I forget, last I looked it is David FERRIE!!

ps Are you so stupid so as not to believe with just your immediate responses to me tonight that you are telling a WHOPPER

that would make Pinocchio envious, and that every objective and intelligent person would recognize as proof that you read every

single one of my posts even though you claim I have always been on ignore!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
NOTHING is as it seems and NOBODY should be believed.

Certainly not your television and not necessarily 'me' or any claim in this historic thread.

It would be one thing if I were pretending to know "inside stuff" asking people to blindly "believe" by faith like all the other YouTube clowns.

Perhaps then the "conspiracy" or "cult" label would be appropriate along with the fitting tin foil hat. Perhaps.

But when I post nothing but RECEIPTS day after day... (DOCUMENTS, PHOTOS, VIDEOS, LAWS AND ORDERS, FLIGHT DATA, MILITARY FACTS, COMMS, TRUTHS, OPTICS etc.) backing up TRUTH from the BEST sources, it's no longer a "claim", "conspiracy" or "speculation" but FACT.

Just because your idiot box doesn't tell you the TRUTH, doesn't mean it's not happening.

Remember, a dark fallen world told you the virus came from a bat while people like me and the first edition of this thread were the Light SHOWING people it came from a lab.

Were we right? Of course!

Propaganda may be flashy and tempting in the moment, yet only the TRUTH stands the test of time.

Therefore, I will always post unvarnished TRUTH (with RECEIPTS) and will never deviate from that position, no matter how much I'm ridiculed, no matter how "crazy" it sounds, no matter how much it steps on toes and hurts feelings, no matter how unpopular, and especially no matter how often your dumbed-down TV "News-of-the-Day" and "fact-checkers" tell you I'm wrong...

Because when the TRUTH is backed by RECEIPTS, it's never wrong. EVER.

Soon those who are STILL blind in a dark fallen world will SEE the LIGHT and how prescient and TRUTHFUL this thread will turn out to be.

Intelligent Readers bombarded by endless outside LIES and propaganda deserve nothing less than the Gold Standard of TRUTH.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Speaking of movies, this year is the 60th anniversary:

Military intelligence has always known.

People with the highest security clearances have always known.

Intelligence agencies around the world have always known.

The only question was, how long would the right people stay silent and tolerate it?

Should the Deep State be allowed to select and control governments? Are the current one billion classified documents, including JFK assassination files, locked away and hidden from the public a good thing? Is this even democracy?

It stands to reason it was only a matter of time before Patriots stoop up and said, "ENOUGH!"
Aug 17, 2019
NOTHING is as it seems and NOBODY should be believed.

Certainly not your television and not necessarily 'me' or any claim in this historic thread.

It would be one thing if I were pretending to know "inside stuff" asking people to blindly "believe" by faith like all the other YouTube clowns.

Perhaps then the "conspiracy" or "cult" label would be appropriate along with the fitting tin foil hat. Perhaps.

But when I post nothing but RECEIPTS day after day... (DOCUMENTS, PHOTOS, VIDEOS, LAWS AND ORDERS, FLIGHT DATA, MILITARY FACTS, COMMS, TRUTHS, OPTICS etc.) backing up TRUTH from the BEST sources, it's no longer a "claim", "conspiracy" or "speculation" but FACT.

Just because your idiot box doesn't tell you the TRUTH, doesn't mean it's not happening.

Remember, a dark fallen world told you the virus came from a bat while people like me and the first edition of this thread were the Light SHOWING people it came from a lab.

Were we right? Of course!

Propaganda may be flashy and tempting in the moment, yet only the TRUTH stands the test of time.

Therefore, I will always post unvarnished TRUTH (with RECEIPTS) and will never deviate from that position, no matter how much I'm ridiculed, no matter how "crazy" it sounds, no matter how much it steps on toes and hurts feelings, no matter how unpopular, and especially no matter how often your dumbed-down TV "News-of-the-Day" and "fact-checkers" tell you I'm wrong...

Because when the TRUTH is backed by RECEIPTS, it's never wrong. EVER.

Soon those who are STILL blind in a dark fallen world will SEE the LIGHT and how prescient and TRUTHFUL this thread will turn out to be.

Intelligent Readers bombarded by endless outside LIES and propaganda deserve nothing less than the Gold Standard of TRUTH.

Truth is GOD.

And I stand in Truth because I stannd with God!
Aug 17, 2019

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View attachment 77702


And it's all happening as scripted.

Tards post links to fake news, fake polls and fake fact-checkers.

Meanwhile, people myself and Sheriff Joe post REAL PROOF like official documents [legal, devolution, Constitutional, etc.], official communications [email, text, etc], receipts, flight logs, peer-reviewed research, and even quote high ranking people verbatim before they actually say it publicly.

But but we are just tin foil wearing hats fools!



At the onset of the original RR thread the op stated that Christianity has been a major mind-control psyop for thousands of years.

The story of Yeshua ["Jesus"] is distorted and did not happen as claimed.

He was never crucified.

And most certainly didn't "die for your sins".

The "bible" is one of the most distorted texts on the planet.

It is filled with lies and half truths.

All designed to keep you entrenched in a "hero-savior" mind-control system.

Designed to give your power away to someone else.

"Do not question authority" is the control system.

Every system is designed this way and we were reminded of this when the plandemic started and we got to witness billions of people lining up for a deadly shot without once questioning it.

As you travel across social media "Jesus" is suddenly popping up everywhere.

This year they also released a movie called The Jesus Revolution.

The timing of this sudden surge in "Jesus" is not coincidence.

It's all part of the bigger plan as stated in the above letter.

Faith and connection to God is critical to happiness and evolution.

But do not get caught up in the dogma of it all.

Always remember, the kingdom of God is IN you, not outside of you.

All organized religions are consciousness traps and mind-control systems.

Break away from these systems and start connecting more into nature and you will quickly begin to understand and feel what God really is!


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Speaking of polls, porky.

Here Are the Three Letters Trump and His Campaign Fear the Most in the Presidential Elections 2024​

As a result, President Joe Biden has a seven-point advantage against Donald Trump. According to a recent NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist National Poll, Biden leads Trump 44% to 37%. In the poll, 16% of respondents chose Kennedy, and 3% were undecided, as per 1945.

🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Hey Witless

Here are those 3 letters Trump and his campaign fear the most rearing their ugly head again .



Nov 11, 2007
NOTHING is as it seems and NOBODY should be believed.

Certainly not your television and not necessarily 'me' or any claim in this historic thread.

It would be one thing if I were pretending to know "inside stuff" asking people to blindly "believe" by faith like all the other YouTube clowns.

Perhaps then the "conspiracy" or "cult" label would be appropriate along with the fitting tin foil hat. Perhaps.

But when I post nothing but RECEIPTS day after day... (DOCUMENTS, PHOTOS, VIDEOS, LAWS AND ORDERS, FLIGHT DATA, MILITARY FACTS, COMMS, TRUTHS, OPTICS etc.) backing up TRUTH from the BEST sources, it's no longer a "claim", "conspiracy" or "speculation" but FACT.

Just because your idiot box doesn't tell you the TRUTH, doesn't mean it's not happening.

Remember, a dark fallen world told you the virus came from a bat while people like me and the first edition of this thread were the Light SHOWING people it came from a lab.

Were we right? Of course!

Propaganda may be flashy and tempting in the moment, yet only the TRUTH stands the test of time.

Therefore, I will always post unvarnished TRUTH (with RECEIPTS) and will never deviate from that position, no matter how much I'm ridiculed, no matter how "crazy" it sounds, no matter how much it steps on toes and hurts feelings, no matter how unpopular, and especially no matter how often your dumbed-down TV "News-of-the-Day" and "fact-checkers" tell you I'm wrong...

Because when the TRUTH is backed by RECEIPTS, it's never wrong. EVER.

Soon those who are STILL blind in a dark fallen world will SEE the LIGHT and how prescient and TRUTHFUL this thread will turn out to be.

Intelligent Readers bombarded by endless outside LIES and propaganda deserve nothing less than the Gold Standard of TRUTH.
At the very least for your own good and anyone reading , at the very least change the same old generalized cliches, mantras, hackneyed

expressions, lies and predictions which as is the case with sbd FAILED 99.8% of the time and 100% of the time over the last 34

months that Trump's devolution was/is "IMMINENT!"

The REAL TRUTH is that I, wilbur and schmirt have documented everything we have posted regarding above about you with

actual FACTS/RECEIPTS whereas your "facts"/receipts" consist of nothing more than begging the question, poisoning

the well, unsupported gossip and hearsay and most importantly narratives that are based on inconsistencies, contradictions,

unresolved paradoxes and drawing conclusions from lies and illogic that are off the scale!!

The very fact that you put or actually pretend to put intelligent and very well educated and well experienced in the area

of lies and fraud like me on ignore rather than to face off against me in this thread simply indicates to me as well

as any intelligent and objective person somewhere deep inside your being, you know that the narrative

you present is full of Swiss cheese size holes and in a one-on-one counter with me or someone else in my class

we would absolutely destroy you!!

Nov 11, 2007
Military intelligence has always known.

People with the highest security clearances have always known.

Intelligence agencies around the world have always known.

The only question was, how long would the right people stay silent and tolerate it?

Should the Deep State be allowed to select and control governments? Are the current one billion classified documents, including JFK assassination files, locked away and hidden from the public a good thing? Is this even democracy?

It stands to reason it was only a matter of time before Patriots stoop up and said, "ENOUGH!"
I just addressed this in my previous post-there is no need to repeat it!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Nov 11, 2007

At the onset of the original RR thread the op stated that Christianity has been a major mind-control psyop for thousands of years.

The story of Yeshua ["Jesus"] is distorted and did not happen as claimed.

He was never crucified.

And most certainly didn't "die for your sins".

The "bible" is one of the most distorted texts on the planet.

It is filled with lies and half truths.

All designed to keep you entrenched in a "hero-savior" mind-control system.

Designed to give your power away to someone else.

"Do not question authority" is the control system.

Every system is designed this way and we were reminded of this when the plandemic started and we got to witness billions of people lining up for a deadly shot without once questioning it.

As you travel across social media "Jesus" is suddenly popping up everywhere.

This year they also released a movie called The Jesus Revolution.

The timing of this sudden surge in "Jesus" is not coincidence.

It's all part of the bigger plan as stated in the above letter.

Faith and connection to God is critical to happiness and evolution.

But do not get caught up in the dogma of it all.

Always remember, the kingdom of God is IN you, not outside of you.

All organized religions are consciousness traps and mind-control systems.

Break away from these systems and start connecting more into nature and you will quickly begin to understand and feel what God really is!

Link to this drivel and/or is it as I suspect is it

But of course you know we know what you say is true because around three years ago you posted in the original thread you had

a NDE(near-death experience) where all of the secrets of the universe were revealed to you.

When I asked you to comment on this alleged NDE(this is when I was not on ignore), you came up with some cockamamie

excuse and said it was some kind of a "private matter" between you and God and would not talk about it!! lol

The most revealing and telling line about you from the post above is this:

"It's all part of the bigger plan as stated in the above letter."

Any intelligent and objective who has followed this thread closely since it started as I have, realizes that his "part of the

plan" bullshit as well as terms like "fake news" is a generic term you use and throw out whenever something negative

has occurred with Trump and/or some other event related to him or for that matter anything that doesn't fit

your narrative cannot be explained!!

In a sense it is like pleading the fifth amendment in the sense that if you tried to defend it with SPECIFICS, I along with

others would make a fool out of you in the same way that we already have with you and sheriff joe with the other

attention-seeking lies and bullshit you post!!

Now please excuse me for a little while because it is part of MY PLAN to hop into the jacuzzi in order to prepare

my body, mind and soul for another day of to putting you, sheriff joe and your flunky doctorsuccess in their rightful place in the


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