
Nov 11, 2007

“Defendant stands alone in American history": Smith filing torches Trump claim, signals new evidence​

Gabriella Ferrigine
Tue, November 7, 2023 at 10:35 AM EST·4 min read

Donald Trump; Jack Smith Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images

Donald Trump; Jack Smith Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images

Special counsel Jack Smith and his team of prosecutors on Monday in a lengthy filing spelled out exactly why they feel former President Donald Trump should bear the full weight of justice in his Washington, D.C. election subversion case. Smith's indictment charges that Trump spearheaded efforts to orchestrate falsehoods about systemic voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
“The defendant attempts to rewrite the indictment, claiming that it charges him with wholly innocuous, perhaps even admirable conduct — sharing his opinions about election fraud and seeking election integrity,” wrote assistant special counsel James Pearce in the filing, “when in fact it clearly describes the defendant’s fraudulent use of knowingly false statements as weapons in furtherance of his criminal plans.”
“[T]he defendant stands alone in American history for his alleged crimes,” Pearce wrote. “No other president has engaged in conspiracy and obstruction to overturn valid election results and illegitimately retain power.”

Politico reported that Smith has also signaled that he plans to introduce new and potentially damning evidence at Trump's trial, which will be overseen by U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan and scheduled to begin on March 4, 2024.
Smith's latest filing came in response to Trump's own efforts to have the entire Jan. 6 case dismissed. In a series of dismissal motions, Trump and his legal team contended that the case violated Trump's First Amendment rights by criminalizing his "political speech and advocacy," claiming that Smith's indictment "does not explain" how the ex-president committed the alleged crimes he has been charged with.
Prosecutors in their rebuttal countered: “The First Amendment does not protect fraudulent speech or speech otherwise integral to criminal conduct, particularly crimes that attack the integrity and proper function of government processes."
“The defendant’s comments about the virtues of the First Amendment, over which there is no dispute, do nothing to unsettle this line of unbroken precedent," Peace wrote.
“Because the Government has not charged President Trump with responsibility for the actions at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, allegations related to these actions are not relevant and are prejudicial and inflammatory. Therefore, the Court should strike these allegations from the Indictment,” wrote Trump attorneys Todd Blanche, John Lauro, Emil Bove and Gregory Singer.
“The indictment must be dismissed because it seeks to criminalize core political speech and advocacy that lies at the heart of the First Amendment,” the filing states.
“Virtually every American, including the cited public officials, had similar access to much of this same information, including a mountain of publicly reported facts and opinions, which were the subject of wall-to-wall media coverage throughout the post-election period and beyond,” the MAGA lawyers added.
“To assert that President Trump, as one voice among countless millions, was somehow capable of unilaterally ‘tricking’ or ‘deceiving’ these individuals, who include some of the most informed politicians on the planet, simply by advocating his opinions on this contentious issue, is beyond absurd.”
Trump has maintained that his pressuring state and local officials to discredit President Joe Biden's victory was a form of "advocacy," as he claims he truly thought the election had been stolen from him. Smith and prosecutors have vehemently refuted this claim, however, with Pearce writing in the filing that "Knowing lies are neither opinions nor ‘pure advocacy,’ and in any event, the defendant could not use so-called advocacy as a cover for his scheme to obstruct a governmental function through deceit."
"Were it otherwise, defendants captured en route to a bank robbery could not be charged with conspiracy because their crime did not succeed.”
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Pearce also cited a list of historical elections referenced by Trump's legal team in their own filings, as Politico noted. These elections, which included those from 1800 and 1960, saw controversies surrounding slates of electors at their core.
“Notably absent from any of these historical episodes, however, is any attempt by any person to use fraud and deceit to obstruct or defeat the governmental function that would result in the certification of the lawful winner of a presidential election,” Pearce concluded. “The existence throughout history of legitimate electoral disputes does not validate the defendant’s corrupt and dishonest actions any more than the existence of legitimate investment offers validates the creation of a criminal Ponzi scheme.”
View comments (1.5k)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Renegade: Was Barack Obama an Intelligence Agency Creation Designed to Destroy America From Within?​

How many sheep bought into this total fraud?

Remember, SBD and I keep telling you....

Wait for the ending!

Nov 11, 2007

Renegade: Was Barack Obama an Intelligence Agency Creation Designed to Destroy America From Within?​

How many sheep bought into this total fraud?

Remember, SBD and I keep telling you....

Wait for the ending!
Your blatant racism once again shines through!!

Much more importantly Obama is no longer POTUS, and you are supporting a self-serving racist/fascist/neo-Nazi Trump who

if he is able, would do his best to pattern the country to that of Hitler Nazi-Germany in WW 2 with him sitting at the top

and persecution and eliminating any and all who stand in his way!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"I am the only candidate who can prevent and stop World War III" -- CIC Trump

How can Trump make such a bold statement and promise? How?

Ron DeSanctimonious can't say this.

None of the other so-called candidates can make that pledge.

"Biden" can't even make that promise, and most people still believe HE is the Commander-in-Chief. LOL

Nobody can.

Except Trump - a man supposedly out of power.

How? How is this possible? Have you ever turned off the TV and thought this through?

Let me tell you.

It means...all the Deep State "television enemies" (the countries they are scaring you into believing would engage in a WORLD WAR with the United States!) are - ready? - WORKING WITH TRUMP!

That's how.

Even if the Deep State managed to trigger a false flag against, say, Putin scaring you into WWIII...Putin would not respond and their pitiful false-flag "world war" would be kaput.

Don't believe me? Listen to my boy Vlad himself..

"We are not war with the American people, we are war with AMERICAN OLIGARCHS!"


Do I have receipts? Of course I do!

Russian Air Force and US Air Force conducting joint military exercises over the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.

Australian, Canadian, Brazilian, French military aircraft on US soil. US planes constantly flying over Europe..

Egyptian and Saudi military landing in Israel...

THOUSANDS of flights tracked.

Everyone working together to destroy the common enemy...


They will try to "scare" you into believing we might be close to a world war...maybe in the Ukraine (although they appear to have given up on that one), maybe in the middle east, maybe in Taiwan...

Who knows.

It really doesn't matter what bullshit war your TV tells you might happen.

It's all fake, phony and false.

👉👉👉Historic Global Civ-Mil Alliance

The Deep State and the Fake News scaring you with bullshit after bullshit are not in control.

PATRIOTS are in control.

That's why CIC Trump, and ONLY Trump, can prevent WWIII, fully backed by all Global militaries working with him.

Now you know.

Nov 11, 2007
"I am the only candidate who can prevent and stop World War III" -- CIC Trump

How can Trump make such a bold statement and promise? How?
Because he wants to vote morons to believe it!!
It is the Trump version of why did the chicken cross the road!! lol
Ron DeSanctimonious can't say this.
Who the fuck cares what he or anyone says/boast-it is delivering on promises that count!!
None of the other so-called candidates can make that pledge.
So let's see if someone makes a political pledge to do something, it means he can do and everyone should just take him

at his word and vote for him!!

Your stupidity and inabiliy to debate are off the charts today!!
"Biden" can't even make that promise, and most people still believe HE is the Commander-in-Chief. LOL
Again total illogic, non-sequiturs, lies begging the question and poisoning the well on full display here with the post to which I am referring above!!
Nobody can.
The Candy Man Can!! lol
Except Trump - a man supposedly out of power.
Not supposedly/IS OUT OF POWER according TO YOU if one examines the statements you have made in the past and

takes them at face value!!
How? How is this possible? Have you ever turned off the TV and thought this through?
How is it possible that a grown man like yourself believes the laughable shit you post WITHOUT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE TO
Let me tell you.

It means...all the Deep State "television enemies" (the countries they are scaring you into believing would engage in a WORLD WAR with the United States!) are - ready? - WORKING WITH TRUMP!
Link please, or is it as I suspect sheriffjoe. com!! lol
That's how.
My last post is HOW I continue to make you look clueless and badly in need if professional help!!
Even if the Deep State managed to trigger a false flag against, say, Putin scaring you into WWIII...Putin would not respond and their pitiful false-flag "world war" would be kaput.
Again provide a link to this nonsense and attention-seeking delusional bs other than
Don't believe me? Listen to my boy Vlad himself..
Unlike you, I would not trust that murderous menace to society and the world to give someone the right time of day!!
"We are not war with the American people, we are war with AMERICAN OLIGARCHS!"
I just addressed this. It doesn;t say much abut folks like yourself and sbd to support this diabolical scourge who needs to

be eliminated if his failing health doesn't get it done!!
Delusions, paranoia and projections without documentation don't get it done and never will!!
Do I have receipts? Of course I do!
Kindly present the verifiable and documented receipts, which don't include lies and unsupported opinions!!
Russian Air Force and US Air Force conducting joint military exercises over the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.
Again show us the link to the article to prove this and not of!!
Australian, Canadian, Brazilian, French military aircraft on US soil. US planes constantly flying over Europe..
Maybe you mistook these for large birds!! lol
Egyptian and Saudi military landing in Israel...
savage1 currently landing in this thread to once again put you in your place and DESTROY you!!
THOUSANDS of flights tracked.
You mean the same flights that were tracked that dent thousands upon thousands of evil members of the deep state to Gitmo!! lol
Everyone working together to destroy the common enemy..
The common enemy is TRUMP and members of his right-wing cult who if left unfettered would send this country and the world

back to the Stone Age if not destroy it!!


They will try to "scare" you into believing we might be close to a world war...maybe in the Ukraine (although they appear to have given up on that one), maybe in the middle east, maybe in Taiwan...
Actually it is folks like you who wish to lull people into a false sense of security that WW 3 can never happen!!
Who knows.
Th shadow knows!! lol
It really doesn't matter what bullshit war your TV tells you might happen.
It is bs to you because YOU and NOT THEM live in a world of fantasy, paranoia, delusion and projection, which is typical of

people who suffer from deep psychosis!!
It's all fake, phony and false.
I am glad that at least for one second you come to grips that you are referring to yourself!!
👉👉👉Historic Global Civ-Mil Alliance
Please be specific and give us the link/source to this!!
The Deep State and the Fake News scaring you with bullshit after bullshit are not in control.
Look at scoreboard, buddy, and see who has made all of the decisions whether they were/are good or not since he took office!!

Guess what despite your claim which is full of holes as I have pointed out too many time to count, the CIC is Biden!!
PATRIOTS are in control.
Yeah I agree with a 2-7 record the Patriots are not going to make the playoffs and it is time to get rid of both Mack Jones

and Bill Belichick!!

It is nice to agree with you about something a change!! lol
That's why CIC Trump, and ONLY Trump, can prevent WWIII, fully backed by Global militaries.
I just addressed this above-no need to repeat!!
Now you know.
Yes now you/we/all know that you have been destroyed once again by your intellectual and debating superior!!
Sep 12, 2022
"I am the only candidate who can prevent and stop World War III" -- CIC Trump

How can Trump make such a bold statement and promise? How?

Ron DeSanctimonious can't say this.

None of the other so-called candidates can make that pledge.

"Biden" can't even make that promise, and most people still believe HE is the Commander-in-Chief. LOL

Nobody can.

Except Trump - a man supposedly out of power.

How? How is this possible? Have you ever turned off the TV and thought this through?

Let me tell you.

It means...all the Deep State "television enemies" (the countries they are scaring you into believing would engage in a WORLD WAR with the United States!) are - ready? - WORKING WITH TRUMP!

That's how.

Even if the Deep State managed to trigger a false flag against, say, Putin scaring you into WWIII...Putin would not respond and their pitiful false-flag "world war" would be kaput.

Don't believe me? Listen to my boy Vlad himself..

"We are not war with the American people, we are war with AMERICAN OLIGARCHS!"


Do I have receipts? Of course I do!

Russian Air Force and US Air Force conducting joint military exercises over the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.

Australian, Canadian, Brazilian, French military aircraft on US soil. US planes constantly flying over Europe..

Egyptian and Saudi military landing in Israel...

THOUSANDS of flights tracked.

Everyone working together to destroy the common enemy...


They will try to "scare" you into believing we might be close to a world war...maybe in the Ukraine (although they appear to have given up on that one), maybe in the middle east, maybe in Taiwan...

Who knows.

It really doesn't matter what bullshit war your TV tells you might happen.

It's all fake, phony and false.

👉👉👉Historic Global Civ-Mil Alliance

The Deep State and the Fake News scaring you with bullshit after bullshit are not in control.

PATRIOTS are in control.

That's why CIC Trump, and ONLY Trump, can prevent WWIII, fully backed by all Global militaries working with him.

Now you know.
Look at everything he's sacrificed for the country. We couldn't ask for a better man.

Nov 11, 2007
Look at everything he's sacrificed for the country. We couldn't ask for a better man.
Is brown-nosing sheriff joe and Trump the very best you can do with your See Spot Run response!! lol

Perhaps you should consult either Ventriloquist SBD or sheriff joey hoey himself to see if they can supply you with

some lines that are at least a little more respectful and dignified than your current one that barely even qualifies as

one that is skin-deep!!

Nov 11, 2007

This should be considered by every objective person although by my way if thinking, Trump has almost a zero chance of being

elected POTUS!!

It goes without saying that the regular posting members of the Trump fascist cult in this thread need not bother to read this!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Look at everything he's sacrificed for the country. We couldn't ask for a better man.
Everyone knows who the CIC is.

Every General in every military worldwide know who the CIC is.

Every member of Law Enforcement who swore an oath to defend the Constitution, knows who the CIC is.

Whenever Trump visits a city, after their duty is complete, one by one, the police officers protecting him and his massive mile-long motorcade line up requesting autographs and selfies. Grown professional armed men swarming him like school boys chasing Tom Brady. Quite the visual.

They know Donald Trump pledged his life, his fortune and sacred honor to save the country he so loves.

Everyone knows who the CIC is...


Everyone except....TV TARDS.

Sep 5, 2010
Another great read.

Trump's 'lizard brain' on full display as his 'empire of fraud' crumbles: conservative​





Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

Get ready for the return.

The stupid! It burns!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
Everyone knows who the CIC is.
I have destroyed this lie, delusion, and projection, which consists of begging the question, poisoning the well and most importantly,

one which is contradictory, inconsistent and paradoxical many times before and will continue to do so!!
Every General in every military worldwide know who the CIC is.
I have destroyed this lie, delusion, and projection, which consists of begging the question, poisoning the well and most importantly,

one which is contradictory, inconsistent and paradoxical many times before and will continue to do so!!
Whenever Trump visits a city, one by one, the police officers protecting him and his massive mile-long motorcade, line up requesting autographs and selfies after their duty is done. Grown professional armed men swarming him like school boys chasing Tom Brady. Quite the visual.
I have destroyed this lie, delusion, and projection, which consists of begging the question, poisoning the well and most importantly,

one which is contradictory, inconsistent and paradoxical many times before and will continue to do so!!
They know Donald Trump pledged his life, his fortune and sacred honor to save the country he so loves.
I have destroyed this lie, delusion, and projection, which consists of begging the question, poisoning the well and most importantly,

one which is contradictory, inconsistent and paradoxical many times before and will continue to do so!!
Everyone knows who the CIC is...
I have destroyed this lie, delusion, and projection, which consists of begging the question, poisoning the well and most importantly,

one which is contradictory, inconsistent and paradoxical many times before and will continue to do so!!
View attachment 77734

Everyone except....TV TARDS.
I have destroyed this lie, delusion, and projection, which consists of begging the question, poisoning the well and most importantly,

one which is contradictory, inconsistent and paradoxical many times before and will continue to do so!!

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing before departing for dinner and relaxation and returning later on:

Dana Bash just interviewed Governor Youngkin on CNN and first of all based on what I have seen and heard of him as well as his

accomplishments, imo he is BY FAR the best candidate for POTUS on EITHER SIDE and why I put some money down on him at great

odds to be both the nominee and Republican nominee and POTUS!!

What is interesting and MAY BE telling is that at the end of the interview, she asked him whether he would consider being a candidate

for 2024!!

To cut to the chase, he did not answer the question but instead talked about for now Virginia was/is his priority!!

Before thanking him for his time, Dana replied "I didn't hear a "no" in your response!!

All I can say is that if he declares his candidacy, all things considered, which includes his overall competence, intelligence,

likability, once people get to know him and what he stands for as opposed to Trump and Biden anyway, imo he will

catch fire with both Democrats and Republicans and will be tough to beat!

I am not going to debate this as opinions are subjective including this one and thus cannot be debated for obvious reasons!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

This should be considered by every objective person although by my way if thinking, Trump has almost a zero chance of being

elected POTUS!!

It goes without saying that the regular posting members of the Trump fascist cult in this thread need not bother to read this!!
One last thing before departing for dinner and relaxation and returning later on:

Dana Bash just interviewed Governor Youngkin on CNN and first of all based on what I have seen and heard of him as well as his

accomplishments, imo he is BY FAR the best candidate for POTUS on EITHER SIDE and why I put some money down on him at great

odds to be both the nominee and Republican nominee and POTUS!!

What is interesting and MAY BE telling is that at the end of the interview, she asked him whether he would consider being a candidate

for 2024!!

To cut to the chase, he did not answer the question but instead talked about for now Virginia was/is his priority!!

Before thanking him for his time, Dana replied "I didn't hear a "no" in your response!!

All I can say is that if he declares his candidacy, all things considered, which includes his overall competence, intelligence,

likability, once people get to know him and what he stands for as opposed to Trump and Biden anyway, imo he will

catch fire with both Democrats and Republicans and will be tough to beat!

I am not going to debate this as opinions are subjective including this one and thus cannot be debated for obvious reasons!!
If he’s smart he would wait til ‘28 and avoid being the roadkill others are experiencing .

It’s Trump’s party and they’re all living in it lightweight .

Sep 5, 2010
If he’s smart he would wait til ‘28 and avoid being the roadkill others are experiencing .

It’s Trump’s party and they’re all living in it lightweight .
Get ready for the red tsunami!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Sep 5, 2010
Another great read on this great day.

'Utter failure' of Trump defense strategy leaves his company 'at an end': MSNBC​





Soon, real soon.


Get ready for the return.

The walls are closing in.

What a great week we are having.


Sep 5, 2010

Donald Trump's defense DOOMED as defendants strike deals, must testify in indictment​




soon, real soon.

We have it all.

Get ready for the return.

All part of the plan.

You are watching a movie.

trump has been taken to Gitmo and executed.

An orange, fat moronic, body double is in his place.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Donald Trump's defense DOOMED as defendants strike deals, must testify in indictment​




soon, real soon.

We have it all.

Get ready for the return.

All part of the plan.

You are watching a movie.

trump has been taken to Gitmo and executed.

An orange, fat moronic, body double is in his place.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Strike deals with the little fish to catch the big fish .

See Russia collusion hoax borderline retard .


Sep 21, 2004
Much more importantly Obama is no longer POTUS LIVING IN THE WHITE HOUSE. MICHELLE WILL B THE next POTUS. We knowi who is running the show now….Stay Tuned
Thank You for update agent S-1…. C you at the next incursion :cool:

Sep 5, 2010
What a great week and another great read!

Trump Is Playing A Losing Hand In Every Legal Case Against Him​

You step back and look at the Trump arc since 2017 and I’m only being partly glib when I offer this summation of the Trump message to the base: “I’m a loser just like you.”

I’m a loser just like you.”

I’m a loser just like you.”

I’m a loser just like you.”

Get it, ultra low iqanon losers???





Soon, real soon!

We have it all.

Get ready for the return.

The stupid! It burns!

Got polls?

🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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