
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Here is one last one for now.

To be blunt, when Trump himself admits that he fucked up about something, then you know he REALLY FUCKED UP!! lol

The judge who is harassing DJT in NYC takes naked selfies in the mirror at the gym & then posts them to the high school alumni newsletter he maintains." The self-described "opposition research group" is headed by former Trump White House aide Garrett Ziegler.

As if this naked selfie taking leftist loon is gonna go easy on him .

Let me know when you find an article showing that disclaimer by your friends on the left .

Nov 11, 2007
I am reposting this sequel about Youngkin from late last night from my original post not only for those who didn't get a chance to

read it but also for consideration of the Trump diehards as to what and how a person like myself thinks and considers before

posting something as opposed to them.

This is a stark contrast to the skin-deep posts at best of folks like sbd, sheriff joe and Lenny Lenbo, who simply flail away with random

thoguht and who are unable to put together any kind of rational and cohesive thesis that cannot be usually

destroyed by people like me who have both the innate ability, education, professional experience and overall know-how to do so!!

Assuming that these folks have any modicum of intelligence, imo they should strive for excellence rather than simply

be content with their current mediocrity at best.

Here you go:

"Here is some more on why Youngkin's non-commital answer to Dana Bash may be quite telling and/at the vert least an indication

that he is at least giving it some serious consideration.

Here is why:

We all know that a good jockey with a very good track record needs to consider lots of things in preparing for the next race.

If for example the horse that has been entered into the next race is known for his closing ability he must consider these things for


1) He must have lots of knowledge about the horses and jockeys with whom he and his horse are competing, namely their

strengths and weaknesses as well as their approach to a race.

2) When the jockey has assessed all of the information, he must determine a roadmap to hopeful victory with his own

horse and hot to determine when and how far it should be off the pace before it goes into closer mode!!

As I see it, it is not really that all that much different when it comes to politics and in this case Youngkin!!

In short, it is up to him to determine at what point he should jump into the race based on the political news, events and polling

data surrounding both Trump and Biden as they develop to the point where he thinks they are vulnerable to the point

where the odds are in his favor to announce his candidacy.

With a year to go until the Election, imo he sees no immediate rush and will jump in at the opportune time if it develops

such as for example there is a Trump conviction and/or for other reasons a drop in the polling date for Trump the nomination and/or

more importantly, data that suggests that Trump is slipping in the polling data regarding the 2024 Election and/or that

Biden's polling date slips and/or someone other than Biden becomes the front-runner for the nomination and/or

is nominated and the resultant polling data!!

There many more possibilities here, but as I see it, the fact that Youngkin did not give Dana Bash a firm categorical NO

response when asked whether he might run or not, at the very least gives one food for thought!!"

I hope that my analogy of all this to the jockey is clear!!
Aug 17, 2019

Nov 11, 2007
Good ole CGI.

The same CGI the op brought to everyone's attention immediately after Biden's fake inauguration.

Great for Hollywood.

Not great for real life.

Only good enough to fool tards.

But they are a special kind of stupid.
Quoting from my earlier post today, pay attention particularly to what I said about your use of the term "fake news!!"

"Any intelligent and objective who has followed this thread closely since it started as I have, realizes that his "part of the

plan" bullshit as well as terms like "fake news" is a generic term you use and throw out whenever something negative

has occurred with Trump and/or some other event related to him or for that matter anything that doesn't fit

your narrative cannot be explained!!"

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Good ole CGI.

The same CGI the op brought to everyone's attention immediately after Biden's fake inauguration.

Great for Hollywood.

Not great for real life.

Only good enough to fool tards.

But they are a special kind of stupid.
Your intel source which told you a plane hit the first tower but not the second was once again dead on.

Video on the ground of the first plane hitting the first tower 👇 👇 👇

They needed at least one actual plane to sell this lemon to the public. After all, anyone who later claimed controlled demolition with explosives brought down the towers with "no planes" was easily proven "crazy" by live witnesses and authentic video footage like the one I just posted.

Yet another clever half-truth to throw off a dog's scent.

But as we have documented, there is no credible evidence a second plane hit the second tower, just as there is no credible evidence a plane hit the Pentagon coming in at 500 miles an hour flying a few feet above ground by "terrorists" who could barely fly a Cessna.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

"We found their passports fluttering in the wind a couple blocks down from Ground Zero! It's a miracle! This was totally Bin Laden!" 🤡

Never mind that "bin Laden" was an original CIA love child, the way ISIS was a Obama CIA love child. No "terrorism expert" TV Clown dared to mention that fact, either.

The more one analyses the whole "story" a traumatized nation was told over and over 24/7, the more ridiculous it sounds and completely falls apart at every seam. But that's how propaganda works.

Starting with "boxcutters". You mean the "terrorists" didn't use GUNS to hijack these airliners? NO! They scared passengers with "boxcutters"...and every single one just sat there like a total helpless pussy letting it happen!


Nov 11, 2007
Your intel source which told you a plane hit the first tower but not the second was once again dead on.

Video on the ground of the first plane hitting the first tower 👇 👇 👇

They needed at least one actual plane to sell this lemon to the public. After all, anyone who later claimed controlled demolition with explosives brought down the towers with "no planes" was easily proven "crazy" by live witnesses and authentic video footage like the one I just posted.

Yet another clever half-truth to throw off a dog's scent.

But as we have documented, there is no credible evidence a second plane hit the second tower, just as there is no credible evidence a plane hit the Pentagon coming in at 500 miles an hour flying a few feet above ground by "terrorists" who could barely fly a Cessna.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

"We found their passports fluttering in the wind a couple blocks down from Ground Zero! It's a miracle! This was totally Bin Laden!" 🤡

Never mind that "bin Laden" was an original CIA love child, the way ISIS was a Obama CIA love child. No "terrorism expert" TV Clown dared to mention that fact, either.

The more one analyses the whole "story" a traumatized nation was told over and over 24/7, the more ridiculous it sounds and completely falls apart at every seam. But that's how propaganda works.

Starting with "boxcutters". You mean the "terrorists" didn't use GUNS to hijack these airliners? NO! They scared passengers with "boxcutters"...and every single one just sat there like a total helpless pussy letting it happen!

Bringing up matters that occurred 20 years ago like 9/11 along with the JFK assassination which occurred over 60 years ago and

trying to make them the center of attraction with unproven allegations and that will always remain unproven allegations,

simply indicate the level of desperation and denial you have sunk to regarding the current and important news of the

day, namely your hero and deity, Donald Trump!!

i find it interesting that up until recently neither your nor sbd mentioned very much the two events cited above!!

Is it simply a coincidence that you simply turned to these events at the precise time that the screws are being put

to Trump??

To quote the words of your deity when he makes an emphatic statement as it regards my question, "I don't think so!!

Nov 11, 2007
How The CIA Overthrows Governments...over and over and over.

Why stop there but rather to continue and investigate the possibility that there was some kind of conspiracy that

resulted in the Red Sox trading Babe Ruth to the Yankees and that it was part of the fucking plan to make the Yankees world

champions for many years to come whereas it took the Sox 86 years after 1918 to win another World Series!! lol

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
What does "STEAM" sound like in the real world....a commie pedo supporter like King is a favorite to has used adrenochrome himself


Nov 11, 2007
What does "STEAM" sound like in the real world....a commie pedo supporter like King is a favorite to has used adrenochrome himself

Why not also mention Trump who sexually abused Ivanka when she was a young teenager or even younger? Is that ok in your book??

Nov 11, 2007
What does "STEAM" sound like in the real world....a commie pedo supporter like King is a favorite to has used adrenochrome himself

It is actually appropriately you used the word "steam" in your post because there is a very well-known group with a very well

known song that follows whose lyrics are already well on their way to accurately predicting Trump's future:


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Had to triple check the source after seeing the headline, thought it was going to be from the BabylonBee

Talk about LOL Rhetoric

Statement from White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on President Biden’s Establishment of First-Ever National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia​


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
What does "STEAM" sound like in the real world....a commie pedo supporter like King is a favorite to has used adrenochrome himself

You can always tell who's complicit by who attacks the people fighting against this evil. If you’re not 100% behind fighting pedophiles, you are one, plain and simple.

King's well documented irrational hate for Trump once again demonstrates how true this is.

Nov 11, 2007
You can always tell who's complicit by who attacks the people fighting against this evil. If you’re not 100% behind fighting pedophiles, you are one, plain and simple.

King's well documented irrational hate for Trump once again demonstrates how true this is.
How about telling us with SPECIFICS(which doesn't include begging the question, poisoning the well, etc.) why you LOVE

Trump and SPECIFICALLY why you condone matters like his involvement in January 6, Georgia, Mar-a-Lago and his overall


In your opinion is Trump the model of excellence we should all strive to be and raise our children as the exemplary

manner for them by which to live their lives???

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