
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
How distressful it must be for RACIST Trump to have both a Black person and a Jew be the ones who rule on his fate in

this case!! lol

Please tell us more you silly fool . When even the NY Slimes sounds the alarm .

In 2020 one eye was opened . Now both are wide open for Black voters .

As Black Voters Drift to Trump, Biden’s Allies Say They Have Work to Do

New York Times/Siena College polling painted a worrisome picture of the president’s standing with a crucial constituency. Democratic strategists warned that the erosion could threaten his re-election.

Nov 11, 2007

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And it's all happening as scripted.

Tards post links to fake news, fake polls and fake fact-checkers.

Meanwhile, people myself and Sheriff Joe post REAL PROOF like official documents [legal, devolution, Constitutional, etc.], official communications [email, text, etc], receipts, flight logs, peer-reviewed research, and even quote high ranking people verbatim before they actually say it publicly.

But but we are just tin foil wearing hats fools!

Real fast-I stopped reading when you cited devolution as "proof" for the simple reason that you and sheriff joe have been predicting

Trump's devolution was/is "imminent" going back 34 months to January of 2021 when Biden was inaugurated!!

I just stated what Trump was about in my previous post.

Try to take your rose-colored blinkers off and try to read it objectively if you want to understand what Trump is all about!!
Oct 30, 2006
Blah Blah Blah What you should have said is that he LOVES HIMSELF, and will say and do anything in his power to discredit anyone or anything that

he sees from detracting from the image!!

People who love their country first don't get involved in any way with trying to overthrow the country such as on January 6th,

nor do they flaunt the laws of the Constitution that he did with the documents he brought to Mar-a-Lago and don't try to get the vote

overturned illegally such as he did i Georgia!!

Imo that alone disqualifies him from being referred to as a superior leader!!

Imo also his lies about openly lying to the American Public for self-serving reasons as documented by Bob Woodward as

well as his total incompetency in dealing with Covid, which in the opinion of many was responsible for many deaths are hardly the

qualities of a leader!!

I have heard your silly notion about democrats being controlled by communists starting with the McCarthy days in the fifties

when I was a small child, then in my college days in the 60's and now once again, folks like you are trying to take it center-


In fact iy is just a generic term that people throw out when they have nothing specific to throw out!!

How does that compare with specifics like I mentioned about Trump above, namely using Hitler-like tactics in trying to

control the country such as we saw on January 6th or his implied threats to seek revenge if elected to seek revenge against

all of those who "wronged him" during these investigations and his overall putrid and unpresidential-like demeanor!

To summarize and to the point, if you want to believe that his so-called leadership abilities outweigh his "personality

flaws," that is your right.

I was raised a bit differently and hold the value that whether it is in politics or any facet of life, what one is as a human being

needs to be considered FIRST before giving any consideration to what he is a politician, etc.

ps Do you think if someone wins the triple crown in baseball and is voted the MVP should be able to keep the award

if it is later determined he used PED'S for the entire season??

My answer is a resounding NO and also should be banned from baseball PERMANENTLY!!

That's it!! Blah Blah Blah...
Ok so he loves himself & his country so what?....Vote for him anyway...

Nov 11, 2007
Ok so he loves himself & his country so what?....Vote for him anyway...
It is telling is that is the best you can do as a response to what I just posted to you.

My only additional comment is that imo Trump "loves" his country ONLY in the sense that if says or does the "right things" in the eyes of

in the public, it further stokes his ego and position of prominence in his mind!!

If you feel differently and he really cares about the country in the sense of pure altruism, devotion and dedication, then

let's just say that you and I are 180% diametrically opposed in our opinions!!

Don't expect me to debate his because obviously one's opinions and the criterion used to arrive at conclusions are

subjective and thus cannot be debated!!

Nov 11, 2007

I have nothing to add other than to strongly suggest that everyone read it!!

I especially agree with the part stating that if Trump is convicted, he won't be leading/winning in any of those swing states with

the implication is that he will get crushed if he is the nominee!!

If Biden is not the nominee, then Trump will get beaten badly by whoever is!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

I have nothing to add other than to strongly suggest that everyone read it!!

I especially agree with the part stating that if Trump is convicted, he won't be leading/winning in any of those swing states with

the implication is that he will get crushed if he is the nominee!!

If Biden is not the nominee, then Trump will get beaten badly by whoever is!!

If Biden is not the nominee, then Trump will get beaten badly by whoever is!!

Like Newsome ?


Nov 11, 2007
I agree with all of the analysts who state that the reason that Trump is currently showing any strength is not because of anything

that Trump has said or done nut because of what they deem to be Biden's incompetence, age, etc.

As I see it, this is essentially the reverse of the situation that existed in 2020 when most folks including myself concluded that

many of the votes for Biden were anti-Trump votes!!

I feel the pressure from within the Democratic Party itself as well as people who usually vote Democratic is mounting, and

that he will step down of either his own volition or will be forced out by folks who jump into the fray!!

If that should occur and someone else emerges, they should simply call off the Election and save some money for the

country because if Trump turns out to be the nominee, which I still doubt, he will take well in honor of my

posting name, a SAVAGE beating of epic proportions!!

That's it for me until at least noontime!!

Nov 11, 2007
Nothing to post since my temporary absence earlier on today which is not surprising because when I the straw who really stirs the drink

in here and who exposes and frustrates the Trum fellators leaves overall interest in this thread dissipates quickly!!

Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps our resident reincarnated human self-anointed condom/body shield for Trump can tell us whether he still holds to the

notion that Trump didn't tell even one lie during his four years as POTUS let alone 33,000 ones, whether he still holds to the belief

that Trump is a sanctity/a deity who not once not only during his four years as POTUS but right both before and after it, NEVER/NOT

once did anything that he should not have and wouldn't even think of anything criminal in intent let alone do it!!

In addition and most importantly our resident Trump protector can tell us briefly why at his age he refuses and/or is unable to

cut the umbilical cord between Trump and him and why is petrified as to how badly his personal life will be affected if someone

else on either side is elected other than Trump!!

And finally, perhaps our resident/Trump/24/7/365 blinkers on Trump supporters why he continues to run away and hide

when I confront him stuff regarding stuff like Trump's devolution and other wacko stuff espoused by sbd and sheriff joe

rather than say that he does or does not, with the latter being what he believes!!

My conclusion is that forum has no rules as to who can post here, just real human beings or also entities that are not,

in the case of the resident above a mouse and one that is also scared of his its own shadow!!

Nov 11, 2007
One other thing until later in the afternoon:

Before anyone criticizes the media for left-wing bias, I strongly suggest that they tune in to Glenn Beck, Clay and Buck Show,

Howie Carr or Jesse Kelly and tell me with a straight that they are not biased in any way in what they say about

current events and especially toward Donald Trump!!

Nov 11, 2007

And yet and quoting the lyrics from a great song from yesteryear, this is how you perceive Trump:


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You know when a sports franchise decides it's time for a new building.

Of course while the construction is happening, the team still has to keep playing in the old rat-infested shithole.

Until everything is ready and it's time to switch over.

This is where we are now - Continuity of Government with the military in charge until the new building is ready for We The People.

Look at all the morons still get sucked into every fake news headline and storyline... still arguing about all the bad things happening in that old shitty building... the old broken corrupt barn few realize is being totally demolished.

There's a whole new spectacular world under construction just waiting to be unvealed.

A whole new system...

An accountable constitutional system backed by sound money.

But even better...

The entire Deep State is being "OBLITERATED"

You don't know this yet but gone already are...


Woke school boards..

And more!

All DEMOCRACT institutions which were NEVER authorized by We The People.

Thanks to a little known recent Supreme Court ruling that governing by executive fiat is no longer acceptable. So any "laws" on the books that haven't been passed through Congress are now...well, void.

This includes EOs and government agency "rules"

And new Speaker Mike Johnson is fully onboard!

And you'll never guess who is going to be "flipping the switch" and conducting the opening ceremonies in that brand spankin' new state of the art building?

Ushering in a new era of American prosperity with incredible policies and technologies you have yet to hear about.

But you will.

Just be patient until everything is ready and they're ready to turn on the lights.

The wait is more than worth it.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
One other thing until later in the afternoon:

Before anyone criticizes the media for left-wing bias, I strongly suggest that they tune in to Glenn Beck, Clay and Buck Show,

Howie Carr or Jesse Kelly and tell me with a straight that they are not biased in any way in what they say about

current events and especially toward Donald Trump!!

Now start a list on the other side and tell me with a straight face the media is not OVERWHELMINGLY left leaning .

I strongly suggest you get a clue .
Sep 12, 2022
You know when a sports franchise decides it's time for a new building.

Of course while the construction is happening, the team still has to keep playing in the old rat-infested shithole.

Until everything is ready and it's time to switch over.

This is where we are now - Continuity of Government with the military in charge until the new building is ready for We The People.

Look at all the morons still get sucked into every fake news headline and storyline... still arguing about all the bad things happening in that old shitty building... the old broken corrupt barn few realize is being totally demolished.

There's a whole new spectacular world under construction just waiting to be unvealed.

A whole new system...

An accountable constitutional system backed by sound money.

But even better...

The entire Deep State is being "OBLITERATED"

You don't know this yet but gone already are...


Woke school boards..

And more!

All DEMOCRACT institutions which were NEVER authorized by We The People.

Thanks to a little known recent Supreme Court ruling that governing by executive fiat is no longer acceptable. So any "laws" on the books that haven't been passed through Congress are now...well, void.

This includes EOs and government agency "rules"

And new Speaker Mike Johnson is fully onboard!

And you'll never guess who is going to be "flipping the switch" and conducting the opening ceremonies in that brand spankin' new state of the art building?

Ushering in a new era of American prosperity with incredible policies and technologies you have yet to hear about.

But you will.

Just be patient until everything is ready and they're ready to turn on the lights.

The wait is more than worth it.

View attachment 77727
Fantastic news!!!
Sep 12, 2022

View attachment 77701
View attachment 77702


And it's all happening as scripted.

Tards post links to fake news, fake polls and fake fact-checkers.

Meanwhile, people myself and Sheriff Joe post REAL PROOF like official documents [legal, devolution, Constitutional, etc.], official communications [email, text, etc], receipts, flight logs, peer-reviewed research, and even quote high ranking people verbatim before they actually say it publicly.

But but we are just tin foil wearing hats fools!

this is very interesting.

Nov 11, 2007

Jan. 6 riot was 'culmination' of Trump conspiracies to overturn 2020 election, special counsel says in new filing​

Daniel Barnes and Zoë Richards
Mon, November 6, 2023 at 7:46 PM EST·3 min read


Brendan McDermid

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump is responsible for the events at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 because they were the “culmination” of his conspiracies to overturn the 2020 presidential election, special counsel Jack Smith’s office says in a new filing in the former president's federal election interference case.
The filing is in response to Trump's motion to strike “inflammatory” references to the violence of Jan. 6, 2021, from his criminal indictment on four charges related to his alleged efforts to interfere with the certification of Joe Biden’s electoral victory.
Senior assistant special counsel Molly Gaston called Trump's motion a "meritless effort" to evade allegations that he was responsible for events at the Capitol that day.

“Indeed, that day was the culmination of the defendant’s criminal conspiracies to overturn the legitimate results of the presidential election," she wrote.
An attorney for Trump didn't immediately respond to a request for comment Monday.
The special counsel's office also filed separate memos opposing Trump's effort to dismiss the case. Trump previously filed two motions to dismiss based on various constitutional grounds and a failure to state a claim.
Assistant special counsel James Pearce — in response to Trump's claim that he couldn't have known his actions were criminal because others in the past weren't prosecuted for protesting election results — argued that "the defendant stands alone in American history for his alleged crimes. No other president has engaged in conspiracy and obstruction to overturn valid election results and illegitimately retain power.”
The special counsel also argued there is "no indication of selective or vindictive prosecution." Trump has accused prosecutors of leveraging a "retaliatory response" to his decision to run for president in 2024.
“The factual and legal record contain absolutely no indication of selective or vindictive prosecution,” senior assistant special counsel Thomas Windom wrote in a filing Monday, arguing that Trump had failed to provide the "rigorous proof necessary" to establish such a claim.
In total, Trump has made four attempts to dismiss the federal indictment in Washington on charges related to interfering with the 2020 presidential election.
He also filed a motion to dismiss the case on Oct. 5, on the basis of presidential immunity. That motion awaits a ruling from U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is presiding over the case.
Prosecutors from the special counsel's office argued in a filing Monday that Chutkan should deny Trump's request to halt the trial pending resolution of his motion to dismiss on the basis of presidential immunity.
Gaston urged Chutkan to prioritize ruling on that motion and the motion to dismiss the case on constitutional grounds because they are appealable immediately. She also accused Trump of trying “to delay trial at all costs and for as long as possible.”
“To limit such disruption, the Court should promptly resolve the defendant’s immunity motion, as well as his double jeopardy claim ... so that the Government can seek expedited consideration of any nonfrivolous appeal and preserve the Court’s carefully selected trial date,” Gaston wrote.
The trial in the election interference case is scheduled to begin March 4.
Daniel Barnes reported from Washington and Zoë Richards from New York.
This article was originally published on

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