
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Be sure to read some of the appropriate and attached commentary to the article if you want to get a real idea as to what and how the

population as a whole thinks about Trump!!

Only a total moronTrump fellator would think that this man will ever be elected POTUS no matter whether he is convicted or not!!

Trump has no shot . Lol !

When it comes to policy , you have NO shot defending the useful idiot or any other Dem candidates .

How dare these people not prepare for adversity . Right you silly fool ?


Nov 11, 2007
Sure, you get it, Sheriff Joe. But the Zionist boot-lickers on here are so uneducated and mentally deficient they never will. On top of that, they have caused permanent damage to their brains and bodies by injecting themselves with poison that they were duped into believing was a real vaccine. They think "Joe Biden" actually won the election. They are so removed from reality they are almost beyond redemption. Thankfully, nobody sees their posts, if they are even still posting. The unquenchable fire of hell awaits them.
Halftime Break:

If you are referring to me as uneducated,do you have a Masters's Degree to match what I have??

Also just let me know if you want tp challenge me to an independently judged IQ test and I will spot you 30 points to at least give you

a fighting chance!!

Re: the Covid Vaccinatiob, I received the first two and am glad I did as at 79 I never got Covid and other than some non-related

arthritis in my back I have had for years, I am doing great and just received a big thumbs up from my primary care physician

after my recent physical!!

Hopefully, you will be able to say the same if you make it to 79 and/or civilization is destroyed before you get to that age!!

Biden did win the Election and all documentation of recounts, audits, symposiums, et. proves it whereas conversely, you have ZERO evidence

to show that he did not!!

You say that nobody INCLUDING YOU reads my posts yet you seem magically to know what I have posted to pass judgment

on it!! lol

And in reality, HELL in the figurative sense for you and sbd and sheriff joe arrived 43 months ago when sbd started this thread

to seek badly needed attention, and he figured he could say and predict whatever he wanted to and get away with it!!

Little did he know and think that folks like I, wilbur and schmirt would expose and document him for for who and

what he is and still be dutifully doing it with no end in sight!!

Now that is what I called HELL and a LIVING NIGHTMARE for him, sheriff joe and you, the wannabe and aspiring flunky for the two

other members of the thread entry!!

Back to the football and baseball games and CNN news and spot-on coverage and analysis of the war!!


Nov 11, 2007

Judge grants gag order in Trump's 2020 election case

Special counsel Jack Smith had requested the order, saying that Trump's barrage of social media and campaign trail claims may intimidate witnesses.
Justice prevails!!

Just as importantly what does it say about Trump when the need to do this even exists!!

I mean I can understand putting a muzzle on a dog to prevent it from biting someone.

But to have the necessity of putting a muzzle on Donald Trump because he is an out-of-control raving idiot

who foams at the mouth and threatens people who say or document something negative is something else!!

That says a lot not only about him but also about those who subscribe to the philosophy of someone(Trump)

who in actuality is a rabid animal in the body of a LOWLIFE "human being!!"

Nov 11, 2007

Why Are Horses Euthanized (Killed) When They Break A Leg?

Horses with a broken leg are euthanized because they have a poor chance of recovery, an inability to restrict their movements, and the likelihood of infections.

For some reason by word association, the name Trump came to mind when I read this article, the difference being that unlike the pain

associated with only the horse itself, the pain with Trump is not to himself but to the ENTIRE COUNTRY!!

Nov 11, 2007
But, but according to you Trump, is and always been the CIC, and in any event, just in case his devolution is "imminent"

just as it has been for the last 33 months!!

However, despite the control that CIC Trump seemingly has, Trump doesn't realize that he is the acting CC, because

if he did /was the actingCC, he would nip all of this in the bud and eliminate EVERYONE who wronged him with the

investigations, and indictments!!

Seriously, sheriff joe HOE, you really need to go back and proofread what you are saying before posting it, or better

if you know someone like me who is highly skilled in debating/posting something that doesn't fly off and shatter into

many pieces and is cohesive, you need to contact that person if you don't want to be totally made a fool of!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013


Fact-checked 👇 👇 👇

United States Space Force has proof that the 2020 election was "stollen", but the information was withheld in order to avoid the outbreak of civil war.

Remember WHY we're in "THE PAUSE" (Continuity of Government/Devolution)

The final phase of this operation is PEOPLE WAKING UP.

The military is waiting for the people, not the other way around.

Nov 11, 2007
View attachment 76465
View attachment 76466

Fact-checked 👇 👇 👇

United States Space Force has proof that the 2020 election was "stollen", but the information was withheld in order to avoid the outbreak of civil war.

Remember WHY we're in "THE PAUSE" (Continuity of Government/Devolution)

The final phase of this operation is PEOPLE WAKING UP.

The military is waiting for the people, not the other way around.
Is this the very best you can do in response to my previous post!!

Somewhere along the way you missed the valuable less of not biting off more than you can chew and especially

when you have already been thoroughly oblierated by me, wilbur and schmirt!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The 14th Amendment 👇👇👇

Be careful what you wish for.

Section 3 of the amendment prohibits the election or appointment of an individual to state or federal office if they previously held such an office, took an oath of office, and then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” This applies to current and former federal officials, state officials, and military officials.

When was the REAL insurrection?

A: 👉Nov 3rd, 2020

And how many current state and federal politicians and federal and state Deep State hacks were part of Nov 3rd, 2020?

Once election fraud were revealed, would ALL politicians and Deep State hacks involved in the REAL insurrection be kicked out of their positions immediately and BANNED from ever serving in government again? Maybe worse?

Yes. Yes, they would!

Under those circumstances, how many politicians do you think would be left serving in Congress? Think about it..

Do you now understand WHY we're in "THE PAUSE", aka Continuity of Govt, aka Devolution? And why Nov 3rd, 2020 was the the biggest military STING operation in history?

Remember my specialty: Making tards cry.

By the time we get to the end of this movie, there will be so many tard tears flowing some will start wondering about building another Noah's Arc!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The COVID vax was a test run for digital currency and social credit systems and the Mark of the Beast.

Most of you failed.

Repent, and pray to the Lord for discernment.

Nov 11, 2007
The 14th Amendment 👇👇👇

Be careful what you wish for.

Section 3 of the amendment prohibits the election or appointment of an individual to state or federal office if they previously held such an office, took an oath of office, and then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” This applies to current and former federal officials, state officials, and military officials.

When was the REAL insurrection?
Once again poisoning the well, begging the question, LYING and projecting your own imaginary, delusional and UNPROVEN opinions

simply makes you look even more ignorant and stupid than you already do!!
A: 👉Nov 3rd, 2020

And how many current state and federal politicians and federal and state Deep State hacks were part of Nov 3rd, 2020?
Once again poisoning the well, begging the question, LYING and projecting your own imaginary, delusional and UNPROVEN opinions

simply makes you look even more ignorant and stupid than you already do!!
Once election fraud were revealed, would ALL politicians and Deep State hacks involved in the REAL insurrection be kicked out of their positions immediately and BANNED from ever serving in government again? Maybe worse?

Yes. Yes, they would!

Under those circumstances, how many politicians do you think would be left serving in Congress? Think about it..

Do you now understand WHY we're in "THE PAUSE", aka Continuity of Govt, aka Devolution? And why Nov 3rd, 2020 was the the
Once again poisoning the well, begging the question, LYING and projecting your own imaginary, delusional and UNPROVEN opinions

simply makes you look even more ignorant and stupid than you already do!!
biggest military STING operation in history?
Once again poisoning the well, begging the question, LYING and projecting your own imaginary, delusional and UNPROVEN opinions

simply makes you look even more ignorant and stupid than you already do!!
Remember my specialty: Making tards cry.
If you mean making us crying in uncontrollable laughter because we have nuked you too many times to count, well then I guess you

have a point!! lol
By the time we get to the end of this movie, there will be so many tard tears flowing some will start wondering about building another Noah's Arc!
According to you as is the case with Trump's devolution, the fu cking movie was supposed to end 43 months ago when

sbd started the thread!!

What happened-did Darth Vader or the Borg for reasons unknown intercept, stall and/or move out the goalposts for the "end

of the movie?" lol

And yes you are correct in saying that there will be lots of "tears flowing" from me and millions of other REAL Patriots

when/not if the scream AHOLE you deify in Donald Trump is put to rest figuratively and politically speaking and hopefully

in the literal sense also!!

Off to bed, meaning you, sheriff joe HOE, can squeeze in some posts until I wake up in the morning and essentially do to you in

a figurative sense what a can of Raid does literally and appropriately to cockroaches, wasps, spiders and other vermin!!



Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013



This is weird, huh?

I hope he knows about this regulation.

I mean, why isn’t he worried about this rampant crimin’ he’s been doing flashing that Presidential Seal?

Maybe for the same reason his motorcade is a mile long with an ambulance, swat trucks and No-Fly Zone overhead wherever he goes?

Remember 👉 👉👉 Making TARDS cry is my specialty.

Nov 11, 2007
Well it looks like I can jump into the jacuzzi relatively early today as so far all I see posted are one Hail Mary

after another by sheriff joe HOEand sbd because in reality they are unable to offer anything positive and

concrete from their point of regarding the investigations, the gag order, and anything at all that is not going to save

him from the negative repercussions in a legal sense of indictments and convictions and just as importantly

the overall perception of the American voting public and the unlikelihood that they would vote for him should he

miraculously be the nominee on Election Day of 2024!!

In fact, as I stated before, if Trump is convicted, polling data show that 30% of the eligible voting public will simply not

vote for him if he is conducted, which I see as an almost certainty!!

It is "kind" of hard to win an Election if one is automatically shut out from receiving 30% of the electorate!!

To be fair though in the same way that some fans of a baseball team that finishes last and/or near the bottom of the pack

year after year try to generate some optimism and convince themselves on the last day of the season that the worst is

over and the best is yet to come, and proclaim "Just wait til next year," in essence it is basically the same with lots of Trump

diehards who dismiss and block out all of the negativity surrounding him and simply project in their minds that things can

only get better starting now and certainly not worse!!

It is one thing to be optimistic about something when the current situation warrants it-it is an entirely different situation

to try to project optimism in a situation when the optimism equates to totality denial of what actually is rather than what

one wants/hopes it to be!!

Nov 11, 2007

The sharp and quick-witted Jimmy Kimmell strikes again-one of the best out there especially for doing a job on Trump!!

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