
Aug 6, 2006
Tards can learn a lot from the brave Palestinians - like how to handle adversity without CRYING LIKE BABIE
I hope the Deep State has a file on you. Heck I hope a cop car drives by your house every hour. One thing I can guarantee. You suffer. And regardless of America's future, which I somehow hope is very bright, you will suffer until your last breath. Inshallah!
Aug 17, 2019
Do you want to know how unsafe and deadly those new booster shots are? On the old thread, Salvage, the biggest vax promoter on this forum, said he refused to take them. Now when Salvage - the king of deadly fake vaccines - refuses to take the booster shot, then you KNOW it's not safe!
And that he knows the op was right and won't admit he listened to his warnings!


Nov 11, 2007
Do you want to know how unsafe and deadly those new booster shots are? On the old thread, Salvage, the biggest vax promoter on this forum, said he refused to take them. Now when Salvage - the king of deadly fake vaccines - refuses to take the booster shot, then you KNOW it's not safe!
lol-"Great logic and reasoning" and a total lie-it is no wonder that you have a long way to go in order to hit that bigtime pitching

which has struck out sbd and sheriff joe every time, the latter who while far from the sharpest tools in the shed are still

superior to an uneducated wannabe moron like yourself!

To the point, you are correct in stating that I received both of the two initial shots and I am glad that I did for the obvious

reason that I never was infected with Covid!!

Regarding the booster, again you are correct in stating that I did not receive any boosters, but I never said or implied

that they were unsafe!!

The main reasons that I chose not to receive the vaccines are easy:

1) I decided that since I never contracted and also reside in a suburb area where compared to the rest of the population

was relatively Covid-free!!

2) Other than a vacation that I took to Tampa in early July to take in seven Tampa Bay baseball games, I am at home about 95%

of the time; the only time when this is not true is when I go out to get something to eat, have a doctor's appointment o

run a few errands!!

Couple #1 and #2 and hopefully you will gt what I am saying.

If I was not retired and was still active, you can bet your ass I would have gotten the boosters!!

Also,cto make my point, I do have quite a bit of arthritis and spinal deterioration in my back.

To relieve that when needed, my physician prescribed 60 Naproxen pills last December with instructions to take two a day or as needed.

To cut to the chase, here we are in the middle of October and I have 45 remaining.

Why is that when I suffer varying degrees of lower back pain every day I don't take more?

The answer is easy-I simply don't believe in swallowing these pills unless the pain is intense because imo it is never a good idea

to put too much of any kind of medication into one's body except under extreme circumstances!!

In a sense it is essentially the same thing but even more so with the Covid boosters because unlike back aches I have never

contracted Covid, so why get another vaccine/boosterm shot??

It isn't a perfect comparison but suffice it to say in this instance, the old quote, "If it ain't broke don't fix it" certainly applies here!!

As an aside, I am curious as to how you would know in the first place that I got the first two vaccines and didn't get the boosters because

allegedly you have had me on ignore since the start!!

Oh well-I guess we will have to save that one for another day!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Why is everything on American media a lie to you, yet you swallow without reflux when Hamas, infamous for lies and propaganda, spreads it. Tell me the history of the Palestinian people you use as your cyber battering ram against Jews? Sheila Cohen break up with you when you were 12?
Well said indeed!!

Aug 6, 2006
I was never a moderator here or at any forum.
I remember who you are now.
I had you confused with "Sports Savant." I asked you because I remember he was anti-Israel, from Canada. He was a mod a few years ago.

Nov 11, 2007
I hope the Deep State has a file on you. Heck I hope a cop car drives by your house every hour. One thing I can guarantee. You suffer. And regardless of America's future, which I somehow hope is very bright, you will suffer until your last breath. Inshallah!
I post only in his thread but do read some of them if the topic seems interesting.

That said, please continue to post here also because it is so refreshing to read the posts of an intelligent person like yourself

who unlike most of the deadwood riffraff in here, can express themselves logically and rationally in their narratives to

draw conclusions, and unlike them, doesn't need to poison the well, beg the question, imagine things that just aren't there, lie,

and in general post things that are inconsistent, contradictory, parasocial, and overall just fly off like a piece of shattered glass

and make no sense whatsoever!!

Nov 11, 2007
I remember who you are now.
I had you confused with "Sports Savant." I asked you because I remember he was anti-Israel, from Canada. He was a mod a few years ago.
I am Jewish and am very proud of it!!
Aug 17, 2019
I remember who you are now.
I had you confused with "Sports Savant." I asked you because I remember he was anti-Israel, from Canada. He was a mod a few years ago.
savage1 is a Jew but a self-proclaimed advocate of Satan.

These are his words not mine, or anyone else's here.

And when people call him out for his ignorance and hate he resorts to calling them a racist, anti-Semitic and even wishes harm/death on them.

Very sad.

This is why this entire thread has him on "ignore".

Nov 11, 2007
savage1 is a Jew but a self-proclaimed advocate of Satan.

These are his words not mine, or anyone else's here.

And when people call him out for his ignorance and hate he resorts to calling them a racist, anti-Semitic and even wishes harm/death on them.

Very sad.

This is why this entire thread has him on "ignore".

Hitler and for that matter Trump would be proud of you!!

You obviously mean by your reference to Satan that I am a self-proclaimed advocate of Satan to YOU in that I along with such notables

of wilbur and schmirt have thoroughly exposed and documented what you are as a "person." and I use the term loosely, namely

people who stand up for the Righteous Ways of God and in our own little but important way put down those like yourself who DO NOT!!

Couple that with your 99.8% FAILED predictions, delusions and lies and 100% lack of accountability and one has a pretty good

idea what you are about!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

And yet sheriff joe would have you believe that this is the same military that absolutely adores Trump and that is going to

devolution him any day now!! lol

But then again . Cassidy Hutchinson heard from a Secret Service agent that Trump lunged at the wheel of a limo demanding to be taken to the Capitol .

Lol !

Aug 17, 2019
I see the disabled vets are suckers and losers line used again .

Talk about a sucker . Look in the mirror .

But then again . Cassidy Hutchinson heard from a Secret Service agent that Trump lunged at the wheel of a limo demanding to be taken to the Capitol .

Lol !


Milley is still a woke bitch
Milley was already eliminated.

Nov 11, 2007
I post only in his thread but do read some of them if the topic seems interesting.

That said, please continue to post here also because it is so refreshing to read the posts of an intelligent person like yourself

who unlike most of the deadwood riffraff in here, can express themselves logically and rationally in their narratives to

draw conclusions, and unlike them, doesn't need to poison the well, beg the question, imagine things that just aren't there, lie,

and in general post things that are inconsistent, contradictory, parasocial, and overall just fly off like a piece of shattered glass

and make no sense whatsoever!!
ps What I should have also included if you are not familiar is that all of these folks are Trump fellators and treat him like a Giod

with not even the remote chance that he would even think of doing anything criminal in intent let alone do it!!

The worst offender of this is Lenbo who has 24/7/365 rose-colored blinkers on when it comes to Trump and simply runs away and

hides when yours truly has confronted him with documented negative criminal matters about Trump for which he has no answer that

will fly!!

Even worse, to anyone who has read Lenbo's posts objectively, it is quite obvious that figuratively speaking he has been

unable to sever his umbilical cord to Trump and lives in ABSOLUTE FEAR that if Trump isn't elected POTUS in 2024, in many ways his

own existence will terminate!!

Nov 11, 2007
ot-Let's just say that I am as worried as I have ever been that if events continue to deteriorate overall at an accelerated rate and

are not resolved or at least somehow stabilized soon, the world and civilization as we know it are in serious jeopardy!!

The song may be from another era but the message is not!!


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