
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Trump Statement - AT THE END OF MY NEXT 4 YEARS…

“At the end of my next four years, the warmongers, frauds, failures, and the senior ranks of our government will all be gone!

And we’ll have a new group of competent National Security Officials who believe in defending America’s vital interests above all else.”

The haters, trolls and doubters are going to ever regret doubting me.

President Trump is CIC via military EOs. Period. End of story.

Nobody can dispute it. Anyone who actually researches and "fact checks" all the Laws and Orders can confirm it themselves.

And there's absolutely nothing any of the Tards can do to stop reality and what's coming.

When will these losers bow out of this awesome thread?

This is fun to watch.

Aug 17, 2019
I saw that. Same as a little boy in Argentina. What despicable, low-life parents. The poor kid died unbaptized and before he had a chance to convert, so now he's in hell. His parents will soon be there too.

Being baptized is meaningless.

And it certainly doesn't give you a ticket to "heaven" or "hell".

And especially as it pertains to an innocent child.
Aug 17, 2019
Trump Statement - AT THE END OF MY NEXT 4 YEARS…

“At the end of my next four years, the warmongers, frauds, failures, and the senior ranks of our government will all be gone!

And we’ll have a new group of competent National Security Officials who believe in defending America’s vital interests above all else.”

The haters, trolls and doubters are going to ever regret doubting me.

President Trump is CIC via military EOs. Period. End of story.

Nobody can dispute it. Anyone who actually researches and "fact checks" all the Laws and Orders can confirm it themselves.

And there's absolutely nothing any of the Tards can do to stop reality and what's coming.

When will these losers bow out of this awesome thread?

This is fun to watch.


Tards are an embarrassment to humanity.

They are perpetual losers.

Dec 17, 2004

Nov 11, 2007
Trump Statement - AT THE END OF MY NEXT 4 YEARS…

“At the end of my next four years, the warmongers, frauds, failures, and the senior ranks of our government will all be gone!

And we’ll have a new group of competent National Security Officials who believe in defending America’s vital interests above all else.”

The haters, trolls and doubters are going to ever regret doubting me.
Begging the question, poisoning the well, delusion, imagination and projecting your desperate hopes and desires don't get it done-sorry
President Trump is CIC via military EOs. Period. End of story.
Begging the question, poisoning the well, delusion, imagination and projecting your desperate hopes and desires don't get it done-sorry!!
Nobody can dispute it. Anyone who actually researches and "fact checks" all the Laws and Orders can confirm it
Begging the question, poisoning the well, delusion, imagination and projecting your desperate hopes and desires don't get it done-sorry!!
Begging the question, poisoning the well, delusion, imagination and projecting your desperate hopes and desires don't get it done-sorry!!
And there's absolutely nothing any of the Tards can do to stop reality and what's coming.
Begging the question, poisoning the well, delusion, imagination and projecting your desperate hopes and desires don't get it done-sorry!!
When will these losers bow out of this awesome thread?
Begging the question, poisoning the well, delusion, imagination and projecting your desperate hopes and desires don't get it done-sorry!!
This is fun to watch.
Begging the question, poisoning the well, delusion, imagination and projecting your desperate hopes and desires don't get it done-sorry!!

Nov 11, 2007
This means it was safe and effective just like they claimed.
As is the case else in this thread with everyone except me, you just showed that you know zilch, nada nothing about statistics

and when a sample is reliable and valid and when and when not conclusions can be drawn!!

I will say it again-people like you would conclude that since a famous person like Kobe Bryant and his daughter died in a tragic

helicopter crash a few years ago, using your "logic," no one should ever fly in a helicopter or an airplane because it can happen

to him, it is MUCH more likely to happen to everyday folks!!

I am sorry if you lost and still better about losing money betting on Trump to win in the 2020 Election, but seriously showing

your overall ignorance and abject stupidity as you just did sure as hell won't increase your overall credibility and that is being kind!!

Nov 11, 2007
Being baptized is meaningless.

And it certainly doesn't give you a ticket to "heaven" or "hell".

And especially as it pertains to an innocent child.
What do you know about heaven and hell??

Are they the same "credible sources" same who habe told you such stuff for the last 33 months on a daily basis that Trump's

devolution was/is imminent??

Or perhaps your alleged NDE(near-death experience) you claimed two or three years in this thread where you got a guided tour

of both places before coming back to life so that you could enlighten all of us about the two places!!:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Aug 17, 2019

The Patriots of this thread are going to take you and your tard buddies off ignore very soon.

You have no idea what's coming!

But I promise it IS your worst nightmare!

SOON you will SEE and UNDERSTAND that this thread has been right about EVERYTHING!

And that you have been the clown of the show for over 3.5 YEARS! 🤡

Not even renewing your subscription to The Daily Beast can save you! :ROFLMAO:

Get ready, because just like the ending of the movie you've been watching, the ending of this thread will not disappoint!

It's going to be biblical!


Dec 13, 2007

The Patriots of this thread are going to take you and your tard buddies off ignore very soon.

You have no idea what's coming!

But I promise it IS your worst nightmare!

SOON you will SEE and UNDERSTAND that this thread has been right about EVERYTHING!

And that you have been the clown of the show for over 3.5 YEARS! 🤡

Not even renewing your subscription to The Daily Beast can save you! :ROFLMAO:

Get ready, because just like the ending of the movie you've been watching, the ending of this thread will not disappoint!

It's going to be biblical!

can you really take a guy seriously who uses emojis? think "Pre teen girl"
I have the feeling you'll be Okay Savage

Nov 11, 2007

The Patriots of this thread are going to take you and your tard buddies off ignore very soon.
Yawn-I have heard the same attention-seeking bs, FAILED predictions, cliches too many times to count over the 43 months that

this thread has been open.
You have no idea what's coming!
Yawn-I have heard the same attention-seeking bs, FAILED predictions, cliches too many times to count over the 43 months that

this thread has been open.
But I promise it IS your worst nightmare!
Yawn-I have heard the same attention-seeking bs, FAILED predictions, cliches too many times to count over the 43 months that

this thread has been open.
SOON you will SEE and UNDERSTAND that this thread has been right about EVERYTHING!

And that you have been the clown of the show for over 3.5 YEARS! 🤡

Not even renewing your subscription to The Daily Beast can save you! :ROFLMAO:

Get ready, because just like the ending of the movie you've been watching, the ending of this thread will not disappoint!

It's going to be biblical!
Yawn-I have heard the same attention-seeking bs, FAILED predictions, cliches too many times to count over the 43 months that

this thread has been open.
And you know what is really ironic about this is the fact that if Trump is devolutioned(yeah right lol) and/ or miraculously

and/or high prices, inflation, gas and food prices, etc. come down and there is peace in the world under his leadership,

it won't be a nightmare at all, but rather we will be elated!!

Unlike you folks who want Biden to fail no matter how many people are badly and negatively affected, INCLUDING YOU AND

YOUR FELLOW REPUBLICANS, we want Trump or whoever is elected POTUS to succeed for the sake of

ourselves, family, country and the world!!

Life is precious and short and thus one wants it to be happy, fulfilling and rewarding as often as possible!!

Acting like an imbecile as is the case with Trump and still bitching about the 2020 Election instead of moving on are not the manner

in which mature adults act and put stuff like this in perspective!!

That said, we also are human beings and thus can and will react to what other human beings like Trump have done in the past,

how we perceive him as a human being and express our feelings and opinions as we do in threads like this.

However, once the verdict is in, in this case, the 2024 Election, we put those feelings behind this and concentrate and hope

that the new POTUS and his Administration will do whatever is needed to achieve our hopes and desires!!

Nov 11, 2007
I have the feeling you'll be Okay Savage
Not only that but also the fact that over the three years and seven months that this thread has been open, he does nothing

but repeat the same FAILED predictions, delusions and lies over and over again and doesn't even or better perhaps

have the innate ability to at least change the exact same phrases, terms, words, cliches, mantras and hackneyed expressions!!

And just as bad, he has ZERO accountability for all of his 99.8% FAILED predictions, and when they don't come true, he simply

moves the goalpost out to buy more time!!

And the best and most obvious part of all is that he PRETENDS to have folks like me on ignore as an excuse not to

respond, knowing full well that if dared to, I would knock him out with my first punch withing ten seconds of the

first round!!

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