
Nov 11, 2007
A great document for your reading pleasure.

Will Trump’s loose lips sink his ship?​

In 2016, candidate Trump insisted that Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified material on her email server rendered her unfit to be president. If elected, he promised “to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law.” In 2017, President Trump repeated, “Classified. That’s classified. You go to prison when you release stuff like that.” In 2018, he signed a law increasing the penalty for “unauthorized removal and retention” of classified material from a misdemeanor to a felony, subject to up to five years in prison.



Soon, real soon.

Get ready for the return.

We have it all.

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: 🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖
Wow-and yet there are folks like Lenny Lenbo who block stuff like this and tons more out of their mind and who continue to walk

around in some kind of hypnotic trance/daze and in Lenny's case tries to create the impression that stuff like this didn't happen as well

as the 91 indictments, and imply that Trump not only was a fantastic POTUS but also the exemplary human being we should

all try to emulate-to be blunt for Lenny he is a deity of sorts.

Worst of all when it comes to Lenny, even as a grown adult he cannot sever his umbilical cord to Trump and judging by what

he has said about him, lives in total fear that if somehow Trump is either not the nominee and/or isn't elected POTUS,

he may not be able to live a normal live!!

Sep 5, 2010
Another tasty receipt.

Major Donald Trump NFL failure revealed during fraud trial​



orange encrusted buffoon.

Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

Noone can stop what is coming, NOONE!

🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Wow-and yet there are folks like Lenny Lenbo who block stuff like this and tons more out of their mind and who continue to walk

around in some kind of hypnotic trance/daze and in Lenny's case tries to create the impression that stuff like this didn't happen as well

as the 91 indictments, and imply that Trump not only was a fantastic POTUS but also the exemplary human being we should

all try to emulate-to be blunt for Lenny he is a deity of sorts.

Worst of all when it comes to Lenny, even as a grown adult he cannot sever his umbilical cord to Trump and judging by what

he has said about him, lives in total fear that if somehow Trump is either not the nominee and/or isn't elected POTUS,

he may not be able to live a normal live!!

Wow . And to think you two mental midgets spend your days posting National Enquirer like material . It’s best your keep your replies to me limited bug .

Meet windshield once again

Splat !

Can one of you two provide us with an update on Alina Habba not checking the box for a jury trail ? Lol


Nov 11, 2007
I suppose, no actually I am 100% sure that you(LENNY LENBO) are incapable of posting anything even remotely negative

about Trump when it comes to taking a good hard OBJECTIVE look at him!!

Kindly show me just one post where you have admitted that the investigators and/or anyone in a position to say something

about Trump may have a point and especially with documentation to prove it!!

I realize that is asking a lot from you, whose mind has a 24/7/365 lock on it and will not listen/change your mind about

anything when it comes to Trump, but on the other hand perhaps there are some newcomers who don't yet know this 100% TRUTH

about you, and that is why I mention it!!

Also keep in mind that Lenny Lenbo is afraid of his own shadow and wouldn't dare to publicly disagree with sbd

about anything and worse, runs away and hides when I confront him with one of sbd's whacko beliefs that he doesn't agree with!!

Couple that with some his famous failed predictions that Fetterman would get crushed by De. Oz and that the 2022 Elections

would result in a massive red wave from coast to coast and you have an introduction to Lenny the LOSER Lenbo!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I suppose, no actually I am 100% sure that you(LENNY LENBO) are incapable of posting anything even remotely negative

about Trump when it comes to taking a good hard OBJECTIVE look at him!!

Kindly show me just one post where you have admitted that the investigators and/or anyone in a position to say something

about Trump may have a point and especially with documentation to prove it!!

I realize that is asking a lot from you, whose mind has a 24/7/365 lock on it and will not listen/change your mind about

anything when it comes to Trump, but on the other hand perhaps there are some newcomers who don't yet know this 100% TRUTH

about you, and that is why I mention it!!

Also keep in mind that Lenny Lenbo is afraid of his own shadow and wouldn't dare to publicly disagree with sbd

about anything and worse, runs away and hides when I confront him with one of sbd's whacko beliefs that he doesn't agree with!!

Couple that with some his famous failed predictions that Fetterman would get crushed by De. Oz and that the 2022 Elections

would result in a massive red wave from coast to coast and you have an introduction to Lenny the LOSER Lenbo!!

I suppose MAGA gives zero F**cks about you and the rest of Libtard Nation’s feelings .

I bet a mean tweet and world peace would sound real good right now .

Speaking of failed predictions . When does Matt Gaetz get sentenced for child trafficking and when does the Trump plane depart to flee the country ? Lol

Keep those deep dive objective , Trump articles coming . Especially the Mary Trump ones .

Nov 11, 2007
Before I take the rest of the afternoon, out of the goodness of my heart I am posting the link for anyone who wants to

express their sentiments by either wearing the appropriate attire to either wear to symbolize what the Trump MAGA insignia

stands for and/or to remind the people who wear the latter what they are all about!!{aceid}&ca_nw=o&ca_dev=c&ca_pl=&ca_pos=&ca_cid=&ca_agid=1197368925691927&ca_caid=431061524&ca_adid=&ca_kwt=&ca_mt=e&ca_fid=&ca_tid=pla-4575136620755977&ca_lp=&ca_li=&ca_devm=&ca_plt=&msclkid=136f35c30bb116a3950250ef008bda27&utm_content=Baby%20%26%20Kids%20%3E%20Nursery%20%26%20Kids%27%20Room%20D%C3%A9cor%20%3E%20(252565193748580454)

Sep 5, 2010
I suppose, no actually I am 100% sure that you(LENNY LENBO) are incapable of posting anything even remotely negative

about Trump when it comes to taking a good hard OBJECTIVE look at him!!

Kindly show me just one post where you have admitted that the investigators and/or anyone in a position to say something

about Trump may have a point and especially with documentation to prove it!!

I realize that is asking a lot from you, whose mind has a 24/7/365 lock on it and will not listen/change your mind about

anything when it comes to Trump, but on the other hand perhaps there are some newcomers who don't yet know this 100% TRUTH

about you, and that is why I mention it!!

Also keep in mind that Lenny Lenbo is afraid of his own shadow and wouldn't dare to publicly disagree with sbd

about anything and worse, runs away and hides when I confront him with one of sbd's whacko beliefs that he doesn't agree with!!

Couple that with some his famous failed predictions that Fetterman would get crushed by De. Oz and that the 2022 Elections

would result in a massive red wave from coast to coast and you have an introduction to Lenny the LOSER Lenbo!!
Still waiting for Porky's red tsunami!


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Wow . And to think you two mental midgets spend your days posting National Enquirer like material . It’s best your keep your replies to me limited bug .

Meet windshield once again

Splat !

Can one of you two provide us with an update on Alina Habba not checking the box for a jury trail ? Lol

Sheeeit the National Enquirer has much higher standands than most of the garbage news, er propaganda these clowns post

Nov 11, 2007
Sheeeit the National Enquirer has much higher standands than most of the garbage news, er propaganda these clowns post
The only "HIGH STANDARD" YOU HAVE is one of putting the biggest political criminals of our time on a pedestal, as

well as not accepting the fact that he is in big doo-doo with the folks who count and who will determine his fate, one which I assure

you that you won't like!!

Nov 11, 2007
The only "HIGH STANDARD" YOU HAVE is one of putting the biggest political criminals of our time on a pedestal, as

well as not accepting the fact that he is in big doo-doo with the folks who count and who will determine his fate, one which I assure

you that you won't like!!

Sep 5, 2010
Wow-and yet there are folks like Lenny Lenbo who block stuff like this and tons more out of their mind and who continue to walk

around in some kind of hypnotic trance/daze and in Lenny's case tries to create the impression that stuff like this didn't happen as well

as the 91 indictments, and imply that Trump not only was a fantastic POTUS but also the exemplary human being we should

all try to emulate-to be blunt for Lenny he is a deity of sorts.

Worst of all when it comes to Lenny, even as a grown adult he cannot sever his umbilical cord to Trump and judging by what

he has said about him, lives in total fear that if somehow Trump is either not the nominee and/or isn't elected POTUS,

he may not be able to live a normal live!!
He can't live a normal life, the fat fuck can't fit through a door!

🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
As is the case else in this thread with everyone except me, you just showed that you know zilch, nada nothing about statistics

and when a sample is reliable and valid and when and when not conclusions can be drawn!!

I will say it again-people like you would conclude that since a famous person like Kobe Bryant and his daughter died in a tragic

helicopter crash a few years ago, using your "logic," no one should ever fly in a helicopter or an airplane because it can happen

to him, it is MUCH more likely to happen to everyday folks!!

I am sorry if you lost and still better about losing money betting on Trump to win in the 2020 Election, but seriously showing

your overall ignorance and abject stupidity as you just did sure as hell won't increase your overall credibility and that is being kind!!

Sep 5, 2010
As is the case else in this thread with everyone except me, you just showed that you know zilch, nada nothing about statistics

and when a sample is reliable and valid and when and when not conclusions can be drawn!!

I will say it again-people like you would conclude that since a famous person like Kobe Bryant and his daughter died in a tragic

helicopter crash a few years ago, using your "logic," no one should ever fly in a helicopter or an airplane because it can happen

to him, it is MUCH more likely to happen to everyday folks!!

I am sorry if you lost and still better about losing money betting on Trump to win in the 2020 Election, but seriously showing

your overall ignorance and abject stupidity as you just did sure as hell won't increase your overall credibility and that is being kind!!
The ultra low iqanon's ignorance is astounding!



Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
The ultra low iqanon's ignorance is astounding!



Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Even worse than being ignorant is betting with one's heart rather than one's head as folks like roadreeler did in the 2020 Election!!
Sep 12, 2022

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