
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Clear enough for the low-IQ trolls and TARDS?

Aug 17, 2019
I hate to say it, but you are absolutely right about their IQ level. It's sub-Saharan level. The lowest not just in the country, but in the world. And the kicker is that the rest of the world doesn't have access to the information posted here by you and SBD, but the Tards do.

I can't imagine going through life in such a state of mental instability and ignorance. But to each his own.
Tards still think ballots are votes.

And that indictments are arrests.

This all anyone needs to know.


A special kind of stupid, indeed.

Nov 11, 2007
Tards still think ballots are votes.
Awk-Polly want a cracker-the same lie, mantra, cliche, hackneyed expression, choice of words which you haveused too many times to

count-have you no ability to change the wording at least a little bit!!
And that indictments are arrests.
Awk-Polly want a cracker-the same lie, mantra, cliche, hackneyed expression, choice of words which you have used too many times to

count-have you no ability to change the wording at least a little bit!!
This all anyone needs to know.
Awk-Polly want a cracker-the same lie, mantra, cliche, hackneyed expression, choice of words which you have used too many times to

count-have you no ability to change the wording at least a little bit!!
Awk-Polly want a cracker-the same lie, mantra, cliche, hackneyed expression, choice of words which you have used too many times to

count-have you no ability to change the wording at least a little bit!!
A special kind of stupid, indeed.

Awk-Polly want a cracker-the same lie, mantra, cliche, hackneyed expression, choice of words which you have used too many times to

count-have you no ability to change the wording at least a little bit!!
Sep 12, 2022

Nov 11, 2007
The weather where I live is ok today but more importantly myself, wilbut, schmirt and other folks who want to see the neo-Nazi/fascist/

racist, and CRIMINAL.mafia owned thug, Donald Trump brought to justice are joyfully singing this song based on the DESTRUCTIVE WEEK

he has had:

Sep 12, 2022
The public will be briefed on some operations, approx 70/30 ratio of classified vs public disclosure. Maybe 60/40...maybe.

"I hope everyone remembers"

He's saying this because what's coming is going to feel HARSH to remember WHY it's necessary.

He's saying, "Look at everything they're doing, the punishment is justified!"

What I wouldn't give to see some of these scumbags squirm at their trials. I imagine almost none of them have shown even the slightest bit of remorse for their crimes. . . . Even as they are led to the gallows.

Nov 11, 2007
What I wouldn't give to see some of these scumbags squirm at their trials. I imagine almost none of them have shown even the slightest bit of remorse for their crimes. . . . Even as they are led to the gallows.
Who is going to be tried exactly and for what crimes?-please be specific!! lol

Is the way you get your own "member" to "stand at attention?" lol

Nov 11, 2007
What I wouldn't give to see some of these scumbags squirm at their trials. I imagine almost none of them have shown even the slightest bit of remorse for their crimes. . . . Even as they are led to the gallows.
The trouble with your posts whether you are posting your own thoughts or they are being fed to you, there is never anything

SPECIFIC to back up your own predictions, which is exactly the same for all three of you!!

You remind me of one of those unkempt and dirty guys in the middle of Times Square in New York City who is holding a big sign that says

"The End of the world is near-repent now" while also bellowing the same thing into a big bullhorn for anyone in the

immediate area to listen to!!

He also is half naked and has all kinds of smaller photos and signs saying the same thing drooping all over his body!!

Sep 5, 2010
Looks like the orange encrusted child molester is in fantasy land again.

The whole package': Trump gushes over his daughter Ivanka on stage in Iowa​

Do ALL ultra low iqanons want to have sex with their own kids????


Child molester



Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

The stupid! It burns!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Sep 12, 2022
What I wouldn't give to see some of these scumbags squirm at their trials. I imagine almost none of them have shown even the slightest bit of remorse for their crimes. . . . Even as they are led to the gallows.
I'd especially like to have seen the Podesta and Hillary trials. If the faggot Kenyan and his husband get nabbed, I would love to see their trials and executions,
Sep 12, 2022
Interesting take from

The sudden and shocking outbreak of a new war between Israel and Hamas of Palestine took everyone by surprise -- including, we are expected to believe, the vaunted intelligence services of Israel and the United States, both of which were not able to detect "Israel's 9-11."

Equally perplexing is the apparent breakdown of Israel's impermeable "Iron Dome" missile defense system -- which, we are expected to believe, allowed 5000 rockets to slip through. And, of course, the kicker to this implausible drama: Hamas militants -- attacking from land, sea and air -- are said to have actually invaded Israel and killed or kidnapped hundreds of Israeli civilians!

The whole series of events stinks of orchestrated script-writing. The relevant questions are: By whom? -- and -- To what end?

In the not-so-distant past -- during those bygone years when Israel, the powerful American Neocons and the Israel Lobby reigned supreme over the US Congress -- such an event could be easily tagged by us "conspiracy theorists" as an Israeli false-flag provocation, sure to be followed by a merciless pummeling of the Palestinians of Gaza.

But in this new era of Q-Trump-Putin -- with Israel boxed in, US troops no longer in the region, the Neocons virtually extinct and the Israel Lobby divided and greatly weakened -- the scriptwriters for this latest play probably aren't in Tel Aviv.

Q's most intriguing post during his 2017-2020 barrage of 5000 "crumbs" was this: "We are saving Israel for last." As we approach the final year of what Q did indeed say was to be an 8-year operation, this big event -- which portends of still bigger events to come -- sure does seem to fit into "The Plan," although we can only speculate as to how, exactly.

1. Most recent image of "Bibi Satanyahoo" -- like several other images seen these past few years -- reveals a strange mask-line around his neck. // 2. Q Post 916 from March 10, 2018 -- "Saving Israel for last."

What "we know so far" is that we don't know much. As was the case in the Ukraine, there is way too much weirdness surrounding this new "war" and hardly any real images of fighting or carnage.

Of course, US politicians, including Donald Trump, are "standing with Israel" and condemning Iran (the purported funder of Hamas). With up to 30,000,000 Evangelical Zionist nutjobs residing in this country, there is no other verbal alternative (optics).

But words mean nothing. With the US out of the region (thanks to Trump) the shitty little state is on its own. Speaking of Trump -- (who actually hates Satanyahoo) -- he and his minions wasted no time in pinning this latest "crisis" on the weakness of "Joe Biden" (another man in a mask).

That's two "wars" that Trump is blaming "Biden" for, the other being the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Is the stage being set for Savior Trump to go around "Biden" and end both "wars" --- leaving Russia in permanent possession of the eastern Ukraine and the Palestinians with their own sovereign and internationally recognized state?

The "Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times cannot say and will not say with any degree of certainty how Ukraine, and now Gaza, will play out. But understand this: If these "wars" turn out to have happy endings which Trump will have played a major role in bringng about -- know that the made-for-TV heroics will have been planned that way long in advance. There are no coincidences. Stay tuned.

Nov 11, 2007
Interesting take from

The sudden and shocking outbreak of a new war between Israel and Hamas of Palestine took everyone by surprise -- including, we are expected to believe, the vaunted intelligence services of Israel and the United States, both of which were not able to detect "Israel's 9-11."

Equally perplexing is the apparent breakdown of Israel's impermeable "Iron Dome" missile defense system -- which, we are expected to believe, allowed 5000 rockets to slip through. And, of course, the kicker to this implausible drama: Hamas militants -- attacking from land, sea and air -- are said to have actually invaded Israel and killed or kidnapped hundreds of Israeli civilians!

The whole series of events stinks of orchestrated script-writing. The relevant questions are: By whom? -- and -- To what end?

In the not-so-distant past -- during those bygone years when Israel, the powerful American Neocons and the Israel Lobby reigned supreme over the US Congress -- such an event could be easily tagged by us "conspiracy theorists" as an Israeli false-flag provocation, sure to be followed by a merciless pummeling of the Palestinians of Gaza.

But in this new era of Q-Trump-Putin -- with Israel boxed in, US troops no longer in the region, the Neocons virtually extinct and the Israel Lobby divided and greatly weakened -- the scriptwriters for this latest play probably aren't in Tel Aviv.

Q's most intriguing post during his 2017-2020 barrage of 5000 "crumbs" was this: "We are saving Israel for last." As we approach the final year of what Q did indeed say was to be an 8-year operation, this big event -- which portends of still bigger events to come -- sure does seem to fit into "The Plan," although we can only speculate as to how, exactly.

1. Most recent image of "Bibi Satanyahoo" -- like several other images seen these past few years -- reveals a strange mask-line around his neck. // 2. Q Post 916 from March 10, 2018 -- "Saving Israel for last."

What "we know so far" is that we don't know much. As was the case in the Ukraine, there is way too much weirdness surrounding this new "war" and hardly any real images of fighting or carnage.

Of course, US politicians, including Donald Trump, are "standing with Israel" and condemning Iran (the purported funder of Hamas). With up to 30,000,000 Evangelical Zionist nutjobs residing in this country, there is no other verbal alternative (optics).

But words mean nothing. With the US out of the region (thanks to Trump) the shitty little state is on its own. Speaking of Trump -- (who actually hates Satanyahoo) -- he and his minions wasted no time in pinning this latest "crisis" on the weakness of "Joe Biden" (another man in a mask).

That's two "wars" that Trump is blaming "Biden" for, the other being the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Is the stage being set for Savior Trump to go around "Biden" and end both "wars" --- leaving Russia in permanent possession of the eastern Ukraine and the Palestinians with their own sovereign and internationally recognized state?

The "Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times cannot say and will not say with any degree of certainty how Ukraine, and now Gaza, will play out. But understand this: If these "wars" turn out to have happy endings which Trump will have played a major role in bringng about -- know that the made-for-TV heroics will have been planned that way long in advance. There are no coincidences. Stay tuned.
Sheriff joe speaketh.
Sep 12, 2022
Interesting take from

The sudden and shocking outbreak of a new war between Israel and Hamas of Palestine took everyone by surprise -- including, we are expected to believe, the vaunted intelligence services of Israel and the United States, both of which were not able to detect "Israel's 9-11."

Equally perplexing is the apparent breakdown of Israel's impermeable "Iron Dome" missile defense system -- which, we are expected to believe, allowed 5000 rockets to slip through. And, of course, the kicker to this implausible drama: Hamas militants -- attacking from land, sea and air -- are said to have actually invaded Israel and killed or kidnapped hundreds of Israeli civilians!

The whole series of events stinks of orchestrated script-writing. The relevant questions are: By whom? -- and -- To what end?

In the not-so-distant past -- during those bygone years when Israel, the powerful American Neocons and the Israel Lobby reigned supreme over the US Congress -- such an event could be easily tagged by us "conspiracy theorists" as an Israeli false-flag provocation, sure to be followed by a merciless pummeling of the Palestinians of Gaza.

But in this new era of Q-Trump-Putin -- with Israel boxed in, US troops no longer in the region, the Neocons virtually extinct and the Israel Lobby divided and greatly weakened -- the scriptwriters for this latest play probably aren't in Tel Aviv.

Q's most intriguing post during his 2017-2020 barrage of 5000 "crumbs" was this: "We are saving Israel for last." As we approach the final year of what Q did indeed say was to be an 8-year operation, this big event -- which portends of still bigger events to come -- sure does seem to fit into "The Plan," although we can only speculate as to how, exactly.

1. Most recent image of "Bibi Satanyahoo" -- like several other images seen these past few years -- reveals a strange mask-line around his neck. // 2. Q Post 916 from March 10, 2018 -- "Saving Israel for last."

What "we know so far" is that we don't know much. As was the case in the Ukraine, there is way too much weirdness surrounding this new "war" and hardly any real images of fighting or carnage.

Of course, US politicians, including Donald Trump, are "standing with Israel" and condemning Iran (the purported funder of Hamas). With up to 30,000,000 Evangelical Zionist nutjobs residing in this country, there is no other verbal alternative (optics).

But words mean nothing. With the US out of the region (thanks to Trump) the shitty little state is on its own. Speaking of Trump -- (who actually hates Satanyahoo) -- he and his minions wasted no time in pinning this latest "crisis" on the weakness of "Joe Biden" (another man in a mask).

That's two "wars" that Trump is blaming "Biden" for, the other being the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Is the stage being set for Savior Trump to go around "Biden" and end both "wars" --- leaving Russia in permanent possession of the eastern Ukraine and the Palestinians with their own sovereign and internationally recognized state?

The "Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times cannot say and will not say with any degree of certainty how Ukraine, and now Gaza, will play out. But understand this: If these "wars" turn out to have happy endings which Trump will have played a major role in bringng about -- know that the made-for-TV heroics will have been planned that way long in advance. There are no coincidences. Stay tuned.
Another interesting take. This one from

The claim that the attack was a surprise is the biggest tell that this war was contrived by Israel. Indeed Netanyahu called it a "Pearl Harbor moment" referring to another false flag used to justify the US entry into World War Two. Is this war designed to touch off WW3?

Veterans of Israeli intelligence say there is no way this attack was a surprise. The Israelis have informers in Gaza. They monitor it electronically. They must have known this was coming and decided to sacrifice hundreds of Israelis for political ends. They did the same thing in 1973.

It's a cliche that politicians start wars to effect change. Netanyahu needed a war to unite a nation badly divided by his judicial reforms. The WEF/Rothschilds/Communists need a war to evade responsibility for the creeping COVID-19 genocide and to stop Trump in 2024. They also need a distraction from the fact that the banking system is bankrupt and broken, and the Ukraine war has been a debacle.

The worst-case scenario is that Israelis will overreact and arouse the anger of the Muslim world who would then intervene, and fulfill Albert Pike's prophecy.


We should distinguish between the policies of the right-wing Israeli government and the beliefs of individual Israelis who have no more control over their government than we do.

We have been fed a daily diet of Israeli abuse of the Palestinians - settlers burning olive orchards, snipers shooting children.
An Israeli mob just overran the Al Aqsa mosque.

I think most Israelis would adopt a two-state solution given the chance.

Israelis are being victimized again by their own government. Jews had to be tricked into invading Palestine by the Zionists who sponsored anti-Semitism and Hitler.

Jews never needed a "Jewish homeland." Antisemitism was caused by Organized Jewry. The people of the West needed national homelands that were/are being destroyed by Masonic Jewish globalism.

The best course would be for Israel to exercise restraint and compromise to save the hostages and avert a wider war.


Related - Was one of the most technologically advanced and genetically modified nations on the planet somehow unable to detect and prevent the various exceedingly crude Hamas attacks?

Kevin Barrett- Palestinians break out of world's largest concentration camp

First Comment from Edward Menez -

It is another "Pearl Harbor" as Jonathan Conricus, a former international spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces said. The same phrase the Project For A New American Century used before the 9/11 attacks--that America needed "a new Pearl Harbor". It seems the phrase "Pearl Harbor" has now become synonymous in elite-speak with "false flag".

To me this is such obvious BS that it is maddening. We're supposed to believe Israel had no clue about the attacks?! Now Israel will obliterate Palestine and take over in the next few weeks. This is the beginning of their long-planned-for "Greater Israel" that will encompass all of Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, and parts of Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.

I have no words for what a "Gulf of Tonkin" fake this was--how anyone can not see through this ridiculous theatre is beyond me.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Who benefits most from the terror in the Middle East?

The Deep State.

They have a new media distraction. Now they don’t have to report on their colossal failure in Ukraine. The sheep will soon forget about Ukraine, just like they forgot about the Russia Hoax, BLM, C19, etc.

Public support for Ukraine had wained past the point of return. America First GOP ousted Speaker McCarthy over funding for Ukraine. The American People put their foot down. The Deep State were struggling to maintain the lie, and desperately needed an off-ramp.

Lo and behold, a week later, the terror in Israel unfolds. The horrific images incite an emotional response from the public, and poof, the Deep State have instantaneously rekindled the American public’s desire to fund war on the other side of the globe.

The Deep State don’t care which war-torn countries they funnel the money from, so long as the money flows. They will gladly use this catastrophe to their advance their geopolitical agenda.

Given the Deep State are the main benefactors of this situation, they are suspect #1. Then if you follow the money, it leads back to US Deep State politicians. Obama’s Iran Deal.

All roads lead back to Obama.

- Clandestine

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