All these installed puppets in positions of power are freaks in one way or another. Fetishes,trannies, perversions, sexual deviancies, satanic cults..
That's how the cabal keeps them blackmailed and controlled. They don't select "normal" people.
My Podesta thread was so disturbing it got deleted.
Obamas, Bidens, Clintons have endless disgusting skeletons.
Biden gets stuck in traffic on way to Queen's funeral
The US President insisted on making his own way to Westminster Abbey for the Queen's funeral.
Hahahahaha... "stuck in traffic"... Nice amateur motorcade.
CIC Trump (who gets FAA no fly zones over his massive motorcade) is toying with the fake president clown.
These ops and optics are going to get so ridiculous even the sheep won't be able to deny the obvious much longer.
The military is in control.
"The military is in control."
The above line is the only one that has any real significance because all the other ones are derivatives of that !!
So let's see if the military which allegedly Trump controls and who has allegedly been in control ever since the "fake" inauguration
is a statement that really makes sense!!
If Trump is and has been the CIV right along as sheriff joe HOE alleges, the first question that comes to mind is where is the tangible
discernible evidence of that and why has Biden made all of the decisions rather than Trump??
Sheriff joe sure as hell bitches about Biden as if he is the POTUS, and yet at the same time claims that Trump is the cIC
and making all of the policies and decisions- a massive contradiction and paradox at the very least!!
The way that joe-HOE tries to weasel around stuff like this is not DIRECTLY responding to questions like this because he
cannot but rather resorts to embarrassing and laughable bullshit which deflect the question with irrelevant nonsense such
as if Biden was the real POTUS, how come this official or that official didn't do this or that!!
That makes as much sense as a high school kid who failed a course claiming that if the teacher wasn't so bad he would have gotten
an A in the course!!
Finally the most glaring reason that sheriff joe HOE'S posts fail is that what he says is totally at odds with what
he has said before.
Using the above example, if Trump and his military are really in control and have been right along, then why has he for the last 32
months on a daily basis that Trump's devolution is imminent and that when this "imminent" event occurs, that is going to
be the game charger.
The obvious conclusion is that if Trump and he military have been in control for the whole duration, by definition and implication
the word "devolution" is a misnomer because there is no one to be devolutioned, in this case, Trump!!
It is akin to one's wife about to serve you a nice steak dinner, let's say medium well done, and when she is about to put it on your
plate, you tell her to cook it again to be sure she didn't cook it in the first place!! lol
Back sometime in the morning!!