
Nov 11, 2007
For me the most significant poll and the only one that really matters right now as far as who will be elected POTUS is the one that

clearly shows that 30% of the American voting public for POTUS will simply not vote for Trump if he is convicted

should he even be the nominee on Election Day of 2024!!

If one believes that there is no way that he is going to be convicted prior to Election Day and/or for that matter that public

perception is not going to turn dramatically against him for lots of other reasons, then good for them-I disagree 100%!!

I also firmly believe that if Biden's mental deterioration continues, one way or the other he will NOT be the nominee for

the Democrats, which will clear the way for someone else and make it much more likely that independents, undecided, etc.

will turn away from Trump and vote Democratic!!

That said if for any reason Trump is not the nominee on Election Day, which I still firmly believe, then whoever is the nominee

for the nominee for the Democrats including Biden, is quite vulnerable and may very well lose.

As anyone who has been following the news of late knows, this has already been born out with polling data which

shows Nikki Haley with a clear 6% statistically significant advantage in a matchup with Trump!!
Aug 17, 2019
Do you believe Obama ever got Bin Laden?

View attachment 75260

:an_laugh: "Secretly buried at sea" ?

No chance.

ZERO chance.

He's a good friend of the Bush's and was used at the front to another attack on America so that more money could be laundered [stolen] from US taxpayers.

It also paved the way for the creation of the DS Cabal's National Homeland Security which allowed them to reel in their FEMA agency, which was very important to their NWO agenda and continued execution of their crimes against humanity.

Nov 11, 2007

fyi-I am not in the predicting business nor do I have enough of a legal background to really know how this will fall out!!

That said, the only sure thing is that imo in the eyes of the voting population as a whole rather than only in the eyes of

Trump's diehard supporters, stuff like this at best doesn't help Trump's perception and at worst just contributes more to what is

an already all-important very negative opinion and perception of him which is only going to get worse between now and the 2024

Aug 17, 2019

And this will be his 3rd term. [some will understand]

The op predicted that Trump would win 2020 in a massive landslide.


Only the tards think he didn't.

They still think ballots are votes. [very low IQs]

And that people didn't vote for Biden, they voted against Trump. ?

But who cares what tards think.

They don't matter.

They are the problem, not the solution.

Now, in 2024, Trump is going win in the BIGGEST LANDSLIDE IN HISTORY!

It doesn't matter who, or what, opposes him.

It will be over before it even starts.

? ? ? ? ?

"but but people didn't vote for Biden... they voted against Trump"

With Trump's popularity only getting bigger and bigger, it's fair to say even MORE people should vote for Biden this time around to avoid voting for Trump.

Right tards?

Watch what happens when boxes of ballots can't get dropped off at 3am and dead people can't vote.


Not only are you are going to hate every minute of it.

You will be unemployed too because Rx will be terminating your employment agreement, effective midnight November 5, 2024.


Nov 11, 2007
? ? ? ? ?

"but but people didn't vote for Biden... they voted against Trump"

With Trump's popularity only getting bigger and bigger, it's fair to say even MORE people should vote for Biden this time around to avoid voting for Trump.

Right tards?

Watch what happens when boxes of ballots can't get dropped off at 3am and dead people can't vote.


Not only are you are going to hate every minute of it.

You will be unemployed too because Rx will be terminating your employment agreement, effective midnight November 5, 2024.

Kudos for actually showing some intended humor for a change rather than in your Bord-like somber robotic posts!!

Perhaps there is some hope for you after all!! lol

Most importantly, although you are not aware of it, for me as a trained and experienced professional investigator for 34

years, your post as written tells me beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are not sincere and do not believe what you just poste

one iota.

In fact, if anything, it shows that you are running out of fresh material(not that you ever had any to begin with), and are in fact

so worried and concerned about what is going to befall Trump, that you have relegated it to the deep recesses of your mind

to bury these feelings while at the same time resorting to one of your most obvious types of modus operandi,

namely taunting in the hopes that by so doing, it will negate the HUGE and insurmountable lead that we hold over you

and the other Trump diehard supporters in this thread!!

To be fair, this is a quite common manner in which people in general use when in a denial frame of mind for something that is

very unpleasant for them to think about as well as to somehow in their minds on a conscience level to "get back" at those

who are beyond a shadow of a doubt clearly in the driver's seat!!

That's it now for the person you deem to be of "low IQ!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
For me the most significant poll and the only one that really matters right now as far as who will be elected POTUS is the one that

clearly shows that 30% of the American voting public for POTUS will simply not vote for Trump if he is convicted

should he even be the nominee on Election Day of 2024!!

If one believes that there is no way that he is going to be convicted prior to Election Day and/or for that matter that public

perception is not going to turn dramatically against him for lots of other reasons, then good for them-I disagree 100%!!

I also firmly believe that if Biden's mental deterioration continues, one way or the other he will NOT be the nominee for

the Democrats, which will clear the way for someone else and make it much more likely that independents, undecided, etc.

will turn away from Trump and vote Democratic!!

That said if for any reason Trump is not the nominee on Election Day, which I still firmly believe, then whoever is the nominee

for the nominee for the Democrats including Biden, is quite vulnerable and may very well lose.

As anyone who has been following the news of late knows, this has already been born out with polling data which

shows Nikki Haley with a clear 6% statistically significant advantage in a matchup with Trump!!

Any new polls showing Trump dropping in the R primary since your favorite Emerson poll ?


Just wait ‘til he gets convicted .
You are here .

No worries lightweight , the 82 year old useful idiot’s replacement will be out there . You just don’t have the slightest clue who .

Oh my !


Nov 11, 2007
Any new polls showing Trump dropping in the R primary since your favorite Emerson poll ?


Just wait ‘til he gets convicted .
You are here .

No worries lightweight , the 82 year old useful idiot’s replacement will be out there . You just don’t have the slightest clue who .

Oh my !

Thanks for as usual NOT RESPONDING DIRECTLY to the points I made because you cannot and instead also, as usual begging the

question and poisoning the well by avoiding such matters as the issue of even the possibility of Trump's either being convicted and/or the

implication that even if he is, it won't matter in any event!!

Several days go and in the past I gave you some credit for at least facing me directly as opposed to the cowards who have me

on ignore or more likely PRETEND to have me on ignore so as not to respond!!

That said, in reality, while you don't run away and hide except of course when you do when I ask you whether you agree with

sbd on some of his wacko predictions and attention-seeking delusions and lies, you have shown yourself to be incredibly and

unskilled and weak in the art of debating, with the above as an example.

Not only that, but you are so set in your ways of protecting your hero Donald Trump, that you simply shut out any and all

anything that reflects negatively about him no matter how well documented it is and instead try to discredit the people

for the negativity, which is actually criminality!!

If one is to believe you, one would conclude that Trump never even thought of doing something criminal with intent, let

alone do it, never lied, and all of the 33,000 documented ones are all made up!!

In addition, you have these delusions that none of the investigations, indictments or possible convictions, etc. are

going to change anything!!

Worse, you still cling to the notion that all that matters is Trump's getting the nomination is more important than winning

the Election in 2024!1

Worst of all is your total lack of concern with Trump's actual guilt or innocence and that all that matters are his polling


To be diplomatic, let's just say that I am thankful to have been raised with a different set of values!!

I am skilled in many areas but unfortunately, I am not a psychiatrist and thus cannot help you other than suggest you sek

professional help for the multiple problems that afflict you!!

Don't expect any more responses from me until late afternoon, as I simply don't have the time to waste with someone

who tries to project his own world of projections and delusions into the REAL WORLD!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Thanks for as usual NOT RESPONDING DIRECTLY to the points I made because you cannot and instead also, as usual begging the

question and poisoning the well by avoiding such matters as the issue of even the possibility of Trump's either being convicted and/or the

implication that even if he is, it won't matter in any event!!

Several days go and in the past I gave you some credit for at least facing me directly as opposed to the cowards who have me

on ignore or more likely PRETEND to have me on ignore so as not to respond!!

That said, in reality, while you don't run away and hide except of course when you do when I ask you whether you agree with

sbd on some of his wacko predictions and attention-seeking delusions and lies, you have shown yourself to be incredibly and

unskilled and weak in the art of debating, with the above as an example.

Not only that, but you are so set in your ways of protecting your hero Donald Trump, that you simply shut out any and all

anything that reflects negatively about him no matter how well documented it is and instead try to discredit the people

for the negativity, which is actually criminality!!

If one is to believe you, one would conclude that Trump never even thought of doing something criminal with intent, let

alone do it, never lied, and all of the 33,000 documented ones are all made up!!

In addition, you have these delusions that none of the investigations, indictments or possible convictions, etc. are

going to change anything!!

Worse, you still cling to the notion that all that matters is Trump's getting the nomination is more important than winning

the Election in 2024!1

Worst of all is your total lack of concern with Trump's actual guilt or innocence and that all that matters are his polling


To be diplomatic, let's just say that I am thankful to have been raised with a different set of values!!

I am skilled in many areas but unfortunately, I am not a psychiatrist and thus cannot help you other than suggest you sek

professional help for the multiple problems that afflict you!!

Don't expect any more responses from me until late afternoon, as I simply don't have the time to waste with someone

who tries to project his own world of projections and delusions into the REAL WORLD!!

Don’t waste your time . Your vastly overmatched.

The R primary is OVER !

Move the goal posts towards the General where you’ll need your Libtard fantasy of some state elected officials determine who is on the ballot for a federal election .

Great bench you got there for the back up plan to the useful idiot .

Sep 12, 2022
? ? ? ? ?

"but but people didn't vote for Biden... they voted against Trump"

With Trump's popularity only getting bigger and bigger, it's fair to say even MORE people should vote for Biden this time around to avoid voting for Trump.

Right tards?

Watch what happens when boxes of ballots can't get dropped off at 3am and dead people can't vote.


Not only are you are going to hate every minute of it.

You will be unemployed too because Rx will be terminating your employment agreement, effective midnight November 5, 2024.

Hahahahaha!! No more getting paid eight dollars an hour to post on here!

Nov 11, 2007
ot Check this out:

40,000 views and 4,000 replies in this thread in less than two months since it was opened!!

I just checked the first three pages in the Political Section and no one is even remotely close to the number of replies, practically

all of which are in triple or double numbers and most importantly have been opened for a number of years!!

Howeve,r to be fair, I would guess that at least 90%-95% of the replies were/are from yours truly, wilbur, schmirt,

sbd, sheriff joe, lenbo and doctorsuccess!!

Also, notice that virtually all of the thumbs-ups are from the people cited above!!

I wouldn't begin to try to guess at what percentage of the 40K views come from other people from those cited, but lets just say

imo somewhat higher than the roughly 10% who have responded aside from the folks cited above but still quite small

compared to the relatively few active participants cited above.

I am not sure what if any conclusions can be drawn from this other than the fact that for all intents and purposes, this

thread for the most part is basically an ongoing match/war between a relative few folks on one side against the other!!

I don't mean this to be judgmental in any way but rather a statement of reality, and most importantly one where

the participants derive pleasure and enjoy what they doing in trying to get the best of the opposition!!

Nov 11, 2007
ot Check this out:

40,000 views and 4,000 replies in this thread in less than two months since it was opened!!

I just checked the first three pages in the Political Section and no one is even remotely close to the number of replies, practically

all of which are in triple or double numbers and most importantly have been opened for a number of years!!

Howeve,r to be fair, I would guess that at least 90%-95% of the replies were/are from yours truly, wilbur, schmirt,

sbd, sheriff joe, lenbo and doctorsuccess!!

Also, notice that virtually all of the thumbs-ups are from the people cited above!!

I wouldn't begin to try to guess at what percentage of the 40K views come from other people from those cited, but lets just say

imo somewhat higher than the roughly 10% who have responded aside from the folks cited above but still quite small

compared to the relatively few active participants cited above.

I am not sure what if any conclusions can be drawn from this other than the fact that for all intents and purposes, this

thread for the most part is basically an ongoing match/war between a relative few folks on one side against the other!!

I don't mean this to be judgmental in any way but rather a statement of reality, and most importantly one where

the participants derive pleasure and enjoy what they doing in trying to get the best of the opposition!!
One further thing that needs to be said about my commentary in above and the remarkably high differential in interest

especially in replies is the fact that practically all of the other threads were started because of some random news

events at a given moment intended to generate some interest and posts!!

What almost invariably happens is that with a short period of time afterward, interest diminishes at an accelerated rate and

especially so when some more random news event captures some temporary interest.

This happens over and over again in a Groundhog Day-type scenario!!

Fast forward to the iVU Thread where the above is NOTthe case!!

In this thread we don't have just a random event to talk about but rather one where there is an ongoing "discussion" on the part

of a small number of combatants distorting the truth, making failed predictions, delusions and lies every day as opposed to those

on the other side including me who document their failed predictions, delusions and lies whether it be about Trump

or something else, as well as their 100% lack of accountability, as well as in the case of sbd and sheriff joe especially showing

what they post is inconsistent, contradictory, illogical, and paradoxical and consists mostly of begging the question, poisoning

the well, and presenting their opinions as facts rather than their own unsupported opinions, and in many cases from

unreliable and untrustworthy sources!!

I sure hope my overall point is clear in comparing this thread to the other ones in the Political Section!!

I can't say for sure how many people read what I have to say and really don't care because I believe in existentialism

and the concept that existence precedes essence, which means in this case that getting out what I perceive as the truth is all

that matters!!

If this seems confusing, the best way to describe is to use the age-old question for you to consider:

If there was an absolutely beautiful sunset somewhere in the middle of say the jungle somewhere in Africa and nobody saw

it, can we say there was still a beautiful sunset??

My own response would be a resounding yes!!

Back later!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
My understanding is he was dead several years before this fake "military operation." Maybe that's why the men who carried out the fake mission were themselves killed.
Yes, that was my understanding as well.

The reason Obama played the "Bin Laden card" was to divert attention away from Trump, who was hot on the heels of his phony birth certificate.

Like a shark circling his prey, Trump was closing in giving interviews everywhere, even shows like the View calling out the Kenyan fraud.

Barry was cornered and had to do something.

So here's the timeline:

Obama 'birther' press conference - April 27, 2011

"We got Bin Laden!!" - May 2nd 2011

No coincidences.

Also, when Trump said he had "investigators on the ground in Hawaii" and they "can't believe what they're finding", he was using military intelligence.

The military "has it all" on Obama.

The military were ready to overthrow Obama and the Deep State as far back as 2011, but instead recruited Trump to carry out the current plan.

All roads lead straight to Obama.


Nov 11, 2007
Yes, that was my understanding as well.

The reason Obama played the "Bin Laden card" was to divert attention away from Trump, who was hot on the heels of his phony birth certificate.

Like a shark circling his prey, Trump was closing in giving interviews everywhere, even shows like the View calling out the Kenyan fraud.

Barry was cornered and had to do something.

So here's the timeline:

Obama 'birther' press conference - April 27, 2011

"We got Bin Laden!!" - May 2nd 2011

No coincidences.

Also, when Trump said he had "investigators on the ground in Hawaii" and they "can't believe what they're finding", he was using military intelligence.

The military "has it all" on Obama.

The military were ready to overthrow Obama and the Deep State as far back as 2011, but instead recruited Trump to carry out the current plan.

All roads lead straight to Obama.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"I put it out there and people can decide for themselves" - CIC Trump

Trump retweeted - a whistleblower accused Biden & Obama of having Seal Team 6 killed to cover up the "fake death of Osama Bin Laden."

With Trump's knowledge of classified information as POTUS he had to know it was true!

What happened to Seal Team Six in the aftermath of 9/11?


Nov 11, 2007
HOWEVER, if Trump was supposed to be devolutioned according to you back on Inauguration Day in 2021 and that it has IMMINENT

every day since that day, why the delay??

It seems to me that "Trump-time" is taking quite a bit of time to get going for such important matters as you discuss!!

Surely you can provide some kind of a window time frame so that we can all plan for this momentous event!!

Maybe if you don't know, you can call the 900 Psychic Hotline to find out and let us know!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Nov 11, 2007
"I put it out there and people can decide for themselves" - CIC Trump

Trump retweeted - a whistleblower accused Biden & Obama of having Seal Team 6 killed to cover up the "fake death of Osama Bin Laden."

With Trump's knowledge of classified information as POTUS he had to know it was true!

What happened to Seal Team Six in the aftermath of 9/11?

HOWEVER, if Trump was supposed to be devolutioned according to you back on Inauguration Day in 2021 and that it has IMMINENT

every day since that day, why the delay??

It seems to me that "Trump-time" is taking quite a bit of time to get going for such important matters as you discuss!!

Surely you can provide some kind of a window time frame so that we can all plan for this momentous event!!

Maybe if you don't know, you can call the 900 Psychic Hotline to find out and let us know!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Sep 12, 2022
The ears tell all.
Yes, that was my understanding as well.

The reason Obama played the "Bin Laden card" was to divert attention away from Trump, who was hot on the heels of his phony birth certificate.

Like a shark circling his prey, Trump was closing in giving interviews everywhere, even shows like the View calling out the Kenyan fraud.

Barry was cornered and had to do something.

So here's the timeline:

Obama 'birther' press conference - April 27, 2011

"We got Bin Laden!!" - May 2nd 2011

No coincidences.

Also, when Trump said he had "investigators on the ground in Hawaii" and they "can't believe what they're finding", he was using military intelligence.

The military "has it all" on Obama.

The military were ready to overthrow Obama and the Deep State as far back as 2011, but instead recruited Trump to carry out the current plan.

All roads lead straight to Obama.

I also recall some woman who was instrumental in pushing his fake birth certificate going down in a plane, but alive and well in the water, according to an eye witness. Then she suddenly dies, like that chef who was murdered.

Of course, this is all over the heads of our Tards. They believe whatever their handlers on television tell them.
Sep 12, 2022
Soon we'll be partying like it's 2025, and the beginnng of Trump's 3rd term. Tard alert. Landslide coming.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The ears tell all.

I also recall some woman who was instrumental in pushing his fake birth certificate going down in a plane, but alive and well in the water, according to an eye witness. Then she suddenly dies, like that chef who was murdered.

Of course, this is all over the heads of our Tards. They believe whatever their handlers on television tell them.

"birth certificate" in air quotes.

CIC The Don and military "have it all"


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