
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Ask yourselves..

Why did Crooked Hillary need an illegal private server to begin with? Was she just using it to exchange harmless memes mocking Deplorables?

Tens of thousands of emails including the Podesta Pizzagate files exposed by WikiLeaks.

And why did she ignore a subpoena and then acid wash the server once she got caught?

And why did the FBI cover for her claiming she broke no laws?

Was Crooked Hillary the only one with a private server?

Why did ALL Deep State players have secret aliases on Twitter and use them to communicate amongst each other?

What kinds of things were they saying?

Who is "Renegade" and why will this matter once those messages are revealed?

Do paid TARDS ever THINK before they regurgitate the nonstop FAKE News rubberstamped by FAKE "fact-checkers"?


Nov 11, 2007
Ask yourselves..

Why did Crooked Hillary need an illegal private server to begin with? Was she just using it to exchange harmless memes mocking Deplorables?

Tens of thousands of emails including the Podesta Pizzagate files exposed by WikiLeaks.

And why did she ignore a subpoena and then acid wash the server once she got caught?

And why did the FBI cover for her claiming she broke no laws?

Was Crooked Hillary the only one with a private server?

Why did ALL Deep State players have secret aliases on Twitter and use them to communicate amongst each other?

What kinds of things were they saying?

Who is "Renegade" and why will this matter once those messages are revealed?

Do paid TARDS ever THINK before they regurgitate the nonstop FAKE News rubberstamped by FAKE "fact-checkers"?

Why are the Yellow Pages yellow?? lol
Aug 17, 2019
Ask yourselves..

Why did Crooked Hillary need an illegal private server to begin with? Was she just using it to exchange harmless memes mocking Deplorables?

Tens of thousands of emails including the Podesta Pizzagate files exposed by WikiLeaks.

And why did she ignore a subpoena and then acid wash the server once she got caught?

And why did the FBI cover for her claiming she broke no laws?

Was Crooked Hillary the only one with a private server?

Why did ALL Deep State players have secret aliases on Twitter and use them to communicate amongst each other?

What kinds of things were they saying?

Who is "Renegade" and why will this matter once those messages are revealed?

Do paid TARDS ever THINK before they regurgitate the nonstop FAKE News rubberstamped by FAKE "fact-checkers"?

They also use interactive video games to communicate while the game is being played.

Nov 11, 2007
Ask yourselves..

Why did Crooked Hillary need an illegal private server to begin with? Was she just using it to exchange harmless memes mocking Deplorables?

Tens of thousands of emails including the Podesta Pizzagate files exposed by WikiLeaks.

And why did she ignore a subpoena and then acid wash the server once she got caught?

And why did the FBI cover for her claiming she broke no laws?

Was Crooked Hillary the only one with a private server?

Why did ALL Deep State players have secret aliases on Twitter and use them to communicate amongst each other?

What kinds of things were they saying?

Who is "Renegade" and why will this matter once those messages are revealed?

Do paid TARDS ever THINK before they regurgitate the nonstop FAKE News rubberstamped by FAKE "fact-checkers"?

Here is another reason why sheriff joe HOE lives in a world of fantasy and cannot be taken EVEN with a grain of salt:

When I was forced over to the Political Section from the Rubber Room by administration around 3-4 years ago because they

believed a thread I started over there belonged in the Political Section, almost immediately after I started posting, sheriff

joe went on one one of his wild rants and claimed that I was vitterd who at that tine had been banned!!

What is telling is that any objective person who is familiar with both the posting style of myself and vitterd realized at that

time that while we agree a lot politically speaking, we post in a 100% different way.

But of course that didn't stop crazed and paranoic sheriff HOE from going on and on every day even though a number of posters

came forth to state categorically that we are NOT the same person.

Well lo and behold, vitterd returned to the forum and he and I exchanged some thoughts, and apparently it was quite obvious

even to sheriff joe HOE that as usual he was WRONG, and that was the last he made that insane/baseless allegation!!

Now his madness has returned again with the latest allegation/accusation that I was hired by Administration at $8-$10 an hour

to post and rebut anything he, sbd, doctorsuccss and Lenny Lenbo post!!

One Yiddish word describes sheriff joe and his thoughts, namely OY VEY!! lol
Aug 17, 2019

In October the government is planning to broadcast 3 different 18 ghz pulse rates for 1 minute each using the 5G towers.

These pulse rates will cause the lipid nanoparticles to swell inside the bodies of those who are vaxxed and release the pathogenic contents, causing a Marburg epidemic.

These lipid nanoparticles were in the shots and boosters.

And this is nanotechnology the op warned about since the onset of the plandemic that, in effect, made the vaxxed walking 5G towers.

Marburg's is NOT highly contagious BUT it is extremely fatal.

If successful, those who are vaxxed will become zombified.

Let us all come together and pray for the vaxxed.

And may GOD bless us all!


Nov 11, 2007

In October the government is planning to broadcast 3 different 18 ghz pulse rates for 1 minute each using the 5G towers.

These pulse rates will cause the lipid nanoparticles to swell inside the bodies of those who are vaxxed and release the pathogenic contents, causing a Marburg epidemic.

These lipid nanoparticles were in the shots and boosters.

And this is nanotechnology the op warned about since the onset of the plandemic that, in effect, made the vaxxed walking 5G towers.

Marburg's is NOT highly contagious BUT it is extremely fatal.

If successful, those who are vaxxed will become zombified.

Let us all come together and pray for the vaxxed.

And may GOD bless us all!

Actually I heard a more worrisome and ominous alternate warning about what the government is going to do with those

lipid nanoparticles in order to rapidly decrease the number of people being born, referred to as the fertility rate!!

Namely in the near future, those lipid nanoparticles at the government's command are going to result in the penises

of all vaccinated men just detaching themselves from the body and drop to the ground.

Worse, the technology used in causing this to happen was designed so that once the weenies fall off, they are dead

and cannot be reattached.

The immediate effect using sbd's terminology is that "hundreds of millions of vaccinated males will dies within a few days to

a week" and "hundreds of millions more will follow!!:

Worst of all, all of the women in the world whether they are vaccinated or not, will have to rely on the sperm of the

unvaccinated men to procreate, which means that itself will result in a huge decrease in the number of children being

born because of the PENISdemic that is about to occur!!

Nov 11, 2007
For those of you who still believe Gitmo and military tribunals are unproven conspiracy theories, here's your documented proof everything SBD and I have been telling you is 100% true.

All backed up by ACTIVE Trump executive orders, laws and codes.

? ? ?

Just show us evidence of the hundreds of dead bodies of those members of the DS who were allegedly tried and executed

at GITMO including the likes of Bill, Hilary and Chelsea Clinton, Bill and Melinda Gates, John Podesta, Governo Newsom,

Dr. Fauci and so many other well-known folks who have been seen and heard in public, the media, etc in the aggregate

thousands of times since their alleged executions!!

If you believe it and/or get gratification by posting attention-seeking tabloid drivel, fine, but just remember

that other than sbd and doctor success and a few other stragglers, virtually no intelligent person believes

this bullshit, and that every time you post this or something else similar of this nature, yours truly will pummel

you as I just did!
Sep 12, 2022
Here is PBS in 2004 clearly confirming that Obama was, in fact, born in Kenya.

I can see why the media removed it, they confirmed almost every ‘conspiracy’ about Obama while getting him prepared to run for President.

Chalk another one up for the conspiracy theorists being right about yet another thing we've been derided for daring to point out.

Our winning streak continues unabated.

You and SBD are batting a thousand. Tards lead the league in strikeouts and zero runs scored.
Sep 12, 2022

In October the government is planning to broadcast 3 different 18 ghz pulse rates for 1 minute each using the 5G towers.

These pulse rates will cause the lipid nanoparticles to swell inside the bodies of those who are vaxxed and release the pathogenic contents, causing a Marburg epidemic.

These lipid nanoparticles were in the shots and boosters.

And this is nanotechnology the op warned about since the onset of the plandemic that, in effect, made the vaxxed walking 5G towers.

Marburg's is NOT highly contagious BUT it is extremely fatal.

If successful, those who are vaxxed will become zombified.

Let us all come together and pray for the vaxxed.

And may GOD bless us all!

Another in a long line of successful predictions for you.

Any idea when in October this will take place? Any connection to the Emergency Broadcast System test?

Will this turn our Tards into walking zombies? No wait, they already are.


Nov 11, 2007

This is just one of MANY folks Jack Smith is going to convince, namely a judge and jury, of matters regarding Trump,

which will ultimately rid ourselves politically speaking of this Fascist/neo-Nazi/racist/lying self-serving swine/would-be dictator

forever and by so doing return the country back to marvelous tenets of democracy upon which it was founded!!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
If "Biden" is the president, why do CIC Trump's executive orders keep being renewed?

? ? ?

Executive Order 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election​

Executive Order 13818—Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption​

Anyone caught interfering in an a US election or participating in human trafficking, will be designated an enemy combatant and issued a military arrest warrant, then hauled off to Gitmo in front of a military tribunal with no constitutional rights.

You commit treason, you forsake your constitutional rights, per Supreme Court precedent.

100% legal.

Oh, you didn't believe the "boot club" was real? Just another crazy unproven conspiracy theory?

It's happening as we speak.

Suck on it!


Nov 11, 2007
You and SBD are batting a thousand. Tards lead the league in strikeouts and zero runs scored.
Actually, to be fair they are batting a thousand with their FAILED predictions about Trump's reinstatement/devolution

and 998 with their other LIES AND DELUSIONS and a thousand with their lack of accountability for the above!!

Nov 11, 2007
If "Biden" is the president, why do CIC Trump's executive orders keep being renewed?

? ? ?

Executive Order 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election​

Executive Order 13818—Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption​

Anyone caught interfering in an a US election or participating in human trafficking, will be designated an enemy combatant and issued a military arrest warrant, then hauled off to Gitmo in front of a military tribunal with no constitutional rights.

You commit treason, you forsake your constitutional rights, per Supreme Court precedent.

100% legal.

Oh, you didn't believe the "boot club" was real? Just another crazy unproven conspiracy theory?

It's happening as we speak.

Suck on it!

In case you missed it:

Just show us evidence of the hundreds of dead bodies of those members of the DS who were allegedly tried and executed

at GITMO including the likes of Bill, Hilary and Chelsea Clinton, Bill and Melinda Gates, John Podesta, Governo Newsom,

Dr. Fauci and so many other well-known folks who have been seen and heard in public, the media, etc in the aggregate

thousands of times since their alleged executions!!

If you believe it and/or get gratification by posting attention-seeking tabloid drivel, fine, but just remember

that other than sbd and doctor success and a few other stragglers, virtually no intelligent person believes

this bullshit, and that every time you post this or something else similar of this nature, yours truly will pummel

you as I just did!

Nov 11, 2007

What gives here sherry-it looks like your Devolution Thread has been abandoned for a second time as no posts(which was yours)

since August 8!!

Could the "possible" reason be that virtually everyone thinks you are full of shi t when it comes to this, and that in fact

the reason you no longer posting there but over here is that you think that the same folks who unanimously rejected

your psychotic attention-seeking/delusional bullshit in that thread are now going to believe it in this thread!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You and SBD are batting a thousand. Tards lead the league in strikeouts and zero runs scored.
  • No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Nov 11, 2007

What gives here sherry-it looks like your Devolution Thread has been abandoned for a second time as no posts(which was yours)

since August 8!!

Could the "possible" reason be that virtually everyone thinks you are full of shi t when it comes to this, and that in fact

the reason you no longer posting there but over here is that you think that the same folks who unanimously rejected

your psychotic attention-seeking/delusional bullshit in that thread are now going to believe it in this thread!!
If anyone is unfamiliar with the Devolution Thread posted above and/or doubts what I said, I invite you to click on the link and go back to

to the first page of the thread in March 22 2022 and read some of the predictions that Trump's devolution was/is IMMINENT

and just look at them today and see how many of them were IMMINENT/CAME TRUE!!


Nov 11, 2007

What gives here sherry-it looks like your Devolution Thread has been abandoned for a second time as no posts(which was yours)

since August 8!!

Could the "possible" reason be that virtually everyone thinks you are full of shi t when it comes to this, and that in fact

the reason you no longer posting there but over here is that you think that the same folks who unanimously rejected

your psychotic attention-seeking/delusional bullshit in that thread are now going to believe it in this thread!!
One of the beauties of a post like this is that if joe HOE immediately goes over and posts something in his DEAD Devolution Thread,

it will prove that he does read my posts not that it isn't obvious already!!

If he simply ignores it and the one that follows, he runs the risk that some people will take my advice, go over to his devolution Thread

and see that am 100% correct in everything I stated in my posts today!!

Trying to get away with lies and bullshit may work with not-very-bright and weak-minded people but not with

highly trained professional investigators like myself who can and will with their knowledge and experiences to put folks

sheriff joe HOE in their place!!

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