
Nov 11, 2007
Well that's good you stay out my threads you're kind of weird...
I am weird you say??

If I am weird, let's just say that I find it weird that although I don't give a rat's ass, I find it WEIRD how about how many posts you fire away

in rapid-fire succession at times like it is some kind of a contest and that what you post is going to save the world or something.

Again though as is the case in the other sections, anytime I see in the notification section on the right that you and for that matter just about

anyone else posted something with rare exceptions, I just skip past it unless I see Bozzie, Jax, wilbur, schmirt, etc. name as having posted

something in reaction, at which post I read what they said and what they reacted to!!

Again though as I tell anyone in this thread even if personally am not interested in what they have to say, it is your life and

you can and should do whatever makes you happy!!

That said though and as stated before, I consider the IVU Thread my home turf so to speak, and I do read and at all of what is

posted and can and will react by posting when I see fit!!

Enjoy your day!!

Nov 11, 2007
You are so Stupid it buurrrnnsssss...
I interpret "stupid" to mean that you are angry and irritated that you cannot do anything in your power to prevent me from

posting what I do, and that in any case, you don't have the intellectual capacity or the education or debating skills to openly

debate me in any case!!

Nov 11, 2007
One of the lowest IQs ever seen!

Beyond delusional.

And should be institutionalized and highly medicated.
lol-with such a "low IQ" in fact that you have me on ignore/actually PRETEND to have me on ignore because if you had the balls

to openly debate me, I would totally rip you apart with your failed predictions and other attention-seeking delusional

bullshit because your own existence is a total mess and by posting in this thread, you simply suppress the massive psychological

ane emotional problems rather than facing up to and dealing with them on your own or most likely by receiving the professional

help you need to do so!!!

Nov 11, 2007
So what does that prove??

I received both of the two initial vaccinations, never had Covid and am doing fine!!

As is the case with others in this thread, unlike yours truly you obviously are not educated in statistics, probability,

and most importantly the sampling techniques and sampling population needed which make the sample RELIABLE AND VALID,

the two key and most important words needed if one wants to draw any meaningful conclusions!!

There is a LOT more but he above is basic!!

Nov 11, 2007
If you STILL believe fact-checkers are real, you are just plain stupid!
lol-How about telling us about the sources of information that you use to post your attention-seeking FAILED predictions,

delusions, and non-existent/made-up bullshit for which you can not get even get a thumbs-up let alone people agreeing

with you, most notably Trump's devolution that you have said is IMMINENT for the last 32 months or that Trump won ALL

FIFTY STATES in 2024 and got over 90% of the POPULAR VOTE in so do doing!!

For you the operative term is not fact-checker but rather BULLSHIT-CHECKER, which is defined as any and all objective

persons who reads your BULLSHIT and comes away that what you just posted is that, namely ATTENTION-SEEKING BULLSHIT,

as well as delusions and lies!!

Nov 11, 2007
Not surprisingly as yours truly has said over the last few days, we have more and more people migrating over here from

other threads as the poor babies have become bored without DaFinch around anymore to tangle with, and thus have chosen

this thread as their new watering hole to meet, agree with each other, and magnify their feelings of imagined self-importance

as well as to warn the world about the "evil ds" and of course to try to irritate those on the other side of the fence such as myself.

All I say is bring it on because this is the one and only thread I post in what is deemed to be a political section of the Forum

but in actuality and reality and with few exceptions is a right-wing/Trump/bash Biden cheerleading section!!

Sadly the political section could be a very stimulating and intellectually challenging thread if it was set up that way and/or

if the participants chose to make it that way!!

As I see it, the thread will never be a Quora for lots of reasons but with the help of moderators could be a more respectable

and credible place in which to participate than is currently the case!!

Nov 11, 2007

As has been the case in the past certain political events remind me of great songs from the past, and today's news about folks starting

to turn on Trump is no exception!!

Without further adieu, here you go with this classic from yesteryear and especially for those who were too young or not even

born yet to remember this song!!


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Another good read for the ultra low iqanons.

He's In Trouble': GOP Governor Spots Major Warning For Trump In Latest Polls​

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R) said Donald Trump is “in trouble” and that voters shouldn’t assume he has the Republican presidential nomination locked up.

While polls have Trump far ahead of his rivals, Sununu said on Fox News they also expose a key weakness, especially recent polls of New Hampshire that show the former president’s support maxing out in the high 30s and low 40s there.

“That means 60 percent of the people don’t want him,” he said in comments clipped by Mediaite. “And even of his own supporters, a recent poll said 50 percent would go to somebody else if given a good option. So, he’s in trouble when you really narrow it down.”

Matbe Porkie the Pig can post a better poll.

50% of his ultra low iqanon supporters won't vote for the orange encrusted buffoon.

We have it all.

Can't wait for the end of this movie.

There will be a lot of ultra low iqanon tears!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Big trouble in the latest poll Witless and Lightweight . 53% don’t want him in NH .

Nikki SURGING to 10% to tie DeSantis for a distant second .

Sununu : Trump’s support is maxing out in the high 30s to low 40s


Sep 12, 2022

Nov 11, 2007
Another irrelevant, illogical and moronic post!

Using a celebrity to try to make a point about anything including the COVID vaccination while not considering the massive millions

of vaccinated people like myself who did not catch Covid is as I have said before, makes about as much sense

as stating that because Kobe Bryant and his daughter died in a tragic helicopter accident a few years ago, we should

conclude that none of us should ever take a helicopter ride again or even a plane!!

I mean oh my god, if something tragic like that can happen to Kobe, surely it is even more likely to happen to happen every day

folks like, me, you and everyone else!!

You are not talking to your clones in the other threads, my friend, who will give you a thumbs-up to just about anything

you spew forth over there.

You are posting to someone highly intelligent, educated, and skilled in debating who for 34 years had to rely on what I just cited

in exposing and documenting welfare fraud as part of his(my) job!!

Next please!!

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