
Nov 11, 2007
I know the left loves nothing more than the government controlling their lives .

You can wear it to sleep for all I care but don’t mandating something that has proven to do shit at preventing Covid .
Let's just say that I have lots more fuc king important things to worry about in my life than putting on a harmless mask at

worst which takes a couple of seconds to put on!!

Nov 11, 2007
You actually are doing a credibility check from a source as qualified to do so as you are to play QB for the Chiefs on an actual interview with the runt ?

Seek help.
Let's just say that if I do indeed help, it pales in comparison to the help YOU need as a person who acts as a human shield to protect

you darling and deity Donald Trump, a person among other things, you believe is a wonderful human being, is 100% innocent of all

charges in the investigations, and who is a "perfect" human being who never even thought about engaging in criminal activity

in his entire life let alone commit any, and of course who didn't tell even one lie during his four years as POTUS let alone

tell over 33,000 DOCUMENTED LIES!!

Perhaps in your case, the word "help" is a massive understatement-perhaps what you need is a LOBOTOMY!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Let's just say that I have lots more fuc king important things to worry about in my life than putting on a harmless mask at

worst which takes a couple of seconds to put on!!

Let's just say that if I do indeed help, it pales in comparison to the help YOU need as a person who acts as a human shield to protect

you darling and deity Donald Trump, a person among other things, you believe is a wonderful human being, is 100% innocent of all

charges in the investigations, and who is a "perfect" human being who never even thought about engaging in criminal activity

in his entire life let alone commit any, and of course who didn't tell even one lie during his four years as POTUS let alone

tell over 33,000 DOCUMENTED LIES!!

Perhaps in your case, the word "help" is a massive understatement-perhaps what you need is a LOBOTOMY!!

Excluding your verbal diarrhea please explain how an actual interview with the runt ( an actual surprisingly good one for a change from the ? News Network ) calls into question the credibility of the source reporting on it ?

Nov 11, 2007
Excluding your verbal diarrhea please explain how an actual interview with the runt ( an actual surprisingly good one for a change from the ? News Network ) calls into question the credibility of the source reporting on it ?
I really don't understand your point or question.

My media review bias had to do with what roadreeler posted and not you.

I can't answer your question if I don't fully understand it.

The intent of my post had only to do with the importance relatively speaking of wearing masks.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I really don't understand your point or question.

My media review bias had to do with what roadreeler posted and not you.

I can't answer your question if I don't fully understand it.

My bad . I mistakingly thought you replied to his other post with Fauci .

Nov 11, 2007
My bad . I mistakingly thought you replied to his other post with Fauci .
No problem-that was what I was about to explain to you!!

In any case regarding the necessity of wearing a mask or not, I respect your opinion and anyone who believes that government

is getting involved in matters they should not be!!

That said, my own philosophical opinion (that is all it is), is that when it was mandated, I thought nothing of it and got used to it

in the same way that I do like brushing my teeth, taking a shower and other things that I regard as routine.

In short for me, the bigger adjustment was adjusting to stores and restaurants being closed and having to make temporary

changes to my lifestyle which I simply accepted!!

Sure there are those who look back and use whatever sources they want and claim that the masks didn't/don't work,

there was no reason to have them, etc. and I respect that line of thinking!!

But again at the time and now looking back at the matter and now with the possibility that they may be required

or recommended again, at my late stage in life, I just can't get all that interested or excited one way or the other!!
Sep 12, 2022
I dont put anybody on ignore never have.......I didn't even put Dafinch on ignore but I thought about it many times...Migrate over?.....They must've moved this thread & you didn't notice...Have a good supper...
To not block the Tards on this thread is akin to crossing the parking lot of your favorite store and outside are six mentally deranged homeless derelicts running around in circles and screaming hysterical gibberish at the top of their lungs.

To block them is to walk peacefully across the same parking while listening to the birds sing in the trees.
Sep 12, 2022

Is It Time to Wear a Mask Again?​

Experts recommend when and how to use them, as Covid continues to circulate.

Rebuttal By​

Day after day, the soft drumbeat heralding another sequel to Stupid-19 mania grows a little bit louder. Now that the "paper of record" -- the odious oracle of all things deemed to be "the latest thing" -- is hinting at public restrictions to deal with the latest "variant"™ of a "variant"™ of a "variant"™ of Stupid-19 -- (which itself was, allegedly, a "variant" ™ of a previous coronavirus) -- we may forecast, with a decent level of certainty, that some sort of new "trick play" is in the works. From the Slimes article vomited out by contributor Dani Blum (cough cough):

"As new Covid variants gain traction, reinfections become more common and cases climb in certain areas, a few schools and businesses are reinstating mask requirements. Experts say it makes sense to increase precautions, including turning back to masks.

'I tend to say, if you’re going to go out, make sure you have a mask in your car, a couple masks at home or at work, so you always have something available to put on,' said Andrew Pekosz (cough cough), a professor of molecular microbiology and immunology at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. "

'A high-quality mask does wonders in terms of protecting you from getting infected,' Dr. Pekosz said. "

* Answer me this, Dr. P: How is it that wandering flatulence molecules -- expelled from a careless (or mischievous) friend -- can penetrate a pair of underwear and a pair of jeans to assault one's nostrils -- yet a much thinner mask is able to somehow block Stupid-19 monsters from crossing the room? Are fart molecules really that much smaller than Stupid-19 molecules? Have you measured? Frankly, I think you Johns Hopkins operatives are all full of sh*t (pun intended).

By the way - Johns Hopkins University, you will surely recall, is home to the Gates & Bloomberg-funded quackademic ass-clowns who put out that oh-so-scary red death chart back in 2020 which so frightened the bewildered boobs of the overlapping Kingdoms of Libtardia and Normiedom into obedience compliance. But be not alarmed, boys and girls -- for any attempt at a Stupid-19 redux would actually be a good thing, this time around.

1. A return to mass mask psychosis? // 2. The Johns Hopkins Death Chart of 2020

Now, why is "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times treating this as welcome news? It's elementary. It's because Patriots Are In Control -- perhaps not 100% yet, but certainly in a position of propaganda dominance.

The Donald himself offers us, as they say in poker parlance, a "tell" as to where this maneuver may be heading. In a posted video address from just a few days ago, Trump asserted: "The left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back covid lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fearmongering about the new variants that are coming. You know what else is coming? An election! They want to restart the covid hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship, more illegal drop boxes, more mail-in ballots and trillions of dollars in payoffs to their political allies heading into the 2024 election—does that sound familiar?"

* You see, once one understands that Trump and the White Hats have been setting forced traps for their already defeated adversaries to walk into -- (for the sake of public awakening as we head into 2024) -- then it's obvious that a Stupid-19: Part II would present the perfect "teachable moment"™ for the nation (and the world) to finally have a "national conversation"™ about both the outrageous lockdown lies of 2020 and the subsequentially related stolen election (which was a sting operation).

This time around, instead of blind mass compliance -- there will be anger, rebellion and rational inquisitiveness as to motive. Heck! Even up to 25% Libtardia won't put up with it. This is exactly what "Brer" Trump wants as his wholly-owned show trials approach. Bring on the mandates, Mr. "Biden!"
Sep 12, 2022

Nov 11, 2007
To not block the Tards on this thread is akin to crossing the parking lot of your favorite store and outside are six mentally deranged homeless derelicts running around in circles and screaming hysterical gibberish at the top of their lungs.

To block them is to walk peacefully across the same parking while listening to the birds sing in the trees.
What about folks who claim and/or follow someone who claims that after 32 months of100% FAILED daily

predictions that Trump's devolution is IMMINENT??

Is that an example of the kind of person we should follow and look up to?? lol

Nov 11, 2007

Is It Time to Wear a Mask Again?​

Experts recommend when and how to use them, as Covid continues to circulate.

Rebuttal By​

Day after day, the soft drumbeat heralding another sequel to Stupid-19 mania grows a little bit louder. Now that the "paper of record" -- the odious oracle of all things deemed to be "the latest thing" -- is hinting at public restrictions to deal with the latest "variant"™ of a "variant"™ of a "variant"™ of Stupid-19 -- (which itself was, allegedly, a "variant" ™ of a previous coronavirus) -- we may forecast, with a decent level of certainty, that some sort of new "trick play" is in the works. From the Slimes article vomited out by contributor Dani Blum (cough cough):

"As new Covid variants gain traction, reinfections become more common and cases climb in certain areas, a few schools and businesses are reinstating mask requirements. Experts say it makes sense to increase precautions, including turning back to masks.

'I tend to say, if you’re going to go out, make sure you have a mask in your car, a couple masks at home or at work, so you always have something available to put on,' said Andrew Pekosz (cough cough), a professor of molecular microbiology and immunology at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. "

'A high-quality mask does wonders in terms of protecting you from getting infected,' Dr. Pekosz said. "

* Answer me this, Dr. P: How is it that wandering flatulence molecules -- expelled from a careless (or mischievous) friend -- can penetrate a pair of underwear and a pair of jeans to assault one's nostrils -- yet a much thinner mask is able to somehow block Stupid-19 monsters from crossing the room? Are fart molecules really that much smaller than Stupid-19 molecules? Have you measured? Frankly, I think you Johns Hopkins operatives are all full of sh*t (pun intended).

By the way - Johns Hopkins University, you will surely recall, is home to the Gates & Bloomberg-funded quackademic ass-clowns who put out that oh-so-scary red death chart back in 2020 which so frightened the bewildered boobs of the overlapping Kingdoms of Libtardia and Normiedom into obedience compliance. But be not alarmed, boys and girls -- for any attempt at a Stupid-19 redux would actually be a good thing, this time around.

1. A return to mass mask psychosis? // 2. The Johns Hopkins Death Chart of 2020

Now, why is "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times treating this as welcome news? It's elementary. It's because Patriots Are In Control -- perhaps not 100% yet, but certainly in a position of propaganda dominance.

The Donald himself offers us, as they say in poker parlance, a "tell" as to where this maneuver may be heading. In a posted video address from just a few days ago, Trump asserted: "The left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back covid lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fearmongering about the new variants that are coming. You know what else is coming? An election! They want to restart the covid hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship, more illegal drop boxes, more mail-in ballots and trillions of dollars in payoffs to their political allies heading into the 2024 election—does that sound familiar?"

* You see, once one understands that Trump and the White Hats have been setting forced traps for their already defeated adversaries to walk into -- (for the sake of public awakening as we head into 2024) -- then it's obvious that a Stupid-19: Part II would present the perfect "teachable moment"™ for the nation (and the world) to finally have a "national conversation"™ about both the outrageous lockdown lies of 2020 and the subsequentially related stolen election (which was a sting operation).

This time around, instead of blind mass compliance -- there will be anger, rebellion and rational inquisitiveness as to motive. Heck! Even up to 25% Libtardia won't put up with it. This is exactly what "Brer" Trump wants as his wholly-owned show trials approach. Bring on the mandates, Mr. "Biden!"
It would help if you provided a link that worked!!

Oct 30, 2006
I am fully aware that sbd moved this thread over to the Political Section from the Rubber Room as would anyone who posted

regularly in that thread.

If you meant something else, then well you need to explain it better!!

In any case, it is clear that a number of posters who rarely if ever posted in the IVU Thread while it was in the Rubber Room

and basically the same when the sbd transported the thread have all of a sudden started visiting and posting in this thread once

it was evident that DaFinch was done.

If you or anyone says it is a coincidence, I totally disagree and attribute the migration to be blunt, just being plain bored with no

one to oppose them in their threads other than Bozzie and Jax on occasion, meaning they were/are looking for a new

outlet/thread where they can some attention, and pat each other on the back as well as to try to find to try to get under

the skin of folks like myself, wilbur, et al.

As stated I can't remember more than one or two instances where I even bothered to open any of these threads started by you

or by the other well-known instances because to be diplomatic I have ZERO interest!!

And it is 100% FACT that I haven't posted anything in this section other than the revived IVU since January 6, 2021 as promised

except for one error on my part that I quickly apologized for!!

As I said in my previous post, this thread is my home turf meaning that I virtually read everything posted here,

This in turn means that anyone or anything stated in this thread is fair game for me with my responses!!

I hope that helps!!
Well that's good you stay out my threads you're kind of weird...

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