
Nov 11, 2007

Bolton tells it as it is about Trump and his wet-behind-the-ears wannabe fascist punk who I refer to as Vivek "Ram a salami/up his ass!!" lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Bolton tells it as it is about Trump and his wet-behind-the-ears wannabe fascist punk who I refer to as Vivek "Ram a salami/up his ass!!" lol
The Neocon is big mad at America First policy . Who does Bolton want to invade next ?

The dipshit should have thrown his hat in the ring and received the ass kicking the others are experiencing .

Nov 11, 2007
You are one of the exceptions to the rule as you would have to actually spend more social time to be a risk. Since you are the most educated in stats, probability and most importantly the sampling techniques and population in this thread, I would love to hear your in depth analysis. You don't think being double vaxxed and twice boosted AND catching Covid is no big deal? I'm being serious. Are you getting the next round? Is your wife? Do you require the immigrants to get it since they live with you or are they confined to the west wing?
First of all as I have said before, I received the first two doses only and will not get any more because my philosophy is that if

I didn't get Covid after the second vax, I figured there was no point in getting any more, and it turns out in retrospect I was correct.

Whether it was the vaccines or not that prevented me from getting Covid was/is of no concern!!

My wife received both vaccine and the same for her nephew and his son also.

And I stand by my commentary about Whoopi, celebrities in general and what I said about Kobe Bryant and drawing conclusions!!

What do you mean by an "exception" to the rule??

Does that mean you subscribe to what sbd claims and continues to claim, namely that HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF


If you do agree, tell us where the empirical evidence is to support this notion and if you don't agree then why not!!

Mar 19, 2008
First of all as I have said before, I received the first two doses only and will not get any more because my philosophy is that if

I didn't get Covid after the second vax, I figured there was no point in getting any more, and it turns out in retrospect I was correct.

Whether it was the vaccines or not that prevented me from getting Covid was/is of no concern!!

My wife received both vaccine and the same for her nephew and his son also.

And I stand by my commentary about Whoopi, celebrities in general and what I said about Kobe Bryant and drawing conclusions!!

What do you mean by an "exception" to the rule??

Does that mean you subscribe to what sbd claims and continues to claim, namely that HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF


If you do agree, tell us where the empirical evidence is to support this notion and if you don't agree then why not!!
So why are other people getting Covid that had 2 vaxes? You did mention that you were the most educated in terms of stats, probabilites etc...
Exactly what it says. You are the exception, because you don't go anywhere. Isolation beats Covid.
Why for the tenth time do you keep trying to drag SBD claims? I have told you more than twice, it is his opinion and I don't care either way about it. It would make no sense to bring it up again, but sadly you will.

Nov 11, 2007
So why are other people getting Covid that had 2 vaxes? You did mention that you were the most educated in terms of stats, probabilites etc...
Exactly what it says. You are the exception, because you don't go anywhere. Isolation beats Covid.
Why for the tenth time do you keep trying to drag SBD claims? I have told you more than twice, it is his opinion and I don't care either way about it. It would make no sense to bring it up again, but sadly you will.
I explained it already, and it is not my problem if you refuse to accept it and/or don't have the knowledge of how to derive statistically

reliable and valid conclusions based on accepted statistical techniques.

And begging the question, poisoning the well and avoiding the question I asked about how many vaccinated people have in reality

died and whether you agree with sbd or not just tells me that you are in the same class as the others who have done exactly

the same thing!!

Let's leave it at that.

And while we are at it, let's go back to post 3071 that I offered in response to your allegation that I "purchased" my wife.

Assuming you read it and did not respond to it, kindly tell me if you agree with it and if not, SPECIFICALLY WHY NOT, POINT


Here you go, in case you "forgot:"

Cheddar said:
Purchase "acquire (something) by paying for it; buy". Did you spend money with the agency? YES or NO. By defintion, that my senile old friend is a "purchase". I will be 24 years in November. Do you know why divorce rates are lower when you purchase a wife? I called 2 of them and you would be surprised at the responses.
I notice that your buddies Starbucks Wilbur and Squirt aren't even defending you. Have a great day...
"Sorry, buddy, trying to twist the definition of "purchasing" in this instance to purchasing a wife doesn't fly with any intelligent and

objective person and I will tell you why.\:

When one buys a car or tv, he is purchasing it by giving an established set amount of money for a definable product he saw

at the car dealer or in the store he saw a tv.

Now before I get into your ignorant comment about "purchasing a wife," let's take another example:

If one goes to an employment agency, and they find him a job for which he has to pay them a fee and ends up loving

the job they find for him, would you deem that as "purchasing a job" or as I would, helping him find a job commensurate

with his talents and one that he ended up loving??

I am not going to use your sophomoric "YES" or "NO" way of trying to ram my opinion down your throat!!

I will let others decide if my point is valid!!

Back to your contention of "purchasing a wife."

It is basically the same as with the car and tv comparison to the employment agency.

Your implication is that I "purchased" a wife in the same manner as I would a car or tv in that she is an inanimate object

that I ordered from the agency and that she had no say as to whether she wanted to marry me or not!!

If you took the time to research what International Matchmaking Agencies are all about and what they have been around

since they started flourishing in the last 20 years or so, you would realize that you are 100% WRONG!!

Most importantly untold thousands of men have been matched with loving, and devoted wives!!

My particular agency, Foreign Affair, was one of the first ones to get involved in helping people find mates,

and actually featuring them on Sixty Minutes, is the manner in which I found out about them and

which led to my pursuit of this possibility.

While a lot more of these agencies have come into existence since that time, Foreign Affair is still very highly


Also, Foreign Affair and the top Matchmaking Services don't accept a woman from the many countries

in which they operate simply because they apply!!

There is a while screening process they have to pass before they are accepted.

I don't know what you mean about your "I called two of them," etc. but the undeniable fact is that unlike the divorce rate

in the US which is 50%, marriages such as mine have a 4% divorce rate tops!!

That is your schooling lesson for today, Mr old fuddy-duddy!!

Hopefully, you will climb out of your perennial time warp someday and realize that the year is 2023 and not 1950!!"

Nov 11, 2007

Not only did Trump talk this way about Ivanka, but there are reliable sources out there who state that he actually

did sexually abuse his daughter when she was a young teenager or possibly even younger than that!!

Nov 11, 2007

Not only did Trump talk this way about Ivanka, but there are reliable sources out there who state that he actually

did sexually abuse his daughter when she was a young teenager or possibly even younger than that!!
Completing my thoughts:

Not only did Trump talk this way about Ivanka, but there are reliable sources out there who state that he actually

did sexually abuse his daughter when she was a young teenager or possibly even younger than that!!

It is now time to have some real fine dinner to eat rather than "eating alive" with my posts the distasteful type offered by the riff-raff

that frequents this thread on a daily basis

Back a bit later!!

Have fun in my short absence!!

Mar 19, 2008
I explained it already, and it is not my problem if you refuse to accept it and/or don't have the knowledge of how to derive statistically

reliable and valid conclusions based on accepted statistical techniques
You just said you could do it, did I miss the explaination? Please repeat it

And sorry pal, purchasing is purchasing. Car, TV, wife and/or job, all the same category IMO. Research why matchmaking services are successful and get back to me. The 2 agencies I contacted had some interesting comments as to why. You first.

BTW, you keep mentioning that you get thumbs up on your comments, why is that important to you?

Nov 11, 2007
You just said you could do it, did I miss the explaination? Please repeat it

And sorry pal, purchasing is purchasing. Car, TV, wife and/or job, all the same category IMO. Research why matchmaking services are successful and get back to me. The 2 agencies I contacted had some interesting comments as to why. You first.

BTW, you keep mentioning that you get thumbs up on your comments, why is that important to you?
Sorry, pal-the very fact that you NON-RESPONSE of a vague generalization that is purchase is a purchase without addressing my points

DIRECTLY why you don't agree my well thought-out points out how ill-equipped you are to try to debate someone who is just

out of your league when it comes to this kind of stuff!!

And you completely ignored my explanation of what matchmaking services are all about and why they exist!!

Why-because you have no REAL response which will fly with people who live in the year 2023 as opposed to 1950

where you as stated previously, reside in a time warp!!

I am very confident that my post for which you have ZERO response and didn't even respond to until I called you out on

it is in itself revealing about you, namely that you should at least read some basic articles on how to debate because right now

you are CLUELESS!!

I am going to let the reading and objective folks who read this exchange decide on who prevailed in this discussion!!

ps And the point about thumbs up applies not to me but to sbd and I explained it!!

The phrase that comes to mind as usual as it applies to you when swatting your sophomoric commentary weak excuse for logic is

"Curses foiled again!"

Once again the fact that you cannot specifically refute/rebut and/or understand the definition of thr word "purchase" as I very

thoughtfully and eloquently laid out other than the commentary "they are all the same" simply corroborates the difference between

someone who knows how to make a case as opposed to someone who does not!!

Nov 11, 2007
You just said you could do it, did I miss the explaination? Please repeat it

And sorry pal, purchasing is purchasing. Car, TV, wife and/or job, all the same category IMO. Research why matchmaking services are successful and get back to me. The 2 agencies I contacted had some interesting comments as to why. You first.

BTW, you keep mentioning that you get thumbs up on your comments, why is that important to you?
One more time in case your eyes are failing you:

"Sorry, buddy, trying to twist the definition of "purchasing" in this instance to purchasing a wife doesn't fly with any intelligent and

objective person and I will tell you why.\:

When one buys a car or tv, he is purchasing it by giving an established set amount of money for a definable product he saw

at the car dealer or in the store he saw a tv.

Now before I get into your ignorant comment about "purchasing a wife," let's take another example:

If one goes to an employment agency, and they find him a job for which he has to pay them a fee and ends up loving

the job they find for him, would you deem that as "purchasing a job" or as I would, helping him find a job commensurate

with his talents and one that he ended up loving??

I am not going to use your sophomoric "YES" or "NO" way of trying to ram my opinion down your throat!!

I will let others decide if my point is valid!!

Back to your contention of "purchasing a wife."

It is basically the same as with the car and tv comparison to the employment agency.

Your implication is that I "purchased" a wife in the same manner as I would a car or tv in that she is an inanimate object

that I ordered from the agency and that she had no say as to whether she wanted to marry me or not!!

If you took the time to research what International Matchmaking Agencies are all about and what they have been around

since they started flourishing in the last 20 years or so, you would realize that you are 100% WRONG!!

Most importantly untold thousands of men have been matched with loving, and devoted wives!!

My particular agency, Foreign Affair, was one of the first ones to get involved in helping people find mates,

and actually featuring them on Sixty Minutes, is the manner in which I found out about them and

which led to my pursuit of this possibility.

While a lot more of these agencies have come into existence since that time, Foreign Affair is still very highly


Also, Foreign Affair and the top Matchmaking Services don't accept a woman from the many countries

in which they operate simply because they apply!!

There is a while screening process they have to pass before they are accepted.

I don't know what you mean about your "I called two of them," etc. but the undeniable fact is that unlike the divorce rate

in the US which is 50%, marriages such as mine have a 4% divorce rate tops!!

That is your schooling lesson for today, Mr old fuddy-duddy!!

Hopefully, you will climb out of your perennial time warp someday and realize that the year is 2023 and not 1950!!"


Nov 11, 2007
You just said you could do it, did I miss the explaination? Please repeat it

And sorry pal, purchasing is purchasing. Car, TV, wife and/or job, all the same category IMO. Research why matchmaking services are successful and get back to me. The 2 agencies I contacted had some interesting comments as to why. You first.

BTW, you keep mentioning that you get thumbs up on your comments, why is that important to you?
Here is the other explanation again regarding Whoopi and celebrities and why what happens to them with Covid Vaccinations doesn't

mean shit statistically speaking-this was directed at Roadrunner but applies to you also:

Another irrelevant, illogical and moronic post!

Using a celebrity to try to make a point about anything including the COVID vaccination while not considering the massive millions

of vaccinated people like myself who did not catch Covid is as I have said before, makes about as much sense

as stating that because Kobe Bryant and his daughter died in a tragic helicopter accident a few years ago, we should

conclude that none of us should ever take a helicopter ride again or even a plane!!

I mean oh my god, if something tragic like that can happen to Kobe, surely it is even more likely to happen to happen every day

folks like, me, you and everyone else!!

Nov 11, 2007
You just said you could do it, did I miss the explaination? Please repeat it

And sorry pal, purchasing is purchasing. Car, TV, wife and/or job, all the same category IMO. Research why matchmaking services are successful and get back to me. The 2 agencies I contacted had some interesting comments as to why. You first.

BTW, you keep mentioning that you get thumbs up on your comments, why is that important to you?
ps Unless you have something to offer in what I pointed out to you today and/or asked of you that you never responded to, I am going

to move on to something else.

In short, I made my points and quite well, thank you, and asked questions of you, none of which you were obviously

unable to respond to DIRECTLY!!

If an independent set of judges decided who won this debate, it would be me in an absolute rout!!

Bye-bye for now and come better prepared next tie around or at least PRETEND to put me on ignore like the others

other than set yourself to look a fool fool!

See ya!!
Aug 17, 2019
Poll for Patriots

How many people do you know personally who were killed by the fake vaccine? I know at least seven.

How many people do you know personally who suffered brain damage from the fake vaccine? I know at least a dozen. Now that number goes up, way up, if you include people that I know only from chat rooms, like this one.
I know too many.

It's almost every day someone calls and say "my <friend/mother/father/brother/sister/aunt/uncle/cousin/etc> just died suddenly and nobody knows why",

And recently am receiving many calls about dogs being diagnosed with lymphoma since May and they are dying almost immediately or in so much pain they have to be put down.

Over the past 2-3 years there has been a massive spike up in the number vaxxes being administered by Veterinarians, mostly on dogs.

The timing of these lymphoma calls are not coincidence.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
joe scarborough unleashes minutelong tirade over biden-trump poll result


Banjo Boy big mad . At what point does he and other stage 5 TDS sufferers realize Trump isn’t going away .


Nov 11, 2007

What Trump is trying to do here in a sense can be compared to say John Calipari trying to work the refs in a basketball game!!

The obvious and HUGE difference here is that unlike in basketball, Trump could be tossed into the slammer if he pushes his

luck too far!!

Sep 21, 2004

What Trump is trying to do here in a sense can be compared to say John Calipari trying to work the refs in a basketball game!!

The obvious and HUGE difference here is that unlike in basketball, Trump could be tossed into the slammer if he pushes his

luck too far!!
Easy bro... Remember Virus is the topic. UK/Calipari are waiting. anyone who is worried about Covid should stay home!

Nov 11, 2007
I know too many.

It's almost every day someone calls and say "my <friend/mother/father/brother/sister/aunt/uncle/cousin/etc> just died suddenly and nobody knows why",

And recently am receiving many calls about dogs being diagnosed with lymphoma since May and they are dying almost immediately or in so much pain they have to be put down.

Over the past 2-3 years there has been a massive spike up in the number vaxxes being administered by Veterinarians, mostly on dogs.

The timing of these lymphoma calls are not coincidence.
Have hundreds of millions of vaccinated dogs also died as is the case with human beings and/or is the number higher or lower??


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