
Nov 11, 2007
Here you go if it makes you feel better:

Does you providing records on Monday help people decide to fade or follow? YES or NO only
Does what Joe$$ do with providing plays before they start help people decide to fade or follow? YES or NO?

The answer to #1 is a qualified No with the understanding that it has to be accepted in the context of what I offered in post 3046!!

The answer to #2 is a qualified YES but again within the context of post 3046!!

Now how about your answering my questions about the SBD claims, and predictions??
ps Cheddar, kindly tell us why you don't get involved in the hot daily topics of the day!!

Are you apolitical and/or is there some other reason why you rather direct your confrontational posts to me as opposed

to stating your views and links to political topics such as Trump, Biden, the Investigations, etc?

Nov 11, 2007
Unlike the folks in here who are so insecure in themselves that they are scared to publicly disagree or agree with a lot of

what I will refer to as the whacko and controversial stuff posted by sbd because he like them is a Trump supporter,

I assure you that if wilbur and I disagreed about something, we would say so directly to each other's face

while at the same time still having the commonality of similar feelings about Trump that bonds us together!!

Avoiding/running away and hiding from issues of obvious disagreement such as the Trump crowd does in this thread

is a sign of a weak person indeed no how hard he (she?) tries to project the image of strength!!

Is this a thread of men or mice??

Only the Trump folks can if they choose to turn it around from the present mice status!!

Back in the am!!

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
So you can't answer 2 simple YES or NO questions? How is #3009 not a direct response? Please explain.
Now show me what I directly said about bashing your MOB because she is Columbian? Never did. I just said that you had no personality to find an American wife because you couldn't 25 years of proof.
As far as your social life, I have said you have none for 30 years. You can't refute it. You profess to be so smart, but you can't answer simple questions 79 and acting like 7

Can you please answer directly the 2 questions from NC thread
Too much critical thinking overload for those who can’t handle it.

Nov 11, 2007

You were born into a system of enslavement.

And YOU are the slave.

It is actually YOU who is the slave, a slave to a world that is a figment of your imagination, a slave in continuing your predictions

since you started this 42 months which have failed 99.8% of the time, most notably the one regarding Trump's reinstatement/

devolution which has failed 100% of the time as well as attention-seeking lies, non-existent and delusions which I Wilbur

et all have shown have not occurred and for which you have absolutely no basis or link other than yourself!!

The same goes for the other components of your thread entry, sheriff joe HOE and your newest member doctorsuccess!!

If one wants to respond by saying that we are "slaves" in the sense that we post and monitor what you and your cohorts

post, then fine, I will take that version of being a slave, one that exposes you folks and your spreading misinformation and disinformation,

to the your version of it!!

Nov 11, 2007
Too much critical thinking overload for those who can’t handle it.
Simple-minded folks whose level/depth of thinking is skin-deep at best probably should not be criticizing folks like

myself who have God-given deep probing minds and the ability to think and analyze matters outside of the box!!

Mar 19, 2008
And you are fu cking lying about my wife because you claimed I purchased her whereas I met her through an Internationall

Matchmaking Agency that many thousands of men have used (as well as women) to find partners for marriages which have about a 2-4%

divorce rate.

My marriage has lasted 16 years-hopefully you can say the same!!
Purchase "acquire (something) by paying for it; buy". Did you spend money with the agency? YES or NO. By defintion, that my senile old friend is a "purchase". I will be 24 years in November. Do you know why divorce rates are lower when you purchase a wife? I called 2 of them and you would be surprised at the responses.
I notice that your buddies Starbucks Wilbur and Squirt aren't even defending you. Have a great day...
Sep 12, 2022

You were born into a system of enslavement.

And YOU are the slave.

Sad, but true. Even sadder are the multitudes who remain oblivious to their enslavement. Duped into believing that a non-existent virus is a real thing . . . That President Trump "lost" the election . . . That 9/11 was nineteen guys with box cutters . . . They're being led around by their nose from birth to death and don't even know it.
Sep 12, 2022

Nov 11, 2007

Imo I speak for a lot of us when I say that while we certainly have no problem if Trump is incarcerated, but in reality our main goal

is that we don't want him to ever serve as POTUS again by whatever legal means in needed to achieve that end-that's it!!

Nov 11, 2007
Sad, but true. Even sadder are the multitudes who remain oblivious to their enslavement. Duped into believing that a non-existent virus is a real thing . . . That President Trump "lost" the election . . . That 9/11 was nineteen guys with box cutters . . . They're being led around by their nose from birth to death and don't even know it.
What we do know is that folks like you are incapable of stating anything that does NOT consist of begging the question,

poisoning the well and stating one-way and unsupported opinions/hearsay as "fact!!"

What you just stated above is a glaring example of that!!

ps Is Trump's FAILED predicted devolution a zillion times by sbd and lack of it to occur included in being led around by their nose!!

Nov 11, 2007
Purchase "acquire (something) by paying for it; buy". Did you spend money with the agency? YES or NO. By defintion, that my senile old friend is a "purchase". I will be 24 years in November. Do you know why divorce rates are lower when you purchase a wife? I called 2 of them and you would be surprised at the responses.
I notice that your buddies Starbucks Wilbur and Squirt aren't even defending you. Have a great day...
Sorry, buddy, trying to twist the definition of "purchasing" in this instance to purchasing a wife doesn't fly with any intelligent and

objective person and I will tell you why.\:

When one buys a car or tv, he is purchasing it by giving an established set amount of money for a definable product he saw

at the car dealer or in the store he saw a tv.

Now before I get into your ignorant comment about "purchasing a wife," let's take another example:

If one goes to an employment agency, and they find him a job for which he has to pay them a fee and ends up loving

the job they find for him, would you deem that as "purchasing a job" or as I would, helping him find a job commensurate

with his talents and one that he ended up loving??

I am not going to use your sophomoric "YES" or "NO" way of trying to ram my opinion down your throat!!

I will let others decide if my point is valid!!

Back to your contention of "purchasing a wife."

It is basically the same as with the car and tv comparison to the employment agency.

Your implication is that I "purchased" a wife in the same manner as I would a car or tv in that she is an inanimate object

that I ordered from the agency and that she had no say as to whether she wanted to marry me or not!!

If you took the time to research what International Matchmaking Agencies are all about and what they have been around

since they started flourishing in the last 20 years or so, you would realize that you are 100% WRONG!!

Most importantly untold thousands of men have been matched with loving, and devoted wives!!

My particular agency, Foreign Affair, was one of the first ones to get involved in helping people find mates,

and actually featuring them on Sixty Minutes, is the manner in which I found out about them and

which led to my pursuit of this possibility.

While a lot more of these agencies have come into existence since that time, Foreign Affair is still very highly


Also, Foreign Affair and the top Matchmaking Services don't accept a woman from the many countries

in which they operate simply because they apply!!

There is a while screening process they have to pass before they are accepted.

I don't know what you mean about your "I called two of them," etc. but the undeniable fact is that unlike the divorce rate

in the US which is 50%, marriages such as mine have a 4% divorce rate tops!!

That is your schooling lesson for today, Mr old fuddy-duddy!!

Hopefully, you will climb out of your perennial time warp someday and realize that the year is 2023 and not 1950!!

ps I am still awaiting your response as to whether you intend to contribute to this thread with the political

topics of the day rather than trying to get under my skin!!

You have a great day also!!

From post 3059 directed to Cheddar:

Cheddar, kindly tell us why you don't get involved in the hot daily topics of the day!!

Are you apolitical and/or is there some other reason why you rather direct your confrontational posts to me as opposed

to stating your views and links to political topics such as Trump, Biden, the Investigations, etc?
Aug 17, 2019
Purchase "acquire (something) by paying for it; buy". Did you spend money with the agency? YES or NO. By defintion, that my senile old friend is a "purchase". I will be 24 years in November. Do you know why divorce rates are lower when you purchase a wife? I called 2 of them and you would be surprised at the responses.
I notice that your buddies Starbucks Wilbur and Squirt aren't even defending you. Have a great day...
When a woman is trafficked, she lives life in fear.

She stays in the marriage because she feels trapped and afraid.

This is why divorce rates are lower in marriages where the wives are purchased.

Nov 11, 2007
ps the one thing I forgot to mention and is so important that anyone like myself who wants to engage(pun intended) has to

actually go to the country in question and to spend some quality time with the woman or actually more than one woman so that

he and she can get to know each other a bit before they decide whether this is the type of person whom they would like to marry!!

I myself spent 10 days on my trip and met several other ladies from the agency as possibile recommendations-based

on profiles of myself and the ladies as well as to meet some on my own based on several social gatherings arranged by the Agency

attended by men on the tour as well as other ladies who were invited and intended!!

I sure hope what I posted today at the very least dispels the total ignorance and stereotype of what Cheddar

stated about International Matchmaking Agencies and hopefully some single or divorced men might even pursue

this avenue of approach for finding someone with whom they are compatible!!

Nov 11, 2007
When a woman is trafficked, she lives life in fear.

She stays in the marriage because she feels trapped and afraid.

This is why divorce rates are lower in marriages where the wives are purchased.
Stupidy, ignorance and envy/jealousy all contained in and define your post!!

if anyone purchased a "wife," it is your deity/ Donald Trump who married Melania as a trophy/showpiece, which

was fine with her who married Trump only for fame and fortune!!

Sadly for her, she has found out that there is an UGLY and I mean UGLY side of Trump that she never envisioned when she

married him!!

Nov 11, 2007
When a woman is trafficked, she lives life in fear.

She stays in the marriage because she feels trapped and afraid.

This is why divorce rates are lower in marriages where the wives are purchased.
Here is some more in great detail of what International Matchmaking is all about, and I can speak from 17 years of personal experience

that is 100% TRUE!!

If this is what ignoramuses like sbd, sheriff joe JOE, doctorsuccess and today Cheddar consider as "human trafficking,"

then all I can say is that if they wish to wallow in their own ignorance, stupidity and jealousy, well that is their own choice!!


Nov 11, 2007
Speaking of the word ignoramus, let's remind ourselves on this Labor Day of the kind of "leader" the country does NOT want

and NEVER will want ever again!!


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