
Nov 11, 2007
Looks like you've bitch slapped all the ultra low iqanons today.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
And the best part is that it took very little effort on my part to do so, and even better, I thoroughly enjoyed doing it and watching them stroll

back to their dugout in the other threads with sad faces shaking their heads in disgust and disbelief after getting struck out on

three pitches and nailed by 110 mph fastballs right down over the heart of the plate!!

Sep 5, 2010
There never were any weapons of mass destruction and Sadam never hid them.

Sadam was nothing more than the face of the war.

"War" is another DS cabal money laundering scheme.
Bush had Saddam killed because he embarrassed his father.

No more, no less. Fact.

I can't wait for the trials to start.


Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

Nov 11, 2007
In case you missed it.

More Mar-a-Lago witnesses dump Trump-funded lawyer: court filing​

Looks like more walls are closing in.

The ultra low iqanons need to send the orange encrusted buffoon more money.

We have it all.


Soon, real soon.

Get ready for the return.

Get sbd's sports picks at

How is this for a great story and symbolic of what has happening over here with the migration over new posters over to this thread

because it is obvious without DaFinch, they are bored in the other threads where the modus operand is to praise Trump and bash Biden

over and over again and then kiss each other's asses by so doing!!

At least they can kiss each other's asses in one thread as well as try to taunt me, you, schmirt, et all while at the same time

pretending to have us on ignore.

Anyways back to the story:

Coincidentally several days before Labor Day last year, going out of the door of my house, I noticed that a few feet away from my door,

about six to 8 feet above on the outside, a zillion wasps had assembled a huge nest in a matter of day or two out of nowhere

and were flying in and out of it all day long!!

I was unnerved by all of this for obvious reasons!!

To cut to the case, I was able to find a local exterminator who came over promptly attired in protective gear and with some kind of

spray destroyed the nest and virtually all of the wasps; that was it until a few days later he returned and removed what was left of the nest!!

My point is the wasps' sudden migration reminds me of the sudden migration to this thread because of DaFinch's absence and

with new posters who have rarely posted if ever in this thread or the one in the Rubber Room!!

The best part is I will do my own zapping of these new folks in my own way as you can already see today in the same way I have take

care of business for the last 42 months with the present occupants!!

Unlike the exterminator, I don't need to wear any special clothes to destroy these new folks but rather just simply "spray" them

with my own intellect and ability to debate and by so doing, leave them crushed, so badly that they need to PRETEND not to read

my posts and hope that it will fly at least with others of their ilk!!

Time for dinner!!

Mar 19, 2008
Hey Cheddar, what do you think-do you agree with sbd that hundreds of millions of VACCINATED people have ALREADY DIED and that

hundreds of millions more will follow??
You truly cannot read and comprehend can you? Reread post #3009 SLOWLY and tell me if I didn't explain why. Yeah you truly bloodied me today because I didn't respond right away. Did it ever occur to you that other people have social lives and don't live here? I'm all up for debating the Northcoast thread with facts. Answer with just yes or no please. If you answer with more than that you lose.
Does you providing records on Monday help people decide to fade or follow? YES or NO only
Does what Joe$$ do with providing plays before they start help people decide to fade or follow? YES or NO?

That fastball was 120 mph, caught looking. BTW, its only a bike ride if you actuall pedal :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
You truly cannot read and comprehend can you? Reread post #3009 SLOWLY and tell me if I didn't explain why. Yeah you truly bloodied me today because I didn't respond right away. Did it ever occur to you that other people have social lives and don't live here? I'm all up for debating the Northcoast thread with facts. Answer with just yes or no please. If you answer with more than that you lose.
Does you providing records on Monday help people decide to fade or follow? YES or NO only
Does what Joe$$ do with providing plays before they start help people decide to fade or follow? YES or NO?

That fastball was 120 mph, caught looking. BTW, its only a bike ride if you actuall pedal :lmao:
First of all, post 3009 is NOT a DIRECT response at all, and is merely an evasive one to try to wash your hands of answering the questions!!

Just as importantly, how come once again you never get involved in the topics discussed but just come over to start trouble

and attack me-why is that do you think??

If, when and not until you show me that what is stated is not true, I will continue to regard you as an instigator who

is looking to start a fight and nothing else!!

Also, your comments about debating the NC make no sense at all as the thread is designed to what the person who started

the thread wanted it to be, which is certainly not to debate!!

Also, your totally irrelevant response regarding Monday night and what Joe does once again begs the question and

poisons the well by trying to ram YOUR opinion down my throat with something that has ZERO to do with me and

my priorities!!

You have injected YOUR premise that all that matters is being able to fade plays, and that is your opinion!!

And sorry, buddy, you are not dealing with a novice here in trying to diminish what I deem to me my role as a positive

and turn it into a negative by using "reasoning" that if Joe$$ does something positive, it is a negative

on my part to do something related but from a different perspective!!

Your way of looking at the matter amounts to someone in a football game doing tv or especially radio commentary

while the game is going on NOT being needed because all that matters is the play-by-play announcer letting everyone know

what is going on and most importantly the score!!

If that is your mentality, then so be it-some of us don't agree!!

And if you don't answer my questions DIRECTLY, I will regard you in the same way as the other, namely as one who is a coward

doesn't have the courage of his convictions and/or who is is scared that he might fall out of sbd's good graces

if you answer incorrectly, the same as the others in here!!

Are you a man or an internet-trolling mouse??

Your response or lack of will answer the question!!

Sep 5, 2010
How is this for a great story and symbolic of what has happening over here with the migration over new posters over to this thread

because it is obvious without DaFinch, they are bored in the other threads where the modus operand is to praise Trump and bash Biden

over and over again and then kiss each other's asses by so doing!!

At least they can kiss each other's asses in one thread as well as try to taunt me, you, schmirt, et all while at the same time

pretending to have us on ignore.

Anyways back to the story:

Coincidentally several days before Labor Day last year, going out of the door of my house, I noticed that a few feet away from my door,

about six to 8 feet above on the outside, a zillion wasps had assembled a huge nest in a matter of day or two out of nowhere

and were flying in and out of it all day long!!

I was unnerved by all of this for obvious reasons!!

To cut to the case, I was able to find a local exterminator who came over promptly attired in protective gear and with some kind of

spray destroyed the nest and virtually all of the wasps; that was it until a few days later he returned and removed what was left of the nest!!

My point is the wasps' sudden migration reminds me of the sudden migration to this thread because of DaFinch's absence and

with new posters who have rarely posted if ever in this thread or the one in the Rubber Room!!

The best part is I will do my own zapping of these new folks in my own way as you can already see today in the same way I have take

care of business for the last 42 months with the present occupants!!

Unlike the exterminator, I don't need to wear any special clothes to destroy these new folks but rather just simply "spray" them

with my own intellect and ability to debate and by so doing, leave them crushed, so badly that they need to PRETEND not to read

my posts and hope that it will fly at least with others of their ilk!!

Time for dinner!!
You've crushed them so long they are "ignoring" you.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
It is pathetic!
On the one hand, I give Cheddar credit for at least responding to me unlike he sbd/sheriff joe Hoe doctor success entry!!

On the other hand though, the complete battering I just administered to him doesn't do him any good, while at the same

time it gives me a feeling of self-satisfaction by zapping away this fly who like the others, doesn't offer any real opposition

and who is a pushover!!

Mar 19, 2008
So you can't answer 2 simple YES or NO questions? How is #3009 not a direct response? Please explain.
Now show me what I directly said about bashing your MOB because she is Columbian? Never did. I just said that you had no personality to find an American wife because you couldn't 25 years of proof.
As far as your social life, I have said you have none for 30 years. You can't refute it. You profess to be so smart, but you can't answer simple questions 79 and acting like 7

Can you please answer directly the 2 questions from NC thread

Nov 11, 2007
So you can't answer 2 simple YES or NO questions? How is #3009 not a direct response? Please explain.
Now show me what I directly said about bashing your MOB because she is Columbian? Never did. I just said that you had no personality to find an American wife because you couldn't 20 years of proof.
As far as your social life, again I ha
Sorry buddy-I did explain it in post 3046, and no matter how hard you try to get the best of me by demanding a yes or no response to

weakly try to further your agenda, it doesn't fly as I am much too smart and seasoned for that.

In essence, what you are trying to do is make your request for a yes or no response as some kind of "proof" that what you say is

all that matters, whereas in post 3046 I made a very clear explanation as to why for me it is not, while at the same time

praising what Joe is doing and at the same time emphasizing that we are not talking an either/or situation here!!

Sorry if it seems boastful, but for me your transparency is not only readily easy for me as a person with 34 years of experience

of investigating welfare fraud and "reading people" and their overall modus operandi, but also for any relatively intelligent

and objective who can put 2 and 2 together and conclude what you are up to here, and especially if they have read some

of your name-calling and insulting posts from the past directed at me!!

Nov 11, 2007
So you can't answer 2 simple YES or NO questions? How is #3009 not a direct response? Please explain.
Now show me what I directly said about bashing your MOB because she is Columbian? Never did. I just said that you had no personality to find an American wife because you couldn't 25 years of proof.
As far as your social life, I have said you have none for 30 years. You can't refute it. You profess to be so smart, but you can't answer simple questions 79 and acting like 7

Can you please answer directly the 2 questions from NC thread
And you are fu cking lying about my wife because you claimed I purchased her whereas I met her through an Internationall

Matchmaking Agency that many thousands of men have used (as well as women) to find partners for marriages which have about a 2-4%

divorce rate.

My marriage has lasted 16 years-hopefully you can say the same!!

My overall conclusion is that you live in the past with antiquated views about such matters such as International

Matchmaking Agencies and/or are simply jealous/envious!!

Mar 19, 2008
Sorry buddy-I did explain it in post 3046, and no matter how hard you try to get the best of me by demanding a yes or no response to

weakly try to further your agenda, it doesn't fly as I am much too smart and seasoned for that.

In essence, what you are trying to do is make your request for a yes or no response as some kind of "proof" that what you say is

all that matters, whereas in post 3046 I made a very clear explanation as to why for me it is not, while at the same time

praising what Joe is doing and at the same time emphasizing that we are not talking an either/or situation here!!

Sorry if it seems boastful, but for me your transparency is not only readily easy for me as a person with 34 years of experience

of investigating welfare fraud and "reading people" and their overall modus operandi, but also for any relatively intelligent

and objective who can put 2 and 2 together and conclude what you are up to here, and especially if they have read some

of your name-calling and insulting posts from the past directed at me!!
Explain in detail the difference of me asking for a yes or no answer vs you demanding me to debate you on the sbd theory?

Nov 11, 2007
Here you go if it makes you feel better:

Does you providing records on Monday help people decide to fade or follow? YES or NO only
Does what Joe$$ do with providing plays before they start help people decide to fade or follow? YES or NO?

The answer to #1 is a qualified No with the understanding that it has to be accepted in the context of what I offered in post 3046!!

The answer to #2 is a qualified YES but again within the context of post 3046!!

Now how about your answering my questions about the SBD claims, and predictions??

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