Some sort of racism will always be around in my lifetime. But if you think it's worse now, you haven't lived long enough. I'm old enough to remember one of the biggest racists in the country George Wallace making a strong run for President in 1972 before someone shot him. We've come a long ways since then. But sadly I don't see the country progressing much further. The only thing that will kill racism is the melting pot culture of our society. It will be much different 50 years from now when all of us old white guys are dead. Just look at Tiger Woods for example. He was born to an Asian mother and a French/African father. He marries a Swedish white girl. So how are you going to categorize his kids of asian, african, french, swedish, white decent 20 years from now? Our society will look much different 50-75 years from now. I'm betting it will be pretty hard to be a racist without looking like a fool.
Agree GS. The white male is a dying breed....and the most hated person in society!