This is really not the place for politics, but I do get a kick out of you Liberals trying to make excuses for Obama and his motley crew of liars, cheaters, and, murderers. Enough of that. Obviously you clowns do not realiaze what a tail kicking Democrats and Obama have taken in the past 2+ years on election day, but then again you are the same clowns who think your football programs are great.
Dr. Jimmy, you are a piece of trash. Were you in L.A. during the riots? Do you know the real reason why they turned out to be as bad as they did? The truth is that you know absolutely nothing about the politics that led up to the riot, and how stupidly the City Attorney and Mayor of Los Angeles acted to feed the fire that led to them. Stick to what you know boy. Don 't be a big, mouthed idiot like so many more on the internet.
GOSooner. I know that you can't stand the fact that I was spot on about the Big 12 and why they would NOT have a team in last year's playoffs, but that was last year. You really have to chill when you are proven wrong, as you were last season. It is over. I was right. You were wrong. Maybe this year things will be reversed. It is no big deal, so stop pouting and acting like you know everything there is to know about College Football because you are far from that. If I were you, I would be concerned about the obvious major slide that OU took in football last season. It is pretty sad when your team scores over 30 points in three games and loses them all. Stoops is losing it. The correct way to handle the situation that came up at OU was to tell his players that they could protest as much as they wanted to, as long as it did not break any laws, but boycotting practice would not be tolerated. If these players will walk off because of some stupid statement that a half-wit made, why should anyone believe that they would not quit on the field if things are not going their way. They obviously quit last season against Baylor and Clemson. Remember, all of us know that many, if not most of these players would not be in college if not for football. Why give these people the opportunity to run the team? Stoops is responsible for the team, not a bunch of players looking for an excuse for what may be another poor season. If I were an OU fan, I would be embarrassed to have my team thought of as a "maybe" after Baylor and TCU. If you want to feel embarrassed, at least feel that way for the right reasons.