I see your point but its not like its totally out of nowhere, pretty much everyone knew Sterling was a bizarre character for awhile. Always tough to measure stuff like emotion and mindset with players.
My first inclination is usually to think most of them don't let it effect them too much but at this level against a team like GS, any altering of mindset/confidence could yield vastly different results as I said before.
How many is a lot? 10% 20% 30% 40%?
More than "a lot" don't care about this manufactured bullshit.
if you are in the minority so am ithey should be thinking we're playing for ourselves, we're playing for our fans, we're playing for our families, we're playing for a national TV audience and trying to win an NBA championship.
instead they talked about forfeits and protests and I'm sorry, that's not the right approach mentally
some of the highest income most fortunate people on earth should not be playing some victim card
you're not playing for the owner, you could probably care less about his happiness before this weekend, you're playing for your own well being
if an injustice occurred, justice will follow
everyone needs to chill, IMHO, albeit it appears I'm in the minority
This whole thing is just a manufactured crisis being fueled by a bunch of fake outrage....... no one really cares. Everyone just feels the need to scream bloody murder to prove their PC bona fides. Our society has gone completely off the rails.
I see where you are coming from, if I was a racist I would find this disturbing also.
Give me 15 mill a year and you could lock me in a cage 1 day a week and shout any obscene insult you'd like at me. What a bunch of babies crying about this when they're getting millions to play basketball. What a joke.