I raise the white flag.


Oct 31, 2004
And the main reason why I quit for the season is not because im a quitter. Its because the game has changed, and my methods of capping baseball are now outdated. I can look in the mirror and admit that my old style of capping that has won money for me for so long no longer works.

Every season is a little different from the next. You have to make minor adjustments every single year. But this season is going to require a total overhaul of the way I cap a baseball game. I cant make the required adjustment that needs to be made during the season.

Im not the baseball team thats 4 games out of the wild card race that needs that 3rd starter before the trade deadline to get over the hump.

Im the last place team thats 20 games out of first place that has to have a total rebuild. My style no longer works in todays game. I have to come up with a new way of doing things.

I am 100% sure that I will come out of this, but there is no way on EARTH that I have time to figure out whats wrong this year. This season is a lost cause. My minor in season adjustments were not good enough. It will require a whole offseason to come up with a new plan.

CHOPTALK is not a quitter. Im just realistic about things, knowing you cant keep doing the same thing over and over and expect to get a different result.

Oct 31, 2004
Dubpoet said:
Chop why don't you get in on my pod contest for august. Free shot at 200 and probably no more than 10 people or so will get in. Check site pomo. I find free contests are great way to stay invovled and are fun.

Thanks for the invite, but other than watching a few innings of Braves games, I cant even watch a baseball game at this point, much less cap one.

I have to take the rest of the year off, just to get ready for a very busy offseason.

Oct 31, 2004
Just to make everyone happy, I will change the title of this thread. The new title should read:

I re- raise the white flag

or maybe

I re re-raise the white flag

Are you happy now?:toast:

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
The old cop out...I'm competitive so I cry.

Like I said, crying is one thing...quitting is another. Rationalize it however you want, all I am doing is voicing my opinion that the act got old the first 10 times you quit.

There are plenty of people on this board (including myself) that are competitive. I've played D1 sports as well as coached them and no one is more competitive than me. Competitive nature is great.

What does being competitive have to do with crying about bashers, threatening to quit (had nothing to do with your "system"), quitting when you are down units...etc. None of these things have anything to do with "being competitive".

If you don't want to post plays for whatever reason...don't. Why the need for your drama queen posts each time?

Oct 31, 2004
I have so called quit 3 times at this forum in 2 years, not 10 times as you say. I quit one time last season, not because I was losing, I was up 35 units at that time, but I had a really bad night and had a poster come into the thread saying they bet there entire bankroll on that nights card because I was on a really hot streak and lost the whole thing thinking that I could not lose.

At that point I said to myself, if people are losing there entire bankroll on my plays when Im up 35 unit in the month of MAY, whats going to happen if I really hit a cold streak? At that point, I thought that maybe posting my plays on the forums was maybe not a great idea. I hated the thought of this guy losing his whole bankroll over just one bad day, even when I was having a good season.

I few weeks later I realized that it really was not my fault that he used poor money management and came back to finish up a really good season.

This year I quit once before this time.

I quit once last year when I was winning, and twice this year.

I have said several times this season that im taking a break. AND I DID TAKE SEVERAL BREAKS. I take breaks every season. Even during the best of years. The season is too long not to take time off every once in a while.

You say I dont need to start a thread when I quit. The reason for I do that is so I wont have to answer all the WHERE IS CHOPTALK THREADS that come up if I dont announce it.

I dont cry about bashers either unless they are calling out my character, or if they are telling an outright lie about me.

I never bash a poster for telling me I suck. I have had hundreds of post this season from people bashing me. I have responded to maybe 5 of them.

I dont go cry to the mods like people say I do. The only time I ever cryed to mod was about a poster who said my record was inaccurate and I was misleading people. If you call me a lier, im going to come after you. If you want to say I suck as a capper. Have fun. You wont hear anything from me about that.

There were at least 10 bashers on this one thread. I did not respond to any of them. I let them say there say. No big deal.

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
You have threatened to quit a lot more than 3 times bro. It was almost a daily occurence last year when you would have a losing day and guys would come in your threads. When I said 10 times, I was being generous.

Here is your statement from your last "I quit" thread:

Im giving up on the season for a very simple reason.

#1) Betting baseball is not my life. Could I possiably countinue the rest of the season and by the end of the year be up in money? ABSOLUTLY I can. But my reason for betting is very simple. I bet baseball to have fun and make money on the side. I have had no fun this season at all. Its been a chore. Why keep doing something that you dont enjoy.

Your story seems to change depending on your moods. One minute you are just too competitive...the next minute, you are just bored/tired.

In this thread, your system is outdated and you were beaten by the books...in other threads, you could still post plays and make money.

I really couldn't care less either way...I am just pointing out the drama queen stuff gets old.

I've never said anything about crying about losses...a lot of people on here do that.

But I do know this, I've never met a so called "competitive" person that can rationalize quitting so many different ways in my life.

Oct 31, 2004
Clip Joint said:
You have threatened to quit a lot more than 3 times bro. It was almost a daily occurence last year when you would have a losing day and guys would come in your threads. When I said 10 times, I was being generous.

Here is your statement from your last "I quit" thread:

Im giving up on the season for a very simple reason.

#1) Betting baseball is not my life. Could I possiably countinue the rest of the season and by the end of the year be up in money? ABSOLUTLY I can. But my reason for betting is very simple. I bet baseball to have fun and make money on the side. I have had no fun this season at all. Its been a chore. Why keep doing something that you dont enjoy.

Your story seems to change depending on your moods. One minute you are just too competitive...the next minute, you are just bored/tired.

In this thread, your system is outdated and you were beaten by the books...in other threads, you could still post plays and make money.

I really couldn't care less either way...I am just pointing out the drama queen stuff gets old.

I've never said anything about crying about losses...a lot of people on here do that.

But I do know this, I've never met a so called "competitive" person that can rationalize quitting so many different ways in my life.

Threating to quit and saying " I QUIT" are 2 different things.

Saying im taking a week off, is not the same as quitting.

If you can find where I said more than 4 times that im quiting for the season in the last 2 years and post the links, I will ban myself for life on this forum.

I im almost 100% sure that it was only 3 times, but im giving myself 4 just in case I forgot about one time.

Do that little assignment, and you will never have to hear from me again.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
You say I dont need to start a thread when I quit. The reason for I do that is so I wont have to answer all the WHERE IS CHOPTALK THREADS that come up if I dont announce it.

I never saw a thread asking where you were recently. That's why I questioned the necessity of announcing that you were quitting again. If I'm mistaken, please point out the thread where someone asked where you were in the past two weeks or so(not immediately after you "raised the white flag" the first time) and I'll gladly shut the fuck up about it.

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
Threating to quit and saying " I QUIT" are 2 different things.

The posts I was talking about were your drama queen threats about quitting. I really couldn't care less how many times you have actually "quit" now since you never keep your word on those anyway.

Oct 31, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
I never saw a thread asking where you were recently...probably because people already thought you had quit. That's why I questioned the necessity of announcing that you were quitting again. If I'm mistaken, please point out the thread where someone asked where you were in the past two weeks or so(not immediately after you "raised the white flag" the first time) and I'll gladly shut the fuck up about it.

Correct, and thats the reason I made the I quit thread.

There have been many days where I took 2 or 3 days off with no thread stating that im taking time off only to find 5 threads on the first page of the baseball forum asking where is CHOPTALK.

Thats the reason for the I am done thread.

Oct 31, 2004
Clip Joint said:
The posts I was talking about were your drama queen threats about quitting. I really couldn't care less how many times you have actually "quit" now since you never keep your word on those anyway.

For someone who says that they dont care, you sure do act like it.

I never quit thinking that I was going to come back. I never ever planned to come back after saying I was done.

Time changes things. I thought I would give it another run after the all-star break. Things did not work out. I am now 100% sure that I cannot fix things during the season. I know its going to take the whole offseason to figure it all out.

I am 200% sure that im not comming back the rest of this season. I have not looked at a betting line in 3 days. Will not look at one for the rest of the season. I dont even know whos playing who tonight. I dont know who pitching what game, and I dont care either.

Oct 31, 2004
#1) Betting baseball is not my life. Could I possiably countinue the rest of the season and by the end of the year be up in money? ABSOLUTLY I can. But my reason for betting is very simple. I bet baseball to have fun and make money on the side. I have had no fun this season at all. Its been a chore. Why keep doing something that you dont enjoy.

This is the same reasoning that I mentioned in my last I quit thread worded differently.

I said in both threads that I dont do this to get rich, but to compete with the books.

Thats the same exact thing I said above but said in a different way.

Whats different from the reasoning above and the last I quit thread? I see no difference.

I said to make a little money(MEANING NOT IN IT FOR THE MONEY) and to have fun(MEANING COMPEATING AGAINST THE BOOKS) same damm thing I said this time.

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
In this thread you said your methods are outdated and you are "the rebuilding mode last place team"...or whatever your words were.

When you quit last time, you just weren't having fun but you could still make a profit this season.

I really couldn't care less what you do. I just wish you would stop with the drama posts about it. This site is for capping and sharing info...not a personal blog each time you fly off the deep end.

Oct 31, 2004
Clip Joint said:
In this thread you said your methods are outdated and you are "the rebuilding mode last place team"...or whatever your words were.

When you quit last time, you just weren't having fun but you could still make a profit this season.

I really couldn't care less what you do. I just wish you would stop with the drama posts about it. This site is for capping and sharing info...not a personal blog each time you fly off the deep end.

Your right, I did think that I could take a break and come back after the allstar break and make a profit but it took me that 2nd time around to learn that that was not true. I no longer think I can salvage the season at this point.

I bet the BRAVES thought they they could turn it around a month ago too, but they were wrong to.

Me thinking that I could turn it around a month ago, and realizing that my problem a month later is much bigger than just minor adjustments and a bad run is 2 different things. Once the season hits the 60% mark and things stay the same it changes things, dont you think?

New member
Jul 21, 2006
Choptalk, where are the 9 other successful seasons you've had. How do we know you've had 10 straight winning seasons? Do you have some proof?

Oct 31, 2004
gtc08 said:
Choptalk, where are the 9 other successful seasons you've had. How do we know you've had 10 straight winning seasons? Do you have some proof?

It was 8 straight winning seasons. If you choose not to believe thats perfectly fine with me.

It wont change my life one way or the other.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
I don't believe you, thats why I was wondering if you had proof somewhere.

Oct 31, 2004
gtc08 said:
I don't believe you, thats why I was wondering if you had proof somewhere.


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Correct, and thats the reason I made the I quit thread.

There have been many days where I took 2 or 3 days off with no thread stating that im taking time off only to find 5 threads on the first page of the baseball forum asking where is CHOPTALK.

Thats the reason for the I am done thread.

You misunderstood. I know there were "Where's CHOPTALK?" threads right after you quit the FIRST time.

My question is, where are the RECENT ones? If they exist, then I understand why you made another quit thread. But I've never seen them, which is why I initially questioned the creation of this thread.

So please point those RECENT threads out to me if they exist, because I've sure never seen those ones.

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