I raise the white flag.


New member
Jul 21, 2006
where are his documented success of all of his previous seasons. all i see is this last year.

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
gtc08 said:
where are his documented success of all of his previous seasons. all i see is this last year.

That's all you will find boss...

Oct 31, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
My post wasn't bitter. And since when is the RX a place to vent frustration? I thought this was a forum where fellow gamblers shared plays and insights on sports handicapping...I didn't realize that this also served as your personal psychiatrist's office. My mistake, the t-shirt I got must've been missing the, "The World's #1 Sports Betting Forum...and #1 Forum to Bitch and Moan about Lost Bets." I'll have to ask Wil to send me a new one.

I don't have a problem with you, personally...something I've stated numerous times. I wished and continue to wish you luck on your plays...but just to kill the incessant whining. Never commented on your capping ability or your other contributions. I think you're a fine poster, and I've said so before...just minus all that bitching and moaning.

It makes me laugh that you'd say I take this place too seriously...I'm not the one who uses it as a shoulder to cry on. Even still, I understand the need to vent frustration every now and again. But you ALREADY "raised the white flag," remember? You threw in the towel, only to go back on your word and try again, and now are throwing the towel in again. Why should anyone care, or even believe you for that matter, the second time around? I mean you posted almost the EXACT same thread over a month ago, almost verbatim.

Just because I have a problem with some of a poster's actual posts doesn't mean I have a problem with the poster himself. Big difference...and apparently one you fail to recognize.

Maybe instead of venting on here, you should get together with NICEGUY and have some wild, passionate sex. You two could really hit it off, from what I've seen...seem to have a lot in common.

That was a joke, so I hope you don't take it seriously and cry to the rest of the forum about how I've hurt your feelings.

WIL agrees with me on this issue.

Oct 31, 2004
Boxslayer32 said:
I love chop, he's an asset to this forum, theres no doubt about it...but he can be all over the place at times.

"No plays till next week.... Im taking a break."

Wait, Dodgers -120....


OK for real this time, no plays till next week.

3 days later...

Braves -120


Ok Im done for the year.

3 weeks later.

Marlins -130


OK Im done. Im raising the white flag. Super serious this time.

Gonna have to side with Skins on this particular case.

Just my .02 cents

You see, thats a funny post.:puppy:

Box, got to speak his mind without taking this stuff too seriously. He ribbs me for being all over the place, but does it without sounding like hes the god of the forum telling people what they can and cant post.

I can post whatever the hell I want as long as its not racial or slanderous to other posters.

If I want to say FUCK the CUBS, or fuck Trever Hoffman, I can do that all I want.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Of course you can say whatever you want on here, so long as it isn't slanderous or racist. And I can suggest that posters quit their incessant bitching and attention-whoring if I want. Your right to do so was never the issue. Sorry if stating my opinion comes off as me acting as god of the forum? Remind me to never disagree with you or anyone else ever again, or share my opinion about anything. Wouldn't wanna come off as the god of the forum or anything. Good job changing the subject, though...that was a fantastic defense of your whining. As was stating that Wil agrees with you. Guess other posters' here who agreed with my post don't count, cuz Wil agreed with you. Damn, that sucks. Didn't realize people agreeing/disagreeing with one's opinion affected its validity. That REALLY sucks. Choptalk 2, SkinsRaj28 0.

You should've just bumped the thread you created over a month ago that said THE EXACT SAME THING this one did. Would've saved you the time and effort it took to create this thread.

See? I'm trying to be helpful! Yayyyyyyyyy

I can only hope that Wil starts charging you by the hour for the therapy you receive here via complaining. Maybe then the RX pool together that $ and help potential stiffed BOS customers. That'd be awesome.

Oct 31, 2004
Ray Luca said:
By the way my work is done. :tongue2:

I think you raised the bar too high this time.

I raise the white flag on that too. LOL.

New member
Jul 8, 2005
I think you raised the bar too high this time.

I raise the white flag on that too. LOL.

Your determination will get you back on both fronts. :103631605

New member
Sep 9, 2005
Remember when I got ripped from J-Man for telling him it was wrong to encourage you to post your picks. I knew this would happen you left said you were stopping than started posting pics again and look what happened you lost some more. What happened to money management and playing 1% for your units. That just goes to show how meaningless all that shit is if you don't pick winners.

Yet I was the oned that got ripped.
Go away till football please just go away and enough with the woe is me shit.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
i remember reading choptalk said he had like 10 or so winning seasons with baseball, yet only 1 recorded season. he could be making that up and just had a lucky year. number of people have crticizied on his amatuerish way of betting.
Jan 19, 2006
I am not ripping on Chop, but I know quite a few people who think
he is an amateur. By the way he has responded to losses and the
way he bets mostly favs and alot of them at of -130 or worse..

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
You see, thats a funny post.:puppy:

Box, got to speak his mind without taking this stuff too seriously. He ribbs me for being all over the place, but does it without sounding like hes the god of the forum telling people what they can and cant post.

I can post whatever the hell I want as long as its not racial or slanderous to other posters.

If I want to say FUCK the CUBS, or fuck Trever Hoffman, I can do that all I want.

Glad to see you were a good sport about it.

Carry on.

Sep 20, 2004
I don't understand how anyone can say this forum shouldn't allow people to complain about the way a game is going down....so what if someone whines!

I aree some of the people complaining about Chop are taking it too serious, you don't have to read him....he brought some of it on himself yes, but so what if he complains about his games in his thread...

MoFo does the same thing, since he's winning I guess that's ok?

I see no problem with it, some people are more emotional than others it doesn't make it wrong...my gosh .

Plenty of poster get upset when a game goes down.

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
The whining and crying about the games is one thing...a lot of people do that.

I think it is the "I'm done posting plays..." routine that has become the norm for Chop the last 2 years that gets old real quick. If you are done, be done. No one needs an announcement each time.

Last year it was almost daily he was threatening to quit posting because of bashers...then he was done for good...then it was this...then it was that.

If you want to post plays, great. If you don't, don't. It doesn't have to be a big dramatic scene everytime someone gets off their meds.

I would venture to guess you could search and find 10 posts by Chop saying he was done posting or threatening to stop posting.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
Clip Joint said:
The whining and crying about the games is one thing...a lot of people do that.

I think it is the "I'm done posting plays..." routine that has become the norm for Chop the last 2 years that gets old real quick. If you are done, be done. No one needs an announcement each time.

Last year it was almost daily he was threatening to quit posting because of bashers...then he was done for good...then it was this...then it was that.

If you want to post plays, great. If you don't, don't. It doesn't have to be a big dramatic scene everytime someone gets off their meds.

I would venture to guess you could search and find 10 posts by Chop saying he was done posting or threatening to stop posting.

I agree 100 percent with this post. I also feel sorry for the people who followed him when he didn't have an established track record. He had 1 posted good season, but said he had 9 straight that arnt documented.

Oct 31, 2004
Clip Joint said:
The whining and crying about the games is one thing...a lot of people do that.

I think it is the "I'm done posting plays..." routine that has become the norm for Chop the last 2 years that gets old real quick. If you are done, be done. No one needs an announcement each time.

Last year it was almost daily he was threatening to quit posting because of bashers...then he was done for good...then it was this...then it was that.

If you want to post plays, great. If you don't, don't. It doesn't have to be a big dramatic scene everytime someone gets off their meds.

I would venture to guess you could search and find 10 posts by Chop saying he was done posting or threatening to stop posting.

I am a perfectly normal person who does not need nor takes meds:lolBIG:

My motivation for betting on sports is for the competition of beating the books. Not for the money. If I was in this for real money, I would be betting more than $300 bucks a game. I have the $$$ to be a $1000 a game player if a wanted to do this for those reasons.

When you are in it compete in a competion and you lose, you get frustrated. Im like Paul Oneal or Lou Pinnela. When I lose im the guy who kicks the water cooler over in the dugout. Im the guy who throws the bats in the middle of the field. Im the guy who gets in the umps face after a bad call.

How come baseball fans love people like that who give a damm, but when that same personality comes into the forum, they get labeled as a cry baby.

Is Pete Rose a cry baby? Its all about my competive nature. Im the most competive person I know. I dont care if im playing checkers. If its competition I HAVE TO WIN!!!!!! When I dont, I get pissed.

That type of personality has been both a good and bad trate in my life. Sometimes it rubs people the wrong way. But in the end, the competive person wins the race in all aspects of life. On the job im the same way. I always have to be better than the next guy. I always have to out do myself.

So what does this get me.

I have alot of people in the real world who love me, and a lot of people in the real world who hates me.

But I have some of the best friends in the world. I can honestly tell you I have about 10 friends who would give me the shirt of there back if need be, because they know I would do the same for them.

IM COMPETIVE, What more can I say? I HAVE TO WIN, and when I dont, I get madd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you know what? IM GLAD I GET MADD!!!!

What im I going to do this offseason? I am going to spend more time than I ever have in my entire life studying baseball. By the time next season starts, I will probably have looked over every box score of the entire 2006 season and try to find the patterns that will give me insight for 2007.

The books beat me this year. Now im more pissed than ever, and im taking it personally.


Oct 31, 2004
gynecologist said:
I am not ripping on Chop, but I know quite a few people who think
he is an amateur. By the way he has responded to losses and the
way he bets mostly favs and alot of them at of -130 or worse..

My life is over now. Quite a few people you know think im an amateur. What am I going to do now?

Maybe I need meds after all. How am I going to handle this? This is the greatest tragady of my entire life. Wheres my gun? This could be the end.:cryingcry

W-R-X Champion
Dec 21, 2004
Chop why don't you get in on my pod contest for august. Free shot at 200 and probably no more than 10 people or so will get in. Check site pomo. I find free contests are great way to stay invovled and are fun.

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