I raise the white flag.


Sep 21, 2004
tough 2 nd half of the season for me as im just kepting my head above water it seems.if not for the wnba and boxing this weekend i would had a bad weekend here as the favs in bases took it on the chin this weekend.go to show i work my ass on some games this weekend and lose,the wnba i know very little about i took sac last nite against detroit and hell they won by 30 pts,i think im like 7-0 in the wnba a league i do for the hell of it,so i agreed bases is hard this year.gltu chop.........ck

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Once again, Im sorry for the mess. I just had to raise the white flag on the 2006 season.

Taken from: http://forum.therx.com/showthread.php?t=381120

Now that you've raised the white flag again, someone should take it away from you so you can't raise that motherfucker again.

Hopefully this is the last time the baseball forum will be forced to relive this drama.

Sorry for the way this year has turned out...and GL next season, I'm sure you'll bounce back.

Oct 31, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
Taken from: http://forum.therx.com/showthread.php?t=381120

Now that you've raised the white flag again, someone should take it away from you so you can't raise that motherfucker again.

Hopefully this is the last time the baseball forum will be forced to relive this drama.

Sorry for the way this year has turned out...and GL next season, I'm sure you'll bounce back.

You use to be a very solid poster. But lately you have been nothing but bitter. You take this forum way too seriously if you ask me. If I cant bitch and moan about a bad baseball season on this forum, what good is it to post?

The forum is a place to vent frustration. Thats one of the reasons I post here.

If you have such a problem with me, put me on your ignore list. But based on your other post, you would probably have to put about 100 other people on your ignore list to do it justice.

Sep 20, 2000
chop, screw the white flag. im bettin' any poster here, if you make a min. of 50 plays in aug/sept you will be in + units for that period of time.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
You use to be a very solid poster. But lately you have been nothing but bitter. You take this forum way too seriously if you ask me. If I cant bitch and moan about a bad baseball season on this forum, what good is it to post?

The forum is a place to vent frustration. Thats one of the reasons I post here.

If you have such a problem with me, put me on your ignore list. But based on your other post, you would probably have to put about 100 other people on your ignore list to do it justice.

My post wasn't bitter. And since when is the RX a place to vent frustration? I thought this was a forum where fellow gamblers shared plays and insights on sports handicapping...I didn't realize that this also served as your personal psychiatrist's office. My mistake, the t-shirt I got must've been missing the, "The World's #1 Sports Betting Forum...and #1 Forum to Bitch and Moan about Lost Bets." I'll have to ask Wil to send me a new one.

I don't have a problem with you, personally...something I've stated numerous times. I wished and continue to wish you luck on your plays...but just to kill the incessant whining. Never commented on your capping ability or your other contributions. I think you're a fine poster, and I've said so before...just minus all that bitching and moaning.

It makes me laugh that you'd say I take this place too seriously...I'm not the one who uses it as a shoulder to cry on. Even still, I understand the need to vent frustration every now and again. But you ALREADY "raised the white flag," remember? You threw in the towel, only to go back on your word and try again, and now are throwing the towel in again. Why should anyone care, or even believe you for that matter, the second time around? I mean you posted almost the EXACT same thread over a month ago, almost verbatim.

Just because I have a problem with some of a poster's actual posts doesn't mean I have a problem with the poster himself. Big difference...and apparently one you fail to recognize.

Maybe instead of venting on here, you should get together with NICEGUY and have some wild, passionate sex. You two could really hit it off, from what I've seen...seem to have a lot in common.

That was a joke, so I hope you don't take it seriously and cry to the rest of the forum about how I've hurt your feelings.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Quitting again? Is this the 4th or 5th time this season?

Not that many care, but do you still believe posters were following your recent plays?

Accusing Raj of taking this forum too seriously, but you give post after post about how you are sorry for losing this season and how you cant believe you are negative units.

Who is really taking the forum too seriously? Its probably yourself.

See you during football season, but maybe youll appear with a few baseball plays before then.

You are nothing more than an attention whore with these never-ending pouting / I AM QUITTING / ANOTHER BAD BEAT threads.

Once in a while it probably was a beat beat, but mostly you picked the wrong teams. No other excuse is valid for consistent losing.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Maybe instead of venting on here, you should get together with NICEGUY and have some wild, passionate sex. You two could really hit it off, from what I've seen...seem to have a lot in common.

:smoking:i will say one thing,, when SkinsRaj28 plays a game and gets a brutal bad beats

LOL..........he normally say's shitt "" wow can't believe that loss .GOOD STUFF (and i know he is being sarcastic)


New member
Aug 19, 2005
SkinsRaj28 said:
My post wasn't bitter. And since when is the RX a place to vent frustration? I thought this was a forum where fellow gamblers shared plays and insights on sports handicapping...I didn't realize that this also served as your personal psychiatrist's office. My mistake, the t-shirt I got must've been missing the, "The World's #1 Sports Betting Forum...and #1 Forum to Bitch and Moan about Lost Bets." I'll have to ask Wil to send me a new one.

I don't have a problem with you, personally...something I've stated numerous times. I wished and continue to wish you luck on your plays...but just to kill the incessant whining. Never commented on your capping ability or your other contributions. I think you're a fine poster, and I've said so before...just minus all that bitching and moaning.

It makes me laugh that you'd say I take this place too seriously...I'm not the one who uses it as a shoulder to cry on. Even still, I understand the need to vent frustration every now and again. But you ALREADY "raised the white flag," remember? You threw in the towel, only to go back on your word and try again, and now are throwing the towel in again. Why should anyone care, or even believe you for that matter, the second time around? I mean you posted almost the EXACT same thread over a month ago, almost verbatim.

Just because I have a problem with some of a poster's actual posts doesn't mean I have a problem with the poster himself. Big difference...and apparently one you fail to recognize.

Maybe instead of venting on here, you should get together with NICEGUY and have some wild, passionate sex. You two could really hit it off, from what I've seen...seem to have a lot in common.

That was a joke, so I hope you don't take it seriously and cry to the rest of the forum about how I've hurt your feelings.


New member
Jul 21, 2006
from what ive read both are attention whores who spend too much time on this forum

New member
Sep 21, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
My post wasn't bitter. And since when is the RX a place to vent frustration? I thought this was a forum where fellow gamblers shared plays and insights on sports handicapping...I didn't realize that this also served as your personal psychiatrist's office. My mistake, the t-shirt I got must've been missing the, "The World's #1 Sports Betting Forum...and #1 Forum to Bitch and Moan about Lost Bets." I'll have to ask Wil to send me a new one.

I don't have a problem with you, personally...something I've stated numerous times. I wished and continue to wish you luck on your plays...but just to kill the incessant whining. Never commented on your capping ability or your other contributions. I think you're a fine poster, and I've said so before...just minus all that bitching and moaning.

It makes me laugh that you'd say I take this place too seriously...I'm not the one who uses it as a shoulder to cry on. Even still, I understand the need to vent frustration every now and again. But you ALREADY "raised the white flag," remember? You threw in the towel, only to go back on your word and try again, and now are throwing the towel in again. Why should anyone care, or even believe you for that matter, the second time around? I mean you posted almost the EXACT same thread over a month ago, almost verbatim.

Just because I have a problem with some of a poster's actual posts doesn't mean I have a problem with the poster himself. Big difference...and apparently one you fail to recognize.

Maybe instead of venting on here, you should get together with NICEGUY and have some wild, passionate sex. You two could really hit it off, from what I've seen...seem to have a lot in common.

That was a joke, so I hope you don't take it seriously and cry to the rest of the forum about how I've hurt your feelings.

Skin, I'm surprised you took the time out from touching yourself to post. :lolBIG:. I'm totally kidding. I agree with you here.

I thought Chop hung it up awhile ago as well. The last flag was white but had some stains on it. Probably from you. This one is bleach white.

Not betting something you've bet on for many many years must be tough. Especially when you've been winning. But I hope things turn around for you Chop next season. Seems like all the good cappers are having a tough time this season. :103631605

New member
Jul 5, 2005
Journeyman said:
the -180 0/4 says it all...and I can relate, I hate to complain, I had so many streaking teams/pitchers lose as soon as I played them...and then turn right back around and continue the trend next game out....it's just been that kind of year for me, on and off the field, everything I do turns to crap!

Example, my car blows up saturday morning, I borrow a car from someone while mine is being fixed and the freaking power window breaks!

I have never had a year like this, it's as if someone is watching me and just F'ing with me.


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
kidslick said:
:smoking:i will say one thing,, when SkinsRaj28 plays a game and gets a brutal bad beats

LOL..........he normally say's shitt "" wow can't believe that loss .GOOD STUFF (and i know he is being sarcastic)

I actually think I haven't said "can't believe that loss" once all season...because I CAN believe every loss I suffer. Typically I'll say, "that was fun...good stuff." Or, "oh well, shit happens." I think most of the people here who posts plays regularly don't bitch about bad beats, blown saves, etc. too often because they realize that they are a part of the game. Can't avoid 'em; just move on to the next play. Snap(that's for you kidslick).

gtc08 said:
from what ive read both are attention whores who spend too much time on this forum

I agree 100% that I spend too much time on this forum. But do me a favor and find a post of mine that screams of attention-whoring. I have been unable to, so as of right now I'm just taking Wil's word for it.

Benny, I would be touching myself, but unfortunately I'm at work and I share an office with my boss...don't worry though, I'll certainly be touching myself later.

I agree that it must be tough to walk away from a sport you've done so well betting on in previous years...but no one told him to, just as no one told him to come back or leave again. Point is, why do we have to hear about it every time he makes a decision he's not going to stick to? And is it really that big a deal anyway?

FWIW, I look forward to his baseball plays next season and his Sun Belt plays this coming Fall. And again, I don't have a problem with him personally, just the whining. I think my posts will attest to that, but maybe I'm wrong. Oh well.

Feb 7, 2005
yep, i agree with earl above take a few days off - maybe about ten. only play the stuff that jumps up at you and when the september call ups are made, back off again. wait a few days and bet the streakers and stay away from the teams that "need" to win because they are not going to be values. by the last two weeks of the season, you will be in football mode and bases won't matter. At least you won't have the Braves rippin' your heart out again in the playoffs!

May 29, 2005
Yogi1964 said:
I'd like to know this information

I'm thinking middles = alot of shopping around early the night/week before games that you "think" will move, and hit the other side late to make a few pennies???? Just a guess :missingte

But Thx for sharing Fishy :103631605

May 29, 2005

I raised the white flag at the start of WC and followed DMMD's nice run:toast: and havnt gone back to bases.

Looking forward to your SUNBELT plays :money8:



UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
I love chop, he's an asset to this forum, theres no doubt about it...but he can be all over the place at times.

"No plays till next week.... Im taking a break."

Wait, Dodgers -120....


OK for real this time, no plays till next week.

3 days later...

Braves -120


Ok Im done for the year.

3 weeks later.

Marlins -130


OK Im done. Im raising the white flag. Super serious this time.

Gonna have to side with Skins on this particular case.

Just my .02 cents

Nov 27, 2005
Boxslayer32 said:
I love chop, he's an asset to this forum, theres no doubt about it...but he can be all over the place at times.

"No plays till next week.... Im taking a break."

Wait, Dodgers -120....


OK for real this time, no plays till next week.

3 days later...

Braves -120


Ok Im done for the year.

3 weeks later.

Marlins -130


OK Im done. Im raising the white flag. Super serious this time.

Gonna have to side with Skins on this particular case.

Just my .02 cents


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