"I Just Killed My Mom & Sister," Dallas 911 Call


New member
Aug 12, 2006
Seems to me your main point in all this is I may or may not have said this about a black person, thereby implying it would have been ok if I had but it's not if I say it and he's white.

Why didn't you just say: 'Would you have said this about a black person,?' and I would have said 'No, I'm racist.'

Would have saved you a few self righteous posts.

The irony of you bringing race into a subject where race wasn't even on the table, and then lecturing people on what they should be thinking because it's ok with you is pretty funny.

I can smell bigotry and racism just as good as the next person. I can accept racism it is how people feel so fuck em I am not out to cure racism. I actually like to be in the room with these so called racist people and how they act when they around the people they are supposed to hate and seeing them punk out with all of that no, no, no, what I meant was shit. I am not looking to start no fight with them or anything it is just funny how racism and fear all of a sudden takes on the same meaning.

What I can't accept is the people that believe that racism doesn't exist just because we have a black president and segregation has ended.

New member
May 22, 2012
But your 'reverse racism' is as bad as any other racism, it's only you who doesn't see that, because you're a racist, same as they are.

You know you're the same as them right?

Just give me that much.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Racism sure does still exist, but there are Black racists and Asian racists and so on. There are Black guys that don't want their daughters and sisters with a black man. Many Asians don't want their kids marrying another race.

Segregation is alive and well too, Ho ! Blacks in the city, Whites in the suburbs....no water fountain stuff, but it is there.

New member
May 22, 2012
What is your definition of reverse racism?

People who discriminate against white people because of their perceived injustice and prejudice from said whites, to include (but not limited to) jumoing in threads that have zero to do with race and automatically accusing people of being racist without even asking them.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Actually this one will kill or be killed again in prison. He won't be doing his time at Club Fed or an open door mental facility with 300 thread count sheets.

maybe so, but his younger age can't hurt him. Even if we were both alive to revisit this 20 years from now....it's a sample size of 1 or 2 cases. We'd need like a 1,000 similar cases....and tough to compare this stuff, it's not like we are realtors with identical condos....

I'd be more inclined to give the 13 year old black kid more of a break than the 17 year old white kid here, The White kid fries right now, in my book.

New member
May 22, 2012
I actually like to be in the room with these so called racist people and how they act when they around the people they are supposed to hate and seeing them punk out with all of that no, no, no, what I meant was shit. I am not looking to start no fight with them or anything it is just funny how racism and fear all of a sudden takes on the same meaning.

Funny, I felt exactly the same when I watched the video of the black kid punch the bus driver. Why couldn't the tuff guy just walk in a local biker bar and have a crack?

Would have been funny seeing them punk out with all of that no, no, no, what I meant was shit. I am not looking to start no fight with them or anything

Sep 20, 2004
I would have to dismiss the drug to even though I have read horror stories on that Chantix shit. I guess one of the members of Edie Brickell & The New Bohemiens wigged out on Chantix and was killed by his neighbor.


I figure it is an over the counter medication and enough people have used it to determine the side effects. So if you feel like killing someone you love then just don't do it. The drug doesn't squeeze the trigger the person still has to commit the crime.

If I had to guess I would have to say this kid let his emotions get the best of him and he committed a crime that he will have to live with and wish he can take back for the rest of his life but sincerity will not dismiss his actions. A good attorney and a worthless jury might.

You might be right. i have an open mind. What you describe was my first take on it. pokerplayer's post really grabbed my attention. there's a degree of credibility coming from a poster right here in our midst that's at least worth consideration. The other thing that caught my attention in the entire story so far was the kid giving a clear motive that he felt like "they were suffocating him". How much can one read into that? not much... but the sister that he killed was pulled out of school in 2010 and the killer was pulled out of school this year. who pulled him out? mom... a former teacher. can we infer anything from this? maybe she was a megatron super control freak. You ever watch that show "wife swap"? it's an amazing insight behind closed doors here in our country. If you have not seen the show, you would not believe the craziness that goes on behind neighbors doors. maybe the kid snapped because of a freakish controlling ex-teacher mother. I dunno man. look at those family photos. the sister has her arm around the killer and a genuine smile. they seem like a normal family. something went wrong with this kid. I'd like to know what it was. black or white.. when a kid does something like this, there's a story behind it.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Racism sure does still exist, but there are Black racists and Asian racists and so on. There are Black guys that don't want their daughters and sisters with a black man. Many Asians don't want their kids marrying another race.

Segregation is alive and well too, Ho ! Blacks in the city, Whites in the suburbs....no water fountain stuff, but it is there.

In the first sentence that isn't racism of what speak of. That is somebody giving their 2 cents in somebody else's life. Some don't want their daughters to date a musician or want their boys to be a doctor and not play sports. Some people don't their kids to race mix because well they would like their grandkids to resemble them in someway it doesn't mean they are going to deny a black or latino person employment simply because they are black or latino. Now if somebody was to tell their daughter that I don't want you marrying a black man because I don't want my grandkid to be slow, a druggie or gang banger and I know your husband will beat you and not have a job then that is racism.

There are very few areas in this country where a race is dug in and it wouldn't be a friendly environment for another race of people to live. I am sure a red headed Irish family would have a difficult time living in a barrio or a black family in a small whiskey town in Alabama wouldn't get the welcome mat. Just like if you are gay you are better off relocating to San Francisco rather than live the simple country life in South Carolina. Other than that our class and income dictates where we live. If you are rich and lose all of your money in bad investments well guess what the trailer park or projects is where you will be. If you live in the ghetto and win the lottery or you have a child that makes it big time then guess what the good life is in store for you. Have the Beverly Hillbillies taught you nothing?

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I don't care what the story is.... Taxpayers can't afford to house him for life and he should never be released....time to harvest his organs and move on, there are far too many people already.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
You might be right. i have an open mind. What you describe was my first take on it. pokerplayer's post really grabbed my attention. there's a degree of credibility coming from a poster right here in our midst that's at least worth consideration. The other thing that caught my attention in the entire story so far was the kid giving a clear motive that he felt like "they were suffocating him". How much can one read into that? not much... but the sister that he killed was pulled out of school in 2010 and the killer was pulled out of school this year. who pulled him out? mom... a former teacher. can we infer anything from this? maybe she was a megatron super control freak. You ever watch that show "wife swap"? it's an amazing insight behind closed doors here in our country. If you have not seen the show, you would not believe the craziness that goes on behind neighbors doors. maybe the kid snapped because of a freakish controlling ex-teacher mother. I dunno man. look at those family photos. the sister has her arm around the killer and a genuine smile. they seem like a normal family. something went wrong with this kid. I'd like to know what it was. black or white.. when a kid does something like this, there's a story behind it.

You are describing that movie Virgin Suicides. Very good movie about these 5 beautiful daughters growing up in the 70's and how there parents are over protective control freaks. They keep the daughters in the house all day and night except for school and basically put chastity belts on them when it comes to dating boys. They finally are allowed to go to a well chaparoned dance but one of the daughters comes him real late so the mom pulls them out of school and keeps them locked in the house 24/7. The daughters end up killing themselves in a suicide pact. This was Sofia Coppola's directorial debut and she nailed it. When you watch the movie you literally feel like you are one of the curious neighborhood boys who have a crush on the girls and you want to save them. The movie plays and feels like a true story too.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
I don't care what the story is.... Taxpayers can't afford to house him for life and he should never be released....time to harvest his organs and move on, there are far too many people already.

Well then thank God he narrowed down some of the population for us.

Sep 20, 2004
You are describing that movie Virgin Suicides. Very good movie about these 5 beautiful daughters growing up in the 70's and how there parents are over protective control freaks. They keep the daughters in the house all day and night except for school and basically put chastity belts on them when it comes to dating boys. They finally are allowed to go to a well chaparoned dance but one of the daughters comes him real late so the mom pulls them out of school and keeps them locked in the house 24/7. The daughters end up killing themselves in a suicide pact. This was Sofia Coppola's directorial debut and she nailed it. When you watch the movie you literally feel like you are one of the curious neighborhood boys who have a crush on the girls and you want to save them. The movie plays and feels like a true story too.

I'll check it out.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
If mankind makes it a few more centuries, race will never be an issue, because everybody will be so multi-racial that it couldn't possibly matter anymore. We ain't there just yet....and have to live in today's world.

I guess it was the 1940's or so with Rosa Parks and the bus, separate fountains and such....not long enough ago that no one remembers it.

The few Blacks in my mighty white little town of Essex, CT and surrounding areas have zero problems being Black in the suburbs....it would be way different if I went to a 90% Black area, Hell ...I wouldn't be safe if I was Black either ! I have Lesbian neighbors as well, nobody cares about that stuff.

I've lived in a Mexican Barrio in California and got along fine with the neighbors even with a language barrier, that wouldn't happen in a Black ghetto. You'se people have a way of ruining a neighborhood or city when you become anywhere close to a majority.

It won't matter in the far future, but it does now. The Black " Culture" is the problem in America, your own people discourage success of the youth.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
If mankind makes it a few more centuries, race will never be an issue, because everybody will be so multi-racial that it couldn't possibly matter anymore. We ain't there just yet....and have to live in today's world.

I guess it was the 1940's or so with Rosa Parks and the bus, separate fountains and such....not long enough ago that no one remembers it.

The few Blacks in my mighty white little town of Essex, CT and surrounding areas have zero problems being Black in the suburbs....it would be way different if I went to a 90% Black area, Hell ...I wouldn't be safe if I was Black either ! I have Lesbian neighbors as well, nobody cares about that stuff.

I've lived in a Mexican Barrio in California and got along fine with the neighbors even with a language barrier, that wouldn't happen in a Black ghetto. You'se people have a way of ruining a neighborhood or city when you become anywhere close to a majority.

It won't matter in the far future, but it does now. The Black " Culture" is the problem in America, your own people discourage success of the youth.

You are leading with your fears of what you read and see on TV. If some series of unfortunate events would place you and your family in the ghetto the only thing you would have to worry about is getting hit in the crossfire. You wouldn't be a target any more than myself. Obviously if you lived in the ghetto and lived ghetto fab with a nice car and nice shit and credit cards and shit you would be a mark to get robbed if you left your shit unattended. That would also apply to any shitty neighborhood that you would move to. You have to remember in the ghetto your kids would be playing with the same people you are afraid of kids so out of respect you wouldn't be a mark. If you have a hot wife she would get cat calls just like she would if you moved to an ignorant hick town or a trailer park. In the ghetto the only thing you would have to look out for is the corner boys harassing you as you walked down to the store. Those boys are unavoidable if you cross their paths you just would need to have enough sense to avoid them at all costs just like everybody else does.

You have to remember inner city white neighborhoods were not so much different I hear Boston, Philly, Hells Kitchen, Chicago, and Detroit were a struggle for white people too. You just forget that your people have about a 50 year head start on the black people in this country. You had your Gangs Of New York, La Costra Nostra, Social Clubs and greaser days just like we had our crips and bloods days and thug days. It was real bad in the ghetto in the 60's thru 80's but by the mid 90's it is only a small few people in the ghetto causing problems. The problem is one black person in a neighborhood that is 99% black gets out of line his actions reflect on the whole neighborhood. Instead of people saying that person they say those people.

I remember when I used to go to LA in the 80's it was like don't wear any red or blue or don't walk to the store by yourself and don't make eye contact. Then by 1995 or so I would drive on down to Inglewood which used to be one of the hardest cities in Los Angeles County and the night time activities was nothing but black people drinking Starbucks coffee, playing chess, listening to rap music, freestyling in the streets and passing out flyers to see local rap groups. Your normal white person pumped full of fear from what they see on TV wouldn't see that though. They would see it being 10:00pm and nothing but dark people on the streets loitering with no jobs blaring music and possibly doing drugs. I can't speak for every black neighborhood obviously but considering Los Angeles was always the biggest and the baddest and the birth place of the drive by I would say shit has changed. Give us another 20 years with a good economy and you will see a big change for the better. In fact the city of Los Angeles have stopped taking section 8 housing and have started to move the blacks and the mexicans into the valley and Orange County into less violent neighborhoods and they are fitting in just fine. No increased crime rate, no over population and no drugs. You just see a few more black and mexican people through out the day that is all.

May 27, 2007
In the first sentence that isn't racism of what speak of. That is somebody giving their 2 cents in somebody else's life. Some don't want their daughters to date a musician or want their boys to be a doctor and not play sports. Some people don't their kids to race mix because well they would like their grandkids to resemble them in someway it doesn't mean they are going to deny a black or latino person employment simply because they are black or latino. Now if somebody was to tell their daughter that I don't want you marrying a black man because I don't want my grandkid to be slow, a druggie or gang banger and I know your husband will beat you and not have a job then that is racism.

There are very few areas in this country where a race is dug in and it wouldn't be a friendly environment for another race of people to live. I am sure a red headed Irish family would have a difficult time living in a barrio or a black family in a small whiskey town in Alabama wouldn't get the welcome mat. Just like if you are gay you are better off relocating to San Francisco rather than live the simple country life in South Carolina. Other than that our class and income dictates where we live. If you are rich and lose all of your money in bad investments well guess what the trailer park or projects is where you will be. If you live in the ghetto and win the lottery or you have a child that makes it big time then guess what the good life is in store for you. Have the Beverly Hillbillies taught you nothing?

Or have their 13-year-old daughter get screwed by a grown man right Hosraper?

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Hosnatcher: I hope you are correct. I see racial tensions ending entirely , but not in my lifetime ( I'm 49 soon, so maybe 20 years left ?).

Times change slowly

Around 1860 before Lincoln signed the 13th ( ?) amendment there were slaves, that's not that long ago. and what the 40's with the separate but equal stuff ?

I've had my bad experiences with inner- city , N*gg**S....in places like Detroit and North Las Vegas, let alone tame places like New haven or New London, ct. New London is nothing like a Detroit .

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