Constitutionally speaking, the preamble includes the words, "to provide for the common defense" and "to promote the general welfare."
When you look at ALL the government handouts, every last one ignores the most basic objectives of this government according to the framers words. I am very much against Uncle Sam wearing Daddy Warbucks' hat in any way. It always leads to excess, waste and mismanagement and it often rewards slackers thus perpetuating poverty, not helping to reduce or end it.
I could live with a bailout with strings attached and some expensive interest for the sake of us who foot all the bills. But it must be conditional and address the problems that put the big 3 behind the Japanese in the marketplace or it's throwing good money away. I don't believe in most government entitlements either, especially straight up welfare and subsidized business because it encourages laziness and non-productivity. Makes no difference to me whether it's a business entitlement or for a person.
There's a difference between "promoting" and "providing" for the general welfare. Today, the way welfare or any entitlement or bailout or government hand out is applied, it's almost all unconstitutional... save for the excuses and exceptions born from some kind of "spin" mentality which alters the simple meaning of those 2 words.