I am completely convinced Sammy Farha isnt a great poker player


Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
Not saying he isnt decent as obviously he has money and plays at the highest levels.

I also know from gambling that you cannot form an opinion of anyone who gambles with out watching them thousands of times doing what they do. So take this for what it is worth.

I think the guy cannot be a winning player overall in cash games, espically at the levels he plays at. You cannot play as a loose and against the percentages as much as he does and win. Like I said earlier I am no Farha expert but have watched enough times to notice how bad he plays hands and it seems, he does it alot.

I think one thing we forget is that for every person who claims to be a winning poker player there are probaly 2 losing ones and I would have to believe that he is not winning more than he is losing.

From the times I have watched him on TV it almost look like the others are toying with him. Like I said I am sure he is still a solid player but disreagrds the smart/percentage play so many times, that I have to think he is a losing player playing against the level of competition he plays against.

Maybe I am way off on this. Would love to hear what others think that follow poker. I love to watch poker on TV and too me he seem way over his head than most he plays against.

Oct 31, 2004
Nobody ever said he was a great cash game player. Tournies and cash games are 2 different things.

He would probably be the first to tell you he is not a great cash player.

Poker is about reading people and outplaying them after the flop. He can read people+

Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
Nobody ever said he was a great cash game player. Tournies and cash games are 2 different things.

He would probably be the first to tell you he is not a great cash player.

Poker is about reading people and outplaying them after the flop. He can read people+

He may be able to read people but he is the easiest player I have watched to read at that level of play.

It just surprises me how everyone assumes that the poker players on TV are all winners when in reality they can't be and it more likely that only 20% or so or winning more than they are losing.

I am just saying he is (IMO) in the 80% group of yearly losers watching how much disregard he has for the math involved in the game and everyone at the table knows it it seems.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Not sure ICE.

But I can say with full confidence that there are more, many more, individuals on this forum that have won more money gambling throughout their lives than many of the well known pro poker players you see on television today.

In fact, many of them are DOWN lifetime gambling........yet they are held in some kind of high esteem and considered great gamblers by the masses.

Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
Not sure ICE.

But I can say with full confidence that there are more, many more, individuals on this forum that have won more money gambling throughout their lives than many of the well known pro poker players you see on television today.

In fact, many of them are DOWN lifetime gambling........yet they are held in some kind of high esteem and considered great gamblers by the masses.

Kind of what I said in the post above. I think he is a perfect example of that. Reading players is great and all and a skill sure but math and playing the higher percentage plays mean alot also.

Starting to think he is someone the networks love to have on the show. He has the look but I think you wont see him around on these types stakes in the future.

I have almost no opinion of any other players on these type shows as I am the first to admit watching a guy play a handful of hands really means nothing in the big scope of things but his play is wrong alot of the times and clearly stands out almost everytime I watch him.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
My take is that DANIEL N. is definetly one of the top ten "successful" NO LIMIT HIGH STAKES players there is.

I would back him at any table against any players and take my chances longterm.

Oct 31, 2004
Watching any poker event on ESPN is useless for evaluating a player.

Its so edited its not watchable. You only see the big hands where alot of money changes hands. They dont show all the other things like blind stealing, position betting etc.... Just the highlights.

Thats why I like watching the WPT on tv the most. Its more realistic than what ESPN puts on there shows.

New member
Apr 30, 2005
You are complety convinced based on watching him on TV? :ohno:

Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
Watching any poker event on ESPN is useless for evaluating a player.

Its so edited its not watchable. You only see the big hands where alot of money changes hands. They dont show all the other things like blind stealing, position betting etc.... Just the highlights.

Thats why I like watching the WPT on tv the most. Its more realistic than what ESPN puts on there shows.

I know what you are saying but I wasnt talking about ESPN's coverage. I am talking about High Stakes Poker on the Game show network.

I just dont believe that guy is in the top 20% of the players at his level as he clearly is an action junkie and shows zero discipline at the table.

Pro Handi-Craper My Picks are the shit
Sep 21, 2004
I been watching Chris Money Maker on Stars and he give out more cash than an ATM Machie on Saturday night at a Casino..

Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
You are complety convinced based on watching him on TV? :ohno:

Yes based on his play versus others at the table and for years watching them toy with him and how few hands hands he plays right when he knows he is beat. Stuff like that.

I will say it again. I have ZERO opinion of anyone else playing on this show. BUt you can tell he is clearley overmatched on this show and the others at the table know it.

What is the famous saying "if in the first 5 minutes at the table you can't tell who the biggest fish at the table is, than it probably is you". Not saying this about anyone else but he does dumb shit all the time on there.

New member
Oct 2, 2007
Sammy is my favorite pro because he is so reckless. I see him bluff and take down big pots a lot. Seems like his MO is drop like 100k in the first hr., but when he's winning, he goes on huge runs. He doesn't try to protect his BR like a typical player. He's a gambler, if he loses at poker, he goes to the tables...

Nov 21, 2006
Money800.. you can do a search on PS for all the team poker stars players currently sitting at a given table

Dec 15, 2004
Farha has to be getting his money from somewhere. He plays the big game at Bellagio 4000-8000 mixed. Maybe he gets staked. You just never know with those guys. Who's playing who's money. They play against each other. Sometimes a live one drops in. Other times they beat up on Benyamine or Hansen or whoever is going on tilt at that time. It's actually a big mystery in the high stakes poker world and I'm not talking about the show on GSN. I'm talking real world. The real facts are that more money is won or lost online in the big games on FTP and Poker Stars than the Bellagio.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Farha has to be getting his money from somewhere. He plays the big game at Bellagio 4000-8000 mixed. Maybe he gets staked. You just never know with those guys. Who's playing who's money. They play against each other. Sometimes a live one drops in. Other times they beat up on Benyamine or Hansen or whoever is going on tilt at that time. It's actually a big mystery in the high stakes poker world and I'm not talking about the show on GSN. I'm talking real world. The real facts are that more money is won or lost online in the big games on FTP and Poker Stars than the Bellagio.

He is a very successful businessman in Texas........

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
you dont have to be great, just great once. Im not as good as I once was, nut Im as good once as I ever was- Toby Keith

Oct 31, 2004
you dont have to be great, just great once. Im not as good as I once was, nut Im as good once as I ever was- Toby Keith

ACE-ACE subscribes to this notion.

Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
you dont have to be great, just great once. Im not as good as I once was, nut Im as good once as I ever was- Toby Keith

Right on. Solid quote.

But eventually this may catch up to him with his loose style. Eventually this catchs up to you and fast at the level he is playing.

I didnt know he was a successfull bussinessman.

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