How Phil Steele and Northcoast Can Return to Profitability and/or at Least Stop the Bleeding


Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps next time you should considering not "biting off than you can chew." lol

More importantly, even though I don't/won't count NFL Preseason Picks one way or the other in the new Phil Steele/NC Thread which I will start once the

season begins, I am going to have some commentary on tonight's plays once the scores go final.

Here they are:

Northcoast late phones

MQPP UNDER 35 1/2 Miami Dolphins
3 1/2 ***. Texans + 2 1/2
3 *** Jets -2
Comp. Play is detroit +1.

Lets see how these plays did:

1) Final Score-Miami 34 Atlanta 27 LOSER-a "near" miss with the UNDER.

2) Final Score-Green Bay 28 Houston 26 WINNER- a VERY lucky backdoor cover which needed three unanswered scores by Houston to barely cover the spread.

3) Final Score New York Giants 31 New York Jets 22-LOSER

4) Final Score New England 31 Detroit 30-another "heartbreaking near miss" LOSER.

Thus 1-3 on he night(should have been 0-4).

And just think, folks, if you are one of the 1% out there who don't know yet that all of NC picks and publications are plastered all over the internet at various

gambling sites for FREE, you could have forked out $99 for a one year's subscription for PowerSweep and partaken of this alleged

"fabulous" $175 value which includes tonight's picks and tomorrow ABSOLUTELY FREE!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
You and Wayne should call it a night so you can get back to it bright and early tomorrow.

ps Buzz Kill-I almost forgot:

You referred to Wayne..

Can I assume that you are one of the "few" out there who really do believe that the Clark Kent/Superman Syndrome applies to Wayne and The Psychic?

New member
Jan 11, 2008
People are sick of you running your mouth asswipe. If I am Wayne than prove it. Very simple asshole. Show everyone your proof

You got nothing because there is nothing asshole. Nothing but a scumbag pedophile running his mouth

You have been banned at 2 other forums. FACT

You bought a wife. FACT

You treat women like shit. FACT

Rumors fly about you being a pedophile. FACT

Things you can or have proven about me? ZERO ASSWIPE

Let’s see some proof asshole. Put up or shut up. All are watching and waiting asswipe. Don’t disappoint

Nov 11, 2007
Good morning, WAYNE.

Predictably as you have done all these years at BC, CM and RX, I see you are back at it at your customary time at around 6AM or so in the morning.

The only difference is that instead of retiring/going to bed at around 10:30 PM, obviously not posting anymore for that day, you stayed up later as

you couldn't take/like being exposed for the lowlife FRAUD you are and your obvious Clark Kent/Superman identity.

All the other stuff you just presented as fact are obviously that any intelligent person realizes.

What is really disturbing though is that imo you may have convinced yourself that your "facts" are true.

Again, I invite anyone who is a member of both CM and RX to compare the language and posting and intimidating you use as well as the same

choice of insults and see if there are any similarities.

If someone wants a specific thread at CM to see the similarities to which your name calling, insulting and style of posting,

then they need not go any further then your Red Sox Talk Thread in the MLB Forum Section and especially the wording,

insults and how you express your feelings toward Dave Dombrowsi, etc. the way you post over here in this thread, at RX and

draw their own conclusions.

Buzz Kill got it right last night when he referred to you as Wayne-imo everyone else with half a brain will draw the same conclusions, namely that


The funny part is that you WAYNE are in a no win position.

If you keep posting and continue to resort to name calling and insults over here as you do at CM, it will become even more evident

that you and the Psychic are the same person.

If on the other hand, you go to a new manner of posting to try to prove that you and The Psychic are not the same person, it will be

clear to me and any intelligent person that you have done this to cover up the obvious tracks you have left.

Thus you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Gee asswipe, i am probably 1 of 100 million people that wake up every day for work and to take care of kids. Way to narrow it down fuckhead.

I will continue to pound my message here about you being a sick scumbag pedophile.

You yourself admitted to being banned at 2 other forums. Others have admitted to seeing your threads about buying a whore.

All facts you deranged scumbag.

Prove i am who you say i am. You can't do it asshole. Wow i wake up early every morning. You really are a clueless fuck and you confirm it daily.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
People are sick of you running your mouth asswipe. If I am Wayne than prove it. Very simple asshole. Show everyone your proof

You got nothing because there is nothing asshole. Nothing but a scumbag pedophile running his mouth

You have been banned at 2 other forums. FACT

You bought a wife. FACT

You treat women like shit. FACT

Rumors fly about you being a pedophile. FACT

Things you can or have proven about me? ZERO ASSWIPE

Let’s see some proof asshole. Put up or shut up. All are watching and waiting asswipe. Don’t disappoint

Nov 11, 2007
Gee asswipe, i am probably 1 of 100 million people that wake up every day for work and to take care of kids. Way to narrow it down fuckhead.

I will continue to pound my message here about you being a sick scumbag pedophile.

You yourself admitted to being banned at 2 other forums. Others have admitted to seeing your threads about buying a whore.

All facts you deranged scumbag.

Prove i am who you say i am. You can't do it asshole. Wow i wake up early every morning. You really are a clueless fuck and you confirm it daily.

I was banned by YOU,WAYNE, at CM because you couldn't emotionally handle the fact that I disagreed with your take about Dave Dombrowski and the Sox.

The only other ban was about 15 years ago or so at BC because I bashed a sponsor of the site(Charlie)-Monte the owner on his own volition cancelled the ban

on his volition shortly afterwards.

Other than that I have never been banned, and at ATSTALK, before it went down, I was a HIGHLY respected and contributing poster.

At CM I was also respected and got lots of hits at both the four year running "Why NC Always Wins" Thread and also the Red Sox Commentary Thread.

I was there for nine years plus and was NEVER banned until you did so in Dr. Jack's absence, this year-that speaks volumes!

Being the bully and coward you are, that is not surprising you are.

Three pieces of advice for you:

1) Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

2) Stay out of the kitchen if it is too hot.

3) Check at Amazon, Ebay, etc. to see if there any new or used "Ban Wands" available and/or on sale with a guarantee that the item can be returned

if it doesn't allow you to ban people at RX in the same way as the one you used at CM.

If you cannot find one, then go see the Wizard of Oz-perhaps he can help you to procure one.

Or better, go to Amazon, Ebay, etc. to see if you can find a Genie who will grant you three wishes.

Got to run for now, and as stated before, keep checking to see if there is any kind of Lifeline at RX or CM to help you because as it stands,

you simply don't have the education and thirty four years of professional experience I do , and to any intelligent and objective person reading

this discussion, you have shown it in the vile name calling and insulting manner when I have pinned you against the ropes.

I had a lot of difficult cases to crack during my career.

On a scale of 1-10, I rank you at about a 1 at best, which in essence and to us a baseball term, amounts to batting practice.

Back later-again be civil and polite and I will do the same.

If you prefer the other way, well even though I don't prefer that way, as you see and will see, I will do so in kind and continue to expose you for who and what you are!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I bet that whore inhaled 100 other american cocks from "Tours" before you had your turn asswipe. They all walked away and you bought her. Was there an extra charge for "Experience". Were you disappointed to find out she was older than 15? Fuckin scum

New member
Jan 11, 2008
People are sick of you running your mouth asswipe. If I am Wayne than prove it. Very simple asshole. Show everyone your proof

You got nothing because there is nothing asshole. Nothing but a scumbag pedophile running his mouth

You have been banned at 2 other forums. FACT

You bought a wife. FACT

You treat women like shit. FACT

Rumors fly about you being a pedophile. FACT

Things you can or have proven about me? ZERO ASSWIPE

Let’s see some proof asshole. Put up or shut up. All are watching and waiting asswipe. Don’t disappoint

Nov 11, 2007
I am reposting post 61 as some may not have since Wayne/The Psychic took it upon itself/themselves took it as an opportunity to try to draw attention to themselves

Here you go:

Originally Posted by savage1

More importantly, even though I don't/won't count NFL Preseason Picks one way or the other in the new Phil Steele/NC Thread which I will start once the

season begins, I am going to have some commentary on tonight's plays once the scores go final.

Here they are:

Northcoast late phones

MQPP UNDER 35 1/2 Miami Dolphins
3 1/2 ***. Texans + 2 1/2
3 *** Jets -2
Comp. Play is detroit +1.

Lets see how these plays did:

1) Final Score-Miami 34 Atlanta 27 LOSER-a "near" miss with the UNDER.

2) Final Score-Green Bay 28 Houston 26 WINNER- a VERY lucky backdoor cover which needed three unanswered scores by Houston to barely cover the spread.

3) Final Score New York Giants 31 New York Jets 22-LOSER

4) Final Score New England 31 Detroit 30-another "heartbreaking near miss" LOSER.

Thus 1-3 on he night(should have been 0-4).

And just think, folks, if you are one of the 1% out there who don't know yet that all of NC picks and publications are plastered all over the internet at various

gambling sites for FREE, you could have forked out $99 for a one year's subscription for PowerSweep and partaken of this alleged

"fabulous" $175 value which includes tonight's picks and tomorrow ABSOLUTELY FREE!! lol​


Nov 11, 2007
Note: the comp. line is not up yet, which historically is common whene the picks have a bad day.
Imo the reason that they are late is that Phil and rest of the marketing "geniuses" at NC need added time to bang their heads together to somehow try to spin a losing day into a winning one and/or come up with a new insulting one with bogus discounts to try to take the focus off a losing day, which is the rule rather than exception, and desperately try to get a few people to buy/sign up for something.

Nov 11, 2007
Well comp. line is finally up, and actually Todd,who usually does the comp. line, surprised me by saying that some people maye have won with the Houston pick last noht
but that some people may have pushed if they played it late at +2.
The only other noteworty thing in the usual PowerSweep pump is Todd continued to say that there are (still) $300 added free bonuses for signing up for a one year PS subscription including the alleged original $175 for this week even though three picks were given out last night.

ps Above is a taste of what you will get once the Official Phil Steele/NC Thread begins.

Mar 19, 2008
You and Wayne should call it a night so you can get back to it bright and early tomorrow.

Or the girls could just go back to CM and play there. I got sick of this act 15 years ago at BC. Savage and his big hard on for Uncle Phil

Nov 11, 2007
ps For anyone who doesn't care for this thread or the new Phil Steele/NC one which is going to appear soon, my suggestion is not to tune in-there are lots of other shows out there to listen to/watch.

New member
Apr 7, 2016
Lets see how these plays did:

1) Final Score-Miami 34 Atlanta 27 LOSER-a "near" miss with the UNDER.

2) Final Score-Green Bay 28 Houston 26 WINNER- a VERY lucky backdoor cover which needed three unanswered scores by Houston to barely cover the spread.

3) Final Score New York Giants 31 New York Jets 22-LOSER

4) Final Score New England 31 Detroit 30-another "heartbreaking near miss" LOSER.

Thus 1-3 on he night(should have been 0-4).

And just think, folks, if you are one of the 1% out there who don't know yet that all of NC picks and publications are plastered all over the internet at various

gambling sites for FREE, you could have forked out $99 for a one year's subscription for PowerSweep and partaken of this alleged

"fabulous" $175 value which includes tonight's picks and tomorrow ABSOLUTELY FREE!! lol
don't really care but...det was a push

New member
Apr 7, 2016
I am reposting post 61 as some may not have since Wayne/The Psychic took it upon itself/themselves took it as an opportunity to try to draw attention to themselves

Here you go:

Originally Posted by savage1

More importantly, even though I don't/won't count NFL Preseason Picks one way or the other in the new Phil Steele/NC Thread which I will start once the

season begins, I am going to have some commentary on tonight's plays once the scores go final.

Here they are:

Northcoast late phones

MQPP UNDER 35 1/2 Miami Dolphins
3 1/2 ***. Texans + 2 1/2
3 *** Jets -2
Comp. Play is detroit +1.

Lets see how these plays did:

1) Final Score-Miami 34 Atlanta 27 LOSER-a "near" miss with the UNDER.

2) Final Score-Green Bay 28 Houston 26 WINNER- a VERY lucky backdoor cover which needed three unanswered scores by Houston to barely cover the spread.

3) Final Score New York Giants 31 New York Jets 22-LOSER

4) Final Score New England 31 Detroit 30-another "heartbreaking near miss" LOSER.

Thus 1-3 on he night(should have been 0-4).

And just think, folks, if you are one of the 1% out there who don't know yet that all of NC picks and publications are plastered all over the internet at various

gambling sites for FREE, you could have forked out $99 for a one year's subscription for PowerSweep and partaken of this alleged

"fabulous" $175 value which includes tonight's picks and tomorrow ABSOLUTELY FREE!! lol​

det +1...score 31-30...push

Nov 11, 2007
det +1...score 31-30...push

My bad-it was a typo.
I thought you were talking about the Houston game and inadvertently typed in Detroit(there was some question there
re: line)
Final score was 31-3 Detroit.
I graded it correctly but had wrong final score.
Inexcusable error on my part-I will be much more careful in the future.

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