How much could you realistically clear a week sports betting?

Jan 28, 2007
Intrinzik, we'll just agree to disagree. I'm not a big player at all and don't pretend to be. I play a little for fun and that's good enough for me. I like the challenge of picking winners and handing them out to people. Not everyone can do what I'm saying because they dont' have the discipline to make 1-2 plays a day.

I'm making it simple because that's what I think it is. When you look at the play I posted today I had the Philly RL at -135. I briefly looked over the numbers and it was an easy selection for me. I didn't need any mathematical value. I looked at it and said that Philly would win by more than 2 runs. Now you can shop for the best line if you'd like but the play is the play and I don't need anything extra to figure that out.

Over the last 6 days I've given out 6 plays and am 6-0 in those plays. There are maybe 3 responses in my thread. The reason for that is a lot of these guys need "action" and want to play more games so they bypass my thread. It's too bad they do or they'd probably be winning.


I believe that the reason we have different view points, is that once you get beyond doing this for fun you look at things differently. You approach each bet more as an investment than a bet, and to tell you the truth a good majority of the fun dissolved as well. The part I still have fun with is not the actual bet itself (in fact I rarely watch a game where I have a bet pending, nor do I scoreboard watch unless I am looking for something in particular on a half time bet), but the research and grind of developing edges and angles and taking those and extrapolating them into a dozen different paths and seeing where each path leads.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
As for being emotional, the second emotion kicks in is the second you become just another Joe Public losing his ass. Leave the opinions and emotion at the door. If you get emotional and can find no way to control it, you might as well just quit betting. I have known several people who fit the emotional chaser description to a tee and at the end of the day/week/month/year they are always deep in the hole with no possible way of getting out because they let emotion take over how they bet.

Another astute post.

I've been fraternizing with active sports bettors for 11 years now and have found an almost 100% correlation between overly Emotional bettors and losing Bettors.

Like most of you, I've read any number of post-event forum posts or threads wherein this or that forum member types a vehement complaint about the outcome of one or more events.

We've all read or heard guys say, "I was ready to bust my damn television..." or, "I was screaming at the radio".

If that's a part of your capping and sports betting experience, take INTRINZ's advice and get out now.
Jan 28, 2007
You can give all the advice you want to a person new to sportsbetting and he may or may not follow it. The most valuable lessons he will learn is through trial and error and experience.

It's easy to advise, ''don't chase your losses'' but will most people follow that advice when they are new? Or any advice for that matter? I'm guessing no.

Trial and error is how you'll learn your lessons. The key is whether or not you actually learn or continue to make mistakes like chasing, betting for action on a ''big game'' just because it's the thing to do, etc.


It took me several years of betting (and admittedly losing my ass) to break the bad habits of chasing, betting for action, etc. When you are new to sports betting, everything looks so easy at first. And then you eventually run into a wall and realize that it is much more complicated and advances than you ever dreamed it could be.

May 27, 2007

I believe that the reason we have different view points, is that once you get beyond doing this for fun you look at things differently. You approach each bet more as an investment than a bet, and to tell you the truth a good majority of the fun dissolved as well. The part I still have fun with is not the actual bet itself (in fact I rarely watch a game where I have a bet pending, nor do I scoreboard watch unless I am looking for something in particular on a half time bet), but the research and grind of developing edges and angles and taking those and extrapolating them into a dozen different paths and seeing where each path leads.

But I don't think I'll ever be past doing it for fun because I have a career off of these boards and investments that have nothing to do with gambling. I make money the good ole' fashioned way and a little bit of real estate here and there. I'd need to be retired to do this more seriously.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Over the last 6 days I've given out 6 plays and am 6-0 in those plays. There are maybe 3 responses in my thread. The reason for that is a lot of these guys need "action" and want to play more games so they bypass my thread. It's too bad they do or they'd probably be winning.

I'll toss (with full respect) out here a friendly reminder that internet sports forums like this are "good" because they bring a lot of people together with shared interest and often the shared information can increase chances for success.

However, the "bad" (if you will) end of our friendly fraternity - when we're talking about long term sports investing strategies - is that on more days than not, it can be a somewhat lonely discipline.

I can empathize with your closing line above because I myself have had ongoing sports threads which have shown solid + profit not only over a couple days, but over extended periods. And on average, maybe a half dozen other forum members will even notice.

The reason I post an ongoing selection thread is solely to force myself to be more disciplined in my overall selections. My ego and pride kick in a bit and I - like most of you - want to have an ongoing thread that shows at least a bit of plus success. And that's only possible if I'm very methodical.

If my priority was to attract more people to "follow me", it's not that hard.

I would simply create a fresh Topic each day, complete with some kind of provocative Title like, "Super HOT THIS WEEK...Today's Big Plays Inside!"


And were I to do that, I am sure that I would likely attract several dozen people every single day into checking out "my thread".

Instead, I plod along and do my best to have a profitable ongoing thread and a few times a week when I see something that appears to have a bit of increased value, I might create a separate Topic to point it out, or I might drop a comment into one or two other threads discussing that game/event.

Sometimes, when those highlighted moments hit, people notice and I get a few, "Great call barman!" and I honestly appreciate it.

But more often, they get lost in the virtual cacophony of posts that flood our forum and no one seems to notice.

All good.

I'm here more to gather information than I am to "lead anyone". And for that reason, I honestly appreciate the input of nearly everyone who takes the time to share quality information on any sports.

May 27, 2007
I'll toss (with full respect) out here a friendly reminder that internet sports forums like this are "good" because they bring a lot of people together with shared interest and often the shared information can increase chances for success.

However, the "bad" (if you will) end of our friendly fraternity - when we're talking about long term sports investing strategies - is that on more days than not, it can be a somewhat lonely discipline.

I can empathize with your closing line above because I myself have had ongoing sports threads which have shown solid + profit not only over a couple days, but over extended periods. And on average, maybe a half dozen other forum members will even notice.

The reason I post an ongoing selection thread is solely to force myself to be more disciplined in my overall selections. My ego and pride kick in a bit and I - like most of you - want to have an ongoing thread that shows at least a bit of plus success. And that's only possible if I'm very methodical.

If my priority was to attract more people to "follow me", it's not that hard.

I would simply create a fresh Topic each day, complete with some kind of provocative Title like, "Super HOT THIS WEEK...Today's Big Plays Inside!"


And were I to do that, I am sure that I would likely attract several dozen people every single day into checking out "my thread".

Instead, I plod along and do my best to have a profitable ongoing thread and a few times a week when I see something that appears to have a bit of increased value, I might create a separate Topic to point it out, or I might drop a comment into one or two other threads discussing that game/event.

Sometimes, when those highlighted moments hit, people notice and I get a few, "Great call barman!" and I honestly appreciate it.

But more often, they get lost in the virtual cacophony of posts that flood our forum and no one seems to notice.

All good.

I'm here more to gather information than I am to "lead anyone". And for that reason, I honestly appreciate the input of nearly everyone who takes the time to share quality information on any sports.

Good point. I'm going to bed now.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
1) Good point.
2) It can be done however the expectations should not be set too high IMO.


A recurring theme any time I intend to include in most any discussion such as this (which frankly I don't engage in more than once a month at most) is that it's very important to take that long term vision.

That means YEARS.

The very nature of the opportunity lends itself to focus on the Short Term....rather than Years, the average joe thinks in "days" or at best "weeks". Or at worst, "three hours"...heh

When you can potentially receive a 100% return on your investment in three hours or less, it makes it very challenging to think long term.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
In my own case, I first started learning the business in 1999 and for the first four years was pretty much like the average joe.

But fortunate for me, I met a handful of pretty smart guys in those first few years who helped me to adopt a longer term vision.

I took off for most of 2002 and 2003 and then got back involved in fall of 2003.

At that time and for most of the next five years, I was wagering an average of about $10 per event...with gusts up to $20.

And my wife asked me more than once, "Why are you spending 20+ hours a week at this when you at best make a few hundred bucks in a month?"

The answer - I was (and still am today) learning. And watching. And reading. And listening.

No need for me to invest more than $10 to $20 if I'm still a novice, eh?

Over the past 15 months, my investment amount has increased but I'm still very methodical. I consider myself very strong now in basketball and CFB, even in NHL and MLB and frankly a bit below average in NFL.

More important, I've come to identify a very small handful of other guys who themselves are GOOD at one or more individual sports and I'm doing my best to further my education with their help.

I consider it every bit as daunting and challenging as getting an MBA at a 4 to 6 year university. And that analogy stands up because I am most certainly far, far smarter and more successful at my modest investment level today than I was five years ago.

Best to all who might be reading this to experience similar success and for similar reasons. That is - because you took the time to patiently learn the business and to apply the needed disciplines. And during your learning time you don't unduly expose yourself to either financial or emotional hardship.

New member
Oct 11, 2008
%5 of bankroll per game is too risky if you got a big bankroll. Here's my advice..

1,000 %10
2,000 %7.5
5,000 %5
10,000 %4
20,000 %3
50,000 %2

New member
Oct 11, 2008
How much I clear a week by sports betting?

It changes between 2,000-3,000. Sometimes I'm having losing weeks as well. What matters most if the money you made in the end of the month (or season) in my opinion. I remember a period that I made 900-1200$ every day (lasted for 6 days) and also a period where I lose 1.1k every day (for 4 days) so money management is important. You gotta keep yourself in the game. Also you gotta know your pros/cons. For example, I'm pretty good in baseball&soccer but I'm very bad when it comes to NFL. My best months are (for last 3 seasons) april, may, june, july, august. My worst months are september, october, november. I decided to go vacation this year in september, LoL! (I dont know why but in september all things went wrong in baseball)

I'm a very conservative handicapper. I play %1-2 and I feel happy if I'm +1500 in the end of week.

In fact, I would feel happy even if I'm +1$ in the end of the week. Break-even is much better than losing.. :)

New member
Oct 11, 2008
please, don't make your living expense money part of your bankroll. you should supplement your savings with your sports betting....not the other way around. do you have enough saved up to take care of yourself during a "bear market", or would you be stressing next month's rent? don't quit your day job just yet.

i'm curious to know what the opinions are on how much your starting bankroll should be if you wish to make $750 a week, and what would be the minimum you would have saved up in the real world?

Agreed! :toast:

My advice is to don't make any withdrawals (and don't quit your job yet) before you reach a significiant amount. It's very hard to make good income by sports betting with a small bankroll like 2-3k. I didn't made any withdrawals before reaching 30k. I think 20-30k should be enough for beginning but 50k is much better. The problem is, its getting harder to raise your bank when you reach 50k.

New member
Jun 25, 2005
I'd need to be retired to do this more seriously.

There in lies the key.

You can't come home from work and do this for anything than fun.

Weather your trying to beat the number or handicapping the games it is a full time job i.e. Iceman.

I used you to Listen to the Stardust Line religiously(I'm sure many here now have never heard of this radio show and many have) and one statement from a sportsbook supervisor resonated with me,this was like 1993.

He said 94% of all football gamblers are losers and everyone wants to be that 6% and we all need our heads examined..........LOL

BTW Enfuego I am on your POD thread as I am not looking to bet the board.

Most will find the bigger you BR grows the more selective you will get betting the bigger unit sizes will get you focused.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004

I believe that the reason we have different view points, is that once you get beyond doing this for fun you look at things differently. You approach each bet more as an investment than a bet, and to tell you the truth a good majority of the fun dissolved as well. The part I still have fun with is not the actual bet itself (in fact I rarely watch a game where I have a bet pending, nor do I scoreboard watch unless I am looking for something in particular on a half time bet), but the research and grind of developing edges and angles and taking those and extrapolating them into a dozen different paths and seeing where each path leads.

this is how I do it also, Plug in the numbers, then walk away, 90% of the time I watch not 5 minutes of any game I bet on,, the OTHER 10% of the time I watch 30 minutes (dispersed over 2.5 hours).

I am not making a living, I will be soon though, 2 more years.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
..The Key to Money Management: When you lose; you have a smaller Bankroll; you need to lower wager size; but; that is where the tyro; or really average degenerate gambler says; "I got a sure thing; I'll double my bets; get it all back today."

But; since you are increasing your wager size; with a smaller BankRoll; you are seriously increasing the probability of Gamblers Ruin. aka "Tap City."

The hell of it all: Even understanding this; it is hard to decrease bet sizing when losing.



Take what they give you..!!!


New member
Oct 11, 2008
You should not decrease bet size when you're on a lost streak in my opinion. You should not double up either..

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
You should not decrease bet size when you're on a lost streak in my opinion. You should not double up either..

this is ACCURATE mathematically, you decreasing your bet size is JUST as bad as Increasing it, both directions lead to problems, and missed opportunities.

I separate my bankroll into 5 sections. each section I bet 5% of my BR.

WIth Profits I disperse them OVER the 5 GROUPINGS, if I deplete 1 grouping, then I use the (4th grouping) to continue to bet accordingly, until I rebuild that 5th grouping, then again I start over, and any profit I use gets dispersed among the 5 groupings.

truthfully, I guess this makes the amount I bet technically 1% lolol,,,,

this I learned from tony stoffo I think?,,,,

anyway, this ended up to be the PIVOTAL element to me changing from LOSING at the end of each month to FKN cashing!:chest:

so now were back to money management, and that magical 1% or 2% number,,,

Oct 26, 2003
Depends on the bankroll, but probably around $2000-3000.

But to achieve that figure, you also need to be betting JUST AS MUCH on baseball and basketball as you do football

I have read this entire thread and I pick this response as the most idiotic of all replys....just calling them like I see them from spending over 28 years in the business and over 45 years betting and gambling...

New member
Oct 11, 2008
What you should do when you're in a losing streak?

You should not decrease bet size when you're on a lost streak in my opinion. You should not double up either.. So what to do?

My advice is to raise your stakes "slightly" during a losing streak. It can be %10 after 0-3 and %20 after 0-6 but never double up your bets. Simply, it's a recipe to disaster. (Excluding Baseball Chase Systems of course!)

In addition, Labouchere (also known as Cancellation System or Row Of Numbers) is a great system too. You can't go wrong with Labouchere. (If the odds are always close to +100. I don't suggest Labouchere if you're laying -125 or more)

The best thing I love about Labouchere is, you never ask yourself questions like "How much I should place in this bet?", "Should I raise my stakes because I loved this play too much/because I lost 3 in a row".

Stay emotionless all the time! Everything should be basic and mechanical.. Including system you're using.

Have a nice Sunday my friends, GL!

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Originally Posted by PO69
Depends on the bankroll, but probably around $2000-3000.

But to achieve that figure, you also need to be betting JUST AS MUCH on baseball and basketball as you do football

</td> </tr> </tbody></table>
VIEJO D: I have read this entire thread and I pick this response as the most idiotic of all replys....just calling them like I see them from spending over 28 years in the business and over 45 years betting and gambling...

Jan 28, 2007
%5 of bankroll per game is too risky if you got a big bankroll. Here's my advice..

1,000 %10
2,000 %7.5
5,000 %5
10,000 %4
20,000 %3
50,000 %2

Using that method, you will be broke in no time. This past NHL season, I had a time where I went like 4-16 in a 20 game set. It was absolutely horrific. Granted, I was betting dogs only, but if I were to have had my unit size set at 10% or 7.5% or even 5%, I would have depleted my bankroll completely or to 25% or so from where it started. Since I was only betting around 1% on each bet, it wasn't a problem and I was still around a month later when I won 15 of 17 bets in the NHL.

Sports betting is a roller coaster, which is exactly why money management should always be your top priority.

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