How do you guys feel about Affirmative Action?


Jello is Jigglin, butta gettin hard, eggs are cool
Sep 21, 2004

Financial aid at universities and colleges throughout the US is based on financial NEED. It just so happens, that many minorities are more qualified to receive these monies, because of low family incomes. Your point is already in action. As far as admission, every school/system determines their philosophy. In the University of California system, there are more afro-americans at UC Riverside, than any other UC. (By % and total). Each school would like to admit more, but the those entrants have actually declined in recent history. UCLA typically denies admission to over 25,000 4.0 GPA applicants; irregardless of race/ethnicity. AA is a long term solution, that has improved many minority (low income) positions in society. Many others (so called majorities) have been affected by this national priority for over 40 years.

New member
Feb 19, 2007
he is how i see it with the financial aid.

the white man has used the black man for centuries to build its fortune in the US and now where he - the white man- has everything hell pretend like hes doing the black guy a favor by giving up 1/2 of its annual income to the black man to get education. what a good doing it is. hahaha gime a break.

what people think that others are stupid? i dont understand!

Jello is Jigglin, butta gettin hard, eggs are cool
Sep 21, 2004
Check your dictionary, Sir! I've won more bar-forum bets on this so-called non-word, than years you have been out of your mother's womb.


Jello is Jigglin, butta gettin hard, eggs are cool
Sep 21, 2004
Only at the RX can we have a discussion about AA and have someone challenge the useage of a word.

Irregardless is primarily found in North America, most notably in Boston and surrounding areas, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, and was first acknowledged in 1912 by the Wentworth American Dialect Dictionary as originating from western Indiana. Barely a decade later, the usage dispute over irregardless was such that, in 1923, Literary Digest published an article entitled "Is There Such a Word as Irregardless in the English Language?"<SUP>[2]</SUP>

[edit] Definition

The word is used interchangeably with regardless

New member
Feb 19, 2007
man. dictionaries are for professors, layers and doctors not for us here on the gambling forum. get real people.:ohno: :WTF:

New member
Sep 9, 2005
Affirmative action is an insult to the people it claims to help. As if women, blacks, hispanics, etc can't get work without the gov't forcing people to hire us.

Gimme a break.

OMG you are a republican. LMAO.

I agree it does make it worse. Work for what you want.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
Usage Note: Irregardless is a word that many mistakenly believe to be correct usage in formal style, when in fact it is used chiefly in nonstandard speech or casual writing

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
OMG you are a republican. LMAO.

I agree it does make it worse. Work for what you want.

Anti-affirmative action is a libertarian principle. Republicans are (historically) opposed largely for reasons of protectionism. Libertarians are opposed because it infringes on property rights.

Another thing to ask: Why would anyone want to work for someone who needed the threat of punishment to hire you? Why would a black person want to work for someone who hated blacks? Or, why would I want to work for a sexist prick? How much fun is that going to be?

Seems pretty easy to me.

Woah, woah, Daddy's wrong, Mommy's right.
Feb 25, 2006
Only at the RX can we have a discussion about AA and have someone challenge the useage of a word.

Irregardless is primarily found in North America, most notably in Boston and surrounding areas, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, and was first acknowledged in 1912 by the Wentworth American Dialect Dictionary as originating from western Indiana. Barely a decade later, the usage dispute over irregardless was such that, in 1923, Literary Digest published an article entitled "Is There Such a Word as Irregardless in the English Language?"<sup>[2]</sup>

[edit] Definition

The word is used interchangeably with regardless

Looks like you are correct.

However, you did conveniently leave out the following:

The most frequently repeated remark about it is that "there is no such word." There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.

It is generally listed in dictionaries as "non-standard".

The origin of irregardless is not known for certain, but the consensus among references is that it is a portmanteau of irrespective and regardless, both of which are commonly accepted standard English words. By blending these words, an illogical word is created.

The approach taken by lexicographers when documenting a word's uses and limitations can be prescriptive or descriptive. The method used with irregardless is overwhelmingly prescriptive. Much of the criticism comes from the illogical double negative pairing of the prefix (ir-) and suffix (-less), and the argument that irregardless is not, or should not be, a word at all because it lacks the antecedents of a "bona fide nonstandard word." A counterexample is provided in ain't, which has an "ancient genealogy," at which scholars would not dare level such criticisms.<sup id="ref_Soukhanovb">[1]</sup>
The descriptive approach to "irregardless" is to note that it is considered non-standard by educated people.

Truthfully though, if you are to use that "word" in any sort of business setting, people would think you are a moron. Much like using conversate.

New member
Feb 19, 2007
man the two of you shall be like working for the FBI or something. Or just naturally drawn to discuss silly things!! nothing personal though. :howdy:

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
3800*.35*.25= 332 blacks named Laquisha. So 50% of the blacks named Laquisha went on top universities? I highly doubt that. Btw, it's funny that you argue that blacks named Laquisha from your school went on to great universities in AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION THREAD.

Additionally, your anecdotal experience from your privileged high school doesn't line up with the rest of the country. Those urban black names are a lot more common among inner-city, poor, single parent households.

Apparently, those schools value ACT test-taking ability over GPA. High GPA usually means work hard while high ACT/SAT means more natural ability. How is that unfair?

Then let them go broke because of their racism. They might actually figure out that if they close their mind to blacks that they will go broke. Instead of letting them come to that conclusion themselves, we force the racist to hire the black guy, and he'll continue to hate blacks because of it.

I think Levi should start a coin collection starting with this coin.

Little Rock Central High School Desegregation Silver Dollar Program

Silver Dollar Proof Obverse

Silver Dollar Proof Reverse


Silver Dollar Uncirculated Obverse

Silver Dollar Uncirculated Reverse
The United States Mint, in accordance with Public Law 109-146, is proud to introduce its second commemorative coin for 2007. These silver dollars recognize and pay tribute to the strength, the determination and the courage displayed by African-American high school students in the fall of 1957.
In the landmark 1954 decision of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, the United States Supreme Court declared racial segregation in the public schools of the United States of America was, indeed, unconstitutional. The events in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957, was an important step in the country’s quest for racial equality in public education.
The Act directs the Secretary of the Treasury to mint up to 500,000 silver dollars in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the desegregation events at Little Rock Central High School, in Little Rock, Arkansas during the 1957-1958 school year. So important was the successful integration of this school to the American Civil Rights movement that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. personally attended the 1958 commencement for the school’s first African American graduate.
The obverse of this coin features a simple, yet powerful design depicting students, accompanied by an armed United States soldier, walking to school. The design includes nine stars, each symbolic of those who faced the violence and hatred of a segregated society unwilling to live by the words of its most important declaration, that "all men are created equal."
The reverse design for the Little Rock Central High School Desegregation Silver Dollar depicts the image of the school circa 1957. Designated a National Historic Site in 1998, the impressive structure still operates as an educational institution, dedicated to preparing today’s children to be tomorrow’s leaders.
According to the Act, "urcharges collected through the sale of these coins are authorized to be paid to the Secretary of the Interior for the protection, preservation, and interpretation of resources and stories associated with Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site, including site improvements at Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site, development of interpretive and education programs and historic preservation projects, and the establishment of cooperative agreements to preserve or restore the historic character of the Park Street and Daisy L. Gatson Bates Drive corridors adjacent to the site."
Mint Facility: Philadelphia
Weight: 26.73 grams nominal
Diameter: 1.500 inches (+/- .003 inches)
Composition: 90% silver, 10% copper
Mintage Limit: 500,000 (across all product options)

New member
Sep 11, 2005
I'd probably run from a name like Keyshaun myself. Suburban blacks don't call their kids laquitta and shaniqua, that's a poor urban thing that single mothers do.
A kid named Deron just sent me his resume to be one of my painters. I swear to god i'm not joking. I wonder what to do with his resume?

New member
May 23, 2005
The glass ceiling still exists in the U.S. so as much as I have disdain for AA in the abstract, it is a needed tool. Fundamental social change takes generations and this is just part of the equation.


New member
Nov 4, 2005
I feel less intelligent for reading this thread and sadder for the human race. We've got a long way to go.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
If a black guy is smarter or more qualified to get a job or get into a school over me then he should get it. But if Im smarter than him or more qualified then he can kiss my ass if he thinks he should get it.
Solving the problem of racism is NOT going to be fixed buy adding more racism to the mix. You insult intelligent minorities by having AA,penalize the smart white ones, and enable the retarded minorities.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Why can't people just be as racist as they want? Never understood that. Laws don't stop racism -- they make it worse by institutionalising victimhood and so-called "reverse racism." This is true whether you're discussing the Fugitive Slave Act or the Equal Rights Amendment. No individual racist or even an organised group can do as much harm to a given race as the government can.


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