How do you guys feel about Affirmative Action?


New member
Sep 11, 2005
In a perfect world, yes they should, but it's not. This generation is paying for what past generations did. It SUCKS, but you're never going to have a balance economically among blacks and whites in this country if you don't do things like AA. It's a trickle down effect. Hopefully it will get to a point where you don't have to do it.

Chris Rock has a funny joke on this.."If you're white and think that everything is equal in this country? There's a white janitor in this room that has one arm. If you ask him to switch places with me right now, a MILLIONAIRE, he'd say...... Hell no!!! He's black."
I wouldn't trade my life for anyone elses, but i'd rather be chris rock over a guy with one arm. Maybe if the black leaders ended this race war we could actually make some progress.

Why are jobs targetted for the AA though? Why not friendships? I think it'd be more beneficial to force you to be friends with black people.

But is it because they were black or guys who just couldn't cut it as a quarterback. I could name a million white QB's who will never win a ring.
I'm not quite sure, it makes sense that there'd be a bunch of crappy white qbs because there are so many more white people in population that there'd be some normal distrubtion of crappy, average and above average qbs. It just seems that there should be more great black qbs because they are faster, stronger than whites. Everyone here will deny that, but they won't be able to explain why, at 86% of the population, we don't have a single white RB in the NFL.

New member
Sep 11, 2005
How about affirmative action for gays, transexuals, people that have 10 feet long hair? Does it only apply to things that you can control?

What ever it takes
Feb 19, 2007
I'd like to think my doctor got into school on merit not thru AA.

New member
Sep 11, 2005
How about ugly and fat people? They make significantly less than fit, attractive people.

"I like ketchup. It's like tomato wine."
Sep 20, 2004
Why are jobs targetted for the AA though? Why not friendships? I think it'd be more beneficial to force you to be friends with black people.

Because here's what you're hoping for with AA. A black person who goes to college and gets a job, he might not have gotten in the past, will have a trickle down effect on his kids. Poor people come from poor people. Rarely the other way around. You're trying to "jump start" a positive situation for future generations.

Think about it. You're a product of your parents to some degree. If you're parents can't afford to take care of you, aren't you more likely to be in the same boat with your kids? I'm not saying you can't overcome it, but don't you think it's more likely the case?

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
On one side there is the fact that minorites and blacks are statistacally worse off financially at a much higher % than whites. The lack of finacial supports and poor home life can make it very hard for them to get ahead. Most of who you are today roots from your home life and the way you were raised. You learn ethics from your parents whether they are good or bad. By giving people that are less qualified for jobs it may give them the chance to raise a family that can be financially stable and have children that when they go to a job have the chance of being just as qualified. Another issue is the case where the boss is a racist or sexist. I know many people that would have a tough time hiring a woman for a job just for the fact that they are that- A WOMAN. There are also few cases such as the one with the guy names Keyshaun.

However for every 10 of these cases there may be only 1 where that is a case. How many more qualified people are getting the shaft because of AA? How about cops that are 10% better on their entrance exam over a black person or a woman, but the black person or woman gets the job because the police force must be stacked with a certain number of minorites? Is that fair? Is it fair to reward people on the color of their skin because of the past which none of us were here for?

"I like ketchup. It's like tomato wine."
Sep 20, 2004
However for every 10 of these cases there may be only 1 where that is a case. How many more qualified people are getting the shaft because of AA? How about cops that are 10% better on their entrance exam over a black person or a woman, but the black person or woman gets the job because the police force must be stacked with a certain number of minorites? Is that fair? Is it fair to reward people on the color of their skin because of the past which none of us were here for?

Of course it's not fair, but there's no other way of stopping the cycle. I didn't do anything wrong, you didn't do anything wrong and neither did Levi, but the forefathers of this country did and it would take FOREVER to correct on it's own.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
Why do people say it's not fair. I am not reffering to this topic in particular.


There are people with more money than god and there are people that can't afford to eat.

If you live in Iraq, is it fair that an idiot like Saddam ruled your country and now average citizens are paying for his disdain for the US and the Bush's.

AA is not fair in many instances, but again, it is a necessary evil.

Please answer this question, if colleges are willing to do away with AA, are they will to turn the Ivy's into a the Asian league? Hell no!

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
What cracks me up is people like Lebron James who builds one house which he could use the money to buy 50,000 houses for 100 families who are living in poverty.

Sep 25, 2006
On one side there is the fact that minorites and blacks are statistacally worse off financially at a much higher % than whites. The lack of finacial supports and poor home life can make it very hard for them to get ahead. Most of who you are today roots from your home life and the way you were raised. You learn ethics from your parents whether they are good or bad. By giving people that are less qualified for jobs it may give them the chance to raise a family that can be financially stable and have children that when they go to a job have the chance of being just as qualified.

Stats can be made to represent anything, ie. maybe its b/c they took a population of working white men vs homless black men. One thing my stat prof thought me...dont believe it unless you did it.

Regarding raising poor families...So, I'm gonna risk my business so you can have a more finacial support to raise your family? FUCK THAT! Not everybody is born with a great poker hand. It's called FUCKEN DEAL WITH IT! No one needs to hold your hand to get through life. I'll be dammed if I have to place my business under a scrub so I can help raise his family. This aint no motherfucken chairty event, there are shit at stake and last time I checked I dont owe person A, B or C anything. I'm doing what's best for my family and business. As rude and cruel as to say...fuck you and your family. Its all about what have you done for me lately.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
Stats can be made to represent anything, ie. maybe its b/c they took a population of working white men vs homless black men. One thing my stat prof thought me...dont believe it unless you did it.

Regarding raising poor families...So, I'm gonna risk my business so you can have a more finacial support to raise your family? FUCK THAT! Not everybody is born with a great poker hand. It's called FUCKEN DEAL WITH IT! No one needs to hold your hand to get through life. I'll be dammed if I have to place my business under a scrub so I can help raise his family. This aint no motherfucken chairty event, there are shit at stake and last time I checked I dont owe person A, B or C anything. I'm doing what's best for my family and business. As rude and cruel as to say...fuck you and your family. Its all about what have you done for me lately.

I don't think Fat Tony is saying don't do what is best for you, however, you maybe willing to hire who is best, but you have to realize there are still many people who will not even interview someone to realize that this person who is purple maybe the best qualified person for the job.

"I like ketchup. It's like tomato wine."
Sep 20, 2004
Stats can be made to represent anything, ie. maybe its b/c they took a population of working white men vs homless black men. One thing my stat prof thought me...dont believe it unless you did it.

Regarding raising poor families...So, I'm gonna risk my business so you can have a more finacial support to raise your family? FUCK THAT! Not everybody is born with a great poker hand. It's called FUCKEN DEAL WITH IT! No one needs to hold your hand to get through life. I'll be dammed if I have to place my business under a scrub so I can help raise his family. This aint no motherfucken chairty event, there are shit at stake and last time I checked I dont owe person A, B or C anything. I'm doing what's best for my family and business. As rude and cruel as to say...fuck you and your family. Its all about what have you done for me lately.

Is this Al Gore??

Woah, woah, Daddy's wrong, Mommy's right.
Feb 25, 2006
The better question to ask is this:

Why, for generations and generations, have immigrants (white, black, asian, hispanic) been able to come into the US and succeed where American poor (white, black, hispanic and to a lesser extent asian) have not been able to break the cycle of poverty?

Immigrants (even white immigrants in the early 19th century) are discriminated against and fight against many of the same obstacles American poor fight against and many, many more (from not knowing anyone to not knowing the language to being less educated).

To me, the answer is simple, they are willing to work their asses off and accept whatever jobs (including shitty ones) with their mind on the long term goal of providing for their families and putting their children in the situation to get an education and have a more successful financial life than they have had. Affirmative Action, for whatever you think about, isn't going to resolve that issue and frankly, that is much of the reason it hasn't worked.

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
The better question to ask is this:

Why, for generations and generations, have immigrants (white, black, asian, hispanic) been able to come into the US and succeed where American poor (white, black, hispanic and to a lesser extent asian) have not been able to break the cycle of poverty?

Immigrants (even white immigrants in the early 19th century) are discriminated against and fight against many of the same obstacles American poor fight against and many, many more (from not knowing anyone to not knowing the language to being less educated).

To me, the answer is simple, they are willing to work their asses off and accept whatever jobs (including shitty ones) with their mind on the long term goal of providing for their families and putting their children in the situation to get an education and have a more successful financial life than they have had. Affirmative Action, for whatever you think about, isn't going to resolve that issue and frankly, that is much of the reason it hasn't worked.

Agree fully.

Some people just don't work.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
The better question to ask is this:

Why, for generations and generations, have immigrants (white, black, asian, hispanic) been able to come into the US and succeed where American poor (white, black, hispanic and to a lesser extent asian) have not been able to break the cycle of poverty?

Immigrants (even white immigrants in the early 19th century) are discriminated against and fight against many of the same obstacles American poor fight against and many, many more (from not knowing anyone to not knowing the language to being less educated).

To me, the answer is simple, they are willing to work their asses off and accept whatever jobs (including shitty ones) with their mind on the long term goal of providing for their families and putting their children in the situation to get an education and have a more successful financial life than they have had. Affirmative Action, for whatever you think about, isn't going to resolve that issue and frankly, that is much of the reason it hasn't worked.

One is not supposed to be this logical at the RX. There is no further need for this post. You summarized it perfectly.

" Thanks for tip Bricktop "
Jun 28, 2005
The better question to ask is this:

Why, for generations and generations, have immigrants (white, black, asian, hispanic) been able to come into the US and succeed where American poor (white, black, hispanic and to a lesser extent asian) have not been able to break the cycle of poverty?

Immigrants (even white immigrants in the early 19th century) are discriminated against and fight against many of the same obstacles American poor fight against and many, many more (from not knowing anyone to not knowing the language to being less educated).

To me, the answer is simple, they are willing to work their asses off and accept whatever jobs (including shitty ones) with their mind on the long term goal of providing for their families and putting their children in the situation to get an education and have a more successful financial life than they have had. Affirmative Action, for whatever you think about, isn't going to resolve that issue and frankly, that is much of the reason it hasn't worked.

This describes my input to this thread so i'll save the bandwidth and effort involved.

New member
Dec 16, 2004
How about ugly and fat people? They make significantly less than fit, attractive people.

is this serious?

do you not understand slavery and how it has set back a certain race...gotta be kidding me right?

"I like ketchup. It's like tomato wine."
Sep 20, 2004
The better question to ask is this:

Why, for generations and generations, have immigrants (white, black, asian, hispanic) been able to come into the US and succeed where American poor (white, black, hispanic and to a lesser extent asian) have not been able to break the cycle of poverty?

You're telling me immigrants are succeeding at a much higher rate to poor blacks in this country? Based on what?

Immigrants (even white immigrants in the early 19th century) are discriminated against and fight against many of the same obstacles American poor fight against and many, many more (from not knowing anyone to not knowing the language to being less educated).

You're going to compare 19th century immigrants, to people who weren't even allowed to use the same water fountains as whites 50 years ago in this country?? These people had the same obstacles?

To me, the answer is simple, they are willing to work their asses off and accept whatever jobs (including shitty ones) with their mind on the long term goal of providing for their families and putting their children in the situation to get an education and have a more successful financial life than they have had. Affirmative Action, for whatever you think about, isn't going to resolve that issue and frankly, that is much of the reason it hasn't worked.

And what do you base Affirmative Action not working on?

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