How come when Bush did it after 911 there wasn't a huge Uproar ...


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
"I think this whole notion that somehow we can just say no more Muslims, just ban a whole religion, goes against everything we stand for and believe in. I mean, religious freedom has been a very important part of our history and where we came from."

919, this is just totally false my friend

90% of the Muslims in this world are NOT impacted by this TEMPORARY travel ban

to say otherwise is FAKE NEWS

it's hyperbolic even for hyperbole, and it's a very big part of the misrepresentation being sold to the American people

(I don't believe you wrote those words, it appears you quoted somebody and that person is lying)

Jul 4, 2012
Anybody who thinks Trump will stop with an immigration ban on Muslims from 7 countries should learn the history of the rise of any dictator, anywhere...

There is no "immigration ban on Muslims"

You people are hilarious.

Oct 12, 2008
Leviticus 19:33-34

33 “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. 34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.

religious notes are largely used when convenient. Fear and anger often trump it.

Sep 21, 2004
I say let them in if they agree to have better smelling food. I think that might be the real issue here. Nobody wants to come out and say it.

Jul 2, 2010
When Bush did, the democrats supported him, then they supported the war, they had been supporting the removal of Saddam from power for nearly a decade at that time, and then a Presidential election happened in 2004 and they started rewriting history and rewriting their prior positions

In 2001 it was political suicide to oppose Bush, by 2004 it was all about political lies and leverage, and it remains that way to this day.

Never mind Bush, Obama limited travel on people from Iraq in 2011, in 2015 Chucky Schumer said "refugee pause may be necessary" and in 2016, Obama started sending Cuban refugees back to Cuba.

Where is the outrage over Cuban refugees? Did Chucky Schumer cry for them?

Donald Trump campaigned on that pledge, one of many pledges, and he won. Looks like a President keeping his word is shocking to many, can't say I'm surprised by their shock. We're all used to being lied to time and time and time again, especially those who tend to be more informed about such matters.


I don't always agree with your political stance, which is fine and frankly quite normal outside of this site. Here, if you disagree on topics or issues the hate spews uncontrollably. That being said, you are spot on with the scenario mentioned above.

The hypocrisy on nearly all political issues simply amazes me, from both sides of the fence.

Jul 14, 2007
How did Saudi Arabia fade the ban? Almost the whole 9/11 roster was from there.

Banning travel from problem countries and not including them would be like saying you need to emphasize drafting LB's this year but not scouting the SEC.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Stable vs dysfunctional government

New member
Oct 29, 2010
How did Saudi Arabia fade the ban? Almost the whole 9/11 roster was from there.

Banning travel from problem countries and not including them would be like saying you need to emphasize drafting LB's this year but not scouting the SEC.

that answer is in Trumps tax returns.

Jul 14, 2007
Stable vs dysfunctional government

If we're being precautionary and proactive about the threat of islamic terrorism then it would probably be a good idea to ban people from the country that has caused by far the most islamic terrorism on American soil. Regardless of how stable we view their government, it is the #1 producer of US terrorism to date.

I dunno how Afghanistan faded the ban either but that is a little less glaring of an omission compared to the obvious SA-9/11 connections.

Jul 4, 2012
How did Saudi Arabia fade the ban? Almost the whole 9/11 roster was from there.

Banning travel from problem countries and not including them would be like saying you need to emphasize drafting LB's this year but not scouting the SEC.

The list was created by the Obama Administration. I'm sure that we are today no longer responding to 9/11, rather current terrorist hot spots.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
If we're being precautionary and proactive about the threat of islamic terrorism then it would probably be a good idea to ban people from the country that has caused by far the most islamic terrorism on American soil. Regardless of how stable we view their government, it is the #1 producer of US terrorism to date.

I dunno how Afghanistan faded the ban either but that is a little less glaring of an omission compared to the obvious SA-9/11 connections.

The list was created by the Obama Administration. I'm sure that we are today no longer responding to 9/11, rather current terrorist hot spots.

I tend to agree with Ace here PatsFan, I think it's more about 2017 world events than it is 2001

I think Afghanistan may be omitted if only because we're actively engaged over there, might create other issues for us, might even put our extensive intelligence involvement over there at risk (IDK)

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

I don't always agree with your political stance, which is fine and frankly quite normal outside of this site. Here, if you disagree on topics or issues the hate spews uncontrollably. That being said, you are spot on with the scenario mentioned above.

The hypocrisy on nearly all political issues simply amazes me, from both sides of the fence.

there's so little honesty in DC right now, everything is all spin all the time

and if you don't play the spin game, your honesty is then spun against you (see Poppy and "no new taxes". He gave the democratic leaders the tax increases they wanted, and they buried him with it in 1992)

I blame the media, if they reported everything without spin and forced politicians to be honest, politicians would be more honest. Instead they enable and reward spin, as they only serve to promote their own political agenda.

It's hard for me to watch or listen to anybody right now, I have to pick and choose when they don't have some idiotic political talking head spewing boring bullshit. Often times I'm gone in < 15 seconds


Jan 15, 2005
919, this is just totally false my friend

90% of the Muslims in this world are NOT impacted by this TEMPORARY travel ban

to say otherwise is FAKE NEWS

it's hyperbolic even for hyperbole, and it's a very big part of the misrepresentation being sold to the American people

(I don't believe you wrote those words, it appears you quoted somebody and that person is lying)
It was a quote from Dick Cheney

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I don't think he's saying Trump is banning Muslims, he's saying we can't possibly ban all Muslims. I agree with him

I read your post as suggesting we're trying to ban all Muslims, and I disagree with that

Jul 14, 2007
I tend to agree with Ace here PatsFan, I think it's more about 2017 world events than it is 2001

I think Afghanistan may be omitted if only because we're actively engaged over there, might create other issues for us, might even put our extensive intelligence involvement over there at risk (IDK)

Is Saudi Arabia really less likely to produce terrorists now than 16 years ago? It isn't like anything about that country has structurally changed over the last 16 years. They actively engage in ME matters all the time by funding rebel groups and Wahhabi extremism is taught there. I don't think people from there are inherently any safer than the other countries. That was the first thing I noticed when I saw it. How is the 9/11 country not on the list when the goal is to prevent terrorism? I'm sure business matters play a role as it relates to oil and arms dealing. Maybe that boat will be rocked at a later date.

Afghanistan explanation makes sense though, since we've been there forever and don't want to light 15 years of nation building on fire overnight.

Nov 4, 2009
How did Saudi Arabia fade the ban? Almost the whole 9/11 roster was from there.

Banning travel from problem countries and not including them would be like saying you need to emphasize drafting LB's this year but not scouting the SEC.

Because no one is willing to stand up to The Saudi Royal Family (The "Saud" Family). Oil Lobby, deep entanglements there, more. Much more, don't even get me started. You think I made Looooong Posts before, don't even get me started on The Sauds.

They've been the Head of a Snake that has been responsible for Terror rained down on Shia (Shi'ite or Shiite) People for so long, there is so much that one day the world will know and marvel at in disbelief, so many evil things the Saud Family has been responsible for but they've managed to secure an "Above The Law" status.

Theres so much. Your SEC comparison is Spot On.

The Saud Family are Wahhabist. Wahhabism is fascinating to those who enjoy Deranged Primitive Savage shit.

Wahhabist Beliefs

Toss in Massive Wealth from Oil and well....what happens when 7th Century-like people, Primitive Savages hit the Biggest Lottery in World History?, get enough money to do literally whatever they desire?,

Own The World

"The World is Yours" moment....exactly like from "Scarface".

God's Move here

permitting The Saud Family to wind up like that bouncing Roulette Ball, on top of The OIL....."Jeez".

Contemplation of why a God would do this is, just....."yikes"

Guys who want to understand how The World came to be where it is and has been for a while, Hostages of The Saud Family and The US & other World Governments that Bow and Kiss their rings....would enjoy greatly some of The Reads that can be found via this link:

Saud Family, Wahhabism and Oil.

Stunning that The Saud Family permitted those accused of doing 9/11 be of Saudi heritage, absolutely stunning. They could have used guys from Yemen, easily.

Equally stunning that The US Government came so close to the release of The 28 Pages.

Of Course Obama stepped in and saved The Saud Family.

Puzzling why the so so many in office within US Gov who are owned by The Saud Family allowed that to get as far as it did though

for some things they are no easy explanation. Thats a massive understatement where regards how our Politicians, so wholly owned by Saud Family $$$$, permitted anything to get anywhere re: The 28 Pages.

Real Revelation re: The Saud Family, The 28 Pages and which of our elected officials were there Main Puppets, talk about a "Shit Storm" being unleashed.

If what can possibly get known, come to light, does within our lifetimes DAYUM.

Shit would hit the fan to a degree that none of our minds can even come close to comprehending, the Dominoes that would cannot even begin to Imagine

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