How can anyone be for Illegal immigration?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I can understand being for Legal immigration.

California is going broke because of illigal immigration. Why would anyone want America to meet the same fate.

Socialism is a COMPLETE AND TOTAL FAILURE in California.

The hospitals, schools & welfare programs are on the verge of putting California under and not one candidate in the govs race is addresses the real problem.

No amount of tax raising will fix the problem.


There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> California is going broke because of illigal immigration. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Can you please provide some evidence to support this? Last I checked illegal immigrants didn't cause the Enron ordeal or the Dot-Com bust.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The fact of matter is illigal immigrates do not pay a penny when they go to hospital in California and that's the biggest burden on the state and it's bankrupting the state.

Disprove it. It's fact.

Taxes are high as hell in California, what's the answer raise taxes more and have more businesses and people leave the state.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
They will not allow me in unless I have income, it's almost impossible for an american to get a job there.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by outandup:
The fact of matter is illigal immigrates do not pay a penny when they go to hospital in California and that's the biggest burden on the state and it's bankrupting the state.

Disprove it. It's fact.

Taxes are high as hell in California, what's the answer raise taxes more and have more businesses and people leave the state.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You made the statement, so the burden is on you to PROVE it - not for us to disprove you.

What if I say "Martians exist"? Is it to be considered fact because you didn't disprove it?

C'mmon Out, I was starting to like you ..
You can do better.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Texas has a similar illegal immigration problem, which I am pretty sure is a drain on their medical and law enforcement state budgets. The point is they are not having anywhere near the fiscal difficulty as California. There are more problems than just illegal aliens causing Californias' problems.


role player
Sep 20, 2004
Silicon Valley companies goin down in the last year of Clinton is a major part of Californias problem. I heard that six companies paid about 15% of Californias state budget. When they went down the silly left coasters just kept spending.

Bustemantes' Tough Love:

1. Raise taxes on the rich
2. Raise taxes on cars costing over 20,000 dollars.

And of course, just to not appear as a class warfare governor -

3. Raise taxes on smokes and alcohol.

Sound like once again these liberals are only tough on the working rich who pay most of the taxes.

I wonder which state the hollywood movie stars pay their taxes in? I'm sure it's probably Florida were there is no state income tax - I believe.

This guy is no different than Davis except he doesn't look like a wax man. This davis dude is one really dull fellow. Grey Poupon has more spice than Gray Davis.

Arnold the man out there on the left coast to turn that state around. He running his campaign a little left of center but he'll govern a little to the right side and will be a conservative on the econimic issues. Trust me - I've had a long standing subscription to Muscle and Fitness and know this man well

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
Can you please huddle up & get your finger pointing in sync?

Is it Clinton's fault (again)
or are the Mexicans to blame.

Let us know.
Sep 21, 2004
Socialism is a COMPLETE AND TOTAL FAILURE in California.


DEREGULATION is a complete and total failure in California.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Did'nt you know that the Great Bill Clinton Silicon Valley Crash of 1999 is the reason California is in such serious trouble. BTW Joint it is Nevada that has no state income tax, not Florida. I think a few other states don't have state taxes also, but am not sure which off the top of my head.


There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
Sorry Wil.
I just checked with my good friend and great American, John Asscroft, and he said that you're absolutely Right. The Patriot ACT clearly defines this :

Section 666.GWB.
Anyone that doesn't know that Bill Clinton is responsilbe for the Dot-Com Crash and that George W. Bush is NOT responsible for the faultering econony with have ALL possesions seized immediately. The violator(s) will be detained indefinately against their will with no rights to a lawyer, a trial or human rights.

Thanks for clearing that up. They were just about to fit me for that burlap bag to tie around my head

New member
Jul 20, 2002
No sweat pal. BTW when exactly does GWB become responsible for anything he does'nt want to? The world wonders.


There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by wilheim:
No sweat pal. BTW when exactly does GWB become responsible for anything he does'nt want to? The world wonders.


I think after the 2016 election when Jeb makes it 3 straight 1 & outs

New member
Jul 20, 2002
I could be wrong but Jed might just want to take the advice of his theme song and run in California:

Come 'n listen to my story 'bout a man named Jed

Poor Mountaineer barely kept his family fed

An' then one day, he was shootin' at some food,

An' up thru the ground came a bubblin' crude.

Oil that is! Black gold! Texas tea!

Well, the first thing ya know, Jed's a millionaire

Kin-folk said, "Jed, move away from there." Said

Californy is the place y'oughta be, so they

loaded up the truck, and they moved to Beverly.

Hills that is! Swimmin' pools, Movie stars!

Ol' Jed bought a mansion. Lawdy it was swank

Next door neighbor was pres'dent of the bank,

Lotsa folks objected, but the banker found no fault,

'Cause ol' Jed's millions was a-layin' in the vault

Cash, that is! Capital gains, Depletion money!

Well now it's time to say goodbye to Jed and all his kin

An' they would like to thank you folks fer kindly droppin' in.

You're all invited back again to this locality,

T'have a heapin' helpin' of their hospitality.

Hillbilly, that is! Set a spell, Take your shoes off!

Y'all come back, here!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
it's common sense if the citizens of california are paying for mexican nationals healthcare then eventially it will break the back of the state, it's that simple. how many millions of illigal immigrants can you expect a state to pay for before it's broke. all we know is they've reach the breaking point.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Illegal immigration may not be the only cause of California's massive financial shortcomings, but it's silly to say that it is not a major contribution.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
The benefits in immigrating to California have been known to Mexican nationals for at least a decade, but California's taxpayers are only now realizing the true cost. By some estimates, one-third of all illegal immigrants to the U.S. reside in California. The draws: programs like Medi-Cal, other state-based social programs, and a regulatory environment that is deliberately welcoming to the illegal immigrant. Though taxpayers have tried to end the steady flow of public money to illegal immigrants, politicians like Gov. Gray Davis in poorly conceived efforts to curry the favor of yet one more interest group, have always stepped in to assure that the money continues to flow.

From Fox News

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
California Gov. Pete Wilson, in a series of high-profile challenges to the Clinton Administration's handling of illegal immigrants, has estimated that they cost the state $3.4 billion annually but pay only $739 million in taxes.

Wilson's office has concluded that the average illegal immigrant household receives $7,760 in government services each year. To cover the costs of such services, the average household would have to earn $100,000, he has said.

From Center for Immigration Studies, reprinted from a 1994 article in the Los Angelos Times

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
Compassion has limits. California, already stretched to the maximum, should—but unceasingly refuses to—face reality.

An $11,000 discount in annual tuition to illegal aliens attending UC schools does more than add to the state’s looming $12 billion budget deficit. The message to illegal aliens sent by the Regents is clear: Come to California. College is on us!

In-state tuition for illegal immigrants is unfair across the board. Sometime soon, a legal California resident will lose his place at UC to an illegal alien. And that student’s taxpaying parents will foot the bill.

Joe Guzzardi,

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
There is no simple or single explanation for the kind of gaping budget deficit currently facing California. However, it would be naive in the extreme to ignore the impact of large-scale legal and illegal immigration on a $38.2 billion shortfall in this year's state budget.


The most recent effort to assess the cost of immigration in California was made by the National Academy of Sciences in 1997, which estimated that costs associated with immigration added approximately $1,300 a year to the tax liability of the typical California household. At the time these estimates were made, the state had fewer immigrants, and the economy was reaching the zenith of the high-tech boom.

Most recently, Los Angeles County, which is experiencing a full-blown health care crisis, estimated that caring for uninsured illegal aliens now costs $350 million a year. The state health budget is projected to encounter $3 billion in unreimbursed health care costs for illegal immigrants over the next five years.

Dan Stein, San Jose Mercury-News

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
Illegal Immigration Facts
Illegal immigrants who enroll in the University of California system are charged in-state tuition.

The INS estimated that as of October 1996 there are 5 million illegal immigrants in the United States. 2.7 million of the illegal immigrants were Mexican and two million resided in California. That estimate included the annual rate of increase in the illegal alien population -- 275,000 with 100,000 of that annual increase taking up residence in California. So, by 2000, the illegal alien population would have increased to about 6.1 million. (INS Stat Yearbook 1988)

The Census Bureau issued an estimate in January 2002 that the illegal alien population in 2000 was 8,705,421. That estimate was based on the discrepancy between the number of foreign-born residents and the number of legally admitted immigrants. Included in that number may be aliens residing in the United States under provisions that preclude their deportation, but who are not legal permanent residents, such as beneficiaries of Section 245(i) petitions, or asylees who have not been in the country long enough for adjustment of status, or Central American beneficiaries of the NACARA legislation. The Census Bureau estimate is preliminary and subject to modification after review of the methodology by interested parties.

Each year the Border Patrol is making more than a million apprehensions of persons who flagrantly violate our nation's laws by unlawfully crossing U.S. borders to work and to receive public assistance, usually with the aid of fraudulent documents. Such entry is a misdemeanor, and if repeated becomes punishable as a felony.

"More than 90% of migrants use a guide or a smuggling ring to get across the border. That's a big switch from the early 1990s." (Virginia Kice, INS Western Regional Office spokeswoman quoted in "Smugglers' Highway," Christian Science Monitor, May 2, 2001)

Illegal aliens from Central America have been allowed to remain in the United States so long that their homelands have grown dependent on the estimated $1.5 billion a year they send home in remittances. (Clinton Bars Amnesty for Latin Immigrants, Washington Post, May 9,1997)

The Census Bureau estimates that perhaps 115,000 people from Middle Eastern countries live in the United States illegally.

Californians for Population Stabilisation

Also a good overall analysis here and WND.

And even at the most conservative end of a given estimate -- $ 200 million for schooling, which some would argue California "can afford" as a state which would be in the G8 were it an autonomous nation -- it is wrong to simply ignore a problem because it's a minor one. I have enough money that I could probably be robbed of a few hundred dollars a month without detriment to my lifestyle, and probably without even noticing it, but that does not make the robbery an appropriate or justified action.

Californians themselves seem to disagree with the point that this is a small deal, having voted years ago to end benefits to illegal imigrants, only to have the federal courts buttfvck them on the law (to be fair, this was probably for the good, as Prop 187 would have cost more to implement than it would have saved.)


New member
Sep 21, 2004
socialist. texas is run by rublicrats and we'll be in the same boat in a few years, no doubt.

why is this so hard for some to understand the US cannot afford to feed, house, educate & medicate everyone in the world that wants to come here. we have a hard enough time helping our needy.

i can't even go to australia and work there if i want too, the gov there won't allow it.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
What about the real reason the illeagal Mexicans come to California. They want to work and will work cheap and in most cases under the table. Who gains here, your precious tax-paying American businessmen, thats who. Stop giving them jobs and they will stop coming. The medical excuse is a side issue. Do you honestly think a Mexican will snealk into this country just to go to an emergancy room? No, they come across in droves for jobs to feed their families, and who can blame anyone for that?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
hit rock bottom so all the gov had outs will continue whoever the next 2 governors are. In about 6 years the scheme will crash and the tax payers will beg for someone to really fix the spending problem. So it really doesn't matter who's the next 2 governors are they both will not address the problems. Which is good news for the surrounding states because the producers will flee there.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The gov could put an end to it tomorrow.

Here in Texas the mexican nationals are paid the same as citizens for the jobs they do. If they were not here the employers would have to pay more, I agree the businesses are making out.

The problem is the citizens are being tax to death to pay for all the free programs, the males work and collect cash. The relatives can all get on welfare with very few questions asked and get free medical. It cost too much it's breaking california and will break texas and arizonia soon. and next will be a state near you.

This is only common sense.

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