Donald Trump was supposed to be dead and buried by now.
Here are seven times the political class leaped to write the Trump campaign's obituary, only to be proved wrong.
Trashing George W. Bush in South Carolina
Two polls released out of South Carolina on Tuesday found Trump with a strong double-digit lead over the field.
“They’re rapists”
At his launch speech in June, Trump warned about illegal immigrants crossing the Southern border. They’re “bringing crime, they’re rapists,” and “some, I assume, are good people,” Trump said. Less than a month later, Trump would seize his first lead in the RealClearPolitics average of national polls.
Saint McCain
“He’s not a war hero,” Trump said in July. “He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured.” Less than a month later, Trump would open up a two-to-one lead over the next closes GOP contender in the national polls.
Trump versus Fox News and Megyn Kelly
Trump has found other outlets to get his message out, leaving his rivals and critics to marvel and complain at his media mastery.
No Muslims
But it hasn’t damaged Trump yet, and it instantly put him to the right of the rest of the GOP field on immigration and the terror threat.
No forgiveness
At a forum in Iowa over the summer, Trump said he doesn’t ask God for forgiveness – an act that’s one of the core tenets of Christianity. He now holds a double-digit lead ahead of the South Carolina primary – another state with a strong contingent of evangelicals.
Commander in chief test
The Nov. 13 terror attacks in Paris, which left more than 100 dead, and the subsequent terror attack San Bernardino, Calif., the worst on U.S. soil since 9/11, were supposed to boost the contingent of GOP candidates with foreign policy experience. Donald Trump said he would “bomb the shit out of ISIS” and his polling numbers went up.
So much for the political pundits.