'Any problems that Germany will or will not have has no impact whatsoever in this company at this time.'
Again your going off on a tangent, our did you mean country and had a brain lock & typed company,
Germany is the strongest country in the western world besides for the US yet it's persuing a destructive
path. The US has hinted with our lax immigration policies that it may fall into that very same trap if
current Obama policies continue.
There is is again, you ignorant prick, "...again YOUR," not to mention, "OUR did you mean..." Dumb, dumb, dumb. You're fucking babbling about what is going to happen, in Germany, in the future, and I'M the one going off on a tangent????? Whine all you want about "Obama policies," your part hasn't lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 national elections-with a 7th in the offing-because they their fingers on the pulse of the nation, lol.